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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Thoughts and suggestions for Chuck? Update-videos!!

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    • Kokaneeandkahlua
      12067 posts Send Private Message

        Chuck as most of you know is blind and deaf, so he only has three senses left and is often a little nervous. Two things I’m working on is his comfort level and his enjoyment of playing and life in general.

        I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this! I’m sometimes not the most creative so there may be better things I could be doing for little Chucky.


        One thing is his comfort level-He does immediately figure out where he is by thouching all the corners when placed somewhere. To accomodate him in this regard I always put him in the same two exact spots. His couch, I put him in the same spot on it, on his blanky. Back to his ‘room’ I put him down in the same position in the same litter box. This way he can sort of hopefully start to predict where he’s going and feel more confident and less helpless.

        The other thing I do is I don’t pet him out of the blue, it makes him jump. Can’t really tell him I’m coming either. Sooo I gently touch one whisker before head pets. It seems to be working as he immediately lowers his head for nose rubs now when I do this.


        Another thing is his exercise or fun. The ONLY thing I’ve found so far that he loves (beyond eating alot and sleeping in majorly cute flop positions) is digging and attacking his blanky. Soo he has one on his couch and a towel to play with…they both look like swiss cheese. And he has a little blanky in his home area. He’s doing really well and even lost his fat ‘skirt’ he had when he first came, even though he’s a massive eater, presumedly from finding some daily exercise terrorrizing blankets.


        Just wondering if anyone had more suggestions to make him feel more comfortable and help him play more?


        [script removed]IMG_1531.jpg picture by kokaneeandkuhluha


        [script removed]IMG_1534.jpg picture by kokaneeandkuhluha

      • (dig)x(me)x(now)
        2517 posts Send Private Message

          It sounds like you’re doing a great job – much better than I would have thought of! There’s a REW missing a leg at the shelter near me that I want to adopt so bad… she’s the sweetest girl ever, but I don’t think I can care for a second bunny right now

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            omg K&K, what an amazing person you are! sounds like you really have it under control and he looks pretty happy!!!

            would bonding him w/ another bun help him to be more comfortable? or would the bonding process be too stressfull?

            how did Chuck end up deaf/blind and how did you end up w/ him?

          • Kokaneeandkahlua
            12067 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks everyone

              I’ve no idea how he ended up deaf, they didn’t know at the shelter I got him from that he was deaf (in fact they thought he knew his name). He ended up blind basically from a severe neglect case (a little girl stole him from the porch to save him). He’s bonded with Rupert and Kahlua but they don’t always hang out as Chuck only stays in his two spots. But they all get along

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                can you tap the floor to signal something? like maybe dinnertime? he wouldn’t be able to hear it, but would he feel the vibration?

              • Sage Cat
                1883 posts Send Private Message

                  Wow, you are doing an awesome job!
                  I bet pets are even more important for him.

                  I know that deaf people can feel the vibrations of music. Have you tried giving him a radio or put a speaker near him to “feel”?

                  When I was young, we had a poodle that eventually went deaf and blind – she was 16. We use to knock on the floor to let her know we were coming over to her – she could feel it.

                • Cassi&Charlie
                  1260 posts Send Private Message

                    How could someone neglect such a beautiful bunny! He’s just the sweetest thing!

                  • MarkBun
                    2842 posts Send Private Message

                      You could try a diggie box that has an open side so he can just walk into it. It’d mean a bit of a mess but would probably be fun for him. Like others have suggested, try some music – something with a bit of bass and see what he does. I think it’s phenomenal that he’s learned that whisker touches means head pets.

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        I don’t have any experience with a special needs bun but your doing such a good job! I bet he’s still a very happy bun despite his problems. He is just the sweetest little bunny, I wish I could meet him and give him a hug!!!!

                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks everyone!!

                          I’d never thought about using vibrations…..I’ve been taping on his box first before I do the whisker touch and then touch and I think It’s been helping….Mrarkus, i shredded paper and made an open diggy box for him and some on the couch…he does not seem interested in paper darn it…. I’ll keep thinking though!

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            OH!! Sooooo sweet.  He’s just beautiful too.

                            I was researching tips and came across info about blind deaf cats, and picked some things out of there that would work for bunnies.   

                            You can also gently blow on them to get their attention.  Seems to be less startling according to article.   Also when putting food down wave your hand  across the food bowl to give him a strong whiff of food. (though it seems the food itself would be strong enough), but if you don’t want to startle him with a treat or bowl right under his chin, then that’s where I guess the gentle flow of air from your hand over the food will help him look for food before he’s startled.



                            KK – please keep us updated on what you learn about helping him as there just doesn’t seem to be enough on the net, and I’ll mark link this in the FORUM FAQ section for quick reference.

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m thinking that his strongest sense is smell, and he likes to dig and play. What if you got one of those toys that is kind of a rope with a chewing block and stick on it – something he can pick up in his mouth? If you could add a scent to it, like stick some really fragrant mint in the center of it, so he could find it hidden under his blankie or in the shredded diggy box, he could ferret it out, toss it around and chew on it, and then find it again with its smell. Just don’t put it on the couch so he doesn’t toss it off and fall going after it.

                              You can signal things coming, like 3 knocks on the floor just before he gets picked up, so he expects it. Maybe chew a piece of peppermint gum and blow it on him so he knows something fun is coming, like a toy.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                Yes, putting something fragrant in the diggy box may help lure him to it. Dried herbs, willow etc. Gives him a purpose for digging and he can ferret out the goodies. Other buns probably just see the box and it’s contents as a barrier they NEED to get thru where as Chuck can’t view it this way. Maybe he’ll find in enjoyable and go to it more readily next time.

                                Definately as Rabbitpam said, play to his strongest senses. Smell>touch>taste.

                              • jerseygirl
                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                  Being deaf he does have advantage of not being suddenly startled by noise as other bun do. Does this make him more relax or more anxious as he has to rely on limited senses?

                                  I just though of something.  How would he go in the bathtub (if you have one) ?  Would he feel a bit trapped in there?  My thinking is he could suss out the parameters, enjoy the nice cool surface, and you could put things in there with different textures to explore.  Willow balls and rolled up socks that he can push around or toss.  Or would he just get bored and lie down?

                                • Deleted User
                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am loving this bunny and loving everyone’s advice! What creative bunny-lovers we have here!

                                  • Veronica Vigilant
                                    186 posts Send Private Message

                                      I love the idea of communicating to him with number of knocks what is coming… like 3 knocks for picking him up, 2 knocks for food, 1 knock for head pets… let us know if you try it and can get him to associate the feeling from the knocks with different things.

                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                        Thanks everyone! I really like the idea of different numbers of knocks for different things, and the fragrant toy….The tub is a great idea! If I put a towel and a litter box in there, I bet he’d feel very comfortable I’ll have to try that soon!

                                        As for if he startles, that’s actually how we found he was deaf, he just doesn’t resond at all to noises, Dave was vaccuming when we first got him home and he slept through the whole thing. Then we started testing his hearing and the vet confirmed it. He is super calm because of it and I think although an obstacle it’s also a blessing because maybe it’s more calming to not be able to hear things that you can’t see. He’s very laid back, and sleeps like a baby. He does the most amazing flops and just looks incredible peaceful when he sleeps. He does have a nervous side but it’s mostly when being picked up or moved anywhere. I really have to hold him carefully because he tries to leap out of your arms! I think he likely had a bad expereince being held. He’s coming around a bit, definitely doing better being held.

                                      • MarkBun
                                        2842 posts Send Private Message

                                          Put some basil or other aromatic herbs into the diggy box and mix it up in there. He should have a blast trying to dig in and find it all.

                                        • BinkyBunny
                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                            And it must feel strange to be picked up when you can’t see your surroundings, and even hearing could help a little bit when being picked up, so it must feel incredibly disorienting, like he’s falling, and since he has no idea how far he is from the ground, he probably is just trying to get somewhere stable. Maybe a bunny burrito would be more comforting when you pick him up? Something close and secure around him – hard to know what might keep him calm under those circumstances.

                                            The diggy box sounds like that would be fun as it does really cater to smell and touch. Can’t wait to hear how he reacts and we have to see pics of those flops!

                                          • Beka27
                                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                                              do you pet his head before you pick him up and after you put him down. i think that might work as a signal that he’s going to be moved…

                                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                Yes I pet his head and gently rub his ears. Then I slowly position my hands where I would to pick him up so he knows that I’m going to pick him up. I tuck him on my chest under my chin when I carry him and hold him very tight with both arms. When I set him down I practically lay down so that he goes smoothly from chest to ground with no ‘air time’. I think I’ll try wrapping him up in a towel tonight-that sounds like he might like that!

                                              • Beka27
                                                16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                  aw Chuck! you really are doing such a great job with him!

                                                • babybunsmum
                                                  3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                    chuck is such a sweetie!   i was also going to suggest blowing a gentle breeze on his wee face to get his attention.  i do this with baby bun who i think is at least partly deaf too.  when she sleeps she does not hear my approach and if i pet her she starts terribly and scrambles away in a fright… so i gently blow a waft of air so that it tickles her nose / whiskers & then she wakes up gently for pets. 

                                                    have you tryed getting chuck to play with dangling bits of paper?  since i read the thread a while back about the ‘jellyfish’ toy where you cut strips of newspaper & dangle them down i’ve made good use out of flyers & old papers doing this.  both my girls will basically ignore them unless i dangle them in their fav spots to hang out in & low enough so that they have to brush through. 

                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Ok trying to add videos, wanted to show how good the diggy box idea was!! He loves it!! I tried the regular box we had and he was upset, but making a diggy box in a box he knows and can go in and out of on his own-what genius…

                                                      So here’s my chuck happily terrorizing paper!!




                                                    • BunnyMuffin
                                                      350 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Awww – that’s adorable! I just love that Chuck!

                                                        Are those supposed to be pictures up above? All I see are white squares.

                                                      • MimzMum
                                                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                          It is odd, I had a dream the other night that I had five bunnies. One of them was definitely blind and a lop. I think I was channeling Chuck. ^_^ This was such a lovable bunny in the dream, he was super fond of cuddles and was very easy going, I could pick this bunny up without any startling on his part and carry him around like a ragdoll. I have no idea where this came from because I am just reading this thread today.

                                                          Someone suggested the blowing gently in the face to me when I would find Mimzy zonked out cold and didn’t want to wake him up too suddenly and shock him. It works every time, I see the little nose twitching faster to pick up my scent, it’s great! ^_^

                                                          The only thing that concerns me with a diggy box, wouldn’t Chuck feel trapped in such a situation? Or does he prefer comfy corners? I do like the idea of the herbs in the diggy box, though.
                                                          I wouldn’t want to give him a hard toy, for fear he’d knock himself in the face with it…hm… When it comes to my bunnies, the only thing I find they all consistently enjoy is cardboard. I think they’d even chew it in their sleep! Even the most brightly colored/softy/interesting items go without a sniff for three fully sighted bunnies. 0_o

                                                          I would guess by now, Chuck probably knows your footfalls with precision. I bet he can even tell yours apart from Dave or any other human who enters a room, just by what he associates with the vibrations of your footsteps.

                                                          I can’t really suggest anything, but I have to say, I think you are so wonderful for taking in this bun and giving him the joy you already have! He is so blessed to have you as his bunny mum! (hugs to you and your bunnies)

                                                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Aww thanks!!

                                                            That diggy box was one of his two litter boxes, so now I just fill it with paper and he hops right in there and goes to town he loves it!! I just love watching him, he’s so sweet!

                                                          • jerseygirl
                                                            22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                              This looks really promising. Once he’s used to the paper you may be able to stuff in into less familiar things like tunnels. He manages quite well doesn’t he?! I love when he decides to jump in and really go to town! Bet you’ll find him asleep in there one day thou!

                                                            • BinkyBunny
                                                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Diggy box videos were sooooo adorable!!

                                                              • babybunsmum
                                                                3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  yes he sure is a sweetie!  he obviously loooves that diggy box… so cute.  i loved watching him dive right in & go to town

                                                                • RabbitPam
                                                                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Chuck looks like he’s having a great time!

                                                                    He seems to be very fit – not fat from being sedentary. I like your set up. Clearly he’s acclimated by scent.

                                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Yes he’s actually slowly loosing his fat skirt he came with…I do prefer my bunnies on the plump size but if it’s from not getting exercise I’d prefer they play and have fun! He’s a super big eater, eating about as much as Rupert and Kahlua combined, but he’s starting to get very active.

                                                                    • RabbitPam
                                                                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I’ve been having trouble loading internet stuff, so just saw the entire first video (saw the other one yesterday) and noticed that when you came closer to the box for a better look, or zoomed in as well, Chuck stopped. Don’t know which sense he used, but he definitely was alert to your movement. He became reassured and continued to dig. I’m guessing vibration and smell?

                                                                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Yes he does sometimes seem aware of us, without being touched. We’ve tested with light and believe he can see shadows in one portion of his eye so he may have seen a movement?

                                                                        • Deleted User
                                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            It is nice to hear some of the advice here, because I also have a blind bunny.  His name is Bucky.  He had one eye removed and is blind in the other eye.  We adopted him like this, so I don’t know why he is blind.  My guy can hear, so he is startled at times, but he is very brave.  We keep him in our living area and don’t move anything out of place, so he can feel free to roam and play.  I do add and move around some phonebooks and toys to keep things interesting for him though and give him new things to do.  He feels very safe and comfortable.  Our bunnies have a critter castle, and it is so funny that Bucky will jump out of the second story window, yet our sighted bunny, Binky, will not.  We approach Bucky carefully and talk to him before touching the top of his head first to pet him.  He is always very actively investigating his surroundings.  One thing I found that he really likes to play with is the bottom half of a large gift box, like from Sears, lined with tissue paper on the bottom, with the paper sticking out of the sides and an old really flat bed pillow on top.  He is a digger of towels and really likes getting on top of the pillow and digging at it and fluffing it and tearing at the paper he finds sticking out all around the pillow.  He also tosses around his slinky and detergent lid, but mostly he is in love with his beddy and loves to curl up and go to sleep in it.  Once we bought him a bigger, fluffier bed and he really preferred the smaller one, so we went back to that.  In the common area, I put the new big bed for either of our boys to use.  Mostly, our little guy, Binky, likes to get under it and chew at it.  It is funny to see the moving bed bouncing all over the floor seemingly by itself.   I can’t figure out how to put Bucky’s picture on here or I would.

                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message



                                                                              Here is my Bucky!

                                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Wow! What a handsome guy Thanks for posting about Bucky, it’s great to hear he manages so well. You might be interested to know that K&K had great success with Chuck when she bought home a friend for him. Noot had lost his mate and was depressed, so Chuck has helped him also, but Noot brought out a confidence in Chuck that was amazing to see.

                                                                              • bunnytowne
                                                                                7537 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Yes it is funny to see things moving around like that seemingly on their own.    You must get a good laugh at that.  Cotton would do that to his cloth box til he broke thru the layer of cloth and spread stuffing all over.  I loved to watch

                                                                                  Oh your Rex Bucky is so adorable.  That mouth of his looked like he was going to say something.  Thats good he likes to explore and is doing really well in spite of being blind.

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                                                                              Forum THE LOUNGE Thoughts and suggestions for Chuck? Update-videos!!