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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A those who have NIC condos

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    • Ash
      165 posts Send Private Message

        I’ve been looking into NIC condos and I have a question…

        I see there is the one door on the bottom and some may have no top but —What about having to clean the middle floors?  I can’t tell in any pictures and none of "the step by step" say anything on this. Espcecially for those who have tops on the condos, how do you clean the condos?  I am trying to get together all the info I need so when we introduce Mr.B and Roxy if all is well we are going to make them a NIC condo. 

        Any suggestions?  Anything you wish you would have known or thought about before making yours? 

        *I looked at all the links on in the cool habitats.

      • BinkyBunny
        8776 posts Send Private Message

          I always make it so that one or two side panels will open (opposite ends to make it easier for cleaning)  I don’t mean open two side panels on the same side.

          You also want to make sure that you make it so it can open only where there is the floor attached.  If you open a side panel right where there is a vacant spot of floor it can compromise the structure.  

          Does that makes sense?

        • Lisa_43
          1499 posts Send Private Message

            We just finished a condo and noticed some errors we made, the good thing about them is you can pull them apart and redo it.

            I have doors that open outwards at the bottom two floors and then the top two floors I have one door on each floor that opens.

            I have a small rechargeable vacuum that I use to clean the top floors and the bottom I can fit right inside and use the broom, the rabbits usually head up to the top floor when I clean the bottom.

            I looked at pictures on this site under the heading of BUNNY INFO; I then printed out a picture of the inside of one and just copied that.

          • skunklionshow
            1257 posts Send Private Message

              I LOVE that picture of your bun!  I think bunny bums are really adorable, I think its the cotton ball tail.  My NIC cage was built on top of their original cage.  In order to accommodate the size of the original cage, some panels required overlapping which didn’t come out as goofy as it sounds.  When we added the addition for Leo, I was able to add more doors to help when it came to cleaning time. 

              Their litterboxes are on the first floor, so I have one panel that is not tied off on the ends, so I can open it like a door to pull the litterbox out.  We do not have a roof on our 3 1/2 story cage.  I also have a door on the second floor where they are fed.  The first cage didn’t have as many bunny access doors, so it made cleaning, feeding, and bunny wrangling VERY difficult. 

            • Ash
              165 posts Send Private Message

                skunklionshow – I love how we have pretty much the same quote!! I saw it on Maddies Fund and just loved it!!

                It’s nice to hear different ways to go about these condos, Has anyone’s bunnies tried jumping out of a ondo with no top? My bunnies aren’t that big on jumping on or over stuff but just want to be covered. Mr.B jumped on his cage once and I don’t think he liked it so he’s never bothered again or on his cardboard box.

                I’m soo excited to put one together!!!

              • osprey
                2065 posts Send Private Message

                  One of mine (Curly Sue) has climbed out of the top of their condo when we left the access doors on the top open.  Another (DJ) has leapt out of the condo/pen set up, so yes, I’d say make a top.  The top can also double as flat storage space if you are so inclined.

                  One note on access doors that seems obvious but can really be a pain if you get it wrong.  Make sure that the access door is wide enough to allow you to remove anything on that level.  Nothing more frustrating than a litterbox that only fits through the door if you tip it sideways and dump its contents on the floor.  Also make sure that you have enough access doors to allow you to get in a grab a bunny that is hiding in a corner.  If you have a sick bunny that needs to go to the vet, you need to be able to get at all the corners.


                • Ash
                  165 posts Send Private Message

                    Good point Osprey! Thanks! I love all the views and points this helps alot!

                  • skunklionshow
                    1257 posts Send Private Message

                      In our pet therapy program, Leo never had a lid on his cage.  He jumped out through the top all the time.  However, we have not had that issue since building the extended NIC condo w/ him & Jessica.  They do find ways to open the doors and sneak out at nigh on occassion.  We also figured out that one of our cats was opening the latched door so she could get at the pet grass and the bunnies could escape…they had a little system down.

                      A few days ago, Katie, our cat jumped into the bunny cage from the top.  I was shocked and was too busy looking for the camera and monitor the situation to do much.  She sniffed and checked out their bed.  The problem came when she started to head to the ground floor to get out.  The bunnies got VERY ANGRY w/ her.  Jessi lunged and grunted, Katie whacked her on the head a couple of times and Leo just enjoyed the show.  Luckily everyone came out unscathed.  She jumped into the cage b/c she was chasing a flying bug!  Pets!!!!!

                    • Ash
                      165 posts Send Private Message

                        OK I have another question… For those who use carpet for the floors/levels, where did you get the carpet?

                        I was thinking Home Depot but hubby said he doesn’t think they just have carpet lying around to sell and that they’d have to order. Also if you didn’t use carpet what did you use?

                        My buns are potty trained so I’m not worried about urine soaked carpet.

                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          i’m not sure Home Depot would have them, but i know we have smaller local flooring stores that sell their old carpet squares for a couple bucks each.  you can usually also get linoleum remnants for cheap at places like those.  aside from urine, another concern about carpeting is that some rabbits injest it.  they might chew on their carpeting and pull out strands, but you need to be sure they’re not eating the fibers.  it can cause blockage.

                        • babybunsmum
                          3896 posts Send Private Message

                            according to a very rude woman, the home depot by my place doesn’t have any scraps (some how… don’t know how) and there samples don’t belong to them so when carpets are discontinued they get shipped back to the manufacturer.   i know independant flooring suppliers do have scraps and possibly old samples to sell at good prices.  i’ve also seen them at dollar stores.

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                              ^^^this made me laugh… thanks.  i can imagine the home depot woman taking great offense at you wanting "scrap carpeting"…

                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                LOL I love rude service in the stores!! (ok, sarcasm ) In my city right now there is probably a 10:1 ratio of jobs to employees, so it seems that everywhere is short staffed and the employees could care less about service…so needless to say I can really relate to that story!!

                                I got carpet from my parents house as they had made a klitty condo for my bro’s cat; They said they got the scraps at home depot…I think what that rude lady was talking about was carpet samples *shaking head and rolling eyes* which would make sense as the carpet samples would belong to the company…I would maybe phone around to carpet stores or home reno places! That way you don’t have to look all over!

                              • Ash
                                165 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thanks! I’ll go check out Home Depot and call around if not, I guess I could always put a WANT in freecycle or craigslist for scrap carpet too. When we got wood for the rabbits to chew on (which they refuse to use 😛 they’d prefer the painted baseboards-Agh) the people were very helping and understanding so hopefully they’ll be the same in carpet.

                                • Beka27
                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                    if you place a want ad, just make sure to specify *NEW* scrap carpet… you don’t want something someone pulled outta their house…

                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                      Ooh good point Beka!!!

                                    • skunklionshow
                                      1257 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m a huge fan of rag rugs!  I cut them to fit my cage needs.  I put cardboard on the grids/cube shelves and cover w/ the rag rug.  Target has great rugs for as little as $2 on sale.  I just vacuum them up and wash as needed.

                                        I also like untreated sea grass or sisal rugs.  You can find these in the outdoor mat/rug sections of stores.  Ikea has awesome super cheap natural materials rugs that can be cut to fit.

                                      • Ash
                                        165 posts Send Private Message

                                          I just went to Walmart earlier and saw a 5×8 carpets rolled for $25 and differednt lenghts, textures. I’ll need to look at thos rag rugs, i’ve never heard of those before.

                                        • Scarlet_Rose
                                          4293 posts Send Private Message

                                            Home Depot sells new carpet on giant bolts by the foot (edited). You can also check out your local remenant carpet or outlet store too, often they will sell their sample pieces for cheap! Rags rugs work great too from your local thrift store and Ikea as well. Be careful with the pile, if it is too rough it can cause (like any surface) sore hocks if your rabbit is prone to them like my Daffodil (by genetics). Something I wish I had thought about was adding a hay rack and placing the plexi glass all around the inside of the cage for easy cleaning but I was so focused on protecting the walls of my house. I would put placing the condo on a wheeled cart the #1 thing. The condos are very heavy and cumbersome to clean without it. Moobunnays zip-tie techchnique also would have saved me too.

                                          • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                            2517 posts Send Private Message

                                              Home depot does sell small amounts of carpet off of a reel. It’s usually like $1/ft. I use that to line my bun’s cage. Make sure you don’t get carpet that is very fluffy (think short, flat fibers instead!) because your bunny may ingest the fibers.

                                              As far as cleaning goes, my rabbit’s cage only has one small door, but cleaning it is not difficult. Rabbits are usually fairly cleanly by nature and most of what needs to be cleaned is stray hay!

                                            • Deleted User
                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                i too have a question on door openings on NIC cages..I have an open top two story on the floor model and can’t figure out how to make the bottom floor end open for cleaning…I have no instuctions just going by illistations…any help would be appiciated..Thanks

                                              • osprey
                                                2065 posts Send Private Message

                                                  The general way to make a door is to choose one panel that you want as the opening.  Now, only zip tie this panel on the bottom, leaving the top and the sides free.  When you want the door closed, use a binder clip or clothes pin on the top to close it.  When you want to open the door, remove the binder clip and the zip ties on the bottom will act as a hinge, and let you lower the door.  You can use this method on any floor of the condo that requires an access hatch.


                                                • Scarlet_Rose
                                                  4293 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I opted to hinge mine at the top or side because I don’t want bunny nails or feet to get caught in the grid squares. Osprey, have you ever seen rabbits have trouble with that when hinged at the bottom and the hop accross the panel or do you cover it? Thanks, I’m really curious.

                                                  • osprey
                                                    2065 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I did not think of that, ScarletRose, you raise a good point.  My condo is enclosed in an x-pen, so the bottom two floors are open and have no access doors.  The top two levels have access doors that swing up, and we clip them up with a clothespin when we want the condo to be open.

                                                    • Deleted User
                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                        osprey ref doors…I do not have a floor in mine…i have a it on the floor and my bun undoes the clothes pins (escape artist) maybe I could put door on second story..thanks for the ideas

                                                      • Scarlet_Rose
                                                        4293 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Thanks Osprey. It’s just when I was constructing mine it just occured to me when I went to hinge the doors that it might be a hazard.

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                                                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A those who have NIC condos