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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE They’re home!!!!!

Viewing 54 reply threads
  • Author

    • joea64
      1423 posts Send Private Message

        Panda and Fernando came home today, brought over by their foster mom (Sherry). Fernando took up lodgings in their shiny new bunny condo right away. It took a little gentle coaxing to get his mother Panda inside, but with the help of Oxbow dried banana slices, it was soon accomplished. They’re eating heartily of the mixed hay that I loaded the litterbox and hay rack with (as well as a pair of toilet paper cardboard rolls that I stuffed with hay) and drinking up . I expect they’ll start dropping poops soon . I’m going to give them the next day or two to settle in and make the condo their territory properly, then start to let them out for their evening playtime.Right now, they’re mainly taking their ease in their commodious litterbox, which, with the way their condo is situated, is in a nice, dim, secluded corner which ought to be quite relaxing for them.


        Pictures to follow in due course!

      • Vienna Blue in France
        5317 posts Send Private Message

          Yayyyyyyyyyy. Yes definitely limit their movements to begin with so they know what the litterbox is…… and then increase space a little at a time….
          cant wait for the piccies !!!!

        • Reesebun
          1035 posts Send Private Message

            Yay! Can’t wait for pictures

          • joea64
            1423 posts Send Private Message

              They’re starting to get settled in. Panda has discovered that sliding down the carpeted ramp between the two levels is fun, and is “bunloafing” right now next to the litterbox where Fernando is noshing on some hay. I see a couple of poops scattered around the lower level, good thing I put acrylic guards around there!

               Hmmmm…actually, I think they’re both napping just now.  Panda has folded her paws under her in the classic bunloaf, and while I don’t see Fernando from where I am (most of the litterbox is situated under the ramp), I believe he’s in a similar pose. Zzzzzzz….

              UPDATE: They really are purely nuts about apple/banana flavor Oxbow Simple Rewards. I gave them one each about half an hour ago and they spent the next ten minutes vigorously sniffing everywhere trying to find the location of those delicious “cookies” (which I’ve got safely out of reach).

            • sarahthegemini
              5584 posts Send Private Message

                Can’t wait to see pictures! It must feel wonderful to finally have them home. I remember feeling so overwhelmed with excitement the night before we were to pick P & B up, then it was postponed for a fortnight and I could barely contain myself!

              • joea64
                1423 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m taking pictures of them every time they do something interesting (which is very often!), so I can promise you some nice shots by tomorrow. Right now, Fernando is bunloafing in the sun on the upper level and Panda has retired again to the litterbox. I’m cooking dinner now and should be giving them their spring mix salad soon.

                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By joea64 on 8/20/2017 3:08 PM

                    I’m taking pictures of them every time they do something interesting (which is very often!), so I can promise you some nice shots by tomorrow. Right now, Fernando is bunloafing in the sun on the upper level and Panda has retired again to the litterbox. I’m cooking dinner now and should be giving them their spring mix salad soon.

                    I think we can all relate to that! I take at least 10 photos a day  I took 43 photos on their Birthday 

                  • joea64
                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                      I’ve just given them their evening salad. Fernando went down first and made a beeline for the bowl. Panda lagged a bit but she must have heard her son crunching away busily, since she went downstairs herself a couple of minutes later; both of them are noshing away happily at the moment.


                      UPDATE 5 pm: It’s Panda’s turn to take her ease in the afternoon sunlight filtering through the blinds. Fernando is in the hidey box next to her, but not too well-hidden (if that round of the Picture Competition hasn’t finished by tomorrow morning, I have an entry for it!) I don’t have my hearing aids on, but Panda’s velvety black ears perked right up when the microwave stopped cooking my rice at 100% power and alerted me to start the next phase at 50% I hadn’t thought of my buns as being “hearing-ear rabbits”, the way some service dogs are trained to be, but we’ll see what we’ll see!.

                      UPDATE 6:40 pm: It’s been a long, exciting day and the buns definitely seem to be sleepy now.  Panda’s bunloafed at the top of the ramp, and Fernando is sacked out in the litterbox. I’ve been delighted today by how well and quickly they’ve appeared to adjust to their new living circumstances, I thought they’d be more stressed. Looks like my strategy of leaving them in peace in their condo with plenty of food and water, apart from talking to them frequently, is paying off!

                    • Q8bunny
                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                        Squeee! So exciting! Love the blow-by-blow. It’s a bit like listening to radio programmes when I was little. Can’t wait to see some pics too, though. So glad they’ve settled in so effortlessly. Guess all that thoughtful preparation on your part really paid off.

                      • joea64
                        1423 posts Send Private Message

                          I just gave the buns their morning hay, water and pellets. I’m afraid I scared them a bit when I had to move the condo (which rides on caster wheels) to get at the hay rack and throw another big handful of hay in the litterbox, or at least Panda was startled; she ran up to what seems to be becoming a favorite place of hers, the upper-deck corner right at the top of the ramp. Fernando was a lot cooler, though, and carried right on eating his pellets. I gave them a carrot-and-dill baked treat to apologize. They’ll have to shift for themselves today while I’m at work, but they should have everything they need; I’ll throw in a couple of nice chewy pieces of cardboard just to be sure.

                        • Q8bunny
                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                            LOL Yeah… if they’re in a safe space with heaps of hay and water they’ll be just fine. Will most likely nom, toilet, and loaf sleep.

                          • joea64
                            1423 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Q8bunny on 8/21/2017 3:11 AM

                              LOL Yeah… if they’re in a safe space with heaps of hay and water they’ll be just fine. Will most likely nom, toilet, and loaf sleep.

                              *fingers crossed* *knocking on wood* I know this is first (second, actually)-day bunny parent jitters, but I did arrange the playpen, too, so that even if they decide to emulate the late Steve McQueen and stage a Great Escape, they won’t be able to get into too much mischief. They did a LOT of bunloafing yesterday, I can tell you that. Pictures on the way in a few minutes; I had to go a bit of a roundabout route and send them from one email address to another so I can upload them.

                            • joea64
                              1423 posts Send Private Message


                                Fernando discovered that he has room to leap to the top of one of the hidey boxes on the upper deck, and both he and Panda have developed a distinct taste for sunbathing, comfortably bunloafed, in the spot at the top of the ramp. The very first picture shows the setup in preparation a few minutes before they arrived. Several more pictures in the next post.

                              • joea64
                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                  First picture shows Panda and Fernando enjoying their evening salad. They were very enthusiastic eaters yesterday, continually noshing on hay, and they demolished their greens. They were equally enthusiastic about the Oxbow timothy pellets I gave them this morning. I don’t have a lot of pictures of them on the lower deck because it’s not easy to get a clear shot, but you can see Panda taking her ease in the litterbox (with full hay rack nearby); as you can see, the litterbox corner is dim, secluded and peaceful, which I think should be a very soothing environment for them. I’m planning to cut a few inches off the cardboard concrete tube form I bought last weekend and put it on the upper deck for additional entertainment, and in the meantime I left them each a large square of cardboard to keep their teeth in shape on. Simple toys, to be sure, but it’s often the case that buns like the simple things over the complicated gewgaws the stores try to foist on credulous bun parents.

                                • joea64
                                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                                    P.S. I’m going to give them their first evening outing in the X-pen and first proper at-home socialization session with me when I get home from work today, as it’s plain they’re settling in quite well, even quicker than I’d anticipated.

                                    P.P.S. I have the notion, though, that the buns, particularly Panda, haven’t completely established their territoriality over the condo yet. I had expected them to react in a more, let us say, irked, fashion, this morning when I reached in to take out the water dish for refilling, but as I noted, Panda instead ran upstairs to her corner and waited a few minutes until it was all clear, while Fernando calmly carried on noshing his pellets. I’m going to take another look this evening and see whether they’ve properly established their territory, as they’ll have the whole day left to themselves in peace and quiet to do it.

                                  • ThorBunny
                                    824 posts Send Private Message

                                      Ah!!! They are so cute!! It’s like I’m seeing double except for one has black spots

                                      This post made my day. Congrats on your new buns!

                                      Also, super jealous of how snuggly they seem. Now that I’m trying to bond my bunnies a pair of rabbits getting along seems like a mythical magical thing.

                                    • joea64
                                      1423 posts Send Private Message

                                        Posted By ThorBunny on 8/21/2017 7:22 AM

                                        Ah!!! They are so cute!! It’s like I’m seeing double except for one has black spots

                                        This post made my day. Congrats on your new buns!

                                        Also, super jealous of how snuggly they seem. Now that I’m trying to bond my bunnies a pair of rabbits getting along seems like a mythical magical thing.

                                        Yep, Fernando takes after his mom except he’s pure white with bright ruby eyes (albinos don’t have that good eyesight, of course, but he manages pretty darn well!) Panda is the black-spotted lady. As I mentioned in another thread, they, or at least Panda, are very likely purebred Polish rabbits; Panda in particular exhibits all the characteristics of the breed except that her, and her boy’s, ears are classic “rabbit antennas” instead of touching from tip to base the way show-quality Polish buns’ are supposed to (not that I care ).  They do most of their cuddling in their litterbox so far; when they were out and about, they were too busy exploring their new digs yesterday to pause for snuggles for more than a few moments at a time!

                                      • Q8bunny
                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                          They are SO cute! How did you manage to go to work today?? lol

                                          I feel like you photographed a synchronized posing event.

                                        • joea64
                                          1423 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By Q8bunny on 8/21/2017 8:15 AM

                                            They are SO cute! How did you manage to go to work today?? lol

                                            I feel like you photographed a synchronized posing event.

                                            I’ve read that bonded bunnies will frequently exhibit “mirroring” behavior, and these pictures are classic examples.  Believe you me, if I’d had enough leave time to spare a day, I’d have stayed home – or if I’d had the guts to play hooky, I’d have done that too!

                                          • sarahthegemini
                                            5584 posts Send Private Message

                                              They are adorable! 

                                            • joea64
                                              1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                Home again, and P&F are just peachy keen. In fact, they were relaxing in their litterbox and I had to call them a couple of times. I refreshed their hay and water and gave them their evening salad, and it’s PLAYTIME! Set up their X-pen with their hidey box and tunnel, and away they go! For the next few hours, they’ll be romping up and down through the play area created by my connecting the X-pen to the condo while I sit here at my keyboard and watch them having fun while taking care they don’t get into trouble.

                                              • Mikey
                                                3186 posts Send Private Message

                                                  So cute!!!

                                                • joea64
                                                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I went into the X-pen and sat with them for about 45 minutes. They were good bunnies, except when I gave them banana treats and Panda got a little greedy; that naughty bun stole a piece of banana out of her own son’s mouth. Tsk, tsk. She nipped me a little too hard to demand more, but I wasn’t having any of that; I squeaked and then said “No!” firm and clear, which caused her to behave better the rest of the session so that we were able to conclude on a positive note. I’m going to let them scamper around in the X-pen a couple hours more before I put them back into their condo for the evening.

                                                  • Q8bunny
                                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                      A bun a little greedy when faced with bah-nah-nah? Never!

                                                    • jerseygirl
                                                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Im a little late but Happy Homecoming Day!!! It sounds as if they are keeping you well entertained and they are loving their new digs. I hope they realise what a dedicated new owner (er…slave) they have.

                                                        That last photo of them is so funny! I initially saw it on my small phone screen and I could tell where one started and one ended.

                                                      • Vienna Blue in France
                                                        5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                          You can make going back into the condo a “joy” by saving something scrummy to put in there so they go in without being put in. (I feed them pellets in the condo)
                                                          If you keep a command word for this, you may be able to train them to go back in in their own.

                                                        • joea64
                                                          1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Breakfast time. I gave them their morning pellets and refreshed their hay and water. They were a bit more sedate than yesterday, remaining on the upper deck (which is liberally scattered with poops now, it’ll be time to clean soon) and not panicking when I moved the condo to refill the hay rack. Fernando seems to like timothy pellets, which are new to both buns (their foster mom only fed pellets to babies and pregnant/nursing mothers) more than his mom, who appears to prefer her hay in its original form. I stuffed two more cardboard rolls with hay and dropped them in the cage. I’m just going to put a little more water into their dish and verify that the doors are securely latched, and the bunnies should be ready for another lazy day.

                                                          • joea64
                                                            1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Putting hidey boxes on the upper deck turns out to have been a Really Good Idea, incidentally. The buns love ’em and frequently repair to them by day or night.

                                                            • joea64
                                                              1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Day 2, evening. I dumped the used litter and hay (as recounted over in Diet and Care), gave Panda and Fernando their evening salad, set up the X-pen and had a short but successful bonding session with them. With the help of a couple of carrot-and-dill baked timothy treats, they’re now both allowing me to pet them on the forehead. Panda is still shyer than Fernando, but she’s behaving very well tonight (doubtless because I hid the banana treats ), and adventurous Fernando was climbing all over me. They’re enjoying some playtime now with their hidey box and tunnel as I type this. They’re also foraging for loose pieces of hay inside the X-pen; there is beginning to get to be quite a lot of hay scattered around. I’m dead certain the buns are tossing excess hay out of the condo while I’m at work!

                                                              • joea64
                                                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Day 3, morning. After my last post, Fernando has warmed up to the point that he’s started grooming me again, though tentatively and only for a couple of seconds, but he’s getting there. Panda nipped me, but very gently, more in a “I want some attention” kind of way because I was playing with Fernando at the time. She’s still skittish about being petted, but I started talking to her and that appeared to suit her just fine.

                                                                  Morning feeding and watering went very smoothly this morning, it’s already at the point where it takes five minutes or less to see them properly hay’ed and watered for the day along with their little morning bowl of pellets. I’ve been positioning the X-pen to keep them from getting into too much trouble in the unlikely event they managed to get out of the condo, but after today I doubt I’ll need to do that anymore, since the doors are well-latched and the buns spend most of the daylight hours lazing in the litterbox or the hidey boxes.

                                                                • Q8bunny
                                                                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Heheh. Buns are such loafers.

                                                                  • joea64
                                                                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Posted By Q8bunny on 8/23/2017 8:22 AM

                                                                      Heheh. Buns are such loafers.

                                                                      Panda was doing a sort of bunny-rug last evening while being groomed by Fernando. It’s the first time I’ve seen either of them so relaxed since they moved in, though they’ve been “bunloafing” a lot, particularly in what seems to be becoming their favorite sunning spot on the upper deck. Actually, I think they – particularly Panda – are still in the process of marking out their territory within the bunny condo and the zone enclosed by the X-pen.

                                                                      They haven’t dropped any territorial poops in the X-pen zone yet, but from what @Aaron reports and @LongEaredLions suggests in a thread in the Behavior sub-forum, the experience of moving coupled with a plethora of new smells may actually have caused some stresses I wasn’t previously aware of. Panda appears to have been engaging in a little bit of dominance/territoriality behavior with Fernando; she mounted him a couple of times Monday evening, which he accepted with perfect aplomb (as I continue to make his acquaintance, he develops to be a very laid-back sort of bun). I think it might also have been connected with food excitement/competition; they had just gotten into a tug-of-war of sorts over a couple of banana treats I had given them. They behave better with other flavor treats, from my observation.

                                                                    • joea64
                                                                      1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Evening play session ongoing. Fernando and I took a major step forward tonight in building our bond; he allowed me to pet him and give him ear rubs for a solid fifteen minutes. He definitely enjoyed it; when I started stroking his cheeks, his eyes closed almost completely and he came close to bunny-puddling.

                                                                        I need to work on building my bond with Panda. She’s acting like a little diva when it comes to treats, I have to move fast to give her her own so she doesn’t try to steal Fernando’s out of his mouth, and she rather rudely yanked the one I just gave her out of my hand. Tsk. Well, at any rate I can’t say my buns don’t have dramatically varying personalities!

                                                                        EDIT: A few minutes after I wrote this post, I had a small breakthrough with Panda; she allowed me to pet her on the forehead for a whole minute. That’s progress!

                                                                      • sarahthegemini
                                                                        5584 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Posted By joea64 on 8/23/2017 6:22 PM

                                                                          Evening play session ongoing. Fernando and I took a major step forward tonight in building our bond; he allowed me to pet him and give him ear rubs for a solid fifteen minutes. He definitely enjoyed it; when I started stroking his cheeks, his eyes closed almost completely and he came close to bunny-puddling.

                                                                          I need to work on building my bond with Panda. She’s acting like a little diva when it comes to treats, I have to move fast to give her her own so she doesn’t try to steal Fernando’s out of his mouth, and she rather rudely yanked the one I just gave her out of my hand. Tsk. Well, at any rate I can’t say my buns don’t have dramatically varying personalities!

                                                                          EDIT: A few minutes after I wrote this post, I had a small breakthrough with Panda; she allowed me to pet her on the forehead for a whole minute. That’s progress!

                                                                          I have to give both of mine their treats at the exact same time or Buttercup will take it from Peanut 

                                                                        • joea64
                                                                          1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Posted By sarahthegemini on 8/24/2017 6:16 AM

                                                                            Posted By joea64 on 8/23/2017 6:22 PM

                                                                            Evening play session ongoing. Fernando and I took a major step forward tonight in building our bond; he allowed me to pet him and give him ear rubs for a solid fifteen minutes. He definitely enjoyed it; when I started stroking his cheeks, his eyes closed almost completely and he came close to bunny-puddling.

                                                                            I need to work on building my bond with Panda. She’s acting like a little diva when it comes to treats, I have to move fast to give her her own so she doesn’t try to steal Fernando’s out of his mouth, and she rather rudely yanked the one I just gave her out of my hand. Tsk. Well, at any rate I can’t say my buns don’t have dramatically varying personalities!

                                                                            EDIT: A few minutes after I wrote this post, I had a small breakthrough with Panda; she allowed me to pet her on the forehead for a whole minute. That’s progress!

                                                                            I have to give both of mine their treats at the exact same time or Buttercup will take it from Peanut 

                                                                            I gave them their morning treat before I left for work today and was a bit sneaky about it;  Panda was on the lower deck, Fernando on the upper, so I sneaked it to each of them before they realized what was going on.  Panda definitely seems to be the bossy one in their relationship – she, like Buttercup, is the one who has the “Mine! All mine!” attitude about treats, and as I noted elsewhere, she’s been engaging in a bit of dominance behavior with Fernando, apparently to remind her son who the head of the family is.  (Yes, I know, rabbits don’t have a concept of family relationships, but it suits my fancy to think of it that way, so there. &nbsp

                                                                          • Luna
                                                                            2219 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Congrats! They look so happy .

                                                                            • joea64
                                                                              1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Posted By Luna on 8/24/2017 8:30 AM

                                                                                Congrats! They look so happy .

                                                                                Thank you (also on behalf of P&F) – I think they’re doing pretty well so far for 4 days in.  Of course, I worry about them all the time when I’m away from home , for instance, right now I’m fretting that I might have forgotten to refill their water dish before I left for work even though I’m almost positive that I did do that, I distinctly remember putting the (filled, I hope!) dish into its proper place right before placing the breakfast bowl. Ten gets you one, of course, that I’m just worrying about ghosts; I was terrified that something bad would happen to them on their first day home alone Monday, only to come home to find them safe and sound asleep in their litterbox.

                                                                                This is all very much a work in progress and I’m watching their behavior at every opportunity. I didn’t know, for instance, until I saw it and then looked it up to find out what was going on, that neutered/spayed bunnies sometimes mount their bondmates as a way of expressing dominance in the relationship (and as reported elsewhere on these forums, stress such as changing life circumstances also can trigger that). For a mother/son pair, Panda and Fernando are surprisingly different bunny people. Fernando is gentle, sweet, curious and athletic (he loves to jump onto the hidey box in the play area of an evening), very affectionate though it’s taken him a few days to relax to where he’s happy to accept petting, and the subordinate one in the bond; Panda is also gentle in overall manner so far reserved/cautious (last evening was the first time she’d accept petting from me for more than a second or two), occasionally demanding when it comes to treats and attention, and occasionally downright aristocratic in demeanor, and definitely the dominant bondmate from what I’ve observed. It’s not for nothing that the Polish rabbit is called the “Little Aristocrat” in show circles! Both buns display good manners about their hay, pellets and vegetables, sharing to the point of taking turns and chewing their food thoroughly; they display a distinct streak of competitiveness when it comes to treats, though, and I have to be careful to avoid a tug-of-war between the two bunnies over a baked treat! Aside from that and Panda’s occasional need to show who’s boss, they’re very sweet to one another, and I suspect Panda’s dominance behavior is also connected with the issue of inserting a human into the so-far-just-us-bunnies bond between the two.

                                                                              • Luna
                                                                                2219 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  For peace of mind when I’m at work, I bought a wifi cam (NestCam) and downloaded the free app on my phone. I can see what Luna is doing at all times .

                                                                                • Q8bunny
                                                                                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I wish I could afford one of those for every room

                                                                                    Joe: keep in mind that in the wild, warrens are matriarchies

                                                                                  • joea64
                                                                                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Posted By Q8bunny on 8/24/2017 9:18 AM

                                                                                      I wish I could afford one of those for every room

                                                                                      Joe: keep in mind that in the wild, warrens are matriarchies

                                                                                      I’ll have to look into a NestCam myself once I get my credit-card balances down a bit again; I’m pretty sure I’ve put $600 or more, including adoption fees, the super-deluxe bunny condo and everything else, into bunny prep! Thank goodness most of that is one-time-only and that Friends of Rabbits has such a good deal going on fresh farm hay…

                                                                                      Yes indeed, Q8 – I think that would be a showstopper to any relationship between an Eastern cottontail and a domestic rabbit (descended from the European rabbit) even if they were genetically capable of interbreeding. The Eastern cottontail really DOES NOT LIKE company, from what I’ve read!

                                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Squuueeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cutest little pair!! Can we fast forward to the part where mine are just absolutely in love with each other, that’d be great! I’m tooooo worried about bunny fight club (a.k.a bonding) .

                                                                                      • joea64
                                                                                        1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Posted By BunNoob<3 on 8/24/2017 9:55 AM

                                                                                          Squuueeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cutest little pair!! Can we fast forward to the part where mine are just absolutely in love with each other, that’d be great! I’m tooooo worried about bunny fight club (a.k.a bonding) .

                                                                                          The first rule of Bunny Fight Club is that we do not talk about Bunny Fight Club.  The second rule of Bunny Fight Club is that not only do we not talk about Bunny Fight Club, but we gear ourselves up like NHL goalies for each bonding session just in case the buns use their chompers and claws!

                                                                                        • Deleted User
                                                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            I have oven mitts for hands and a dust pan for separating… and will be getting a spray bottle before we start as well… I am going to look like an absolutely insane person XD husband will have to man the spray bottle, as I don’t see how I would accomplish that with oven mitts on!

                                                                                          • joea64
                                                                                            1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              And wear shoes. In fact, from what I read, a pair of stout boots wouldn’t be out of order.

                                                                                            • joea64
                                                                                              1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                My suspicion (which I believe I recorded in another thread) turned out to be correct. Armed with whisk broom and dustpan, I attacked the corner opposite the litterbox in which hay and poops had been accumulating suspiciously, and I confirmed that one of the buns has been using it as their toilet. Well, I can easily fix that, at least for now. I shifted the litterbox over to that corner and we’ll see if both Panda and Fernando use it henceforth. I think the real solution, though, is going to need to be to find a longer litterbox, at least 24″, that can fit into the 15″ access door. Refreshed the hay and litter, gave the buns their salad, and refreshed their water. Evening play session is now underway.


                                                                                              • joea64
                                                                                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  Things continue to progress, step by step. As the weekend is here, I will be able to spend a lot more time with the buns over the next two days or so. I had a floor session with them just now, and Panda is beginning to allow me to pet her on the forehead and even grooms me for a bit on my pants leg – like her boy, she appears to be under the impression that clothes = fur. Being the imperious little grande dame that she is, she nipped me several times to demand attention (she likes being talked to), treats or possibly both.  The last time, she plied her teeth a little too vigorously and I had to go EEEK! and then No! That did appear to abash her, and it was a couple of minutes after that that she groomed me for the first time.


                                                                                                  Fernando tried to make a break for the open spaces of my apartment when I opened up the condo to give them their supper salad, but I caught him (gently, I hope!!) before he got too far and carefully lifted him back into the habitat. He forgave me pretty quickly and was also grooming me again a few minutes later, also on my pants leg. Both my fluffy housemates are currently in their litterbox having their evening hay. (Correct that – Fernando just came bounding out with a strand of hay stuck to his head and is sitting at the fence next to me.)


                                                                                                  UPDATE 9:05 pm – I decided to call it an evening and herded them back into their condo for the night; they’ll be getting lots of X-pen time tomorrow and Sunday though. Big breakthrough with Panda at the second “floor session”, she allowed me to pet her on the forehead and behind her ears for a full five minutes.  She didn’t nip me again, either!

                                                                                                • Q8bunny
                                                                                                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Aah… the magic of the eek!

                                                                                                  • joea64
                                                                                                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      They’re starting to get mischievous – they both hopped out of the cage into the open spaces of my main room this morning while I was getting their dishes to prepare their breakfast. They didn’t get far, fortunately, and I was able to catch both of them and chivvy them back into their condo before they could get into any real trouble.They’re quietly eating their timothy pellets now, but I think I shall have to figure out how to shoo them away from the door in future when I need to get something out or in but don’t want to have them hop out just then and there!


                                                                                                      UPDATE 9 am: They’ve had their breakfast and morning hay and settled down nicely. In fact, they’re up on the upper deck in their “sunning spot” cuddled up together and Fernando, bunloafed, looks half-asleep.  Panda is idly grooming herself.

                                                                                                    • joea64
                                                                                                      1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        Just catching up – they had a good first whole weekend, the trust-building process is moving at a slow but steady pace forward. I called Nationwide and arranged for pet insurance for them today, whatever its limitations, so that’s one more thing checked off the list. Panda actually seems to be getting adjusted more quickly at this point to her new life, judging from her binkies and bunny-rugs, but Fernando is getting closer to me, so it all evens out.

                                                                                                      • ThorBunny
                                                                                                        824 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          Oh I’ve been meaning to do pet insurance for my two (or one…sigh, waiting to see how bonding goes this weekend at bonding camp!) How much is your Nationwide coverage if you don’t mind me asking?

                                                                                                        • joea64
                                                                                                          1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Posted By ThorBunny on 8/28/2017 12:54 PM

                                                                                                            Oh I’ve been meaning to do pet insurance for my two (or one…sigh, waiting to see how bonding goes this weekend at bonding camp!) How much is your Nationwide coverage if you don’t mind me asking?

                                                                                                            It’ll almost certainly vary depending on your particulars (state of residence, number of rabbits, ages, etc.) For me, it’s $11.50 per bunny or $23.00 total monthly.

                                                                                                          • joea64
                                                                                                            1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              Last evening’s play session was pretty lively. Fernando gave me the slip at one point when I opened up the X-pen door, and he went scampering around the apartment for 5 minutes before I finally managed to herd him back in (I ended up having to pick him up briefly to get him back inside, which naturally he didn’t care too much for!) He doesn’t appear to be the grudge-holding type, though, since a few minutes later he let me give him an extended pet around his head and ears. I’m of the opinion that he meant to have me try to catch him! In the meantime, Panda did several full-circle Bunny 500’s and topped it off with two binkies in rapid succession, and also nipped me several times on my pants leg to get me to pay more attention to her.

                                                                                                            • sarahthegemini
                                                                                                              5584 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                Isn’t it great when they get comfortable enough to be naughty 

                                                                                                              • Q8bunny
                                                                                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  Some buns really enjoy playing chase.

                                                                                                                • joea64
                                                                                                                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    I really need to figure out how recording video on my iPhone works sometime so I can try to capture the moment when something like this happens. As I posted in Q&A, I have maintenance coming by tomorrow afternoon to inspect my unit (along with all the others in mine and several other buildings) for possible renovations to the electrical system, and I want to make sure the buns aren’t bothered too badly.

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                                                                                                                Forum THE LOUNGE They’re home!!!!!