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Forum BONDING The quest for Chub’s friend- FOUND

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    • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
      617 posts Send Private Message

        So we have decided to get Chubs a bunny companion. We had our first bunny date today to see if Daisy (a bunny searching for a home on Craigslist) would be the right friend. It did not go well. She chased Chubs and bit at his butt. He did everything he could to get away and stomped at every opportunity. While it did not turn into a fight, I think it was mostly because we intervened and ended the date. So we are disapointed but looking forward to the next date…I will keep you all posted!

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Good luck finding a new bunny companion

          When we got our second bun we didn’t do any bunny dates because we took in a bun that was in need and figured we would get them to bond regardless. 7 1/2 months later it has finally (FINALLY!) happened lol.

          I think bunny dates are certainly the way to go! Can’t wait to hear how the next date ends up, sending you good vibes.

        • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
          617 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks for the vibes! 7 1/2 months for yours??? Wow, I can’t imagine that…tough stuff. Well Chubs had his 2nd date today, with a little (well I shouldn’t say little because she is pretty chubby) California bun. I thought the date went pretty well. We did it in the bathroom (as a neutral place) and there was some dis interest, a little grooming and a lot of Chubs trying to hump her and her running away/confronting him about it.

            There was a scuffle too though right after the date, because she escaped from us and got into Chub’s main area which he did not like at all. She got a little nip in on his ear and Kc (my boyfriend and other bunny owner) got a nice bite on his hand for seperating. That wasn’t so good but man she escaped quickly…it all happened very fast.

            Anyways, we have her for now. We have set them up 2 pens side by side (with a little space between) and we’re going to try a 2nd date tomorrow. They seem to be pretty content to be near one another, aside from Chubs thumping his foot fairly frequently… He has also been humping her stunt double all night so I’m a little uncertain and am a little afraid of it after reading all about Jack- the humper bun! Hehe.

            I mentioned, “if we keep her” at the top and it’s because this is a trial run. Her current owners are only wanting to give her up if they fall in love because they are happy with her but have been keeping her and their other bun seperate because they hate each other. They think she may like a friend. They are more than willing to take her back if it isn’t working so well, and if that’s the case we are off to Minnesota Rabbit Companion Society next week. They let you date several buns in a day and help you choose the one that seems most promising to bond.

            More to come….


          • RabbitPam
            11002 posts Send Private Message

              That sounds promising, and a good arrangement with the previous owners. Obviously they care about the bunnies and want the best for all three.

              Continue posting the saga of Chubs’ love life.

            • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
              617 posts Send Private Message

                Ugh, so the second date did NOT go well! All Chubs wants to do is hump and the poor girl tolerates it for a little while but after about 8 times of him humping, me comforting her and then pulling Chubs off…she bites at him and then they try and fight and we end up seperating them. This all happens in about 3 minutes…and there is no good way to end the date because if I remove Chubs and go back, they immediatly want to fight. Any advise??

              • Alicia
                120 posts Send Private Message

                  What about just letting them be side by side for a few days? Put their litter boxes against the walls closest to each other, and when you feed them feed them where they can see each other.  You could also then try putting them in each other’s pens for a few days.  Maybe if they get used to each other that way she’d be a little more tolerant of his humping.  I just put my two together  a few days ago and they humped alllll the time the first few days but I haven’t seen it at all lately, once they established dominance with each other it calmed down dramatically.

                • Monkeybun
                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                    Yeah, they’re just trying to sort out who the boss is, once that’s figured out, they should settle a bit, with less biting :p

                  • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                    617 posts Send Private Message

                      Well I need to start with some pictures huh? But I think we made some progress tonight! Chubs only humped a little bit and there was only a little bit of a scuffle. They tolerated laying next to each other as long as we were petting them and Chubs even groomed Koala (what we’ve decided to call the other bun for now) a little bit. She has yet to return his love though! But still, I thought pretty good compared to yesterday!

                    • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                      617 posts Send Private Message

                        Well we had a date outside today, (also happened to be the first time we’ve taken Chubs outside since we got him!) and I think it was a little iffy…I have a couple pictures and a short video since I have been slacking in that part of the forum here…let me know what you guys think. Especially keep in mind that we do not own Koala yet, this is still a trial basis, so is she the right bun to try bonding with or…let me know what you think!

                        First this is the new potential bunny, whom we’ve dubbed Koala. Her nose and feet remind us of a koala bear

                        These are two better moments of today’s date…there was only a couple.


                        This is how several other moments went…Wait for the ends, they are not too long. ( I can’t figure out yet how to emped the video so here are  the links.)




                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          Koala is a lovely rabbit! She must be pure Californian. Nice choice of name. I think, it is great that the owners would take her back, so you don’t have the added pressure of possibly having to let her go to a bad fate.
                          I think, it could work out for those two, though, as you are already reporting a less intense situation, and even a grooming between them. It’s in the progress, I believe, that you can see the potential for a bond.
                          It is a good thing that the resident bunny is the male. Beautiful pictures, too.

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            Actually that didn’t go badly! In the second video, Koala is even grooming and Chub is trying to ignore her. I think, Chub is just thrown a little because there is another rabbit in his home! He obviously doesn’t want her near him at this point so he bonks her away… you could do a car ride now or anything where there is motion around them.

                          • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                            617 posts Send Private Message

                              Well, it’s a been a little bit so I will try and catch you guys up. We did a date on the washing machine which went how it is supposed to. neither bun was a fan of the motion and they did cuddle. Then we have done a few more dates in the kitchen…and I’m just not sure these two are the right pair. They tolerate each other if we are showering them with attention but the second we stop, and they can focus on each other, it’s an attempted fight. Koala has a little tiny bald spot on her butt where Chubs took a chunk of her hair out, and Chubs has a little healing scratch on his ear. I think they’d bond eventually since most bunnies can if you’re patient enough but since this is a trial run and we don’t want a pair that takes months and months…(the whole point of dating him), we’ve decided I think to give her back to her owners and to take Chubs dating at the bunny rescue. It’s also partly because, although we like little Koala and think she’s very sweet, we’re not feeling the connection with her that we want to either. I would never let that be an issue had this been permanent but since this was the point…I think we will start over with a new bun in a couple weeks. Does that seem horrible?

                            • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                              617 posts Send Private Message

                                Well, we took Koala home yesterday which was sadder for me than I thought it would be. I was more attached then I thought after 2 weeks! Still, her owners were more than happy to see her again and that made me feel better. Especially since on the very last date we tried the day before yesterday, Chubs took a good bite at her ear before we could do anything. Poor girl. After that, whenever Chubs was even near her, she was on defense. But, she is happily back at home, and we have set up an appointment at the MRCS (Minnesota Rabbit Companion Society) this Saturday! Chubs will get to date about twelve different bunnies and the people there will help us decide which date was the most promising for a bond. So hopefully…we will be bringing home a new bunny on Sunday! Wish us luck

                                Oh and this is a couple new pictures of Chubs that I just love

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  I don’t think that’s horrible of you to have done. I’m going through a tough bonding now and it is tiring for the rabbits, if there is an easier way, go for it.
                                  (I did really love Koala from the photos though… It would have been hard for me to to return her… )

                                • RachelB
                                  237 posts Send Private Message

                                    Good luck with the bunny dates!!!!! Sammy and I went on lots of dates before we found “the one” for him!! The date that sealed the deal was with Ivy and was pretty boring. They ignored eachother for a long while before we put them next to eachother forced them to sit and did lots of petting, switching hands between pets so that they got eachothers scents on one another. When we let them be they sniffed eachother and then hopped off to different areas to explore. There was lots of bunny humping towards the end of the 20 min date and some chasing but no agression.

                                    Im sure that it will just click with one of the bunnies that Chubbs meets…. he sure is a cuttie!! Be patient because dating really does make the whole bonding process much much easier!!!! Im sure that he is but is chubbs neutered, and if so how long ago was he done? Sometimes hormones make things a bit tougher. Also dont be hesitant to go for a same-sex bond. Sammy didnt seem to like any of the ladies that he me— too bossy for his liking. Keep us updated—GOOD LUCK!

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      If the meeting is boring it’s the best sign, I think.

                                    • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                      617 posts Send Private Message

                                        It was harder than I thought to give Koala back! She was so sweet and cuddly! And Rachel, Chubs has been neutered for about 7 months so he should be good to go on hormones. I think he and Sampson look so much alike Cute little lop boys! I’m excited for this weekend and am keeping my fingers crossed that we come home with a buddy for keeps this time! Oh and we are deffinitely doing some same sex dates too. So far Chubs has met with all females and none of them have been a good match so we’re going to try everything!

                                      • jerseygirl
                                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                                          He’s a cutie – that 1st pic is so funny. Don’t get to discouraged if you seem to be doing alot of dates. For every bunny he meets, he’ll get better at socialising with one of his kind.

                                        • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                          617 posts Send Private Message

                                            Oh, quick question! (I would take a picture but Kc is sleeping and my camera is in there so picture has to wait.) As I said, we’re going to the bunny rescue next week to date and (hopefully!) bringing home a permanent new resident bun. Right now, Chubs has the run of our upstairs. He always stays in the living room/bedroom because he will not go near anywhere with tile. What I had set up when Koala was here, and what I’m planning to do (pending advise) with the new bun, is…a larger tarp in the corner with two larger pens set up on it. They are side by side but not touching. Then, when we are not doing dates (in neutral places) I let the buns take turns having free roam of the living room. When I do this, I keep the other bunny penned and leave the other pen open so free bunny can eat/use litter box/hide in box tunnel when they wish. They can also visit the other bunny through the pen sides (supervised). Then at night I’m penning them both and switching pens every day. Is this a good strategy for bonding them? We’re also doing the dates of course but for the non-dating time, good system?

                                            I’m hoping so because I have found that doing this makes them have their poop wars on the tarp for 95% of it! They want to do it around the edges of the pens and in them when they swap. I only found a few stray mark poops when Koala was here. Let me know what you guys think! I want to have a good strategy before new bunny arrives!


                                          • bunnyluvr
                                            409 posts Send Private Message

                                              I think it sounds like a great strategy even tho I personally have never bonded buns. I used to have a bonded pair (Flopsy & Bugs) but they became bonded by accident. I had Flopsy first and my husband found our sweet Bugs (who looked just like Chubs – but gray) abandoned on a job site he was working – he couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5 weeks old and it was the middle of summer! He was soaking wet and not moving to much. My husband brought him home and he seemed to do much better in the a/c but was very timid.
                                              Anyway (I’m getting off track ) when he was about 3 mos old or so (Flopsy was about 7 mos) we tried introducing them and they fought. Back then I wasn’t as informed as I am now and didn’t realize that I shouldn’t be trying as they were both males and unaltered (until about a year later). We kept them in two separate rooms (free roam) but if one ever got loose they would fight. Then one day about 3 months later, my husband was at work and I was visiting my mom and didn’t realize when I left that I had not pulled the bedroom door where Flopsy was closed all the way and he was a smart bunny that could open a door left that way so of course that’s what he did. I don’t know how long they were out together but when I got home about 4 hours later there was fur everywhere in the living room (where Bugs stayed) and there they were snuggled together under the coffee table, best bunny friends! They were never separate again, always grooming, cuddling and playing together (so sweet!) until our sweet Flopsy passed away 3 1/2 years later. Gosh I sooooooo miss having a bonded pair. So adorable.
                                              Good luck with the bunny dating this weekend and with the bonding later. Don’t worry Chubs will find somebun! (((((((((((((((((((bunny dating and bonding vibes!!))))))))))))))))))))

                                            • bunnyluvr
                                              409 posts Send Private Message

                                                By the way, I am in no way suggesting that anyone try bonding their buns this way. I freak out when I think of how badly they may have hurt each other with no supervision. But they both were fine – just tufts of fur everywhere but you couldn’t tell from looking at their coats. I was just very fortunate that they worked out their differences on their own without hurting one another and became the adorable pair they became!

                                              • Deleted User
                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                  jnc, the pens that you describe sound like a good way of managing the situation. It is so helpful when the cleaning is easy especially during bonding. I like that your pens aren’t going to be touching, so you can control this sort of interaction, too.

                                                  One day, I want to do it the right way, also, with bunny dates and more than lots of post-neuter time etc. For now, it is bond or bust for my bunnies! (Well, within reason)

                                                • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                  617 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Wow, that’s crazy how your buns bonded just by one escaping. It’s so lucky it didn’t go the other way! Chubs and Koala both took small cuts on their ears when she was here and I was beside myself over that!

                                                    Thanks for the input on my pen situation. I need to ask though, is there anything else I can do before next weekend that would make this less “Chub’s space” and more neutral territory? I have cleaned the pens with vinegar, and will vaccuum really well but any other cleaning type ideas?? Thanks

                                                  • Deleted User
                                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                      do you have any new rugs you could break out that will un-Chub the floor of the pen?

                                                    • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                      617 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I bought a tarp to use under the pens but as far as the rest of the room goes, it’s usually Chub’s run space so any ideas other than vacuuming that can make it more neutral?

                                                      • jerseygirl
                                                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Not sure if necessary but you could peg sheets along the pen sides to block of view of the rest of the room. This may aid in creating a new space feel and also might help when each bun is having their out time while the other remains penned.

                                                        • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                          617 posts Send Private Message

                                                            That’s a great idea and I will deffinitely keep that in mind

                                                          • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                            617 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Well, We took Chubs to the rabbit rescue’s adoption event this weekend. Chubs had dates with five different bunnies and there was no real successful dates. We’re pretty disapointed because we had everything ready to bring a bunny #2 home. Still, they are getting different bunnies all the time and we are continuing to check craigslist. I’m not ready to give up yet! Still I had a question for all of you bunny experts! While we were at the rescue, there was a bonded trio there- 2 flemish giants and a guinea pig! What do you guys know about bonding rabbits and guinea pigs? I’m not sure I would go there but I was intrigued!

                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Eek – 2 giants and a piggy? While I’ve heard they can get along well, I would hesitate to house them together full time. “Somebody” would get squashed!

                                                              • katie, max & penny
                                                                956 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  rabbits and piggies are so different that its dangerous to house them together. for instance, rabbits can carry certain diseases that are totally fine for the bun, but lethal to the piggy and vice versa.

                                                                • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                                  617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    That is what I have come across most when I’ve been reading up on it. I don’t want a piggy anyway, but I was intrigued because it was pretty cute to see the two bunnies and him all snuggling! Weird…but cute. Haha. Anyways, I was intrigued since Chubs is seeming to be a difficult bunny to match so far, but I still want another bunny so much! So we’re being patient!! We are going to another adoption event on the 13th and two dates with craigslist bunnies in between so everybody send us good vibes! I have everything set and I want to start tis bonding process!!

                                                                  • mrmac
                                                                    2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      ((((((((((Matchmaking vibes)))))))))) I hope he finds that ‘one’ soon!

                                                                    • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                                      617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Well- no real updates yet…but Chubs has 3 more dates coming up so send us lots of vibes that he falls in love or at least like…with someone! I’m going to be confident (and hopeful) and say that I’ll start a new thread with Chubs and “Bunny” in the title once we find that match!

                                                                      • mrmac
                                                                        2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I hope he decides soon! Go Chubs Go!!!

                                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Have you only tried him with females so far?

                                                                            A little something for you……(I loved this pic btw)

                                                                            (((ohmmm….dating vibes for Chubs….ohmmm…)))

                                                                          • katie, max & penny
                                                                            956 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              i think you should try some males. my two boys are absolutely in love. maybe chubs is girl-a-phobic?

                                                                            • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                                              617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Haha I love the picture quote!! I just set it as my background!

                                                                                He actually had one male date so far and it was the most successful date he’s had. The other boy bunny kept mounting the wrong way. Chubs tolerated it like 3 times and then got very nippy. After that, it seemed like it went down hill a little. It wasn’t horrible- they weren’t fighting but they weren’t in like either. This was at the rabbit rescue and the lady who helps with dates there thought that they would probably be a tougher bond that may take quite a while. However, we are planning to re-date this particular bunny at some point because that was the most successful date thus far and with a male, so maybe that is the key!

                                                                                He has a date with another male lop on Monday night (and I’m head over heels for this little bunny so I’m hoping he gets vibes from me and falls in love with him too!!) He’s a little younger and not neutered yet, but according to his current owner, he is an absolute sweetheart who has shown no aggression with other bunnies. So I’m hoping it goes well and we can bring him home and then get him neutered right away and only improve things! Here’s a little pic of him and tell me you don’t already love him right?? Ugh..trying not to get TOO hopeful…but I’m almost at the point of, well if they don’t try to kill each other- we’ll bring him home and make it work over time! They would just make the most adorable pair…and I had this dream that the bunny we got was a black and white lop…psychic?? Haha I’ll keep you guys posted

                                                                              • katie, max & penny
                                                                                956 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  he is definitely adorable! i’ll keep my fingers crossed!

                                                                                • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                                                  617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    The vibes worked!! He was the one, it was pretty close to love at first sight! I will now be posting to “Bonding Chubs and Pebbles” YAY!

                                                                                  • katie, max & penny
                                                                                    956 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                    • Monkeybun
                                                                                      10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        YAY! Pebbles is that adorabunny little lop? He’s so cute!

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                                                                                    Forum BONDING The quest for Chub’s friend- FOUND