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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE The Quartet’s first time outdoors

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    • Bianca
      375 posts Send Private Message

        Because my group of four is now called a quartet.

        Now that the weather is so nice again, I set up the playpen out the back. I popped a few tunnels, a litter tray, water bowl, and some toys out there. We recently chopped down a tree so there were a couple of logs in there too – they showed no signs of wanting to chew so they can play with them today. I wanted to share some of the best photos I got because they had so much fun! Although Maggie is so lazy and unfit, so she was the first to nap, and she is definitely napping the most. Greebo is super active all the time, so he has been running around and playing for ages now, unlike the others!

        Lily giving Terry kisses in the tunnel

        Nap time because exploring is hard work

        I missed the photo, but Lily did the cutest flop, and her legs are so little that a back leg was just stuck up in the air awkwardly, but she was so happy!

        Look at the snoot!

        And my dog takes guarding the rabbits very seriously. She was so excited to see the playpen out again that she started patrolling and supervising even before the rabbits came out. Greebo loves her and rushed up to say hello and put his paws on the side of the pen to sniff her nose. She has been supervising them most of the afternoon and makes regular checks if she isn’t right next to them.

        I have a few more cute photos such as Terry and Maggie squished in the tunnel together but the file sizes are slightly too big. I will reduce them later – I have to go out in a moment.

        They have been loving eating the grass too – it is completely un treated so very safe and yummy for them. 

        Wile the weather is nice I plan to do this most days while someone is home to check on them occasionally. It gets them some fresh air and fun, and also lets me air out the study and give it a good clean.

        I have to admit, it has been very interesting watching the dynamics of a bonded group as opposed to a bonded pair. They all get along, but I think any expert could still spot the original pair, the original trio, and the two who are still fine together but get along the least (Maggie and Greebo). And just watching how their personalities work together – Greebo is the most active and independent but he does enjoy having the others around and knowing he has access to them. He has a weird fascination for Maggie but I think that’s why she avoids him a bit, which is probably why he likes to be near her! He and Lily enjoy playing chase which is super funny to watch too (there is no aggression, it’s just sprinting after each other in hyper rabbit fashion). 

      • Gina.Jenny
        2244 posts Send Private Message

          Lovely pics, what a great dog

        • Bianca
          375 posts Send Private Message


            By the end of the day it looked like that had had a massive fight. I actually spent a moment looking for injuries before realising what it was. Terry is molting pretty bad around his lower back/bum right now. He must have been itching himself or scraped past one of the logs, which loosened heaps of fur, and then the slight breeze sent the fur all around the playpen as he groomed himself after. I found lots of loose tufts of fur still on him, and a heap on one part of a log! But wow it looks super dramatic!

            I have put them back out again this morning – I rearranged things a bit and attached to two tunnels together which they are really loving. I even gave them their veggie breakfast out there, but they are busy exploring so they just keep coming back for nibbles. In a moment I will chuck some hay rolls out there but they have so much grass they probably wont eat much of them. I want to give them the option though. When they finish their veg I might scatter a handful of Jack Rabbit (Aussie brand unhealthy rabbit food that advertises itself as a complete feed) out there for them to find as they explore.

          • Vienna Blue in France
            5317 posts Send Private Message

              Ahh Bianca they look lovely together ❤️.
              The quartet! (Or the Beatles !!)

            • Dface
              1084 posts Send Private Message

                This is just the happiest little thread! They’re so gorgeous together and lily looks particularly sweet half flopped!

              • Reesebun
                1035 posts Send Private Message

                  What an adorable fluffle!
                  I can imagine what Lily’s flop looked like, so cute!

                • Bianca
                  375 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks everyone!

                    They had lots of fun again out all day yesterday – Terry managed to get rid of a lot of his loose fur on the log and by grooming himself. They are doing a great job mowing our lawn down too!

                    Lily’s flop certainly is adorable and pathetic. Although it almost looks more normal than Greebo’s – I swear that rabbit just has little stumps instead of legs!

                  • ThorBunny
                    824 posts Send Private Message

                      Bianca, your beautiful quartet and outdoor space are so inspiring! They make me smile whenever I see pictures of them

                      Someday I’d love to have a whole fluffle and a safe outdoor run like yours, they look so happy!

                    • Q8bunny
                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                        This is so lovely to see, Bianca! They are all so different and yet so equally chilled and content looking surrounded by all that lush greenery.

                      • Bianca
                        375 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks everyone! I have been putting them out most days provided someone will be home to check them every now and then. We don’t have any real predators here but better safe than sorry. Mitzi will guard them if we have to go out briefly but I won’t leave them out all day with nobody home.

                          They absolutely love it though. I get big dummy spits when it’s time to go back in! Lily does the most pathetic little stomps at me!

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                      Forum THE LOUNGE The Quartet’s first time outdoors