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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING The never ending race

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    • Lunnabell
      3 posts Send Private Message

        So I got 2 male bunnies comet and asteroid. And bonding them is difficult. Just everything been difficult. Litter training, ect. So I got comet first he’s rex so pretty big compared to dwarf asteroid so he steps on him when he tries to mount and asteroid doesn’t like that typically runs.

        Comet History. He is about a yr old, unneutered,  I had for about 4 months before I got asteroid. I got him from friend of mine that had to surrender him because his dad was rescue and my friend was told his dad was female for girl and girl bonded pair.  He was only satin rex so she was hesitant him give away to wrong person because of the history of satins. I’ve only had singular female rabbits in the past and never have  bonded rabbits before. So he imprinted closely with his last owner. But he is pretty chill, except he humps and eats everything.Never aggressive around me. And his previous owner didn’t try to potted train him. I plan getting him neutered but I started a new job so waiting on delayed paycheck.

        Asteroid History. Asteroid I got in December. Poor baby. I was in pet supplies store picking up food. When I noticed two surrendered bunnies in the back. It’s not pet shop they don’t sell animals but it’s family owned, so the owner takes in surrendered small animals. The female was separated because she had foot  problems, and was dropped of the same time. So I adopted him. But he very loving endless supply of kisses. But he squeaks when you pick up. This freaked me out I thought maybe I was hurting him of he was hurt somewhere. But he checks out. I never heard bunny do that. Originally I thought maybe he a baby he gets scared but he might be really old. So I really don’t know if he neutered. I double checked 5 times he not a girl. But something doesn’t seem right down there either that or he’s cold . ( And no nearby rabbit vets) and I believe he maybe abused just because he squeaks.  I am  if I can get him neutered, after comet does.

        Setup. Neither are potty trained and comet undid asteroid litter progress. Separate rooms, asteroid in makeshift pen. While comet is in a giant  3 floor wood( indoor ) cage/ hutch I built. I would like both to live together. But idk if add dividers depending how they do.

        First sight. My husband held comet and I held asteroid. They immediately were interested in each other. However once we put them down in neutral territory. Comet darted away. When asteroid was looking for him. We introduced them again and comet immediately started humping him. Asteroid was fine with it, but got sick of it after a couple minutes. And ran off. Comet will hump him everytime he corner. Asteroid doesn’t fight back or growl. But will run after the 5th time. Comet humping got excessive so I separated them alot.i tried restarting the basics and having them sniff each other’s blanket and bed. But comet will go into asteroid pin, pee and poo and chin everything get angry when I block it off. While there out in neutral ground. I set lots toys and the humping ( even improper humping, I would remove comet or turn him around) has gone down. Probably because comet too slow.  Now he chases him. Comet chases asteroid around the hallway we have the house that goes in circle. Like little racecars. I tried less time together, stopping the chasing. Putting a gate between them. To just letting them work it out. I originally thought maybe this bonding behavior gone wrong. Asteroid surely can’t like being chased. But surprising they take a break when there tired and laying semi close even eat together ( in the same big bowl for greens ) if comet is preoccupied in food.  But then they start up again. I thought maybe asteroid is a baby . And I heard babies chase each other for fun. Untill they got up on to my bed. And played leap frog. I could not tell you if that mating ritual. There was no growling hissing, never aggression.. And asteroid just jumped over comet like too bad. I’ve tried giving comet a stuffed animal pillow he really likes to settle his hormones around asteroid. But I’m hoping all he needs is neutering. I don’t if they hate or love each other. I just know I wake up and my husband got them out it sound like horse galloping in my living room ALL DAY LONG. But specifically comet chasing asteroid only. Asteroid will stop to let comet catch up. So I wasn’t sure if it was bullying.


      • Wick & Fable
        5819 posts Send Private Message

          Thanks for taking the time to provide all those details — admittedly, I only skimmed after reading the introduction of the two rabbits because the reason why bonding is so difficult is that you are trying to bond to male rabbits who are hormonal. Two un-neutered males is the most dangerous combination to put together.

          I would pause all attempts of bonding for their safety and not resume any dates, supervised time together, etc. until both are at least 1-month recovered from their neuters. Their hormones are too big of an obstacle to overcome and it is dangerous — even if there are times of peace, being hormonal means the ‘bond’ is inherently not stable and unpredictable, and with two males who both may be not neutered, you have a much higher likelihood of violent fights resulting in very bad injuries.

          Not being neutered also will make litter training very difficult, on top of them being around another rabbit (which facilitates marking anyways). Getting both rabbits neutered will make your life much easier in litter training and bonding down the road.

          The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

          • Lunnabell
            3 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you. I though that was the case with litter training, but I wasn’t sure about separating them completely for bonding because they sleep in different rooms but I can just reintroduce them again after I get them neutered.

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              Agree with Wick 100%, stop all interactions for now and wait till you can get them both neutered. Keep them separated for now. Bonding will be basically impossible will they are intact, and you won’t really make any progress. Letting them interact now could even make things harder, because they are hormonal and smell different than they will once they are neutered. Any fights now can cause them to hold grudges.

              Also, you mentioned some uncertainty about Asteroid’s sex. If there is any possibility that Asteroid is a female, then you could end up with an accidental pregnancy, as mating can happen in a flash. There are also intersex rabbits, so that could be an option as well if it’s hard to tell. I know of one rabbit at the rescue that we had a hard time sexing (figured it was either a female or neutered male). They assumed female and took her in to spay, and found she had 2 ovaries and a testicle inside.


              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

              • Lunnabell
                3 posts Send Private Message

                  I actually quite certain of asteroid’s sex, I did look up unisex rabbits to be sure. But I meant I was unsure if he could be neutered or was recently neutered before I got him ,was because, his male parts look dead.I could be wrong and he’s fine just old or always cold. I’m a woman l idk that stuff when comes to my own species let alone bunnies. Something he needs to see vet to know. But I more less worried if  he was damaged down there and that’s why he squeaks at me when pick him . that it might effect his relationship with comet, difficult to get neutered or make him a bullying target.

              • attemptedquad
                52 posts Send Private Message

                  There could definitely be a health issue. Unaltered bunnies will often bite each other’s privates, especially when there’s mounting involved, so maybe he had an injury or something?. I would definitely get them checked out by a vet, you will need to anyway at some point to have the surgery. Vets typically require a health check prior to anesthesia.

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              Forum BONDING The never ending race