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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › The A-Z of Gifts Received
Here’s a game if you’d like to play.
Let’s see how many times we can make it through the alphabet naming a gift we have received in the Holiday Season in the past. For anyone that doesn’t celebrate Christmas, please name a gift you received for another significant holiday, an end of year work party, or if your birthday falls at this time of year or perhaps a wedding anniversary, name a gift you may have received then.
So each poster needs to progress to the next letter of the alphabet, no double-ups please (though it cannot always be avoided if people post simultaneously).
Also, try avoid using things like “A” or “The” as your submission for letter A & T. ie. “A plant” for the letter A or “The biggest box of chocolates” for the letter T. There are some notorious letters of the alphabet where bending the rules and creativity is acceptable. You know the ones!
I’d begin but I can’t think of anything for A! So if anyone else has something, post away!
Ooh! I thought of something.
Alternative therapies book – when i was 16 or 17.
Okay, B is up!
argentum and aurum jewellery would cover ‘A’ in fine style
‘B’ has to be for Bunny for someone?
Bunny for Christmas! Harley was my husband Christmas gift 5 years ago.
As a side note, I even gifted him in a Christmas bag with hay for him to chew while he waited to be “unwrapped” lol
I can do C also
Cold hard Cash!!!! My mom always comes up with creative ways of including some money in our gifts.
Lol at Harley gift! You should have filmed your husbands reaction BM! Or did he guess ahead of time?
This game is actually harder then I thought it would be. Im having trouble remembering things I’ve gotten both as a kid and in more recent years.
Maybe we should have an A-Z of what we wish for – no limit. Could have a lot of fun with that!
D – Dresses. My sister gave me a couple of super soft, super comfy summer dresses.
Emery boards, pretty cool ones
Foosball table. Twas a family gift, though – but surely it still counts?
When I was maybe 8 years old, it fired out little plastic balls at a slow rate, I was upset because my brother and cousins got little water pistols from my Nanna, and for some reason I got this ball gun, so my Nanna ended up buying me a water pistol too, lol.
Hockey jersey. Last year I gave my husband a jersey from his favorite team, and he bought me one from the Chicago Blackhawks.
My husband got me one back when he still liked to buy me gifts. He got a recliner that year.
Jigsaw my youngest went through a phase of liking 3D ones, which are fun to do
Knitted mittens…..
Sinterklaas gave me a letter made out of chocolate this weekend. White chocolate with cranberries. Thank you Sinterklaas ^_^
Lawn mower.
BF, is that L and M together ??
Ok MONEY !!!!
You got a monkey Vienna? :p
Lol, page 2 and it’s mayhem already ^_^ My contribution was the L from Letter. Oops!
Novels, as I kid I often got a book for Christmas in my stocking. The only one I really remember is Dragonflame.
Ornament. My grandmother gifted us an anniversary ornament just like my parents have the Christmas after we got married.
This is fun!
A roll of quarters in my shoe!
Go R!
Snowglobe A Lion King snowglobe that my husband found for me one year, I think it’s still in the USA, it wasn’t exactly something I wanted to pack in my check-in baggage.
Oops! I think Az took Q8’s post to be Q and R in one. I’ll do R and then we can move straight onto T since we have S already. Any one just coming to this thread and only reading what I just wrote would be TOTALLY confused!!! Lol. AZQ8QRRTS.
Okay, R….
Roses Chocolates. I like the turkish delight one best.
T – Typewriter, when I was pretty young. It was plastic and green. And it didn’t work properly. Santas CQ elves musta been slacking off that year. I got to go shopping and pick out an alternative gift.
Ahah, so I did! The worst part is that I even scrolled back to check whether it was R or Q she was using and still got it wrong, lol.
U- Underwear! I mean who hasn’t gotten some as a gift at some point
Haha, all good. It is bound to happen more then once. And that elemenopee letter is going to be a kicker. Who got something starting with that?!
Yes to Underwear, I RELY on getting some every Christmas. Thanks Mum!
Xylophone. Very true, when I was young. Plastic. Everyone hated it.
You guys!!! Lol! Do I need to find a clip of Elmo singing the alphabet song?
Somebody was excited to submit an answer for X. A little premature, BunnyFriends.
Okay, we need a V & W then skip X.
V for Violet Bath Blaster
Got 3 of these from my friend last week, as an early Christmas present
lol, this thread is too funny
W – Wacom graphics tablet. A joint gift from my brother and hubby (when he was still my boyfriend), back in 2006 I think. I haven’t used it in a little while, but it does still get used
Since we’re skipping X….
Y. That’s a hard one…. -thinks-
Young Baby Alive Doll…. I got one when I was younger “lad”.
Next one is Z. Good luck to anyone to has (or wants to do) Z!
Surely somebody must have gotten a zebra sometime…. (stuffed zebra!! )
I got some IKEA Ziplock bags from a friend once as a joke because I was addicted to CSI. You know… evidence bags?
Q8 – you can only have those evidence bags of your name is Mulder or Scully.
Lol, not just regular zip lock bags, but IKEA ziplock bags. Of course!
Woo! We made it through the alphabet. Begin Again!
ETA: G.J. that bath blaster is pretty! The top looks like it should belong on a cupcake.
I want to do B for Barbie!
P.S A is for my mother’s apple cobbler every fall. Yum.
I think you just did, RP
A for Apple cobbler – YUM
B for Barbie. What Barbie was it??
I got the Barbie that you could curl the hair using a sachet that came with it. I ruined the hair the first try. Then I chewed her feet. (I think I was a rabbit in a past life). NO respect for my toys. I don’t think I played with it much. Lol.
ETA: After googling I found she was called Magic Curl Barbie. I also saw 2 I recognised that my sisters had, like Sweetheart Barbie. I cannot find the other one now.
C is for Calendar. This was a regular item in my Christmas stocking.
^ same for me.
D – Derwent colour pencils, set of 72 can’t remember if it was a birthday or Christmas gift.
Elastics – the game.
F- Fuzzy Pink Bunny Onesie. A gift from my sister last year. It is as fabulous as it sounds.
We need a picture, LPT… puhleeeeeeze
G – guitar (Fender Strat) after failing to get it for my 16th birthday – still have some of it (long story involving bouncing out of a boat and onto the highway)
H – Hat, a baseball cap with the cartoon dog, Droopy on it. I had that cap for years and wore it anywhere my mum would let me, haha.
I for ink, in a calligraphy set!
J – Jigsaw puzzle A jumbo size Lion King one that my Nanna gifted me years ago. Still have it
Kylie CASSETTE tape Lol. I think I was 12.
GJ, I had calligraphy set also. I used to use it a lot!
Lego I always asked for construction toys when I was a little girl.
Mugs – a set of 4.
N – novels… soooo many over the years
O- Ornaments. My Mom always buys me at least 1 every year.
Posted By jerseygirl on 12/07/2016 4:47 AM
GJ, I had calligraphy set also. I used to use it a lot!
That gives us both P for Pen nibs
Pet shop barbie. I played with the animals more than the barbie
O-P-Q-P….? Aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz !!!! Mdr
Ri better idea next.
Jg, bubble hair blonde barbie. But the best was a barbie clothes case from my brothers! (For chanukah when i was seven.)
Omg, what am i thinking? RABBIT!
I was given Spockie for my birthday from my bro and nephews who got him for me during a visit the day after thanksgiving.
Actually, Spockie takes care of S also.
Here’s the Fuzzy Pink Bunny Onesie as requested. I’m wearing it right now.
I want one, I want one, I want one! It looks sooo snuggly
Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 12/07/2016 4:11 PM
O-P-Q-P….? Aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz !!!! Mdr
SORRY!! It was early, I missed GJ’s post because I thought she was just responding to the quote
Also, T for Tank, a small fish tank I got for about my 11th birthday.
That’s awesome LPT!
Now run outside and make snow angels!!
Lol, well we certainly have enough snow for snow angels!
U- Undies!!! My grandmother was always big on buying only useful gifts. We always got a stocking full of undies, socks, deodorant, etc…oh and $$$
Posted By Azerane on 12/05/2016 2:04 AM
Ahah, so I did! The worst part is that I even scrolled back to check whether it was R or Q she was using and still got it wrong, lol.U- Underwear! I mean who hasn’t gotten some as a gift at some point
Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 12/08/2016 6:55 AM
Lol, well we certainly have enough snow for snow angels!U- Undies!!! My grandmother was always big on buying only useful gifts. We always got a stocking full of undies, socks, deodorant, etc…oh and $$$
Don’t we need a different U?
Not to worry. We can never have too many undies.
Besides, the Down Undies are probably very different to Canadian Undies.
Oh okay, sorry. Didn’t know it was already used.
Okay, how about:
USA Nutcracker. I collect Nutcrackers and my Mom always gets me a new one. She got me one all dressed up like an American Patriot one year when she went to Nashville on a trip.
I haven’t had a Christmas gift for a very long time, my friend told me that he ordered me a gift from eBay, it arrived while I was there.
H, for Hair dryer, he said he had ordered me a hood too, because I’m clumsy and burn myself with hair dryers because I cannot see well, the idea was to put a hood on the hairdryer when it arrived my friend let me have it, he was keeping an eye on me after I had a bath and washed my hair, it stopped working and he has to send it back, but it will be something to look forward to next year
CA, you’ve just helped me remember something for V ! A Vidal Sasson hairdyer.
Was this the brand for yours also? If not, we’ll keep your submission for H for when it comes around.
I remember playing with a hair cap thing (like a shower cap) that was supposed to go over rollers. Mum had it put away in a cupboard. I never saw her use it herself though. It’s was probably from when she was newly married and hadn’t had kids yet. In other words, when she had more time to focus on herself! Or maybe it belonged to her MIL.
W – Whitman’s Sampler. Haha, again with the Chocolate. I think Ive gotten these on more then one occasion but one year it was a really big box. I remember keeping it for storing things in.
There is a really obvious X I can think of that surely someone had received before.
A huge big whacking KISS !!!!!!!!!!
Yachats – on a giant jigsaw bought for my boys years ago!
Zit Cream. Ha ha
No, my hairdryer is a Babyliss, the eBay seller has replaced it now, so it will be something to look forward to when I go down to my friend’s house after the new year, I don’t want to go during the new year or just after because I have a 3 and half hours journey by coach and I know the roads will be busy.
Do we start all over after z? If so…: A for amazon gift cards!
Yes, though I got confused as to what letter we were up to. Starting again sounds good.
B – Barbie Van. A pretty awesome toy even though I wasn’t big on dolls or pink etc, the front section detached and became a convertible, the back flipped out and opened up. The one on this page here, it was pretty elaborate: I still have it, I think it’s at my mum’s.
C is for Chanukah gelt!
That’s chocolate coins, so it’s still C. I just got some from a great friend.
Happy Hanukkah, Pam !
D for Diary. I got one of those with a lock on it so you can keep siblings out. Even if they did read it, they would have fallen asleep from boredom – lol. So I never became much of a diary/journel keeper.
Posted By Q8bunny on 12/06/2016 10:24 AM
I got some IKEA Ziplock bags from a friend once as a joke because I was addicted to CSI. You know… evidence bags?
I’m going to be very careful with what I say to you from now on Q8bunny, lol maybe if you get fed up of someone you could commit a murder then if you want to hand yourself in do your own evidence bags too, save the police some money and time while you are at it
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › The A-Z of Gifts Received