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Forum THE LOUNGE Tattoos

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    • Amys Animals
      902 posts Send Private Message

        So I am thinking of getting a tattoo (or three) in the future when I have the money.  I was wondering if anyone on here has a foot tattoo?  If so did it hurt tremendously?  How bad could you say it hurt?  I am thinking of starting a tattoo there.  It’s either there or my ankle area.  

        Feel free to show your tattoos.  I would love to see them.  My tattoos are going to be of, my first one a small one will be a tarantula (yes I know many of you would scream at the sight of one but I love them and will be owning seven at the end of the week, I currently have 5) that will be on my foot/ankle.  Don’t know exactly where yet.  My second tattoo is my BIG tattoo that I have wanted for a very long time. It’s an ocean scene.  I had some one paint me a picture of my idea and from there I’ll have a tattoo artist make it more real.  =)  It will be on my calf.  My third and final tattoo will be a memorial tattoo for my cat that passed away in 2007.  He was my baby boy and I miss him so much still.  He was my best friend.  Love that cat to pieces.  He loved bunnies too!!  Would never harm them.  

      • Esarv
        133 posts Send Private Message

          I love tattoos haha i have two myself. My sister got her first tattoo on her foot and she said it wasnt that bad.
          My first tattoo was on my ribs (let me mind you that on the rids is one of the most painfull places to get a tattoo, but i also have a very high pain tolerance so i did not think it was that bad. This is it…i got this one bc i love humming birds i think they are very pretty and they mean free and open to anyhing.

          My second tattoo was on my wrist and that was like nothing is love and then the infinity symbol.i also plan on getting a tattoo on my back and possibly on my ankle idk haa href=””>
          i hope you like =]

        • Monkeybun
          10479 posts Send Private Message

            I have a raven on my back Spine was a bit ouchie, but you deal Going to get a dragon on my ribs, bunnies around my arm, and kitty paw prints on my ankle. Not sure which order

          • Amys Animals
            902 posts Send Private Message

              I love the hummingbird tattoo! So awesome!

              Monkeybun! I love the idea of a raven, I love ravens and I also love the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. I don’t think I’d get a tattoo of it though. =P I might get some bunnies or bunny feet I don’t know. I am thinking of changing my mind about the tarantula tattoo since I have read a lot of people can’t capture the true beauty of them on skin. So maybe a bunny tattoo instead! It will take some thinking though. =P

            • FrankieFlash
              1710 posts Send Private Message

                I have 3 myself and my next one will actually be a bunny one (when I have extra money so it might be a while)

                I’ll post pictures when I get to my computer but I have a hummingbird that covers the top of my foot and it actually hurt more by the ankle than the top. And my lower back one hurt worst. That is just something abstract i drew and only the color its in has meaning. My first tattoo was “xoxo” on my wrist and it didn’t really hurt at all. And healed well even though I did a bunch of stuff wrong with the care so I got lucky.

              • LoveChaCha
                6634 posts Send Private Message

                  I am the owner of two tattoos. They are in places that cannot be seen, as I will be going into the medical field, and tattoos and the hospital’s policy vary. I am fine with that. I plan to get Chacha bun’s face tattooed on my left ankle sometime in the future.


                  My first tattoo is of the teal ovarian cancer ribbon. It is in honor of my mother passing in 2009. The Japanese character is ‘my mother.’



                  My second tattoo was done last December, on the anniversary of my mother’s passing. It is also a reminder that things do get better, it just takes time.

                • Amys Animals
                  902 posts Send Private Message

                    I decided for my first tattoo is will be on my ankle and it will be either an owl perched on a cherry blossom branch or an animal rescue tattoo that I will create.

                    It will probably be a while before I get one since i don’t have any extra cash for that right now.

                  • Elrohwen
                    7318 posts Send Private Message

                      I don’t have a tattoo, but I’ve always liked them and love to see other’s pictures. If I got one, it would’ve been a gecko (I love geckos, for whatever reason) on my stomach area. I held off on the tattoo and just got piercings (mostly on my ears) and now I’m past the point of wanting one, but I do appreciate them on others. It is funny that I still like the tattoo idea I came up with 10 years ago.

                      It’s sort of off topic, but I do love piercings. My first job didn’t allow piercings (since I had to work in a manufacturing plant a lot of the time) so I took them all out. I really miss my industrial and the other piercings some times. I do talk about getting them put back in, but DH says he’s not a fan so I haven’t done it.

                    • tanlover14
                      3617 posts Send Private Message

                        I have a tattoo — it’s really low down on my hip!   I have absolutely NO tolerance for pain and so if I can do it, I’m pretty sure you definitely can handle it!   Hahahah.  Mine is a flower for all my siblings — the two flowers are for my sisters whom I never get to see anymore (since they live with my mom and I don’t talk to my mom) and the petals falling off are for me and my two brothers! 


                        I’m definitely not a tattoo person and always thought I would NEVER get one and then one day I did and now I love my tattoo.  It has so much personal meaning and it’s in an easily hidden spot so it’s not noticeable if I don’t want it to be.


                      • CinnabunMom
                        1190 posts Send Private Message

                          I plan on getting my first tattoo once I complete my masters, as a sort of reward for hanging on for so long (4 years undergrad, two years special language training, two years for Masters). I’ve always known what my first tattoo will be: on my right forearm the lyric “The World Will Never Take My Heart” by My Chemical Romance, my very favorite band and basically the reason for my continued existence who helped me through the a very dark time. After waiting a bit longer, I really want a few more (all MCR lyrics…) that I want to get at various stages of my life. Also, my best friend and I have considered getting matching TARDIS tattoos (from the show Doctor Who–which I’ve obsessed over for years (both classic and revived series)). We thought that maybe under my TARDIS tattoo it would say “All of Time and Space” and under his it would say “Where Do You Want to Start”

                        • CinnabunMom
                          1190 posts Send Private Message

                            PS: all of your tattoos are super beautiful!

                          • FrankieFlash
                            1710 posts Send Private Message

                              My back with the Photoshop version of my sketch:

                              My foot when it was fresh:


                              And this has the addition I added a few months later. It’s a native american symbol for sun turned into a compass. Nothing too fancy but it’s my fav. part : I still love black tattoos. My next one with be all black.

                              And lastly my little wrist tattoo that I do still love and is easy to hide with a watch (if needed)

                              I love everyone else’s tattoos though! Evan, I think your tattoo is floating around pinterest!

                            • longhairmike
                              1069 posts Send Private Message

                                I dont need any tattoos for people to know i’m metal…

                              • Esarv
                                133 posts Send Private Message

                                  I love everyones tattoos and Anna, thats so funny haha have you seen it on other ppl or is a pic of my actual tattoo? Ive never seen anyone else with something like i have haha

                                • FrankieFlash
                                  1710 posts Send Private Message

                                    It doesn’t look exactly like your skin tone so I’m guessing other people copied you

                                  • Esarv
                                    133 posts Send Private Message

                                      MINES better ehhehe 

                                    • FrankieFlash
                                      1710 posts Send Private Message


                                        Chacha, I just realized. How will you ever pick just one photo of chacha to get tattooed when there are so many great ones?

                                      • Amys Animals
                                        902 posts Send Private Message

                                          Hummingbird tattoos are so nice. I love everyones tattoos and ideas.

                                        • LittlePuffyTail
                                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                                            Frankieflash- love your foot tattoo!

                                            I love tattoos and I would have many more if I had the $. Even small ones are so expensive. My next one will probably be a small design on my neck, right under my ear. I would also love a black rabbit design and a dove in memory of my Dad. I only want black tattoos.

                                            The ones I have now are a big Ankh design that takes up my lower back. This was my first tat and didn’t hurt as much as I expected which is good because it took over 2 hours. The only bad part was the spine, feeling the needle rattle on the bone was not pleasant!

                                            I also have 2 black star designs on either side of my abdomen. Very rocker girl.

                                          • Stickerbunny
                                            4128 posts Send Private Message

                                              I have none, I hate needles. But some of them can be quite cute/cool looking.

                                              My cousin has tattoos all up and down his arms, complete sleeves, of Alice in Wonderland artwork (the dark kind) and they are nice looking. Impossible to hide though, since it covers his whole arm/hand.

                                            • LoveChaCha
                                              6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                Posted By FrankieFlash on 06/25/2012 08:59 PM


                                                Chacha, I just realized. How will you ever pick just one photo of chacha to get tattooed when there are so many great ones?

                                                I have no idea

                                                With her photos, I would like to have one of her showing her attitude, yet capturing the beauty of her. She is also a very sweet bunny on her own terms, so finding a photo that will represent all of those things will not be an easy task.

                                              • FrankieFlash
                                                1710 posts Send Private Message

                                                  That’s what I thought! You’re having trouble with the sweatshirt… imagine what it would be like when its the permanent chacha face

                                                  The right picture will come around one of these days. Who knows, maybe you’ve already took it

                                                • peppypoo
                                                  1945 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I don’t have any tattoos myself, but I love see other peoples’. I’ve been playing around with getting one forever, but am scared to commit…but if I did, it’d have to be somewhere that is covered up most of the time. I really like piercings though…I have three on one ear, two on the other, and a navel piercing. I’d like to get more but I can’t stretch the bounds of professionalism heh.

                                                  • Bones
                                                    160 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I don’t have any yet but I plan on getting one on my shoulder of my very first rat Shorty. He is the one who started my obsession with small animals.

                                                    • Binx86
                                                      144 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I have one on my foot and it honestly tickled a little.  Not sure if that’s normal or not but the buzz from the gun and the bones in my foot vibrated together and it just tickled. star   I don’t have a picture of it on my foot, but the sketch looks better anyway since the artist used a needle that was too big and messed it up anyway.

                                                        And then I have this one, Photobucket , which hurt a bit because of the spine and left back.  Since your heart is toward the left it hurts more.

                                                        Foot isn’t a bad place to start.  

                                                        Esarv I LOVE the hummingbird!!!

                                                      • sarahthegemini
                                                        5584 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I have two, one piddly one which is just my best friend’s initial and mine intertwined. But we are no longer friends lol. Other tattoo is a red rose on my inner forearm in memory of my Dad. I plan to have Peanut and Buttercup tattooed on me at some point

                                                        • Blue Moon
                                                          436 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I love tattoos (have none) my favorite actor has a really cool one

                                                          • Blue Moon
                                                            436 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Image result for klaus mikaelson tattoo not the best view

                                                              Image result for klaus mikaelson tattoo

                                                            • Bladesmith
                                                              849 posts Send Private Message

                                                                My one and only.  Thought about getting more, but at my age it’d be ridiculous. And waste money I could spend on my bunnys.

                                                                No skin.  You want to see it on skin, you have to buy me dinner.  I’m cheap, but not easy. 

                                                                Yes, I’m a Jimmy Buffet fan.

                                                              • Ryn
                                                                37 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I have 9 tattoos and am getting another Sunday. They’re like potato chips for me! I can’t stop at one. Two of mine are rabbit related and actually pre-date either of my buns!

                                                                  I have “The world still turns.” on my left forearm, a crystal lipstick and lavender on the back of my left forearm, a deathly hallows symbol above my left elbow, a phoenix on my left upper arm, a rabbit skull on my left calf, a rabbit with a rose on my left hip, Mew (from Pokémon) on my left ankle, dots on my ring fingers and a jellyfish on my right fore arm that’s becoming part of a sleeve.

                                                                • MoxieMeadows
                                                                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    I want a couple (okay a lot lol) of meaningful tattoos, but I am also kinda wimpy and am not sure about the commitment. All of my tattoos I would want to be small and be able to be hidden easily if need be. But, these are what I want:

                                                                    1) My dog’s paw print. (I’m thinking on my left wrist) She is a small dog, so it wouldn’t be very big.
                                                                    2) An “M” that is designed to kinda look like bunny ears. It’d be for Moxie.
                                                                    3) A small tattoo of a Koi fish, or the yin and yang koi fish
                                                                    4) My future husband’s initials on my ring finger, in case I ever need to remove my ring for my job or something.
                                                                    5) A semicolon tattoo ( ; )
                                                                    6) Something meaningful written (probably in Korean), or some sort of symbol that me and my BFF design. It’ll be a matching one with my Best Friend.

                                                                    If I’ll ever get them, I do not know, but I like the idea of them.

                                                                  • Bladesmith
                                                                    849 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Posted By MoxieMeadows on 6/02/2017 5:29 PM

                                                                      I want a couple (okay a lot lol) of meaningful tattoos, but I am also kinda wimpy and am not sure about the commitment. All of my tattoos I would want to be small and be able to be hidden easily if need be. But, these are what I want:

                                                                      1) My dog’s paw print. (I’m thinking on my left wrist) She is a small dog, so it wouldn’t be very big.
                                                                      2) An “M” that is designed to kinda look like bunny ears. It’d be for Moxie.
                                                                      3) A small tattoo of a Koi fish, or the yin and yang koi fish
                                                                      4) My future husband’s initials on my ring finger, in case I ever need to remove my ring for my job or something.
                                                                      5) A semicolon tattoo ( ; )
                                                                      6) Something meaningful written (probably in Korean), or some sort of symbol that me and my BFF design. It’ll be a matching one with my Best Friend.

                                                                      If I’ll ever get them, I do not know, but I like the idea of them.

                                                                      FWIW, the one I got took around 45 minutes.  I fell asleep and slept through the whole thing.  I was stone sober too.  Also, I have a very high pain tolerance.

                                                                      It’s not as bad as you think, pain wise.  And the more worried you are about pain,  the more you tense up ,which makes it hurt more.

                                                                    • MoxieMeadows
                                                                      5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Thanks for the advice

                                                                      • Ryn
                                                                        37 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I just got my right elbow done yesterday. It took about two hours and was probably the most painful one I’ve got so far. It bled more than the others I have did because the skin is thinner. Some of it really sucked and some I could have slept through. For me the biggest thing with any of the painful spots is to remember to keep breathing and relax. I tend to get really tense and forget to breathe!

                                                                          Sometimes music or something else to distract can help as well because the buzzing can really get annoying.


                                                                        • MoxieMeadows
                                                                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            That looks really cool Ryn!

                                                                          • Tuppence
                                                                            49 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Bladesmith, I fell asleep completely sober whilst popping the ink cherry too! I always swore I would never get a tattoo but one day I woke up and decided I wanted a full sleeve. I don’t have a picture of it on hand. The whole lot was done by my boyfriend (he is doing his masters so he tattoos and does other commissioned artwork on the side. We used to have a studio/gallery space that we ran together but it ended up getting too expensive to maintain whilst we had other things on the go.)

                                                                              Anyway, my sleeve involves Athena’s owl, the Ladies in Blue from Knossos (I grew up on Crete), three women playing ancient instruments from a pharaoh’s tomb I visited in Egypt (where my mum was born) that is widely believed to be the first artistic depiction of female musicians in history (I come from a long line of musicians), an Aubrey Beardsley illustration of Morgan Le Fay and Sir Tristram (I’ve always been very interested in Arthurian legend and Beardsley is one of my favourite illustrators), a whole bunch of different flowers inspired by Alphonse Mucha (another favourite illustrator who I named my dearly departed Alfie bun after), the four irises from Helena Markos’ secret chamber in Suspiria (because ARGENTO, and more nouveau styling to complement Beardsley and Mucha), a bumble bee and a Mexican red kneed tarantula (just because they are two of my favourite beasties. I mentioned in another thread that the tarantula was in lieu of being able to have a real one as a pet.) I think I’m going to start another huge piece on my thigh soon…

                                                                            • Vienna Blue in France
                                                                              5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                HJ, wooooooow. From nothing to a full sleeve !!!!!
                                                                                Again, wow !

                                                                              • Tuppence
                                                                                49 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Yep, all or nothing. It has taken almost two years to complete (there is almost no skin on my arm that hasn’t been filled) and it gets refreshed frequently because the colours are very vibrant (to the extent that I regularly get stopped on the street and asked if it’s real because it’s so bright.) I hate to think how many thousands of dollars it would have cost me if I didn’t cohabitate with the artist!

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                                                                              Forum THE LOUNGE Tattoos