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Forum THE LOUNGE Tattoo!

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  • Author

    • Sonn
      1810 posts Send Private Message

        Hey guys. Sadly no new rabbit post. I’m still not there after Moonshine passed. I do secretly stalk all of your posts frequently! But I wanted to do something to remember my bunnies, cats, and dogs that have passed. But because I’ve had many pets over the years there is not enough space on my body for all of them! So I kind of combined a few designs and came up with this one! It is my first tattoo but not my last. If you have any pet related tats I’d love to see them! 

        This was about an hour after I had it done.

      • sarahthegemini
        5584 posts Send Private Message

          Aw, I love that! So simple yet striking I don’t have any tattoos for my animals yet but I plan on getting two bunny symbol-outlines behind my ear. I might also get a mandala style black bunny on my wrist.

        • Ellie from The Netherlands
          2512 posts Send Private Message

            Usually not a big fan of tattoos, but this one is awesome! I like those with simple elegance and a deep meaning to them.

          • Sonn
            1810 posts Send Private Message

              I absolutely love how simple it turned out. And when people ask me about it I can give an actual answer because it means so much to me.

            • Gordo and Janice
              703 posts Send Private Message

                I am very picky about tattoo’s. Don’t like most. Very few make the cut. But I like that one. Part of it is probably because I am a bunny lover. But it’s simple, clever, artistic, and easily identifiable as to what it is. 

              • Cocoa
                728 posts Send Private Message

                  That’s a really cool one. I’ve been looking for some simple animal things like that because I want to learn to do the henna tattoos. I will have to try drawing that at some point

                • Azerane
                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                    Sonn that is nice tattoo. Simple but effective

                    I fixed the duplicate posts for you in addition to the apology post because it made no sense once is tremor feed the duplicates

                  • LittlePuffyTail
                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                      That’s beautiful! I really like black tattoos. I don’t have any color ones. 3 black but nothing animal related. I’d love to get something as a memorial for my horse or bunnies I’ve lost but tattoos have gotten really expensive here.

                    • Vienna Blue in France
                      5317 posts Send Private Message

                        Sonn, LOVE IT !!! All the tails are perfect too.
                        And i like there’s room in the bunny for a mouse, and room for a horse to frame it all !!!!

                      • Vienna Blue in France
                        5317 posts Send Private Message

                          (Calf or forearm.?.. can’t quite tell….). I’m going for calf but isn’t that a keyboard in background ?

                        • Sonn
                          1810 posts Send Private Message

                            LOL it’s my forearm. I had to take it at a weird angle because of my steering wheel. Those are buttons to locks and windows in the background.

                            Thank you, everyone. I wanted something simple and I’m not really a color tattoo kind of person I’ve always liked black tattoos more.

                          • Bunny House
                            1241 posts Send Private Message

                              I love it !!

                            • MoxieMeadows
                              5375 posts Send Private Message

                                Omg hey Sonn! It has been a while! I love the tattoo! I currently don’t have any (tattoos are SOOO expensive here, and I don’t trust the artists around here, lol) but I do plan to get memorial tattoos for my pets. As you said though, I don’t have enough space on my body to remember all of my pets, so I will need something general as well. I am thinking about getting a squiggle that turns into different animal ears, but Idk yet. I used to have them all planned out somewhere

                              • Sonn
                                1810 posts Send Private Message

                                  I haven’t posted in quite a while but I’m always lurking around.

                                  I love the squiggle that turns into different ears. I was going to get one that is kind of like that but a heartbeat that turns into different pet shapes but decided on this one instead.

                                  There used to only be 1 tattoo artist in my area and I wouldn’t trust him with a rusty spoon. But a new shop opened about a year ago and they are amazing and thankfully don’t charge an arm and leg.

                                • MoxieMeadows
                                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                                    I love the heartbeat idea too!

                                    So many tattoo ideas, so little space

                                  • Heaven
                                    256 posts Send Private Message

                                      Ooooh, I’d love to share my bunny tattoo! it hints at resembling my bunny & his helicopter ears, but didn’t want there to be too much of an obvious likeness. This was taken fresh after it was done (maybe 2 months ago now?) 

                                    • Sirius&Luna
                                      2320 posts Send Private Message

                                        Such nice tattoos! I love the way you incorporated all three animals Sonn,

                                        And I love his flower tattoos Heaven!

                                        I have 6, but only one bunny related… Here’s mine, for my old bunny Pumpkin. Photo is pretty fresh, the lines are neater now!

                                        I’ve been thinking about a Sirius related one. Considering just adding a star to the top of this one.

                                      • Sonn
                                        1810 posts Send Private Message

                                          Heaven that is an amazing tattoo! I love the flowers and how the bunny is all curled up!!!

                                          Aww I love how there is a pumpkin beside Pumpkin!

                                        • Vienna Blue in France
                                          5317 posts Send Private Message

                                            Heaven & Sirius, they are cool tats too !!! Nice and smart. Good artists.
                                            Im not a tat girl, but i love watching Tatoo Fixers, on tv in the uk. Four amazing artists cover up crap tatoos.
                                            But sometimes they are huge. Like to cover up 3 rude words that are relatively tiny, they whack a tat on the size of a football!!!!!! LOL.

                                            But the artistic talent is AMAZING.

                                            And some tatoo artists are soooooo bad……!!

                                          • Sonn
                                            1810 posts Send Private Message

                                              While I was at the tattoo shop a guy came in with a medium sized tattoo on his chest. It was very poorly done and he wanted it covered up. In order to do so they had to cover it with a HUGE design it basically went from one side of his chest to the other. This is why I researched and researched the artist I was going to before I let anyone touch me. I am a huge wimp when it comes to needles. By the time mine was over (about an hour) this guy was bellowing because it was going over his clavicle. No thank you.

                                              My next one will be in a few weeks on the opposite arm which is a raindrop with a lighthouse inside. This one is going to probably be quite a bit more painful than the one I have because it will cover my entire forearm and has a lot of blocky black lines in it.

                                            • MountainBuns
                                              513 posts Send Private Message

                                                You all have such beautiful tattoos. I dont have one and I dont plan on getting one but they are nice to look at!

                                              • Heaven
                                                256 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Awww S&L I love yours, definitely add a star above it for Sirius! <3 and yes, my "Sam" tattoo has some flower tattoos of his own ;p

                                                  They are definitely addictive though D: I’m always considering getting more.

                                                • OnyxMoon
                                                  260 posts Send Private Message

                                                    All of these are so pretty and creative! It makes me want to get another tattoo! Currently i only have one on my forearm. Just a plain black crescent moon outline, for my baby Moon. <3

                                                    I’ve been thinking of bunny tattoos for Onyx lately, but i haven’t found anything that screams Onyx yet. <3

                                                  • Sirius&Luna
                                                    2320 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Yes, I always do tons of research on the artist. It’s so important, and it’s going to be on you forever! No point skimping or complaining about waiting lists. I waited about 9 months for my slot for my Pumpkin one, but she did exactly what I wanted.

                                                      You have some amazing artists in Brighton too Heaven. There’s a couple of artists there that I’m considering for my next ones! I went to Brighton Tattoo Con last year too and it was so much fun.

                                                    • Heaven
                                                      256 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Ah I missed Brighton Tattoo Convention last year but really wanted to go! & yes, i’m very lucky but also unlucky haha because there’s a lot of temptation around which I have to resist. I’ve got 5 pretty large & colourful tattoos, and had never considered smaller/black and white ones until recently, but now I just want to impulsively get a bunch of little things! I mean, the damage is already done xD

                                                      • Vienna Blue in France
                                                        5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I’ll be in Brighton on Friday !
                                                          Not getting a tat though….. prob a massage…

                                                        • Heaven
                                                          256 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Oh, are you visiting from France?

                                                          • BunnyLass568
                                                            446 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Those are all really beautiful tattoos! 

                                                              ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

                                                            • Vienna Blue in France
                                                              5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Oh, are you visiting from France?

                                                                Yep ! Here now

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                                                            Forum THE LOUNGE Tattoo!