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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Taking away the bunny castle from her

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    • poopy
      684 posts Send Private Message

        Should I throw away Medusa’s bunny castle? I feel really bad because she loves that thing. A few weeks ago I took it outside to the trash. But she looked sad and was standing in its empty space when I got back so I brought it back. But I’m having the following problems with it:

        1) She constantly knocks it over on its side or moves it to the other side of the room, sometimes blocking my door to get in the room.

        2) She stopped sleeping with me at night and now she prefers to sleep in the castle.

        3) It’s getting kinda dirty (drool, fur).

      • Thumpers_Mom
        171 posts Send Private Message

          Awe poor Medusa…she luvs it!

          Thumper never paid attention to the castle. But Peaches, well, she is another story all together. She is destroying it! It just makes her happy. I’ll be replacing it when it is demolished.

          I take it there is no other place for it where she can have access yet not be in your way?

          I’m sorry I don’t have much in terms of advice.

        • babybunsmum
          3896 posts Send Private Message

            awww!  my bun has never had a fancy ‘castle’ but she does go thru the free home-made versions.  cardboard boxes big enough for bun to lay inside – that is.  maybe you could replace you old castle with a new version?  i save a big enough box, close it up & then cut a couple of ‘doors’.  she sits in them, on them, shreds them & tosses them all around.  generally they become her main focus… lol.  then you can discard & replace it when it gets too dirty / dilapitated.

          • babybunsmum
            3896 posts Send Private Message

              i should add… it takes her a while some times to like her new box.  sometimes a few weeks.  i think this is stickin it to me for throwing out her last masterpiece

            • Gravehearted
              2428 posts Send Private Message

                it sounds like she really loves it, maybe buy her a new one as her holiday present? If just the floors are icky you can buy replacements for some of them, which is less than buying a whole new one.

                perhaps you can wedge it in a corner, so she can’t relocate it all over the room?
                You could also put it out of the room at night, so she still sleeps with you! ha ha

              • poopy
                684 posts Send Private Message

                  I don’t think I’d get her another one because one of my biggest problems is her constantly knocking it down and moving it around the room. She does this knudgeing from under and up under the bottom stair.

                  I took it out of the room for a few days. She was sad. BUT she did sleep with me on my bed for a bit when I turned the lights out and in the morning. That makes ME happy. Guess I have to be a little selfish

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    You could donate it, if it’s not TOO gross, to a rescue group or shelter…that is if Medusa would forgive you. Each bunny is different. When I had them, Rucy loved it, hung out in there all the time, and Bailey, well even when she was walking just fine…as queenie as she is….she didn’t show as much interest as Rucy. 

                  • DustBunneh'sMama
                    77 posts Send Private Message

                      My bunny’s favorite thing is "redecorating"!  I have this nylon carrier thing with a flimsy metal wire frame inside the fabric. When he jumps on it, it collapses, then when he jumps off again, it springs back up. It’s hilarious. He will play with that thing for hours, butting it around with his nose, flinging it with his teeth and jumping on it. I’m sure he would sulk and give me the butt if I took it away, even though it serves no real purpose other than entertainment. It’s actually the "crate" I brought him home in, and I put it in his room as a sort of hideaway for him. Occasionally he will go inside it, but it’s not long before he’s racing out of it and jumping on top of it!  Sounds like your bun has a similar attachment to her castle. I wouldn’t have the heart to take it away from her. Let us know what you decide!

                    • Ash
                      165 posts Send Private Message

                        That is too cute Medusa sleeps in bed with you!! Our bed is extrememly high off the ground and wouldn’t be able to do that, not to mention I roll alot!

                      • belleandferdinand
                        50 posts Send Private Message

                          I have to move the castles at night because Cornelius climbs into his (which is just outside the bedroom) and it wakes me up. He doesn’t hop into bed but he does sleep under the bed and doesn’t move if the temptation of the castle isn’t there!

                        • poopy
                          684 posts Send Private Message
                            Posted By belleandferdinand on 12/28/2007 5:39 PM
                            I have to move the castles at night because Cornelius climbs into his (which is just outside the bedroom) and it wakes me up. He doesn’t hop into bed but he does sleep under the bed and doesn’t move if the temptation of the castle isn’t there!

                            HAHA I know what you mean. It makes a loud scratchy noise (from their nails). Drove me insane, another reason I’m glad its gone.

                            Well she has been sleeping with me more, a few hours when the lights go out, and then early in the morning she jumps up for a few hours. Hopefully it will turn into the whole night!


                          • dmh426
                            433 posts Send Private Message

                              sophie looooves her cardboard castle. we call it malibu, as in her vacation home away from home. I bought it from busy bunny and it’s made of very sturdy cardboard and it’s never fallen over or apart. maybe look at another brand then the one you have now? I couldn’t take it away from Soph without replacing it. she’d be mad at me for a while and there would be consequences i would have to pay!

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                          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Taking away the bunny castle from her