So heart-broken to be writing this just 5 months after welcoming Bella to our home.
I first just wanted to say that she was the sweetest most wonderful bunny and I will remember every moment we had. She looked so relaxed in the car when we first met to take her home. The rescue told us that she was shy and took a lot of time to come out of her shell, well didn’t we feel great when she was super flopping and begging for strokes on the second day! It really made us feel like we were able to show her a life she had never known before <3 one thing that gives me and my partner peace is that even though our time with her was short we know that she really did love her life. Every time a bag rustled she would run in, tail pinged upright super excited, dragging her poor little leg. She always came to us for cuddles, she was the snugglest bun we’ve even had, she even groomed us which Glenn doesn’t do! She would come sit in the lounge with us for hours even when Glenn wasn’t around. She was clumsy in the most endearing way. She was a glass half full kinda bun, she didn’t have a grumpy or bad bone in her body and was just thrilled to receive any toy, treat cuddle, never moody! She loved smoothies and banana as safe treats and she loved trying to hover dropped tiny peices of popcorn off the floor on movie night and trying to sneak a sip of my cup of tea as forbidden no nos! She really did love her life with us and I’m so happy we were able to adopt her and give her that happiness. With Glenn she was just as snuggly, she had a strong personality and was able to boss him about in a way we haven’t seen Glenn bossed about before lol! They were very much stubborn equals that comforted eachother with cuddles! It was a long bonding process but one that always went pretty steady! Its a shame their life together had only just began really, but that said they got a lot of enjoyment from one another, that was easy to see! I could go on and on
Bella passed away on Monday the 21st from a ruptured bladder. She had what appeared like an episode of gas, still eating, still pooping, a little less than usual but still grooming and moving around so it really was a shock when she took a sudden turn. She still had the suspected gas in the morning after having it on sunday evening (we stayed up with her) so we started to get a little worried but her eating and pooping kept our minds at ease that she was not an emergency case and may well have be able to overcome it at home without a stressful trip to the vet, she even chomped down a load of dill, then suddenly a minute later she just turned, we rushed her straight to the vet but there was nothing they could do for her, they informed us her bladder had ruptered. With their advice we put her to rest and I was able to hold her and speak to her as it happened. It was a pretty rare case and she suffered badly from arthritis, and despite being treated and checked for cystitis it is possible that some form of chronic cystitis, exacerbated by her arthritis, went undiagnosed or cloaked under the arthritis and pain meds eventually causing her to go 🙁
But I don’t really want to focus much on the hows and whys, I just wanted to share what happened incase someone finds their bun in a similar situation one day.
Rest in peace Bella boo, the bun that was full of joy and brought us so much joy!
Binky free sweet girl.