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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Suddenly, unexpectedly passed away

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    • christineann
      13 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone

        I’m beyond heartbroken. My baby Wesley passed away this morning. I loved him (and still do) as if I had actually given birth to him, as if he was my own flesh and blood and he has meant everything and more to me. He cuddled with me every night, would run down the stairs if I was doing homework in the living room, sit by my side and wait to follow me upstairs, jump onto the bed and snuggle under the covers under my arm and sleep. 

        He was six years old, and nearly perfectly healthy all his life. At the age of three he started having molar spur problems. Recently they’ve been much better, he didn’t have to have a surgery for almost 4 months. However his weight kept dropping, I’d feed him extra veggies and bought some alfalfa hay to get his weight up. Which worked off and on, he just kept gaining weight then losing it, the vet didn’t know why.

        Everything has been fine, he was a very very active bun, free reign of the house almost, loved to go up and down the stairs, always ate like a maniac and loved to get into mischief, stealing apples, jumping into the recycling bin, etc.

        If something was wrong, I would’ve known. I was concerned about his chronic upset tummy, once in the past several months ago he had a bad episode of runny poo, got scarily skinny and I stayed up until 4 am nursing him back to health through a syringe. 

        Since that episode I’ve kept close eye on his bowel movements and made sure to feed him extra, and he had a good diet. Lots of veggies, fruits for treat, hay, pellets, occasional rolled oats.

        But then this morning. I had just been holding him, I kissed him goodmorning, my roommate came in to ask if I wanted to go to breakfast. I laid in bed trying to wake up. Then I heard a noise, and looked over to see Wesley scrambling on the floor, as if he couldn’t get a grip on the floor (hes lived and walked on wooden floors his whole life), it looked like his back leg was broken. He panicked and jumped into a nearby pile of close and started sporatically twitching. I picked him up to try and calm him, sat him on the bed. Each time he tried to stand up he fell over. I called for my roommates help. He gave up trying to stand and laid on his side. I began calling the emergency vet when he went still. I panicked, thinking he had passed, but his heart rate was steady and he began to blink his eyes.

        He was so so so skinny when I picked him up. I put him in the carrier along with his sister Sophia, thinking it woujld help him be strong. Once in the car, and my roommate started driving, about halfway through when I opened the carrier to pet him, he was on his side and still, no heart beat and not breathing. It was too late, and when I got to the emergency vet they gave me time to say goodbye and took him off to be cremated. I am picking his ashes up hopefully tomorrow when they call.

        I am beyond heartbroken, he was my son and my best friend. He was only six years old!! No one could love and spoil a bunny more than I did with him and he loved me just as much. Always a comfort, cuddling me, always by my side giving kisses, trying to steal my food. I thought I’d still have him when I was 30, introducing him to my children. I thought he would live a long happy healthy life, since he was a happy healthy bunny, until these last couple months. I feel I did everything I could, yet I’m trying to find a reason for this. It was so sudden and unexpected, could I have done something to prevent it? I had an appointment for this tuesday to take him to the vet and ask more about his weight… As much as I am trying not to blame myself I am trying to find a reason. I don’t know how to live my life without him. He truly was like a son and my best friend, my favorite boy in the world. I don’t know where to go from here. Little Sophia doesn’t understand yet and I don’t know if I can handle when she realizes her brother is gone and not coming back and starts looking for him. I’m sorry for this long story, I just don’t know what to do, how to deal with this horrible grief and whether or not I could have prevented this. Just so sudden, unexpected. Just 3 hours ago he was here with me, happy and laying by my side.

        Rest in peace my baby boy. I hope I’ll see you again someday. 

      • Stickerbunny
        4128 posts Send Private Message

          I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like he may have had a seizure, or perhaps a stroke given his back legs suddenly stopped working. If that is the case, there isn’t likely anything you could have done to prevent it if the vets hadn’t picked up on any underlying condition. Don’t blame yourself, you gave him the best care you could and you were there for him. He was a very cute guy. Try to remember him as he is in these pictures, happy and healthy, rather than those last few minutes with him.

        • CheriB603
          422 posts Send Private Message

            Oh I’m so, so sorry. He was a handsome boy.

          • Rufus
            334 posts Send Private Message

              That’s so sad. I’m so sorry for your loss. Binky free Wesley!

            • christineann
              13 posts Send Private Message

                Does anyone have experiences like this? I called my veterinarian from back home in Texas and he tried reassuring me that I did everything I could, that most likely if it was something that took him that quickly it probably couldn’t have been detected, even if an exploratory surgery was done to try and find a problem.. I just keep wondering to myself if I could’ve done more..If i could’ve or should’ve taken him to the vet sooner once he started getting skinny..he just never acted sick! Ever! He was always running around like a crazy bun getting into mischief giving all the cuddles and kisses.

                I’ve been trying to research strokes and seizures but I’m not sure what could’ve caused one if that is indeed what happened. His back legs seemed paralyzed, he was twitching..I wish I would have known.. I wish I could’ve done something to save him. I just miss him so much. He was my best friend and still so young..

              • Bam
                16977 posts Send Private Message

                  A stroke could be caused by an aneurysm, a (congenital) malformation of a blood-vessel in the brain. In people that would most often manifest itself around middle-age, when the blood-vessels start getting “stiffer” and less elastic and the first sign may very well be sudden death. But an aneurysm wouldn’t have made him lose weight so it seems more like I was suffering from some sort of heart-disorder.

                  I’m so sorry for your loss. Even if he could’ve been diagnosed it’s not likely that he could’ve been cured. He must’ve had the happiest bunny-life ever with you. I know what you mean about him being like a part of yourself, the dog I had before was like that, when she died it was –

                  He was so very handsome, your Wesley.

                • christineann
                  13 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you so much

                  • mijOok
                    177 posts Send Private Message

                      {Binky free Wesley} I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s very hard when it comes that sudden and there will always be those lingering “what ifs”, but Wesley definitely lived a good bunny-life with you, such a loving bun-mom. Consider on the fortunate side that his sudden passing meant he didn’t have to suffer a day of his happy bunny-life. May memories of your sweet, happy Wesley help you cope in time*

                    • Stickerbunny
                      4128 posts Send Private Message

                        Strokes can come on suddenly with little warning. In humans and animals, with many causes. My grandmother had a stroke as a side effect of a heart attack when she was in the hospital under constant monitoring (it paralyzed part of her face). There was no way they could detect it before it happened, even with all the equipment they had at the hospital and all the tests she’d been through. So, if it was a stroke, it is one of those things that you just can’t predict. Even if he had been at the vet at the time, they probably couldn’t have done anything.

                         I don’t know anyone who has lost a bun like this, but I know a few people who lost their parrots in similar ways. Healthy, happy birds and then they seized and were gone. No warning and no time to act. Often it’s a genetic issue which is nearly impossible to detect without symptoms, or knowledge of what to test for.  You really shouldn’t dwell on the what ifs. You gave him the best care you could and he knew you loved him, I am sure.

                      • Dwarf Sparrow
                        184 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m so sorry for your loss <3
                          I had a French lop years ago that had a stroke when he was only about a year old – the vet told us it was a heart murmur (supposedly it stirred up a bubble that went to his brain), and we had to put him down. I’d guess that your vet would have picked up on such a thing, but I figured I’d mention it as just another possibility, also completely unavoidable.

                        • Annabel93
                          161 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m sorry for you I know it’s not much consolation but he was such a beautiful bunny! The little white nose is so so adorable.

                            At least in his life he had someone who gave him loads of love and attention, try and take comfort in that

                          • sweetoreo
                            18 posts Send Private Message

                              I am so heartbroken and sorry for you. Cared bunny is the most loved bunny. And you loved Wesley a lot. Now he is over the rainbow bridge, you take comfort in his loving memories. Bless you!

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                          Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Suddenly, unexpectedly passed away