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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sudden Loss (of both my rabbits)

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    • cheshirette
      18 posts Send Private Message

        I hate that I’m writing this again. I really do. 

        Just on November 8, I lost my rabbit Cocoa, then a few days later, I lost her brother, Cerise. Both were suffering from the same illness, and I just don’t understand what caused it… both were living such a happy life here, and everything just seemed fine a few days ago, but I’m in so much disbelief, it hurts. 

        Cerise was around for the longest, and compared to Cocoa’s condition (when she was still around), he was more active. But after Cocoa’s passing, it was clear that he became very, very depressed, and his condition deteriorated. It was hard to feed him, and he’d never leave the spot where he and Cocoa used to cuddle up and sleep together. He would always face the wall, and honestly, it broke my heart. 

        He was a strong boy. But.. I also felt like the more I kept him around, the more it made him in pain, since both he and I were grieving heavily over Cocoa’s passing. He ended up having even more medications that were prescribed by the vet (buprenorphine, and the very last one he got was something called trimethophimsulfa) and I just about gave him his newer medication that was meant to be taken with food (since the nurses told me that it would cause an upset stomach if given without any) and maybe an hour later from that, he kept lying down and his breathing got extraordinarily fast. I panicked and immediately brought him to the emergency clinic we have here. 

        We payed roughly around 900$ for him to stay for 12 hours so that the vet doctor can monitor him. I was so scared about this because he wasn’t going to be under my supervision, and after maybe 4 hours of being home, we got a phone call and was asked to come back immediately. 

        We had no other choice but to euthanize him, and I have never. Made such a hard decision in my entire life until this very moment. When I held him one last time, he made a very unusual sound that I’ve NEVER heard him or Cocoa make before, and he was vocalizing it. I have only ever heard the teeth chittering sound, but this was so disturbing to me that the sound never left me. The doctor told me that it was the sound of him being in pain and I just couldn’t do it. He peacefully passed away in my arms, and we’ve decided it was for the better. 

        Considering that both my rabbits were practically emotional support to me and my brother, and close family, this was really hard to take in. I’m still recovering from all the financial and emotional damage, and it’s so hard. 

        We’re getting both of them cremated, Cocoa’s urn box is home but it feels very wrong to not have Cerise’s here with her. Both my rabbits were inseparable. I remember Cerise came home to me first two years ago, and then later that day we got Cocoa. But now it was the other way around.. 

        Me and my brother are not going to get a rabbit anytime soon, perhaps in a few years we will. It was just unfortunate that my rabbits could not live longer, and were only here for two years. 

        We don’t know what caused it, but my vet had suspicions as to what could have caused their sudden death, and I was told that bunnies (even at young age) could be carriers of certain diseases that can activate later in their lives? We aren’t sure yet, but once the necropsy results come back, we’ll find out. 

      • Bam
        16978 posts Send Private Message

          I am so very sorry you lost Cocoa and Cerise. I hope the necropsy will clarify things. It is true that rabbits can carry disease with them, their immune system is targeted at containing infection rather than fighting it. Then something happens and the immune defense can’t keep the infection down any longer. As for Cerise passing away too so soon after Cocoa, losing a bonded mate is of course extremely stressful and that affects the immune defense adversely..

          I’m sorry you had to hear Cerise vocalize. Vocalizations of this kind are not uncommon with dying rabbits in the agonal phase, It is a dreadful sound. Vets often warn owners that a rabbit can vocalize when it’s being pts, because it’s a shocking sound that freezes the blood.

          Your buns clearly had a happy life with you.

          If you decide to get buns in the future, and I must say any bun that got you for owners would be a very lucky bun, rabbit insurance could be well worth looking into. It at least relieves some of the financial stress if the rabbit gets sick.

          Binky free ****Cocoa**** and ****Cerise****. You are together now forever in the green fields beyond the Bridge. 

          ETA: Trimethoprim sulfa is a bunny-safe antibiotic listed by Medirabbit. Just wanted to add this so you don’t have to worry about this med worsening Cerise’s condition. It is safe to give both orally and subQ. 


        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so very, very sorry for the loss of your beautiful bunnies.

            ((((((Binky Free Cocoa and Cerise))))))

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so so sorry for your loss of your precious babies, and so sorry you had to witness their pain.

              We just never really know how long they will be with us. I lost my Moose on New Years of this year at a very young age of only 1, to an unknown illness or condition, the vet did a necropsy and couldn’t find any obvious problems. We all hope that our buns will live to be 16, but ultimately we just have to cherish every day with them… as with all of our loved ones.

              Hugs to you and your brother. <3

              <3 ((((Binky free Cocoa and Cerise)))) <3

              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

            • babblingbuns
              28 posts Send Private Message

                I’m sincerely very sorry for your loss. It is very evident of how much you and your family loved them. Thank you for giving them an opportunity to be happy.

                (((((Binky free Cocoa and Cerise)))))

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            Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sudden Loss (of both my rabbits)