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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sudden death

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    • fonziegirl
      13 posts Send Private Message
        10/14/2013 04:58 PM Edit Quote Reply Alert

        I rescued Potsie August 2013 (lop rabbit).  He was overweight, and seemed to have been only fed a pellet diet.

        Medical history:

        Excessive urination- I was buying so much litter and his urination was difficult to keep up with. His urine seemed to be normal color.

        Fecal matter: His poop was wet at first, but eventually became hard and was an ideal size.

        Appetite:  He always acted starved.  He was given an unlimited amount of hay, and was a huge hay eater.  He also was given the right amount of pellets along with greens. He ate every bite and then begged for more.

        Thirst: Potsie always acted thirsty.  Sometimes he would knock over his water bowl on accident, but for the most part he was drinking a lot.

        Smell: Potsie smelt bad.  His litter box smelt like I hadn’t changed it in weeks, even though I may have changed it just a few hours before.

        Bonding:  I bonded Fonzie and Potsie and they were getting along great.  After many dates, and a few overnight dates- I let them stay together full time two days before Potsie’s death.  They were at the point of sleeping next to each other and grooming.  No fights.  Thumping occured, but never any sign of distress or fighting.  They seemed to be really happy- and I kept a close eye on them.


        I took Potsie to the vet about three weeks ago in regards to his urinating.  I was honestly buying so much litter per week I knew something wasn’t right.  The doctor took a good look at him, and reviewed his bloodwork from his neuter, and said he was doing just fine.  His teeth were “beautiful”, and he seemed to be a lively, happy bun.  *Note: the vet I took him to is highly recommended by the House Rabbit Society in my area.  The doctor said that his urination might just be a part of who he is, that she did not believe there was an underlying medical condition.


        On Saturday I lost Potsie.  I’m still in shock.  Just that morning he was eating hay and playing with Fonzie. Everything seemed to be normal.  I left for a day trip, and later that night my mom went over to feed them and give them some attention.  Unfortunately, she found Potsie laying down unresponsive.  She noticed a couple unexpected pee puddles (both my buns are potty trained).  He was still breathing, and she immediately wrapped him up in a towel and took him to the ER.  He could not sit up by himself and was very lethargic.   The ER doctor checked him for fractures and could not find any.  She also checked for any external injuries such as bite marks, lesions, etc. and could not find any.   There were no apparent obstructions. At this point, Potise was put on oxygen.  It was apparent that he needed to be put down.  When I asked them what had happened they only replied that their best guess was something “acute and internal”.   I’m confused by their statement.


        I’m so heartbroken over this loss.  He was such a sweet little boy.  I don’t understand what could have happened, and am looking for answers.   Does anyone know what could have happened? Has this ever happened to anyone before?  Responses are greatly appreciated.

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          I’m terribly sorry for your loss. It must be a shock to lose him so quickly.

          Unfortunately without tests done after death, it will be hard to determine what took him. Even with those tests the results are not always conclusive.

          His drinking and urinating suggests he had a renal condition but that may not be linked to his death.
          Perhaps spider bite or RVHD… Or perhaps his age was unknown and it was his time.

          I know it’s very hard not having answers. I hope in time you start to focus on the time you had with him and less on how he went. I know that it takes time for that to happen.

          ***Binky Free Potsie***
          Fonziegirl, i’ll be keeping you and Fonzie bun in my thoughts.

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            I’m very sorry about the sudden death of your bunny.

            I deleted the posts from the other areas as they are all the same and it is confusing to have them all over the place and this is the most appropriate place.

            It’s really impossible to know why he suddenly died without a necropsy after death and sometimes those are not even conclusive unfortunately.

          • hannaroo
            317 posts Send Private Message

              It sounds like you did everything you could do for him and by the book so it must’ve been a long term issue or just his age. It’s so hard with small animals but you did everything right and it sounds like he was happy while he was with you xxx

            • sweetoreo
              18 posts Send Private Message

                I am so sorry. Its hard to cope up with a loss of life. I hope time will heal your wounds soon.

                Binky free Potsie!

              • CheriB603
                422 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m so very sorry…

                • rabbitatheready
                  3 posts Send Private Message

                    my rabbit died this morning 11th remeberance day  im crying so much hes was called cookie and his partner whose is still alive cream  he was stiff nose werent twitching and eyes closed

                  • CheriB603
                    422 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no! So sorry for you…

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                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sudden death