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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Stormy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

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    • RabbitPam
      11002 posts Send Private Message

        I thought I would post on behalf of our LittlePuffyTail to let all of you know that Stormy said goodbye this morning. LPT is a wonderful forum leader whose bunnies have been part of this site for many years. We all loved Stormy and will miss him. Please send your condolences and comfort to LPT to let her know she is in our hearts. Thank you. RabbitPam

      • mocha200
        4486 posts Send Private Message

          I am so sorry for your loss LPT! I will be thinking and praying for you and your family! Please know that we are here to comfort you and help you through this tough time! It is always hard to say goodbye!

          Goodbye Stormy! Every one on here loved you very dearly!

        • Malp_15
          601 posts Send Private Message

            I am so very sorry for your loss Steph My heart is with you and your family during this time.

            Binky free Stormy, the most unique and beautiful rabbit to ever be a part of this forum. You will be very missed

          • HappyHopperz
            59 posts Send Private Message

              So sorry to hear about dear Stormy. It is so hard to loose one of our binky bunnies.
              R.I.P Stormy <3

            • Hunny's Momma
              123 posts Send Private Message

                LPT, I know I’ve only been part of this forum for a short time but I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss and for all that you & your family has had to endure.

                – Binky free Stormy, binky free… –

              • Silly Sungura
                451 posts Send Private Message

                  LPT, I’m so very sorry. Stormy couldn’t have had a more loving, devoted mama. I wish I could do more than send these virtual ((((hugs)))). Binky free, sweet Stormy.

                • Monkeybun
                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                    So sorry, LPT. Just read this on Facebook

                    Stormy had a long, happy life with his mama, and we will all miss him. But, he is strong and free and healthy again across the Bridge, at least we can take comfort in that

                  • CinnabunMom
                    1190 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m so so so sorry for your loss LPT. He was a precious bun who was very well loved. Binky Free Stormy

                    • britt and yeti
                      207 posts Send Private Message

                        ..Binky free Stormy..

                        im sorry for your loss LPT. prayers and vibes to you and your family.

                      • FrankieFlash
                        1710 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m having trouble not crying so I’ll keep this short and sweet. We all love you and Stormy LPT and he will be missed. We will always remember him. My thoughts are with you and your family.

                          Binky free Stormy

                        • MimzMum
                          8029 posts Send Private Message

                            Stephanie…I’m so so sorry. :'(
                            I’m absolutely gutted for you. I had so hoped I wouldn’t see his name at the Bridge.
                            He is in Our Lord’s loving arms now, and He will care for him until you can see one another again.
                            Farewell for now, sweet little plushie man. Pleasant dreams and peace await you in Paradise.
                            I will light a candle to honor your precious life. Though no doubt there is the brightest new angel at the Rainbow today.

                            Steph, don’t hesitate to mail or pm me if you need. I hope you can feel the hugs I am sending you. God Bless. (((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

                          • Sam and Lady's Human
                            2001 posts Send Private Message

                              I am so. so. Sorry for your loss I can’t even imagine

                            • MimzMum
                              8029 posts Send Private Message

                                I’ve created group at called “Storm” to post candles.

                              • bullrider76543
                                1288 posts Send Private Message

                                  LPT I am so sorry for your loss, I know no words can console you in this time of sorrow. Stormy will truly be missed, but never forgotton. Binky free Stormy…My heart has joind the thousand, for my friend stopped running today… in your tears of sorrow remember how happy he will be over the rainbow bridge, with no pain or sickness. my prayers and heart felt sorrow for you and your family.

                                • IsabellaRobyn
                                  592 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’m so sorry LPT. I hope you are managing to hold up through all of this and I send all the hugs I can for you and your family. I can’t believe it happened so soon. Little Stormy was taken too soon but he had the best, most loving life with you. We’ll all miss you here little man. Binky free Stormy.

                                  • bullrider76543
                                    1288 posts Send Private Message

                                      Little Puffy Tail, He will always remember the love you gave him.

                                    • ScooterandAnnette
                                      1090 posts Send Private Message

                                        Oh LPT, I am so sorry! I was really hoping that you would have more time together before it came to this. As much as it hurts us reasing this, I know you must be devastated by it. We’re so sorry for you loss. Binky Free Stormy.
                                        – Annette

                                      • bunnyfriend
                                        2368 posts Send Private Message

                                          LPT, I am so sorry to hear this. My heart hurts just thinking about what you’re feeling. Stormy was so well loved and cared for. I know it’s going to take a while to heal from this but if you can, maybe spend some extra time with Winnie. Horses are so good at being companions and picking up on feelings. He was such a beautiful bunny. Binky free Stormy. Sending thoughts your way.

                                        • TBpony414
                                          166 posts Send Private Message

                                            My sincere condolences, LPT. Stormy was such an enormous part of your life and the love you shared with him will remain in your heart forever. (((hugs))) Binky free, Stormy.

                                          • TH004
                                            261 posts Send Private Message

                                              I’m so sorry for your loss. Know that you did everything you could and he knew he was loved. Binky free Stormy.

                                            • sleepy538
                                              246 posts Send Private Message

                                                i’m so sorry for your loss. losing a pet is a pain like no other. from the short time i’ve been here i could see what a devoted mother you were to stormy. my thoughts are with you.

                                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Thank you everyone.

                                                  Words cannot express how much I loved him (and still love him) or how much sorrow I’m feeling now. Every little thing reminds me of him. He was such a huge part of my world and my heart for over 8 years. This house will not be the same. He was my first bunny and the reason I’m so bunny crazy today.

                                                  It was unbearably hard to let him go, but it was also incredibly hard to see how skinny and tired he had become. He was always so full of energy and happiness.

                                                  On Saturday, he was having a bad day, we could tell he was having pain and was weak. He had good days and bad. Saturday we decided it was time. We would give him the weekend and make a tentative appointment for Wednesday when my vet was back in town. Saturday afternoon, he spent an hour asleep in my arms while I sat on the floor. It was so sweet and sad. He would never had done that unless he wasn’t feeling well. He loved to snuggle but not on my lap. Sunday, however, he had a really good day. He was eating lots and had more energy than he had in weeks. His eyes seemed much brighter. He had a snuggle with Bindi. We though, maybe he will have more time after all. But Monday morning, after eating his breakfast, he was very unwell. We knew we had to let him go. We made an apt. with another vet at the clinic.

                                                  I’m so glad his last full day here was good. My Mom came over yesterday morning to say goodbye to her granbunny.

                                                  It was super hard to make the decision because he was still excited about food and begging for treats but we knew he didn’t have much longer left and we didn’t want him to experience the pain that we knew he would. He had stopped washing and we knew that he couldn’t be happy being dirty and weak all the time. He was such a wonderful patient, never getting grudgeful or angry with me despite all the medications, Critical Care and washings I had to give him.

                                                  Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life. I bundled him up in a blanket with his favorite plush bunny and held him in my arms in the car. The sun was beaming down on him, he always loved laying in the sun, and he was pretty much asleep in my arms.

                                                  I do not regret the decision we made, however, my heart is horribly saddened by the fact that we didn’t have as much time with him as I thought we would, especially this weekend. Bindi was really sick this weekend so I spent my weekend being stressed and taking care of Bindi and Stormy. I would have loved to have a day together with just me and Stormy. Also, the fact that my vet doesn’t euthanize bunnies the same as cats and dogs and I wasn’t able to be with him right at the end. She said I could but didn’t recommend it. I didn’t go but I said goodbye and held him close. This truly breaks my heart because I wanted it to be like when I said goodbye to my cat, she left hearing our voices. That’s what I wanted for Stormy. Ricky said when he handed Stormy over to the vet, he didn’t even lift his head so I’m quite certain it was peaceful but I’m crushed because I wanted him to hear my voice. They should have told me this before so I was prepared. I can’t stop thinking about it. I should have gone. I’m totally devastated and upset with myself.

                                                  We sat in the parking lot for a few minutes, both of us crying. As soon as we left the vet office, we were on a long road with woods on either side and a beautiful deer was standing right by the road. We pulled over to look at her and 2 baby deer came out of the woods. They all came over by the car and started grazing. This was right after he probably passed, so think of it what you will, we saw it as a sign. To see something so beautiful in our moment of extreme grief. I don’t know, it was beautiful.

                                                  I brought his little plushy bunny home and it will forever be a cherished possession of mine. We are having him cremated and I want to buy a really beautiful bunny urn. If you know of any nice sites that sell these, please pm me.

                                                  Mornings will be the hardest. Going in the rabbit room and not seeing him begging for breakfast. I also spend a lot of time with my bunnies in the morning. Morning is BB and bunny run time. I will miss laying on the floor and snuggling him.

                                                  “My sweet, beloved little Man
                                                  You will always hold a special place in my heart
                                                  Mommy will miss your sweet kisses most of all
                                                  Your couch zooms always made me laugh
                                                  The way your plushie fur felt on my lips
                                                  And your tooth purrs when we snuggled
                                                  The way you always brightened up my day
                                                  Your name was Stormy but you were my Sunshine.
                                                  I will hold you in my heart until we meet again, my beloved.”

                                                  I will post some pictures when my heart is able. Thank you again everyone for your kinds words. Thank you Mimz for the Candle Group. And thank you Bullrider for that beautiful picture. It made me smile and cry at the same time. It’s wonderful. I’m going to put in on my Facebook.

                                                • jerseygirl
                                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Stephanie, I’m so so sorry. . I was upset to find this thread and just finished reading your post. Thank you for sharing this with us. Thank you for giving him this peace.

                                                    Such a unique and lovable bunny and we will miss him around here. Please continue to tell stories about him.

                                                    It’s wonderful he was spunky and energetic for 99% of his life. He didn’t have to suffer long with illness and though it robbed you of time with him, I know you would be thankful he didn’t have a protracted illness.

                                                    I’m really happy you still saw some of his spirit burst through during recent weeks.

                                                    He is free and binkying like crazy man. Please try not to think about those very last seconds. He was most likely not taking it in. I bet you he felt comfort though, during his hour long nap and his being held by you in the car. It’s those moments that count. There is no doubt that boy knew he was well loved! that’s why they know they can get away with brattiness! ; )

                                                    I know this time will be hard and I’ll be keeping you guys very much in my thoughts. Sending love to Bindi and Olivia too.

                                                  • bullrider76543
                                                    1288 posts Send Private Message

                                                      LPT Again I am sooo sorry for your loss, both me and my wife were crying over the post yesterday and again this morning reading your words. Here is a site that I know of that make beautiful urns for buns. I hope that the pain in your heart and souls eases soon.

                                                    • MimzMum
                                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I have no words, Steph…only tears. :'(
                                                        I’m so glad you were able to have that last nice day. That was a gift from God, surely.
                                                        The deer…omgosh…I can’t tell you how many times Fiver reminds me of a deer and he and Stormy both being minirexes. No coincidences.
                                                        The body fails but the spirit remains and lives on. He will always be with you, you will have those ‘moments’ when he reminds you that he is near.

                                                        I’m so sorry for you and that Stormy’s time was shortened, but you gave that last great act of love. It isn’t meant to be easy and I suppose we always question but we do know he is free and whole again and he had such a wonderful life with you all.
                                                        I’m thinking of you and yours and holding you all close in my heart. Bless xx
                                                        Okay…I guess I had a few words…but I just wanted you to know I’m here and praying for you.
                                                        Comfort and peace to you. (((((((((Hugs))))))))))

                                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Today, I’m finding myself in the very painful denial stage.It just feels so unreal that he’s gone. I feel like I will never get over this hurting, never get used to him not being here. My heart is no longer full.

                                                        • bullrider76543
                                                          1288 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I am soo sorry LPT, there are no words that will ever comfort of fill the void of those we have lost, the only thing you can do is take it one moment at a time. I am here if you need anything you can message me any time.

                                                          • Hazel
                                                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                              LPT, I’m so very sorry. I hope you can find comfort in the fact that you did the right thing for him. I know it was hard but you weren’t selfish and put him first and I’m sure he is thankful for that.

                                                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Stephanie-I’m so terribly sorry to read this. I feel like I’ve known him, you’ve been here so long, this really feels like losing somebunny close to me. Stormy has always had such a special place in our hearts here on BB, one of the bunnies we’ve gotten to know so well over the past years. I’m truly devastated and upset to hear that he’s gone, and fully sympathize with you about what a hard decision it is to make-balancing what is best, with trying to interpret their feelings. I know what you mean about the denial stage-it’s like -he was just here, how could he be gone? It’s heartbreaking. I know its’ cliche but time does help. In time, you’ll be able to share stories about him, look at photo’s fondly and reminisce. It really truly does get better, but you will always love and remember him.

                                                                I think you made the right decision at the right time for him. I think you were so close to him and so sensitive to his needs and feelings that you just knew when it was the right time, to keep him from suffering. And as heartbreaking as it is, it’s lucky to have those few days to say goodbye, to be able to expect it and prepare and make sure they have some special time. He had a wonderful caring home for so long, such a lucky and adored and spoiled bunny. He was beyond fortunate to share his life with you and Rick. Not everyone can say that they were honored to have shared their time with such a special animal, and I know Stormy is looking down on you from the bridge, healthy and whole with his appetite and energy back.

                                                                ***Binky Free Stormy***

                                                              • FooFoosMommy2
                                                                342 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I am so sorry, I’ve been dreading seeing this thread. I am glad that you guys had a good few last days together and I hope you are able to take comfort in them eventually. Stormy was happy, even at the end because he had such a great Mama to love him. My heart is breaking for you guys. Hugs to you and your family, furry ones included.

                                                                • TBpony414
                                                                  166 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    LPT, your story about the deer you saw after Stormy’s passing really touched my heart. I wish I could ease your pain, I know how deeply you feel Stormy’s loss. It is almost unbearable now, but it will get better. After the bunny love of my life passed away I was so overtaken with grief that I could barely function. Please, please take it a day at a time and know that you will get through this and your love for Stormy will never fade.

                                                                    My parents surprised me with this necklace on the 1 yr anniversary after my Howie’s passing:


                                                                    It is an infinity symbol – always together and never apart – and on the back the company engraved “H & E” for Howie and Elizabeth. I have not taken it off in 4 years except to clean it. There are many infinity pendants available in gold or with diamonds and such but the simplicity of this one in silver fit me best. I am allergic to everything under the sun, this is stainless steel with NO nickel plating and they gave me a black cord to use instead of a chain due to my sensitive skin. The pendant holds a tiny amount of ashes. I rub the necklace whenever I am feeling sad or just like I need a hug and I feel more at peace. I am of the belief that love knows no bounds, and that the spirits of our loved ones (furry and otherwise) remain with us.

                                                                    I could never decide on an urn for Howie’s ashes so I kept them in the little black box they gave me. I have several framed pictures of Howie on my dresser and the ashes are sitting there as well.

                                                                    (((Hugs to you and Ricky)))

                                                                  • RabbitPam
                                                                    11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      LPT, I think the deer were there to share their lives with you for a little while. In Animal Speak, deer are the symbol for Gentleness. A mother deer is very gentle with her babies, and you need to be gentle with yourself and your bunnies right now.

                                                                      Grief is felt physically, not just emotionally, and you may feel this pain for a week or two. You’ll know when it passes to a more tolerable level – you’ll feel better in your stomach. Let it happen, eat soft, easy foods and just snuggle with your family. It is harder to lose someone, animal or human, that is part of your everyday life than any other way. You also are making some abrupt adjustments to your daily life. Your changes and routines to accommodate Stormy are not happening abruptly. You are afraid for Bindi (how is he today?) and like your bunnies, your routines are totally disrupted. Take care of changing out things that were Stormy’s in small steps – whatever feels right. Don’t set “I should do this now” deadlines. Not necessary. You do what you can when you’re ready. Believe me when I say that in a week you will feel like you just came up for air.
                                                                      {{{{{More hugs}}}}}}

                                                                    • Malp_15
                                                                      601 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I’m so sorry LPT, I was in your shoes this spring when I lost my cat of 15 years. I found that my other animals kept me going, I had to get them fed, cleaned up, and paid attention too and I believe that it made the process easier for me. And I still have moments where I just have to lay down, cry, and miss her.

                                                                        I agree with RP, everyone heals at different speeds and in different ways. If it doesn’t feel right to clean up his stuff, don’t. I didn’t clean my cats litter box out for almost a month after she died… which is really gross, but i just couldn’t bring myself to do it until one day it just felt right.

                                                                      • Elrohwen
                                                                        7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Stormy will be missed by so many of us. I know things are so hard right now, and they will be for a while, but Olivia and Bindi will be there to comfort and distract you. BIg hugs to you all. He had a fantastic bunny life and was so lucky to live with you guys.

                                                                          Binky free, Stormy.

                                                                        • tanlover14
                                                                          3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            I’m so sorry for the loss of Stormy, LPT.

                                                                          • Amys Animals
                                                                            902 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Oh LPT…I am so sorry to hear this. I couldn’t hold back the tears reading this. I remember when I lost my first bunny. I was really young. It hurt so bad. Nothing is like losing a pet, and my pets now are like my kids. My heart goes out to you and you will be in my thoughts.

                                                                            • BinkyBunny
                                                                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                I am so sorry. How terribly hard that must have been. You did the right thing as our animals don’t always know what is in store for them, and so we have to make the torturous decision to prevent their suffering. That is love. And how lucky he was to be loved so much. What a wonderful day he had that time he could safely fall asleep in your arms, and enjoy what he could. Let that be your last memory and don’t torture yourself about the very last moments. He knew he was loved and that’s what matters. You were there in spirit with him. He had to have felt that. Replace the thoughts of “should have been there” with all of the moments he felt loved and cherished throughout is life, and even in the moment he fell asleep in your lap. His life as a whole is what matters the most.

                                                                                He is at peace right now, no more suffering. I know now you are going through the mourning stage and that definitely can be filled with moments of “unreal”, and sort of numbing at times. The loss is just too much sometimes, and your brain needs time to let it sink in in a way that you can heal from. Then there are waves and eventually time does lessen it so it’s not overwhelming all the time.

                                                                                I am so sorry though for the mourning you and Ricky are going through right now though. Time does heal, but for now, cry it out, get rest and take care of yourselves.

                                                                                And of course we are always here to help while you are grieving. Hugs.

                                                                                Binky Free Stormy!

                                                                              • Stitchntwinks
                                                                                207 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  I’m so sorry that you lost stormy, my heart goes out to you!

                                                                                • Stickerbunny
                                                                                  4128 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I’m sorry LPT, it is a very hard decision to make but I am sure he knows you were there for him, even if you couldn’t be in the room. Binky free Stormy.

                                                                                  • Deleted User
                                                                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      I just wanted to say LPT that I am so sorry! Reading this and hearing about Bindi just make me want to cry. I can totally understand the pain of seeing a beloved pet waste away. I am so sorry LPT. At least Stormy had a wonderfully full and loving life with you.

                                                                                    • babybunsmum
                                                                                      3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        I’ve been thinking a lot about you and keeping you and Stormy in my thoughts an prayers. I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye to him. Binky free sweet little guy <3

                                                                                      • MyPets1031
                                                                                        107 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          I hope you are doing all right. I’m sure Stormy is waiting for you on the other side munching on all his favorite foods. I defiantly know how you feel. The bun that started it all for me died just a few months after I got her. I’m sure it’s so much different after all those years and I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling. I hope you are doing a bit better now. It will get easier with time. Trust me.

                                                                                        • LBJ10
                                                                                          17058 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            OMG, I completely missed this thread. I’m sorry about Stormy. He was such a beautiful bun and had a great mom.

                                                                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Thank you everyone. It is hard and I miss him so much. I miss seeing his little face begging for a treat and just spending time with him. He was the bun that was most bonded to me so I really miss that relationship. I keep thinking about how hard Christmas is going to be, when I unpack his little stocking…. My animals are part of the family so Christmas always includes them too.

                                                                                              I have so many wonderful pictures of my beautiful little guy. I will do a picture memorial soon in another thread.

                                                                                            • MimzMum
                                                                                              8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                (((((((((((((((((Huge hugs))))))))))))))))
                                                                                                Oh my goodness…I thought I was the only one to have bunny Christmas stockings…my OH always wants to know why I have them.

                                                                                                Just seeing that in your post makes me tear up all over again. :'(
                                                                                                We’re all missing him right along with you, LPT.
                                                                                                Fiver is sending minirex bunny kisses your way. xx

                                                                                              • RabbitPam
                                                                                                11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  I’m going to start the photo memorial in the Rainbow Bridge Forum.

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                                                                                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Stormy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge