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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Springs a’coming, Bunny personalities are a’bloomin

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    • MountainBuns
      513 posts Send Private Message

        Spring in the U.S is almost here and some of us who have gotten our bunnies in the winter are starting to see them trusting us and showing their true personalities! Why not make a thread where everyone who recently received their bunny can talk about what they have noticed in their furry friends personality!

        If you do not live in the U.S or have gotten your bunny a while ago then still feel free to talk about your bunnies habits and personalities as well! Just something I thought would make a fun thread, lol. 

        Some ideas are habits, behavior, bunny sass levels, a big change and other interesting things you would like to share. 

        As for my rabbit Caroline. She has become noticeably less shy. She likes to follow me and share food. She is very sassy though. Most of her time she spends sleeping and chilling on the floor but when she is in the right mood its a BinkyFest in my room. I am the only person she will let touch her. One weird thing I figured out about Caroline is that she will watch peoples hands like a hawk just in case they have a hand full of pellets. Her favorite snacks are pellets(of course), kale, romaine lettuce, banana and apple. When I share apple slices with her she will put her paws on my legs to reach them. One big change I have seen in her is now that she is in my room she treats it like her domain and territory. She will grunt and chase people down every once in a while. She stopped doing it to me because I think she see’s me as her own territory now. She also likes to be aware of her surroundings and she used to like to hide and not see what was going on around her but now she has to know whats happening. Such a nosy bunny!

        I would like to hear your bunny stories! Please Share if you want to!

      • alltheprettybunnies
        8 posts Send Private Message

          Spring. It never occurred to me that the dramatic change in my buns mood might be weather related but now that you mention it… the timing is right.

          Last week she completely rearranged her house. She has some old books that she tears the pages out of and drags into her litter-box to gnaw on and I swear that rabbit stacked all of the torn and scattered pages neatly in the corner. When I went over there she was moving her towels into a fluffy pile on the other side of her crate and ALL of her toys were shoved hastily in her food bowl. She gave me a, “I’m busy, duh??” Sort of look and kept on working. She stuck wilted breakfast spinach outside the crate. Spring cleaning!

          The most astonishing thing that happened was that she growled at me and boxed me when I was giving her a banana piece and playing with her. I didn’t even know what it was. She was blocking me like Bruce Lee. I had to google weird rabbit noises and what does it mean when a rabbit sits on their back feet and waves their paws at you. I guess she’s feeling more attached to her quarters and needs more privacy or something. Crazy rabbit.

          She got spayed maybe 3-4 weeks ago and she has been a diva ever since but this also coincided with the unseasonably warm weather in the southern US so… Interesting. I was going to start looking into bunny Prozac.

        • MountainBuns
          513 posts Send Private Message

            Little Troublemaker! Lol. Maybe its the hormones dying down. My bunny is never really destructive but she does love to chew!

          • MountainBuns
            513 posts Send Private Message

              Caroline has proven herself to be very nippy! She cant resist a good tug at my clothes. Sometimes she will accidentally nibble on my skin, it hurts a little so I have to squeal to get her to stop, lol.

            • OverthinkingBun
              169 posts Send Private Message

                Well, I’ve had my bunny for about a year now. Over the winter, I started to be able to sleep without ear plugs because she wasn’t making much noise, but now that the days are getting longer again, she’s started making a racket earlier. This is the first week where she’s been consistently waking me up all year. Oh well, I should go buy my new preferred brand of ear plug That’s the only seasonal change I’ve noticed.

              • MountainBuns
                513 posts Send Private Message

                  Yup, when my bunny does not have pellets in the night she will roll over the trash can because I discard leftover food in there. It will make noise and she will grab some pellets from the trash can to eat. Lol she did that yesterday night.

                • Rain
                  547 posts Send Private Message

                    It still feels like it was yesterday when I had just brought the tiny demon home. Oh goodness, how well he had fooled me, with those cute short ears, and fluffy face. He was so quiet and shy at first. But then he got a little more comfy with me. And now, Rain jumps onto our sofas and chairs and watches TV with us, digs at our clothes and feet, binkies and zooms everywhere making so much noise, and honks and stomps his feet when he’s mad. He is so naughty. That’s his personality, along with bossy. But he also has a sweet, gentle side too.

                  • MountainBuns
                    513 posts Send Private Message

                      Same thing happened here Rain! I saw those cute nethie ears and could not help but fall for her little trick and adopt her. Now I get my clothes tugged and grunted at for food!

                    • jerseygirl
                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                        I saw this photo shared just now on Hoppington Post fb page. I don’t know who is original owner of the photo.

                        Not sure if this is Spring madness or just a busy, maybe unneutered bunny. lol

                        No automatic alt text available.

                      • Rain
                        547 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh goodness gracious, that little bunny is definitely blooming with springtime madness. This makes me glad that I have Rain. I can’t complain anymore.

                        • MountainBuns
                          513 posts Send Private Message

                            Lol, Spring here we come!

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE Springs a’coming, Bunny personalities are a’bloomin