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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Speed Dating

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    • Lion-O's Mamma
      47 posts Send Private Message

        So I’m planning on taking Lion-O speed dating on Thursday. I’m wondering from those of you who’ve done this before, can you usually tell in one session whether two bunnies will get along, or should you have them meet on multiple occassions before deciding to adopt a new friend?

      • osprey
        2065 posts Send Private Message

          When we do dating at our adoption shows, we can usually tell after one visit if two bunnies are compatible.  Bonds do occasionally fail, and sometimes people will bring a pair in for us to work with them if there are problems at home, but they usually work.  You have to be prepared to house the bunnies separately at home if you bring another one home, and you will have to work with them before the bond is strong enough to allow them to live together.

        • Lion-O's Mamma
          47 posts Send Private Message

            I assume most of the "negative" signs are fairly obvious (trying to kill each other being foremost of course), but what are some "positive" signs I should watch for to indicate that they like each other or are getting along well?

          • osprey
            2065 posts Send Private Message

              Positive signs to look for:

              – grooming (love at first sight, rare)
              – laying side by side
              – sharing a litterbox
              – grooming themselves in the other bunny’s presence
              – ignoring the other bunny (this can be good, it means they don’t hate each other)

              Bad signs:

              – biting
              – growling
              – circling

              Will you be working with someone who has experience bonding bunnies?


            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                Oooh I’ve often thought about going to speed dating myself but not to meet bunnies LOL.

                Eerrr sorry ladies … bad humour … well it is nearly the end of the working day!

                Dawn xx

              • Gravehearted
                2428 posts Send Private Message

                  Osprey did a great rundown on the kinds of behaviors you’ll see during the speed dating.

                  speed dating is a great way to see if two bunnies have the potential to bond. sometimes bunnies will have a strong immediate reaction that makes it clear they do or don’t like another, but often it takes a little time of them being together to assess the situation.

                  Often at adoption shows – we’ll try a bunny with several different bunnies to see how it goes. Usually there’s a second round, narrowing it down to maybe a few choices. Generally the second round they will spend a lil longer together. I sometimes like to sit in the pen with them, if it seems that it’s likely they’re a match. The thing to keep in mind is that even if they’re getting along great at the adoption event, it’s usually a lot further work when you’re trying to bond them at home.

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    i could definitely be wrong, but aren’t you supposed to wait awhile after neutering, about a month or so.  i thought i heard that a male can impregnate a female that long afterwards…?

                  • Gravehearted
                    2428 posts Send Private Message

                      Beka, I’m not sure how long ago he was neutered. If you have an intact female, it’s recommended to wait a full month after the boy has been neutered, since there can still be viable sperm. But, if the girl has been spayed it’s ok to try bonded before that full month is up.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        i think he was just neutered last week… but you’re right… the females are spayed at the shelter.   i forgot about that… 

                      • Gravehearted
                        2428 posts Send Private Message

                          well – it can depend Beka, sometimes the bunnies at the shelter / rescue are waiting to be spayed or too young still. You brought up a good point for sure!

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            Beka has brought up a good point. Even if for sure the females were spayed. It can take a month for the hormones to die down enough to make bonding easier. Also, you might want to give a bit more time for healing just in case he gets into a tussle. (if it’s only been a week) I would have to go back through all the posts to be sure.

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message


                              Lion-O was neutered on the 29th.  so if he goes this thursday the 6th, that’ll be one week from surgery.  but from what she said, i think he’s adjusting really well, could it be possible for the hormones to leave him sooner than normal?  or it may just take a few more sessions to find a match…

                            • MarkBun
                              2842 posts Send Private Message

                                The main thing you want to look at are the ears. Even bunnies that are compatible may start out toussling a bit. An experienced handler/bonder can tell you if the ‘fight’ is just a dominance thing or if it is outright hatred (it is impossible for us to tell because it’s our BABY in there). Maryann has gone on numerous dates and in each one, she has charged and/or nipped the other bunny but at the same time, she has sat next to them, ears completely in the upright/relaxed position and groomed herself.

                              • Lion-O's Mamma
                                47 posts Send Private Message

                                  Yes, all the bunnies I would be looking at are spayed so that’s not an issue.

                                  Unfortunately I got a phone call yesterday that my grandpa was just diagnosed with cancer so my family is going to be going to California for Christmas. So since I don’t want to leave for a week in the middle of bunny bonding or leave it up to my bunnysitter I’ve decided to wait until after I get back to take Lion-O speed dating.

                                • Beka27
                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                    oh my god, i’m so sorry to hear about your gandfather.  at least you can go out there and spend xmas with him.

                                  • MarkBun
                                    2842 posts Send Private Message

                                      Just so you know, there is no ‘time limit’ to bunny speed-dating. I have been bringing mine in for over a month now and am taking a 2 week break before starting again. The only downside to a long dating session is that the bunnies you are dating could become adopted during that time (I’m quite happy though that two of my gal’s possible suitors have found new homes!). You just don’t want to begin bonding then leave in the middle of it (as in having both bunnies at home).

                                    • JessL
                                      48 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’ve just read this! Very helpful! A female lop has recently come to the shelter where I got chief from and was wondering on taking him there for an introduction..

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                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Speed Dating