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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sleep well Bettie Bean.

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    • Spacehopper
      540 posts Send Private Message

        Firslty i apologise for not having been on here again for ages.  Secondly, I am back in floods of tears.  We lost Sweaty Bettie Bean on Friday, I am absolutely gutted.  Brian has been very quiet since and having lots of cuddles.  The amazing thng is he is currently sat on our living room rug “ducking”, this is a sight to behold as he hasn’t done so out here since he and Bettie became inseperable.   My god i miss my baby girl.  I actually feel heartbroken.  🙁


        Hope everyone on here is well and all the buns are doing

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Hugs to you Spacehopper. I’m so sorry about Bettie Bean.

        • RabbitPam
          11002 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry about Bettie Bean. It really is heartbreaking for you and for Brian.
            Please accept my condolences. I am sure she is sending her love to you from over the Rainbow Bridge.

          • LilynJestersMama
            258 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so sorry. Sending you hugs of strength and comfort. Take good care of yourselves even though you are going through a very difficult time.

            • MimzMum
              8029 posts Send Private Message

                Oh Spacehopper, I am so sorry to read this news! *sends you hugs* I am sure your dear Bettie Bean is watching over you lovingly from the Bridge as we speak. Bless you, dear!

                Binky free Bettie Bean!

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  What sad news to have brought you back onto the site. My deepest sympathy. (((Spacehopper)))
                  *Binky Free Bettie Bean*

                • Rocky&Michael
                  21 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m so sorry! When my older Bun died, I read this poem and it really helped me out. It’s called “The Rainbow Bridge”: Only my best wishes regarding you and Sweaty Bettie Bean.

                  • Spacehopper
                    540 posts Send Private Message

                      I almost had a “moment” in Asda this morning, “compose yourself you silly cow” i told myself…then scuttled off to the car and let rip all the way home. I don’t think not having any sleep helped that much. 🙂 I lay awake listening out for Brian, just to make sure he was ok. Bloody hell. My other half thinks i should be able to pull myself together, but i just can’t for some reason. Something is most definitely “missing” around here.

                      Advice too please, as we were thinking (and it is only a thought as we are so undecided about what would be for the best) of getting a rescue bun buddy for the Bristar. I’d hate to a) offend him in replacing his companion, b) hate for him to be on his own now after having Bettie Bean to cuddle up to for so long, and now she’s not here. I’d be interested to hear any thoughts and feelings. 🙂

                      Cheers me dears.x

                    • jerseygirl
                      22353 posts Send Private Message

                        Hey, don’t beat yourself up about having a good cry about Bettie. Everyone feels grief differently. I know I would be a mess, but if I didn’t allow myself a really good cry then the grieveing would be prolonged.

                        I think getting Brian a companion is a great idea – especially as he’s now accustomed to living with another of his kind. Just allow him to grieve – and yourself too. Give him lots of attention and when he’s becoming more like his old self, you feel when it’s right to look at a new bunny. Some say that giving the surviving bun one of the toys or blankets of the bunny that has passed as a comfort for them.

                        You might like to read over Binky Bunny’s thread about Rucy. She lost her not too long ago and in now in the process of bonding Jack to a new friend.

                      • babybunsmum
                        3896 posts Send Private Message

                          oh no!!! spacehopper, i’m so so sorry you lost bettie. ((((((big big hugs to you & brian & the other half))))))

                          i lost baby bun back in march and i *still* call out a greeting to her like a dork when i approach the bun room. took me weeks before i’d not well up when i realized she was no longer there to hear my greeting. these buns are such a part of our lives its no wonder it takes a while before the tears dry up.

                          it’s sweet that you’re considering adopting! i think brian will be fine on his own with your extra cuddles until you feel the time is right to start taking him out on dates maybe a stuffy substitute in the meantime?

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            HUGS!!! I’m so sorry! I just saw this thread now! Poor Brian, I am sure he must miss her so much… Like Jersey said, I would wait, let him grieve and recover and you can do some bunny dating later, maybe in a month or even a few months…

                            Sigh, that just breaks my heart. I always loved hearing their stories and seeing their pics. :o(

                            Binky Free Bettie!

                          • Deb'sBuns
                            160 posts Send Private Message

                              Sorry for your loss.

                            • ScooterandAnnette
                              1090 posts Send Private Message

                                So sorry to hear this!! *hugs*

                                When we lost Reno we were at such a loss. We had the others but it just felt like something was missing. We’d often thought that we probably had “too many” buns (if there is such a thing) – when we had 3 it seemed like the right number, but Tegan was so cute and we couldn’t resist and she bonded well with the others so 4 became the right number, then we saw Keelie and Kylie at the shelter and they were on special and we just couldn’t leave them there so suddenly we had 6. And while we loved every single one of them it was feeling like it might possibly be a little much, but would be so much better if we could get them all bonded and not have to worry about the separate play times etc. Then we lost Reno, and we were down to 5, and we thought even though it feels like something’s missing maybe 5 is better for us. Except they still wouldn’t bond, so we were still at separate playtimes etc. And then we saw Carbun’s ad on Kijiji, and there was something about it that just made me contact his bunnymom. I wasn’t actually planning on taking him, I was hoping to find a way she wouldn’t have to give him up, but in the end he came to live with us and now I just can’t imagine not having him here. We lost Reno in January, Carbun came to us in March. It felt kind of soon, but it was right. We still missed Reno (and still do) but somehow that hole didn’t feel quite as big.
                                – Annette

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                  I am sooo sorry that I did not see this until now!

                                  Awe hugs to you spacehopper. I know this is just heart-wrenching. Time will help heal, but in the mean time, while this is so fresh, be good to yourself. Get rest and give tons of love to Brian. I know when Rucy passed, Jack was also having a hard time and wouldn’t eat much. It was good not only for him, but for me too to hang out and just shower him with extra love and attention. I know the feeling of being torn up. I still have a hard time dealing with the loss of Rucy. It has hit me very hard.  I don’t think many people (except for bunny lovers like us) can really understand how deep the loss is.  So I am sorry if you are not able to get the kind of understanding from those immediately around you, but we do understand, and I am so sorry.

                                  As far as getting Brian a buddy – that will totally be up to you. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer there. I know Jack could have used a bunny buddy a week after, but I just personally couldn’t. It was even hard when I did get Vivian (after about month). I did give Jack a toy bunny to cuddle with and he did…cuddled alot with the toy bunny.

                                  Each person heals differently, sometimes a new bunny helps the healing process while another person may need to feel more healed prior to inviting another bunny in. It’s just an individual thing.

                                  I am sure whatever decision you make, will be right for you.

                                  Hugs to you!!

                                  Keep us updated on how you are doing.

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                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sleep well Bettie Bean.