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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Sitting head to head

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    • Sully&Dino
      4 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone! Here’s what we’ve got. A year and half old spayed female Dutch and a 3 month old still-to-be-neutered Holland lop (we are getting him neutered at 4 months). Their names are Sully and Dino, respectively. We’ve just started the real introductory bonding after a week of swapping cages, letting them see each other through their cages, and running around their conjoined area. We’ve been using the bathtub to introduce them, and they’ve been really good ignoring each other, some self-grooming, flopping on opposite ends. We’ve also had some nipping and mounting. They seem to be trying to establish dominance. As of late, they’ll get up close to each other and kind of smoosh the lateral side of heads together and we pet them to try and keep them from nipping at each other. Eventually one gets fed up and tries to nip so we separate them. Just curious what that is all about? Also, our Dutch wasn’t handled much as a young bun before we got her so where she is awesome and great with us; she doesn’t seem to want to give any love to the younger guy and that really frustrates him because he was bonded to another bun prior to us getting him but his sister passed away so it’s like he just wants to restart that relationship with Sully but she’s never experienced any of this before. I think they’ll be bonded eventually but just wanted to post here and get some feedback.

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Sully&Dino
          Welcome to the forum.

          It sounds as if you’ve done some reading up on introductions/bonding, with the cage swapping and bathtub intros. However, one of the key steps is to have both rabbits desexed first. Since Dino is only a month away from having this done, I suggest halting any further bonding work. I would give him another month post-neuter before commencing, myself. Currently, the interactions will be increasingly influenced by his hormones. They’ll be coming in any tick if the clock now, if not already!
          It can cause set backs and impact the future bond.

          An adult and baby can show some good interactions but it is challenged when the younger reaches puberty. Same is true of baby rabbits together. Had his sister survived, chances are they would have to have been separated by now or in the next month, due to hormones. Especially since they were M/F.

          Having Sully and Dino’s habitats side by side will provide both some companionship.

          As of late, they’ll get up close to each other and kind of smoosh the lateral side of heads together and we pet them to try and keep them from nipping at each other. Eventually one gets fed up and tries to nip so we separate them. Just curious what that is all about?

          Lol! If they’re lowering they’re heads, this would be what is known as “groom wars”. Both are requesting to be groomed by the other. So it becomes a sort of stand off. OR, they could each be vying for your attention.

          When I had a young pair of boys I introduced, they would do this. I could have both on my lap and pat their heads simultaneously, but the moment I stopped, one would sneak his head around and try nip the other. He was definitely the more dominate of the 2. However, the other, on his own on my lap (he was really a lap bunny) would give me a little nip when ever I stopped patting him. They use light nips to communicate.

          I’d be interested to read others opinions on what exactly is going on in those moments. Is it Sully that eventually nips Dino?

        • Doodler
          337 posts Send Private Message

            Hi Sully&Dino! I figured I’d edit my posting because I agree with what has been said already.

            Good luck with the bonding once they are ready!

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        Forum BONDING Sitting head to head