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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BEHAVIOR Silent rabbits – is it normal?

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    • Mackem H
      5 posts Send Private Message

        Hello,my two mini lops have never made a sound. Not even a squeak.
        Our vet said not to worry, however we recently read that happy bunnies will make honking noises to communicate that they’re happy.

        Our rabbits have never hooked, squeaked or purred.
        The only noise they make is when they eat and drink (nibbling and lapping noises).

        Is this normal with mini lops or any other breeds? Should I be worried?


      • Bam
        16985 posts Send Private Message

          It’s perfectly normal. My Bam (mini lop) never makes sounds exept tooth-purring, and that’s often so silent you can’t hear it, just feel it in your fingertips when you pet his head.

          My other bun growled when he wasn’t pleased. No other sounds.

          Bunnies should never squeak. They can honk, in anticipation of a yummy treat or, more often, during courtship. They can scream if they are in mortal fear. I hope you’ll never have to hear that, it’s terrible. But for the most part, bunnies are silent. Not at all like guinea pigs, they “talk” a lot.

        • Azerane
          4689 posts Send Private Message

            Agreed, bunnies aren’t chatty animals. Yes they can vocalise in various ways, but it’s not common to see in pet rabbits. It’s mostly heard in frightened rabbits, aggressive/defensive rabbits, rabbits who are feeling amorous. Teeth purring is the most common sound you’ll hear from a happy rabbit. Depending on how long you’ve had your bunnies, they may not be tooth purring for you yet when you pet them.

          • MrBun&Daisy
            166 posts Send Private Message

              Agreed! Totally normal. I’ve only ever heard Bun make a noise while he was around daisy when we first brought her home and he wasn’t neutered. I was told it was his mating grunting noise. Once he was neutered I’ve never heard that noise again or any noise from either of them!

            • Mikey
              3186 posts Send Private Message

                Very normal. None of my three make noises unless they are upset. They will thump when nervous or angry, and one of our is very vocal when he wants to fight. He will make really weird deep grunts with his tail up while walking ‘tall’. Its very funny, but he thinks hes tough

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  Bindi only makes noise when he’s snoring…..

                  My little Bridge Bun Olivia was very vocal, however, she used a lot of grunts and noises to communicate her frustration when I did something to displease her.

                • LBJ10
                  17079 posts Send Private Message

                    Wooly growls and grunts at my all the time. How dare I try to groom him!

                    Leopold, on the other hand, has never made a peep. But I think he doesn’t really know how since he is deaf.

                    In general, most rabbits don’t make much noise. It is usually a displeased sound (growl/grunt) or a “let’s make babies together” sound (honk). A few rabbits are more vocal and will honk, for example, out of excitement (particularly for food).

                  • Mackem H
                    5 posts Send Private Message

                      Thanks everyone ☺

                    • Chelsea
                      189 posts Send Private Message

                        It took me several months at least to hear the noises my mini-lop makes. Partly I think he just didn’t make them until he knew me better, and partly his noises are usually just really low and deep. When he is happy to see me (for example, I get home from work, or let him garden with me) he runs around my feet and makes kind of a low wuffing sound. When I pet him he makes a very quiet teeth grinding/vibration sound. The most amusing (and loudest) sounds he makes is when he tries to boss my daughter into getting him food out of the refrigerator. That is more of a grunting sound. His latest trick (and a completely quiet one) is to throw him self on the floor and and roll all the way on this back with ears flopping around to get me to pet him.

                      • Mackem H
                        5 posts Send Private Message

                          I’ve had my mini lops for 2 yrs now. I think I just need to accept that I won’t hear them make any noises.

                          Thanks everyone ☺

                        • LupetheBuzzyBee
                          3 posts Send Private Message

                            My bunny makes a lot of different noises. She’ll growl if she’s mad (like when my roommate’s little dog used to pester her) and sometimes when she’s playing. My mom would hit the rope toy on the floor and Lupe would growl and “pounce” on it. When we’re cuddling and she’s relaxed she’ll softly chatter her teeth, like purring. Sometimes I try to do it back to her! She hates being picked up (so I rarely do) but when it’s necessary she sometimes makes a scared little whine. But the most common noise she makes is honking! It’s her “I’m so happy to see you human!” sound. It’s this rhythmic, nasal honk that’s actually pretty loud sometimes! It’s adorable-the closest I imagine to being able to hear her “voice.” If I stand up from the couch she’ll run around me in circles and make the noise the entire time. And for some reason she gets really excited whenever I go in my bathroom to get ready for bed. She’ll come running through the door honking, run around me, and then flop down by the door to watch. She also honks when I’m bringing her dinner and she’s excited to eat.

                          • sarahthegemini
                            5584 posts Send Private Message

                              My bunnies make that tooth grinding/purring sound when they’re bunny loafing but other than that they don’t make a sound. Except for chewing of course. I do wish they’d make a little bit of noise when they move though because many a time I turn around and they’re on my feet

                              Forgot to add, mine are mini lops too.

                            • VivaLaBunz
                              130 posts Send Private Message

                                This is normal…in fact I thought that bunnies never made sounds until I got my first one because all the bunnies I had ever met were always silent. My bunny only made sounds when she was being territorial or overly-excited or food-aggressive.

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                            Forum BEHAVIOR Silent rabbits – is it normal?