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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Should I get a friend for my bun?

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    • Christinae130
      4 posts Send Private Message

        I have a 7 month old male lionhead rabbit named Louie. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. He is an indoor bunny, litter box trained, neutered, and very shy.

        I give him lots of exploring time to hop around my apartment and sometimes he’ll jump up on the couch with me but he doesn’t like being pet at all. He thumps at me a lot and likes to hide. I’m wondering if I were to get another bunny would this make him happier?

        I definitely have the space but have never had 2 bunnies at once before. I had my last rabbit for 11 years before he passed away and he was very cuddly.

        Would love to hear about your experiences and any advice you have is appreciated!

      • HipHopBunny
        640 posts Send Private Message

          Hi @Christinae130

          I think it is great how you are looking into options to make your bunny happy. Shows a good bun mom 🙂 Getting him a bun friend could result negatively, or positively. Bonding is very stressful for buns, but not if you find the right match. Is there a way you could take him on speed dates where he gets to do a meeting with other bunnies, and see who he gets along best with? Or, are they not allowing speed dates in your area due to COVID 19?

          If you can do speed dates and find the right bunny for him, it could potentially make him less shy. Some rabbits get braver watching other outgoing bunnies be brave or in his case, more social. There is nothing like seeing two (or more) bonded bunnies be happy together. 🙂

          Hoping that you find the right bunny for him!

        • Christinae130
          4 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks so much for your advice @hiphopbunny!

            I talked to the lady I got Louie from and she loves the speed dating idea. She was thinking of having him meet a few does. I thought that would be a good idea too. Do you have multiple buns?

          • HipHopBunny
            640 posts Send Private Message

              Awesome! I hope you find the perfect bun for him. 😀 yes, I have a trio in the bonding process. 🙂 Their different personalities make them a unique match. I’m sure whoever you choose, will be very lucky. 😉

              Keep us posted!

            • DanaNM
              9055 posts Send Private Message

                I think it’s great having a bonded pair (I’ve had several at this point). The main things to consider will be housing during the bonding process (which can be as quick as a couple weeks, or as long as several months), and what you will do if they fail to bond (rare but it can happen). Having all these ducks in a row before you start will make things much less stressful because there won’t be so much pressure on everyone. Speed dating is great, and usually does make things easier, but I’ve also had buns that did great on speed dates still take 3 months to bond! Totally worth it in the end though. 😉

                Also, for the bonding process, you need to have some neutral space to work with them in, so an area where no bunny has been, and preferably not within sight of their main areas. This can be a bathroom, bathtub, etc., but it’s nice to know what spaces you will use before you start.

                Other things that people don’t always consider are that the new bun might have different levels of destructiveness or litter box training.

                Since your current bun is very shy and was not with other bunnies from a young age, it might be date him with a bunny that is very friendly and outgoing towards people to help him learn and feel more brave. It is also a plus if you can find a bunny that was with other bunnies (either bonded or with litter mates), as they tend to be better at communicating with other rabbits peacefully.


                . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

              • Christinae130
                4 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks for the tips @danaNM! When Louie was a baby he had lots of brothers and sisters around and he seemed very content then. The  Neutral space is such a good idea! When you first let them go in the space together how long should each little outing last?

                • HipHopBunny
                  640 posts Send Private Message

                    Each session can get shorter, or extended based on how they are doing. If you put them in there and they start getting aggressive (tails raised, ears flat) then it would be best to end it there and do some more pre-bonding. If they are doing great, then I would extend it. Or if they just don’t care for the other one, you don’t have to do a long one.

                    When they do a marathon (52 hours) then they are bonded. 🙂

                    Your bun sounds like a good rabbit, so I’m guessing that you will have an easy bond. 😉 Although, one thing to keep in mind is that sometimes rabbits can be territorial and do poo and pee wars (been there) and that can stink. So I would be prepared for the worst, and hope for the best.

                    Wishing you luck!


                  • DanaNM
                    9055 posts Send Private Message

                      Since this would be your first time bonding, I also recommend reading the “Bonding” section under the Bunny info tab, and also browsing some of the “bonding journals” that other members have posted about the process. That will help give you some baseline on the ins and outs of the whole process and the various ways things can go.

                      Agree with the “prepare for the worst but hope for the best” mentality!  🙂


                      . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                    • Hazel
                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                        Most bunnies enjoy having a mate, of course that doesn’t mean they can’t be happy as singles (I have a single bun myself). I think trying to find him a buddy would be a great idea! Sometimes a bonding attempt doesn’t work out however, so make sure you plan for that possibility. Also, don’t limit yourself to just does, males can bond with other males just as well. 🙂

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                    Forum BONDING Should I get a friend for my bun?