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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE She’s more than “just a bun”

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    • Luna
      2219 posts Send Private Message

        Long story short, my sister and I were arguing about things in general, then she followed up with the comment that Luna is “just a f*ing bunny.”  I can’t believe how much those words hurt. [Background info: Luna was originally my sister’s bun for a little over a year until my sister wanted to rehome her but I adopted her instead because I couldn’t let her go and I knew I could give her a good home.] 

        I’m more upset than mad because I’m looking at Luna and thinking how can anyone not love that furry little face. And I can’t explain it but I feel sad for her right now because of all this. I’m grateful that I have her. She brings an extra bit of joy in my life and I’m glad I can share this with others who feel the same about their buns. To me she is much more than just a bun.

      • Blue Moon
        436 posts Send Private Message

          well just calm down and talk to your sister and tell her how you feel and that what she said about your bun (her bun) really hurt. we all know what a special bun Luna is

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            For us that love our bunnies, or any animal, so deeply, it is very difficult to understand how anyone can say things like that. My animals are my furry little babies and I would do anything for them. You are lucky to have such a wonderful bond with your bunny. I think people that don’t love animals are really missing out on something special.

          • Q8bunny
            6345 posts Send Private Message

              If she meant it, and didn’t just say it out of anger, then your sister clearly doesn’t know what it’s like to truly love a bunny – which makes it her loss. Big time.
              Try to tell yourself ‘it is what it is’ and take comfort in the amazing bond you have with Luna.

            • Juicy
              41 posts Send Private Message

                I have a sharp tongue so what I would say to an ugly comment like that would be hideous. If it helps. I think it has to do with the way people mentally organize the people and things in the world around them. Class #1: Those who create a hierarchy, with themselves as close to the top (or the bottom!) as they can get it. Class #2: Those who see things more dynamically and equally.
                Humans are at the top of the food chain, so if you have a very simplistic worldview and attach a lot of meaning to hierarchies, you probably don’t think a rabbit is worth a second thought. Class #2 is closer to reality, in my opinion. Being at the “top” of the “food chain” is not a great paradigm for how the ecosystem interacts. As an example, a Class #1 type person likely doesn’t think about bees much, or doesn’t care about them despite having probably heard about colony collapse disorder. They probably wouldn’t buy it if you told them that this has probably caused $1trillion USD of damage to crops by now, but it is so. I’d just love to be on the top of the food chain without food, wouldn’t you?
                Maybe it’s just me, but if your sister is more of a 1, she may be the one with the problem. Otherwise, she may just know what to say to push your buttons.

              • Boston's Mama
                1452 posts Send Private Message


                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    People that say animals are ‘just’ animals in that tone don’t deserve to have animals. So thank goodness your sister gave Luna to you. You can obviously give her a far better home than your sister could.

                    Those types of people just aren’t animal people. I think similar things about human children lol. Only difference is I’d never have children in the first place and then decide I don’t care for them…

                  • Luna
                    2219 posts Send Private Message

                      Thanks for your responses/insight everyone . My sister knows those words hurt (I’ve told her so when she has said this before…it’s not the first time) and she has a dog who she “loves” – despite all that she said what she said anyway. And I did fire back with a sharp response (something along the lines of what STG’s last sentence says), but out of respect for the forum I won’t repeat what I said. I agree that she won’t ever understand, especially since she said I was “too demanding” (ie. I gave too many instructions) when I asked her and her husband to check on Luna a few times after Luna’s stasis episode and then after her spay surgery – she thought it was ridiculous that I needed to know if there was enough poops in the litter box.

                      I’m glad I have you all to share our experiences, adventures, and love for our buns. It’s good to talk to people who understand .

                    • sarahthegemini
                      5584 posts Send Private Message

                        I just don’t understand why some people don’t ‘get’ that a life is a life and should be respected. No life – human or animal should be disregarded. Saying a rabbit is ‘just a rabbit’ is pretty disgusting actually. Thankfully most people on here thoroughly care for their rabbit

                      • Hazel
                        2587 posts Send Private Message

                          She only said this because she knew it would get you riled up (if she really feels that way about Luna is a different question). Don’t let her comments rattle you, since that’s exactly what she’s trying to accomplish. I wouldn’t dignify something like that with a response.

                        • GeorgieTheBunny
                          212 posts Send Private Message

                            Ooooooh…. I woulda been miffed!

                            Sisters are great, I have one to, but they aren’t always on the same page as us. We can’t choose siblings but we can choose friends

                            I’m glad Luna is under your guardianship, now that she is YOUR bunny and yours alone, she will get the love, respect, and consideration she deserves! Luna isn’t your offspring but she is your child.

                            My parental units had a conversation one day that was relayed to me that relates to this: I was carpooling a 3 hour drive to my grandmother’s 90th bday party with my parents. It was the night before and Georgie wouldn’t eat. First time ever and we did everything we were supposed to. We seemed out of he woods but, come the next morning, I had to be 2 places at once. To my parents house to catch my ride and the vet office to make sure Georgie was okay. I was at the vet office, waiting outside, before the doors even opened.
                            After buns got a clean bill of health I was off to my parents. We were just over a hour late to an all afternoon celebration. My father was irritated that he had to be late to his mother’s 90th party and said so to my mom. Mom told him to bite his lip, and this is why:
                            I love Georgie like a child. As her fur parent she is my responsibility. She isn’t just a bunny. She is the coolest, most awesome f*ing bunny that ever mammal’d their way into my life. As family we are supposed to care for each other; Dad for me, me for Georgie, so that’s nonlinear Dad for Georgie. If there rest of our family doesn’t understand why we are late -you darn well know your 90 year mother will set them straight – this family edict comes from the top. Granddaughter had a family emergency…… BOOM! (Woulda been the end of it)

                            Reason you’re sad is because Luna was getting family RESPECT. Sad that sis never saw her as FAMILY when we, us Binky Bunny peeps, know that buns want family just as much as we do.

                            Sorry about that argument. Got any grandparents that can shake your sister?

                          • Luna
                            2219 posts Send Private Message

                              Georgie – “Mammal’d their way into my life”…that is seriously the most awesome expression I have ever heard! Luna and I love it .

                            • Q8bunny
                              6345 posts Send Private Message


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                            Forum THE LOUNGE She’s more than “just a bun”