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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Science Fair…and bunnies!

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    • AshleyLovesBunnies
      75 posts Send Private Message

        Well, we have an annual science fair at our school..and I wanted something to do with my bunny Jingles. It has to be a experiment, and I don’t want to do anything that would harm my bunny in any way. I thought it would be a cute, idea since not many people in my area know anything about bunnies. I think it would turm out really cute..if any one has any ideas on what to do. Thanks.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Well you could do something on diet and talk about the cecum, etc…or something about why rabbit poop makes good organic fertilizer. You could just use Jingles photo’s or something to show him off.

        • AshleyLovesBunnies
          75 posts Send Private Message

            Yeah, I want to also show off little Jingle’s face lol. Everything has to be the EXACT same but one like what would I do for the diet?

          • mocha200
            4486 posts Send Private Message

              If you used the poop as fertilizer you could plant two of the same plants in two separate pots. In one add bunny poop, and in the other do not. Then maybe take pictures of the daily/weekly process and how it grew, if one grew taller or greener or something. Then have the plants their at the fair. Just a thought.

            • AshleyLovesBunnies
              75 posts Send Private Message

                Mocha200- That’s a awesome idea! Thanks!

              • mocha200
                4486 posts Send Private Message

                  Your Welcome! It might be cute to add photos of your bunny then put = Picture of bunny poop = Picture of the plant! Haha! just an idea

                • kralspace
                  2663 posts Send Private Message

                    A science experiment about Bunny Input and OutPut, sounds perfect! You’ll be surprised how plants supplied with poop grow like crazy.

                  • Thumper2001
                    20 posts Send Private Message

                      I did an experiment on my bunny, Thumper. I built a maze and then I tested her at Morning, Noon, and Night forwards and Backwards to see when Thumper completed the Maze faster and slower.
                      Go on to these links-
                      How to bulid a maze-
                      How do preform the experiment-

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By mocha200 on 01/19/2013 02:58 PM

                        If you used the poop as fertilizer you could plant two of the same plants in two separate pots. In one add bunny poop, and in the other do not. Then maybe take pictures of the daily/weekly process and how it grew, if one grew taller or greener or something. Then have the plants their at the fair. Just a thought.

                        I did something similar for my science fair project years ago, not with rabbit poop but with different types of growing conditions and geraniums.  Do you have enough time to do something like that?  Geraniums are very hardy so they make a good plant for something like this.  Maybe do a plant with bun poop, a plant with commercial fertilizer (Miracle-Gro or something), and a plant with nothing added.  Then you can take some cute pics of the bunny next to the plants for your presentation.

                        I probably wouldn’t do anything with diet, buns are so sensitive to diet changes…

                      • LBJ10
                        17058 posts Send Private Message

                          You could talk about what is in bunny poop and why it makes a good fertilizer. That way you have some more info to display.

                        • shadowtheblackbunny
                          6 posts Send Private Message

                            What if did something like how does the amount of playtime affect how much your bunny eats? 

                          • Bam
                            16978 posts Send Private Message

                              hi shadow!

                              This thread is really old, and we ask members not to revive really old threads.

                              Your suggestion is nice though, it would be good for a science fair project.

                              I’m locking this thread now. If you like to start a thread of your own on a topic, choose the sub-forum where your topic fits best and click the “Add Topic”-button in the upper left corner. (Where the blue arrow on this screenshot points to):

                            • Bladesmith
                              849 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By Thumper2001 on 1/20/2013 7:25 AM

                                I did an experiment on my bunny, Thumper. I built a maze and then I tested her at Morning, Noon, and Night forwards and Backwards to see when Thumper completed the Maze faster and slower.
                                Go on to these links-
                                How to bulid a maze-
                                How do preform the experiment-

                                If I tried that with Clover, she’d sit at the end of it and look at me like, “You’re kidding right?”

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE Science Fair…and bunnies!