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› Forum › RAINBOW BRIDGE › Sampras, my really special little guy
I really wish I wasnt here writing,
But less than an hour ago, Sampras, my whole little world, the greatest little companion and comfort I have ever had, finally lost his long fought battle with illness.
A month before I got Sampras, a person I loved died unexpectedly. I bought Sampras, and used him as a focus to help me cope with a grief that was consuming me.
His little face waiting to greet me every morning before I went to work in a job that I hated, was what got me out of bed everyday.
He was always happy to greet me, even when I had a syringe full of antibiotics, he never held a grudge.
When I moved away from home, and was scared, and sad and so alone in a city with no friends, in a college course I felt like I wasn’t good enough to do, his company and unwavering affection helped me to keep it together. He loved me even when I felt like a failure(although I feel like that love was strongly related to the treats I was holding)
Yumi is currently saying her goodbyes. Im totally heartbroken for both of us. She’s been spending time trying to get him to groom her…which simply, is something too sad for words.
The regrets and what if’s keep piling up in my head but the only thing I keep coming back to is how much I just wish he was okay.
Im so sad to read this. I am so very sorry. Holding back the tears a bit..
I know how much he meant to you and what a sweetheart he was. You did so much to keep him comfortable as best you could. He was obviously very attached to you too. xx
***Binky Free Sampras buddy*** You will be missed!
Sending ((hugs)) to Yumi and you.
I’m so sorry. (((Binky free Sampras)))) <33
I’m so sorry. He really was a special little guy. I’ll never forget the pics of him with his nebulizer.
Binky free, sweet little Sampras.
Thanks guys. Ive been siiting here crying for hours over him (I feel so dramatic)
It’s been a really awful last few months for me and Sampras has gotten me through it like the little champ he was.
I honestly dunno how Im going to cope over the next few months without him. I know I have a lot of things ahead and I really wish I didnt have to face them without my little sidekick.
That little bunny was the only reason I got out of bed some mornings…granted some mornings he just climbed right in with me.
Horribly enough, I know I have to make a decision regarding keeping Yumi, or finding her a home where she can have a companion, we arent sure how she’ll cope as a widow, but her heartbreaking determination to groom him awake makes me think she might not be cut out for a life alone.
(((Binky free Sampras)))
Poor Yumi. Don’t rush into anything, she needs you and you need her right now. Can you look at getting another bun at some point, so she wont be without bun-company? Once she has had time to grieve.
I think it depends a lot on how much time you have, if you can spend lots of time with Yumi you will be able to comfort each other and become really tightly bonded friends. Not that anybun can replace Sampras, but it seems awfully sad if you were to have no bunny by your side.
I’m very sorry about the loss of Sampras. I’m sure that you and Yumi are very comforting to each other now. In time, you can think of adopting another bunny to be a companion for her, and to be loved by you.
I’m so sorry Dface, be strong. It’s going to be a tough time, but in due time I’m sure you’ll be able to look back and smile at the wonderful time you spent with Sampras.
I’m so sorry to hear this. Sampras was certainly a special little guy and he will be missed. I would definitely give Yumi some time, you might be surprised with how she acts as time goes by.
Sampras was one of the first buns I met when I joined this site, and he will be dearly missed. Luna and I send our condolences to you and Yumi.
Binky free Sampras
Sampras really was a special bunny… won’t ever forget any of those many pics you shared or just how many smiles I got (without even living) from him. Give Yumi time, then see. {{{Binky free Sampras}}}
Oh no… I am so sorry, Dface. Sampras was one of the BB angels… one of those surreally sweet buns everyone looks forward to hearing from or seeing. I’m sure you did everything you could to make his life as happy and comfy as possible in spite of his health struggles. You guys were close and he must’ve realized how much you loved him. I know things will be difficult in the near future, but Yumi is your baby too and you guys can take the time to grieve together, and comfort each other, and just redefine the bond you have. She might surprise you and do well with just you two, or in time you might meet another bun who demands to be brought home to your girl. Just give time a chance to work its magic…
Many hugs to you and Yumi bun, and (((Binky free, Sampras)))
Thanks for all of your kind words about Sampras, it means so much.
Even my boyfriend had a teary moment yesterday cause he went past a clump of dandelions and had the urge to pick them, before realising it was cause Id conditioned him to bring them for Sampras.
Yumi took all night to say goodbye to her husbun. Anytime i tried to take him before now shed run over to lie over him or frantically start grooming him. My heart breaks for her.
She finally let me take him out this morning , but has just been sitting with her chin on my lap for the past hour.
She even took her food out of the tray to eat it beside me.
Tbh i dunno who is trying to comfort who at this point!
Oh no! Dface – I am so so sorry – he was doing so well… I’m welling up for you.
I echo all above – don’t make any rash décisions re Yumi that you might regret later – you both need each other equally.
Nature is quite remarkable. She was allowed to say her goodbyes and maybe can now turn the page and would love a furry companion. Again, you need time to grieve too.
(((( Binky Free Sampras ))))
Thank you all for your kind words and understanding. They mean so so much. Its hard trying to grieve when so many people around me keep telling me he was ‘just a rabbit’, and think I’m just overreacting
The main solace I have at the moment was that I think he knew he was going (which sounds odd) but when I brought him to the vet he was truly miserable. I argued with the vet who was refusing to let Yumi stay with him, claiming he was so sick he wouldn’t notice her missing. I told her if she wouldn’t keep them both I couldn’t leave him there.
She finally went to ring her boss to see if she could take in Yumi too.
While she was gone (which was a good ten minutes) Sampras flopped down on the table, back legs full stretch, while he let me kiss his ears and little forehead. He even gave his weird tooth purr-different to the pain grinding he had been doing.
When she came back he stood up and went back into his carrier himself.
I wasnt there when he passed, but at least he had Yumi with him.
Im so glad I fought that battle for him.
And he gave me the gift of a final happy memory.
These are pictures from Friday evening, of him cuddling on my bed (favourite nap place) And also being a divil and trying to steal ketchup off my plate- such a little thief.
And then my poor little girl today.We filled her pen with as many treats and toys as we could, to hopefully pick her mood up a bit.
But it’s good that you guys are there for each other.
Beautiful pictures, Dface… my heart aches for you guys
Thanks Luna & Q8
We’ve decided to try find a teddy that we can trick Yumi into thinking it’s real so she can have something to groom and cuddle into.
Hopefully it will help her.
She just sits in his bed and licks it(we think it’s his smell ) with her third eyelid showing. She’s still eating but unenthusiastic about things, Nd her tummy is upset…
Proud that you had the good thinking of insisting to let Yumi be with him, it was the best for both of them I think.
Hope that poor little Yumi can recover from her grieving soon
Such sweet photos. <3
(((Dface & Yumi)))
She has her teddy that she’s obsessed with now. It’s around the same size as him so she spends most of the day just grooming it and trying to get it to groom her.
I think it helps her a bit. I mean at least she has something to cuddle into?
This breaks my heart, I’m so, so sorry Dface. I think the teddy is a great idea, it sounds like it’s helping Yumi already. <3
Zou sits grooming her ikea bun when Henry is just nearby…. so not sure if its a replacement object, more like a reflex…
if it helps that’s all that matters…
Yeah I read that grooming is actually an act rabbits enjoy as (aside from strengthening bonds and status in social ranks) it also stimulates the release of a form of endorphin’s. So even if she’s aware it’s not real, it gives her an outlet for the action at the very least, maybe thats what Zou likes about lickin Ikea bun!
She is definitely very subdued, wont leave her pen even when the door is open (little wagon used to be perpetually jumping out of it.) But is eating and drinking, but with a bit of an upset tummy(although I know that can simply be stress related.)
I have decided that I’ll go back to the room I stay in in belfast and clean all their toys and beds to try remove his smell, before moving her up too. I feel like it would be confusing to her when we move back for things to smell so strongly of him. Im not sure if I’m just projecting feelings, but even if she doesnt remember I imagine the smell of another rabbit would be irritating to her at the very least.
Can you tell I’ve been sitting over thinking everything? LOL
I’d say a deep clean is a very good idea, so that she doesn’t get wrong vibes (“he’s here? so he’s coming back?”). It’s something I’ve seen friends with multiple pets doing when one passed…
It’s normal that you’re overthinking, you’re still grieving yourself <3 do talk to us whenever you'll feel like it
Not at all, Dface. I’d say it’s pretty natural in these circumstances. You’re overthinking and we’re thinking of you guys *hug* and noserubs
Thanks guys. Your support had been so appreciated.
Yumi finaly left her pen today. So I’m relaxing a bit over how she’s coping (she’s getting tonnes of extra attention)
That’s so good to hear Continued thoughts from us…
Aw, I’m glad to hear that
I’m sorry I missed this thread before now. I’m so very sorry for your loss of Sampras.
How are you and Yumi doing now?
How are you and Yumi doing
Sorry been away from here for a bit, doing okay, still feeling really down about it, i miss him awfully. I find random things in the house that upset me that were his (or just things he ruined )
Yumi is okay. Her appetite is low and she’s stressed, more nervous than before. She tends to chose attention over everything. Including food. So we have to be careful of that. She’s also lost weight since, so moving her back onto pellets slowly( hopefully no tummy problems.)
She’s still eating,but in general the only way is if I’m there with her( must be a social event)
otherwise she sleeps lot.
But she seems happy when she’s around people and able to access us as she wants so as much as is possible we’ve been trying to accommodate that.
It makes sense I guess that she’d want the company she’s missing from her mate from her hoomans now. Keeping her company whenever possible sounds like the perfect thing to do right now
It’s a good thing she seeks your company, of course.
› Forum › RAINBOW BRIDGE › Sampras, my really special little guy