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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Sad to read so many stories :(

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    • Heaven
      256 posts Send Private Message

        Hey everyone, just wanted to share some thoughts. I love this community since I joined and have found everyone’s advice so helpful as well as seeing pictures of everyone’s lovely bunnies. I guess with so many members it’s inevitable there will be a lot of stories about poorly buns or people seeking support if their little one has passed away. Of course this is wonderful that we are able to be a source of consolation, but as a relatively new bunny owner it makes me so sad and extra worried for my own. I rush home at the end of the day panicked I’ll find him in distress. I had one rabbit when I was a kid, who lived in a hutch (we didn’t know any better) & I remember stroking his body before we buried him…such a haunting memory and makes me fear for Sam. I know it’s irrational but reading so many moving stories just breaks my heart. Just wondering if others have felt the same.

        Sending extra love to those who have recently (or not so recently) lost their bun. Binky free little ones xxx

      • LBJ10
        17014 posts Send Private Message

          I always worry about my babies. Especially Wooly since he has so many problems. Some of the stories can be sad, but I try not to think of it that way. They are more a reminder of how lucky I am.

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            Girl, I so feel you. I try not to read the Rainbow Bridge thread because I get so irrationally paranoid and sad. Like I feel so guilty that I have to live life and provide for them, therefore being away from them. The minute I get home I race up the stairs to them, and sometimes it literally aches to be away from them. But that’s just me.

          • GarfyTheLop
            171 posts Send Private Message

              I feel exactly the same too! Whenever Garf acts a tiny bit different or anything it sends me panicking, I kind of just thought I was a crazy so this makes me feel better knowing I’m not the only one.

            • joea64
              1423 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 2/06/2018 6:23 PM

                Girl, I so feel you. I try not to read the Rainbow Bridge thread because I get so irrationally paranoid and sad. Like I feel so guilty that I have to live life and provide for them, therefore being away from them. The minute I get home I race up the stairs to them, and sometimes it literally aches to be away from them. But that’s just me.

                I’m the same way. I try to avoid reading the Rainbow Bridge section more than once every few days, and the very first thing I do on coming home every evening is to check to see that Panda and Fernando are relaxing comfortably in their condo – if I don’t see them right away, I always go around to the front of their habitat to peek in and make sure they’re OK in their litterbox (where they’ve taken up resting in more frequently of late). Even though I’ve gotten the morning routine down to a science now – greet them and chat to them, pet them if they show they want some attention, gently herd them back into their condo (these days they’re going inside more of their own volition a lot more frequently, they’re learning!), refresh their hay and water, give them their morning pellets and treats, make sure all the doors are properly latched and they’re comfortable, say goodbye to them as I leave – and I know I’ve done everything possible for them to ensure they’re safe, well-found in food and water and comfortable, and that they’ll be happy with each other’s company throughout the day – I still worry and think about them throughout the day.

              • Heaven
                256 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks guys, glad to hear other people feel similarly. I don’t know if it’s my own paranoia/anxiety or something that just comes with bunny ownership to some degree. The vet today was saying (jokingly) that once you get a second bun you’re tied in – when one passes & you would usually get a new partner for the widow. Still extremely sad though.

                  It does make me grateful every day I have him <3 but hard not to be irrationally worried nonetheless

                • Sirius&Luna
                  2320 posts Send Private Message

                    I do think the thing to remember is that people tend to seek help when something is wrong. So even though there’s a disproportionate amount of sad stories, that doesn’t actually reflect everyone’s experiences. None of us post every day to say ‘my bunnies were happy and healthy this morning!’, because that’s how they should be and it doesn’t need commenting on

                    Try to remember that for all the sad posts, there are also hundreds of healthy happy buns, who’s biggest problem is that they didn’t get a strawberry today!

                  • joea64
                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                      Posted By Sirius&Luna on 2/07/2018 9:27 AM

                      I do think the thing to remember is that people tend to seek help when something is wrong. So even though there’s a disproportionate amount of sad stories, that doesn’t actually reflect everyone’s experiences. None of us post every day to say ‘my bunnies were happy and healthy this morning!’, because that’s how they should be and it doesn’t need commenting on

                      Try to remember that for all the sad posts, there are also hundreds of healthy happy buns, who’s biggest problem is that they didn’t get a strawberry today!

                      Very true in my own case! I don’t have much new to report on Panda and Fernando from day to day except if they do something ridiculously adorable, because they’re almost absurdly healthy and happy which is such a blessing. Really, the most interesting thing about their day-to-day lives is the way they engage in tug-of-wars over their evening bowl of oats, and the way Panda invariably, and I mean invariably, scoots into the hidey box and stretches out in utter bliss, exposing her rear tootsies through the door, after said oats are consumed Every. Single. Evening.

                    • Luna
                      2219 posts Send Private Message

                        It breaks my heart too reading about sick or passed buns. I used to never read the Rainbow Bridge thread because it’s so sad, but then I realized how much more painful it must be for the owner if they don’t get support or words of compassion. So I try to post something, even if it’s just a quick sentence or two. After reading one particularly sad post, I sat Luna down, looked her straight in her cute furry little face and told her “I know you probably already know this, but just in case you didn’t, I love you and you make me so happy every day. I’m so lucky to have you with me”

                      • Bam
                        16957 posts Send Private Message

                          Sirius and Luna, that is an important thing to remember. People often seek help on forums when sth isn’t right with their buns. Forums are intrinsically problem-based. Plus many people’s first and only posts are in the RB-section because they want to commemorate a beloved bun and know that they’ll find people here that will understand.

                          That’s why the chat- and picture threads are so extra important imo. I don’t contribute a lot to the pix-thread because Bam disguises himself as a black blob on 99% of all pix I try to take, but I love looking at all the lovely, adorable, funny, beautiful and happy rabbits that on a daily basis make this world a better place by just being their own wonderful little selves =D

                        • sarahthegemini
                          5584 posts Send Private Message

                            I don’t often go to the rainbow bridge section because it’s so sad but it’s a part of life I guess. As humans, we often outlive our animals, we just have to make their time with us as special as possible. 

                          • Vienna Blue in France
                            5317 posts Send Private Message


                              It is difficult not to worry but the important thing is to notice the important signs and act.

                              I must admit before joining here I probably would have left it a day or two, like I do with my cats and dogs (and me!), to see if they would get better on their own.
                              I know of course now, that rabbits are not the same. I am more vigilant with them and I act immediately.

                              Live life. Say i love you every day to your bunnies and hoomans, so one day there will be no regrets…

                              Hugs everyone. GROUP HUG !!

                            • Manda
                              176 posts Send Private Message

                                Hi Heaven, I recently have gone through this. My Cinni passed away at 13(had to put her down at the end of January) and ended up getting a new one a week later. In my grief I now too panic and worry about her- will she be okay? Will she live as long as Cinni? What about Mr Buns- he’s 5 now is he going to live a long time? We get these wonderful creatures knowing that these beautiful creatures are here only for a short time. We are good bun parents, we are paying attention. Saying goodbye is a part of the gig and we just have to accept that I guess. Or at least that is what I have come to terms with over the last week of constantly fretting over Petunia who is in excellent health and a very happy bunny as well as Mr Buns. We have to enjoy each moment as it comes I guess.

                                Someone once told me there is no use in fretting about things we cannot control. We must do our best and roll with the punches! I may have lost my special bun recently but I have peace knowing she is in a wonderful place not too far away and is still with me just not physically. Thank you for your extra love! xo

                              • Manda
                                176 posts Send Private Message

                                  I nanny cam mine when I’m at work that’s how addicted to mine I am!

                                • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                  2512 posts Send Private Message

                                    You’re definitely not the only one… Bas has almost forbidden me to go to the Rainbow Bridge forum when I’m about to have my period. I’ll spend half the day crying like a little b*tch because some random stranger half a world away lost their bun, and panicking about every little thing Breintje does. OMG, he didn’t finish all his food immediately! Honey, do you think it’s the start of stasis??! Hormones, great fun…

                                    Yes, the section makes me incredibly sad, but I try to drop by occasionally to give people some comfort. It’s the least I can do I think.

                                  • Heaven
                                    256 posts Send Private Message

                                      Thank you everybody! I’m glad so many people have chimed in, including those who have been through loss of their bunnies in the past. Reassuring to hear so much feedback <3

                                      Live life. Say i love you every day to your bunnies and hoomans, so one day there will be no regrets

                                      there is no use in fretting about things we cannot control

                                      I know I’ve done everything possible for them to ensure they’re safe, well-found in food and water and comfortable

                                      all true! At the end of the day, we know we are doing our best for them & they are having the happiest, loveliest lives possible by being in our care.

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE Sad to read so many stories :(