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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Sad Cotton is ageing

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    • bunnytowne
      7537 posts Send Private Message

        Well Cotton stopped eating his homeopathic herbal pain treats.  Yes bunny safe.  Gradually he started leaning to one side or the other when he sat.  No more bunny loafs.  Then he started falling to the right on his right hind quarters.  Then 3x I saw him spin a 360 on his right hip til he got up.  Off to the vets we go.  Metacam (meloxicam I am also on this lol and so are some friends lol)  Plus  otho or some such antibiotic cuz his front paws had clumped fur. I thought it was cuz he had some of my banana smoothie.  Almond milk no ice cream and a very tiny lick taht had gotten on his paws.  Nope.  Vet thought he had upper respiratory something.  Well his feet are clearing up so his nose and breathing must be clearing up too.  He is jumping great.  I just feel horrid that sometimes he still falls over in his hind quarters only to the right tho.  When he turns sometimes it happens.  Not like it used to tho. He is eating really good now.  Vet said he lost 1 lb.  Thats a lot.  I knew he lost some weight too and thats not good.  OH he is eating so good.  Its been 7 days now. Vet says it may be muscle mass cuz his weakness in hind quarters that he loss he is smaller back there.  True he is. The vet last year said he had arthritis in his back and hips.  They can get that at his age since I noticed he was having trouble jumping sometimes.  He gave Cotton some Oxbow treats for joint support.  Cotton absolutely refuses to eat them so I got my friends products and he ate them til 2 months ago.I did step on him 1  year ago and had to rush him to the vet then also.   Scared me half to death.  He was on bedrest for a week he hated it.  I did too but he had to heal up

        I feel that may also be bothering him.  It was his front left shoulder area no broken bones but soft tissue damage.  He sits like that may be bothering him.  

        I dont know I just feel bad to see him like this.  His zest for life is still here believe me.  Just Its that I know he isnt feelingn good like he used to.  

      • Bam
        16957 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t know if you should treat for e cuniculi as well, just to be safe. Many buns carry this parasite, but the immune system suppresses it. But when a bun gets old, the immune defense gets weaker. You could ask your vet. E cuniculi is treated with a dewormer (Panacur). It’s a comparatively mild medication.

          E cuniculi can cause hind leg weakness, wobbliness and falling over.

          It’s not unlikely though that Cotton is suffering from some kind of degenerative age-related joint/spine problem. But he could of course have multiple issues. My dog, I wrote about her before, had a tick borne disease that probably made her spinal problems more painful. So we had to treat her for that, then get on with NSAID and a pain-reducing drug called
          Gabapentin. I remember one of the former BB leaders got Gabapentin for her very old bun, so maybe that could be sth for Cotton if his problems worsen.

          You must give him a kiss from us BBers. We’ve heard so many fun stories about him over the years ?

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            Aww….sorry to hear he has been poorly lately. But waving ((((Hi)))) nice to see you back on BB.

            I know it’s hard when they start to get old. My Bindi just turned 10. And he’s definitely slowed down and having some issues.

          • jerseygirl
            22345 posts Send Private Message

              It is hard, I know, BT. And then some days they act all spritely and you wonder “what the heck?!”

              I wonder if the respiratory condition could have been affecting his balance some? Especially if it reached the inner ear.

              Rumball has also lost condition and seems too thin. It’s the muscle mass thats gone. He seems wobbly a bit at times and when still, seems to lean more heavily on one side but he also is pretty active. I also noticed about 2 weeks ago that his vision has gone even more. It seemed sudden.

              Cotton is lucky to have you. And we’ve been lucky to have our sweetie-buns so long!

            • Hazel
              2587 posts Send Private Message

                I’m sorry little Cotton isn’t feeling well, sending lots of vibes for him. It’s nice to see you back on BB though, bt!

              • bunnytowne
                7537 posts Send Private Message

                  Yet is a what the heck situation.  He hops his rolling hop.  Then he drags himself this afternoon.  Oh nooo no way.  Uh uh.  I picked him up set him on top his cage with his greens.  He ate wanted to get down I placed him on the floor and he hops off his rolling hop what the heck.  He is still moving on his own.  How strange. 

                  Do I have him put to sleep or wait til friday and see on his return visit?  Such hard decisions.  I refuse to have him dragging himself about.  But he only did it that once.  we will see.  How the week goes.  He is wanting to eat his greens.  Got some watermelon for fluids plus giving critical care.  

                  Will give him his subQ fluids tomorrow.   He is eating his greens.  I will ask about e cunniculi when we go in agian too.  Just in case. It can also affect the kidneys I read up on it. 

                  This is so hard everyone.  I think his little body is giving out.  His spirit is still there.  He wont drink or eat pellets the vets office said due to the critical care.  Nor does he seem to be eating his hay.  

                  I did clean cecals off him 2x today.  He pees where ever.  I dont fuss he cant help it.  I think he is miserable personally.  He isnt chewing his toys or moving about he just lays there unless its greens time or he wants a treat. 

                • RabbitPam
                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                    Hi, BT, sorry to take so long to say hello and good to hear from you.

                    It is a bit like when Spockie turned 7. He lost the use of his back legs and dragged himself across the carpet from room to room. I also gave him metacam for the pain as well as some other meds. Meanwhile, he seemed very content to be relaxing around me and having company. His spirits were good right up to the end. As long as he wasn’t suffering, we accommodated his problems, like having to bathe his butt twice a day as well. I got some carpet samples from a surgical supply company that were washable, and just swapped them out so he could pee freely in his habitat without having to lift himself into the litter pan.

                    I’m afraid this is what happens when they get older. It’s the price we pay for having such a wonderful time with them for so many years, and Cotton is an exceptional bunny. It’s great that he is ten, and he still has you to care for him so closely. You’ll know when his time comes. I had taken Spockie to my vet with the idea that I might have to let him go, only to have him pass away in my arms on her examining table just as she walked in the door, so I was spared the decision. You love him with all your heart, will make Cotton comfortable as long as you can, and do the right thing for him, whatever that is, whenever he needs you. Just enjoy him now.

                  • bunnytowne
                    7537 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi RabbitPam how are you?  

                      Well I have rugs so I dont mind if he goes whereever.  I can always replace the rugs.  Or steam clean them I do love the 1 rug.  They are old rugs anyways.  And I know Cotton cant help it.  He does have trouble getting about time to time but hasnt dragged himself since that 1 time.  He almost had to this morning. 

                      Friday when he goes back and gets the blood work to see about his kidneys will tell me and the vet if he needs to be at peace or not. I would say yes.  I feel so lucky to be able to be home to see about him tho. CC every 4 hours.  Things like that.  

                      The Sub Q iv went well by myself yesterday.  He only seems to want watermelon.  He did eat some hay last night it seems.  I see he made a mess lol.  I put towels down on his rugs under his table.  That way I can see if he has cecals sitting about I can clean them up right away before he gets them all over his hair.  Yes I said hair not fur lol.  Funny I say hair instead of fur lol.  

                      IF he does need to move on to his next life I know I had this time with him the is week.  I know he has had a good life.  More than some bunnies get.  Our bunnies on BB are very fortunate.  

                      I moved his dishes near his table area.  I put his spare dishes in his cage for when he feels up to going in there.  

                    • jerseygirl
                      22345 posts Send Private Message

                        {{{Cotton}}} xx
                        Sending him some nose rubs over from Australia !

                      • bunnytowne
                        7537 posts Send Private Message

                          thank you Jersey Girl

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                      Forum THE LOUNGE Sad Cotton is ageing