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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Rucy is gone

Viewing 62 reply threads
  • Author

    • BinkyBunny
      8776 posts Send Private Message

        It is with such a heavy heavy heart that I am writing this. I just can’t believe it myself.   She passed away in my arms this morning. 

        She did so well with her surgery recovery (especially for a older bunny) and she started having more energy and hanging out with Jack more again.  But then the last couple of days she started to go back to her low-key self. ( the way she was for months prior to surgery)  She would eat and poop – (even late last night) ,but just back to being low-key.  So I didn’t think anything so devastating would happen.  I figured her meds would need to be changed.   My vet had gotten the cultures back from her extracted teeth/roots, and we were going to discuss this weekend what they were and what meds to use, but this morning I could tell something was really wrong. She was just wanting to get to a corner and she was dizzy, getting weaker by the minute.  I called the vet to let them know we were on our way, but she died in my arms before we could even make it out the door.

        I was worried about  how Jack would react.   Before I took Rucy’s body to the vets to have a necropcy done, Jack spent time with Rucy’s body to help him recognize she’s passed so he won’t look for her and wait for her.  It was heartbreaking to watch him figure out that she was gone, all the little interacting tricks, but then there was a moment when he was trying so hard to interact and in the middle of it, he just stopped and looked at her, it was so obvious to him them something really was wrong.  He then sniffed her in an odd way (as if to sniff a strange bunny) and then he stepped away from her and wouldn’t go near her.   

        I can’t even express how awful today is.

        Rucy was a spunky smart fun bunny who I will have a very hard time letting go of. I am just so happy that i had her in my life.  She’s brought me sooo much joy and happiness.  I will miss so much.



      • LilynJestersMama
        258 posts Send Private Message

          My heart breaks to read this news.  I remember finding this site months ago and I’d log on numerous times in the day to see what Jack and Rucy were up to on the webcams.

          I’m sorry that you didn’t have a chance to get her to the vet.  I can’t think of anything more comforting for Rucy than being in your arms though.

          She will be missed by all of us.

          I’m glad that Jack got to say his goodbye to her- this will help him heal.

          Wishing you strength and fond memories of your Rucy girl.

          Take good care of yourselves and Jack…. 

        • skibunny8503
          1338 posts Send Private Message

            Oh my gosh!    I am so sorry for your lose!  How old was she? 

            Wishing you strength through this tough time.  We’re all there for you and Jack during this hard time.  ((( lots of hugs for you and Jack)))

          • FluffyBunny
            1263 posts Send Private Message

              Oh my gosh BB, I am so sorry…I can’t beleive she’s gone, she was a gorgeous rabbit who I loved watching on the webcams…RIP Rucy *binky free Rucy*

            • ScooterandAnnette
              1090 posts Send Private Message

                OMG this is just so sad! It was so hard reading it because it’s sounding so much like how we lost Reno and how ours reacted to it. We are so very sorry for your loss. But she knew you loved her and she got the feel that warmth and love while she crossed the bridge. Binky free Rucy. *hugs* to BinkyBunny and the rest of Rucy’s family.
                – Annette

              • Hedi
                969 posts Send Private Message

                  I am so sorry for you all! We will all miss seeing Rucy. Poor Jack. Give Jack a kiss for us all and tell him we love him!

                  Binky free Rucy. Now she is with Bailey maybe on their own Bunny Bridge webcam of their own. You know, since they were such celebrities here.

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. i just am still in shock. One minute, i feel i’m okay, and then another round of pain waves come crashing in. I know it’s part of the process. Just sucks.

                    I really hope that the necropocy helps with finding answers (sometimes it can, sometimes it can’t) I’ve been sticking by Jack all day and he seems to be doing okay. He did go look for Rucy in her hidey box a couple of times, and that just kills me when I see him doing that. I know it’s part of the loss even if they had time with the body. I know he has to go through this too in his way.

                    He is a bunny that really craves attention and loves being near another bunny more so than any of my previous bunnies. i read online that for those companion craving bunnies, to give them a toy right away and make it go through the grooming motions with him. I thought, what good will that do when it finally sits still – wouldn’t they think the toy has passed too? But I tried it anyway about an hour ago, and he just groomed it and gently cleaned out the corners of it’s eyes. . He’s such a sweet companion! That definitely perked him up and he went hopping around with a little more umpf after that.. He doesn’t honk and greet it with joy like he did Rucy, but he does find comfort in it in someway.

                    He’s been eating and pooping fine today. We’ll see how the week progresses for him.

                    skibunny – Rucy’s estimated age is 9 years old but because she is a rescue and her history is limited we’re not 100% sure. she was dropped off in a carrier in front of San Francisco Animal Care and Control with no info, so they had to guestimate her age back then, and I’m not sure how long she was there for, but not too long before the House Rabbit Society took her in to deal with a health problem. They fixed her up (surgery on a jaw abscess) and then she was there for awhile before I adopted her. So it’s really hard to say for sure. And I know that she was senior status, but she was doing so well and so I don’t believe she died due to her age. So many other factors could have come into play and so hopefully the necropsy will help with answer that.

                    Thank you again – I really appreciate the kind words. It does help.

                  • Binkles
                    823 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no!! BB I’m so sorry to hear about this!! I know Rucy was a special bunny, and I’ve seen her name floating around here a lot. I will miss hearing about her too..

                      Those pain waves are hard, aren’t they? When I was grieving over Binkles, this may sound silly, but one thing I found that helped me was similar to something that might help a grieving bunny -to obsess yourself over something completely happy. For a bunny it may be a stuffed animal or something, for me it was repetitively playing that little ‘Snow Bells’ game with the bunny that hops onto the bells. Just something to preoccupy yourself with and remind yourself that the world isn’t caving in even though it feels like it.

                    • dreamlessforever
                      148 posts Send Private Message

                        i am so sorry. rucy was a beautiful rabbit. you gave her the best life a rabbit could have and i know she knows that. i know things look hard now with her gone but eventually things will look up for you and jack. i will keep you and your grieving family all in our thoughts.

                        i wish that for all who feel this loss of dear rucy for the pain to fade and the happy memories to take place so that the ocean of grief in our thoughts will subside to the back of our minds and the  light of rucy’s happy memory shine through on the horizon  parting the grey clouds of depression for your lives to continue to a bright and happy future.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          Jennifer, my heartfelt condolences to you and the family.  I am just so saddened of this news. What a shock!  Well Rucy did truly sound like a trooper coming thru the difficulties earlier in life and the surgeries. I know it may be a small comfort, but for her to pass in your arms in her home is a gift of sorts. What better way for Bailey and Rucy to make their way to the Rainbow Bridge than from the arms of the one who loves them best?!

                          Sending nose rubs for Jack. Thanks for updating us on how he is going. It must be very difficult to watch him learn of Rucy’s passing. How lucky is he to have you to help him (as I’m sure he will help you!).

                          (((Sweet Rucy, Binky Free with your girl Pal Bailey)))

                        • babybunsmum
                          3896 posts Send Private Message

                            this is devastating news.   i am so very sorry.  having gone through this recently myself with baby bun i know what a terrible void it leaves in your heart.  be gentle with yourself now while you heal and give sweet jack some extra lovin.  poor jack.  (((binky free rucy)))

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                              This breaks my heart. I read your email, and now reading this… I just cannot believe it. It makes me so sad for you, but she could not have asked for anything or anyone better. Take care of yourself Jennifer, take care of Jack.

                              Binky Free Rucy…

                            • Beeslee
                              147 posts Send Private Message

                                I am so sorry for your loss. May Rucy binky free always in heaven.

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Rucy. I can offer only my deepest condolences and be here for you. {{{{Big Bunny Hugs to you and Jack}}}} I hope that when the time comes for my sweet babies to go it will be like Rucy, in the arms of the one they love. I think that would bring me comfort as it should bring you comfort. Your description of Jack saying goodbye brought many tears to my eyes.

                                  {{{Binky Free Rucy to the Rainbow Bridge to watch over the ones you love}}}}}

                                • ordywife
                                  3 posts Send Private Message

                                    So sorry to hear about Rucy; hope that Jack will be okay. He has already had so many losses in his little furry life. ;(

                                  • RabbitPam
                                    11002 posts Send Private Message

                                      OMG, BB, I just saw this now! I am heartsick. I didn’t go online most of the day and somehow I missed this.

                                      I don’t know what to say that will be comforting, since I feel like crying. She was such a love. Please give Jack a big snuggle for me.
                                      And take care of yourself. She was a wonderful bunny, and I spent many hours of comfort when I was alone from watching she and Jack. It was like having them for company when I desperately missed having a bun. She was a lovely, lovely girl.

                                    • RabbitPam
                                      11002 posts Send Private Message


                                        I hope you don’t mind. I have some pictures of Rucy that I took via the webcam that I would like to share. I hope they bring you comfort and not add to your grief. Love, Rabbitpam


                                      • 2lops
                                        347 posts Send Private Message

                                          Oh no BinkyBunny I’m so sorry!
                                          *Rest in Peace Rucy*
                                          ((hugs for you and Jack))

                                        • cjune1961
                                          6 posts Send Private Message

                                            I am very sorry you had to post this news. She was a beautiful little spirited girl, always flitting about the bun area on the webcams,always running away from Jack’s amorous attempts,and I believe she was looking directly at the camera knowing people were watching her and enjoying her presence. I just saw her a few days ago and she was so full of vitality. She was/is well loved and I am saddemed  for your family and Jack, especially after Bailey.Please give him a scritch for us and let him know he is not forgotten. Peace to you and positive vibes for Jack too. Carla.

                                          • MimzMum
                                            8029 posts Send Private Message

                                              Jennifer, I cannot tell you how heart wrenching this news is. I just got in today, haven’t been able to get online while my son was finishing work for his school.
                                              The black rabbit is sure doing extra duty lately. I wish he’d take some time off.
                                              I will miss Rucy. *sniffle* I didn’t get to see her on cam much (it’s hard to load it with my dial-up) but I know she was a very special bun. God bless her. Poor Jack, I wish I could give him a snuggle.

                                              My prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
                                              And a very special candle for a most special bun.

                                            • BinkyBunny
                                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thank you everyone. This has been very hard and your words mean alot. I was dreading posting here yesterday because I knew it would make it “real”, but your kind words and support mean so much. More than you may know…more than I know how to express.

                                                Bailey died last year (ironically in March too) and though that is painful, and I miss her, she had battled e.cuniculi for so long, and with her hind leg weakness, I felt she was free. With Rucy, I just wasn’t ready at all. I was just soooo happy that she was back to her spunky self for a few days after surgery. I just can’t believe it. I just keep going over and over in my head what I missed, what I could have done differently to make this have turned out differently. If the necropsy comes back with something that could have been prevented, then I will swallow that very hard.

                                                Rabbitpam, thank you very much for posting those webcam stills. It made me cry (but it’s a good thing).

                                                cjune – Jack gets especially “amorous” this time of year. (though he can be annoying with this at other times too) I had asked the vet about his need to mate so much. (it isn’t dominance because he honks and circles) and the vet said that because, before he was a rescue and neutered, he was active and fathered kits, so it could be more hard-wired than if he had been neutered earlier. His honking and bugging Rucy could get tiresome, and so that’s why she had her own special hidey house, but I didn’t realize he was doing it so much. Out of curiosity, for those that watched the webcams, how often would he do this when you were on? I know he was more active this last week because he was just so happy she was spending more time with him.

                                                Today Jack was definitely more low key and ate less so we doubled up the affection duty between Steve and I this evening, and he started eating more. He really doesn’t like being alone at all. Today, he’s been following us out of the bunny room when we leave it – before he was satisfied just to be in the bunny room near Rucy if she chose to stay. So far he is just going back in to use his litterbox and eat. Poor guy, he hates to be alone. I am so glad both Steve and i work from home so he doesn’t have to be alone during the day.

                                                OH!! soo…so Jack is hanging out with Steve and I right now in the living room as i type this..and…he just did a Binky! A little moment of joy…so needed by all of us.

                                              • kralspace
                                                2663 posts Send Private Message

                                                  oh, this is just heartbreaking, I’m so sorry about Rucy, Jennifer. She was so much the spunky mascot of Binkybunny. Sending all our love and comfort to you, Steve and especially Jack. Binky free, Rucy girl.

                                                • Beka27
                                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Pam… I love that first pic of Jack and Rucy! His big ol’ butt flopped over her. That made me giggle. Thanks for posting those…

                                                  • Sarita
                                                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Comforting vibes to you, Steve, and Jack.

                                                    • bunnyluvr
                                                      409 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I am so sorry about sweet beautiful Rucy. My thoughts are with you and Jack. Binky free Rucy!

                                                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I’m so sorry BB-what an awful loss. There could be no more comforting way to go then in the arms of who you loved, and she’s at the bridge now smiling down on you and Jack. Perhaps her few days of spunk were a gift to you and Jack before she had to go.
                                                          I don’t think anything leaves a bigger hole in our hearts then when our beloved animals pass away, and that sting and that pain just show you how much they meant to us.

                                                          *Big Hugs to you and your family* and *nose rubs and bunny kisses* to Jack.

                                                        • DallasDelight
                                                          187 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Oh saddens me so much to read this..I am terribly sorry for your loss of such a wonderful bun. Poor Jack..this must be especially devastating to him.
                                                            R.I.P Rucy, hope you’re binkying your way across the rainbow bridge.

                                                          • bunnytowne
                                                            7537 posts Send Private Message

                                                              OH noo not our Rucy.  I saw this post and had to come see.  OH nooo.  How sad. Yu have lost Bailey recently.  Now Rucy too. Hugs and best Wishes to you all.

                                                            • Lisa_43
                                                              1499 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I am so sorry BB for your loss.

                                                                ((((((((((((((((((((((((Binky free Rucy)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                                                              • BinkyBunny
                                                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your support.

                                                                  The necropsy came back and there really weren’t any definite answers to her cause of death that I could grab onto which can be hard in itself, but there were a several maybes and so I will just try and learn from that. I also just had a follow up call with vet to get clarification on a few things.

                                                                  So she could have been having a bloat problem because she showed to be noticable bloat at the necropsy, but both Steve and I were massaging her stomach that morning, and it was not bloated, and since bloat can happen after death, the vet said then it may have been something else.

                                                                  According to the vet, though there seemed to be a blockage, she also had a “normal” looking cecum, not inflamed that would be typical of a bacteria imbalance, HOWEVER, I just got clarification that also doesn’t always gaurantee that there wasn’t some sort of imbalance – further lab type testing of the cecum would have to be done. Since there were still normal poops in her cecum that is why she was still leaving normal poops behind, but I am sure that if this had continued that that would have abruptly stopped once the cecum was emptied. She also had a heart clot but that likely happened after death too. So there are so many unknowns.

                                                                  Rucy was also predisposed to diet related issues due to the fact she was missing an incisor and bottom molars on one side of her mouth and didn’t eat course high fiber hay,(though I would give her the 2nd cut, but that’s less fiber) and then she just had three more molars extracted..

                                                                  The one thing that I had been very worried about is that her hernia was further damaged to a fatal level with Jack’s mounting, but the hernia was actually determined to not be causing any serious problems and that was not a cause of death.

                                                                  So bottomline is it’s baffling and the vet was very comforting in the fact that she said that this can just happen – where the necropsy offers and unknown (even with two of her own bunnies). So that made me feel better that this can happen to even great rabbit savvy vets.

                                                                  Paraphrasing what the vet said, the cecum is a tricky system that doesn’t always leave definite clues because there are just so many separate factors.

                                                                  But what is the most baffling is that she was eating and pooping and so the learning lesson for me will be that just because a bunny is doing those things, doesn’t mean they aren’t out of serious danger. If I were to go back and do it all over again, I would have taken her more low-key self as a more urgent sign. I know since we don’t know what happened, that that may not have even saved her, but I am just thinking of what I would have done differently in my efforts.

                                                                  So though there are many what if’s and shoulda’s, the one thing I know for sure, that there is no doubt about, is that Steve, her buddy Jack, and I love Rucy soooo much, and there is nothing I woudn’t have done for her.

                                                                  Before Rucy’s death, I had been making a funny video of her called the “Diggy Box Diva” and I started to finish it last night. Watching her funny vibrant self makes me feel better, and when it’s done, I’ll be sure to post it to celebrate some of the best parts of her life.

                                                                  Thank you all again for your words of comfort.

                                                                • MimzMum
                                                                  8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    You know, your post reminds me that I do not take anywhere near enough pictures or video of my furbabies. I am looking forward to seeing the feature film starring our dear Rucy.

                                                                    I just have to hear the word bloat now and I shudder. That was Shadow’s problem. (he goes in for removal of stitches tomorrow) It’s one of those things I read up on now and keep an eye on my animals for. But with Shadow, I think it was just luck it wasn’t worse.

                                                                    I don’t know if it’s worse to know what happened, or to be unsure. I wish there had been some definitive closure for you on this, but I think what’s important to focus on is that she had so much wonderful time with you. And even though she left so quickly, she was in your arms, where she was loved.

                                                                    I am currently hunting up some of Rucy’s pictures. She was a very unique looking bun. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like her. I also reread her story on the webcam page.

                                                                    I hope Jack is doing okay also. I am sure he’s eating up attention. Please give him an extra nose rub from me.

                                                                  • BinkyBunny
                                                                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Thank you Mimz! Vibes for Shadow’s continued healing! Yeah, I don’t know if it’s worse to know either or not to know. Either way, there always seems to be room for self-blame. She was a unique bunny and one of the softest bunnies I have ever felt. Everyone would say that about her. She had martin marking with the white undersides, liined by the dark gray and then the rest with the lighter gray. Such a pretty girl she was!

                                                                      Jack is doing okay. He knows for sure she’s gone and doesn’t look for her at all anymore. He won’t eat much unless we are sitting next to him. If I leave, he will normally stop eating. We gave him Bailey’s old Toy companion, BeeBee (phonetics for BB – Bailey’s Buddy). He does think BeeBee is a bore, and he doesn’t greet it with any excitement, but when he passes by her he always makes sure to give the toy a little head lick. He will also lick the corners of her eyes. Rucy always had a some discharge on her eyes, and Jack would always tend to them. He does the same with this bunny. So sweet..sad…sweet.

                                                                      He does find comfort in the toy bunny but he’s still a bit down. I know he will need new friend soon, I just have to heal a bit more. I know he will be ready before me and I want to do what is best for him. I just need a bit more time personally. ya know, just feel a little less “heavy” pain so that I can embrace a new bunny with lots of love and joy. For now Steve and I are showering Jack with attention and love, and I can tell that really does make him feel better. (he’s a very expressive bunny!)

                                                                    • RabbitPam
                                                                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I think it takes at least two weeks for that heavy numbness to wear off. You won’t be ready to think about what’s next before then. Jack is fine as long as you are there for him. Later you will have a new bunny appear in your lives when its time. Possibly quite soon, but you’ll know.

                                                                        BB, I think Rucy was just frail by nature. Some are, and you give them the best life possible as long as they’re with us. We are never responsible for life and death ultimately, unless we deliberately cause harm. I can’t imagine anyone doing more for a sweetie than you did over the past year and more.

                                                                      • babybunsmum
                                                                        3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          i totally understand your concern.  i worry about pinky… even tho her & baby weren’t cage-mates they were right beside eachother and were often ‘in sync.’  they’d both eat hay, groom, perch on the upper level, and sit on potty at the same time.  pinky is way more excited to see me now than when baby bun was next to her.  even still, i totally agree with rabbitpam… as long as you and hubby are there for jack he’ll be okay to wait for you to heal too.  its v.cute that he grooms BB.  what a sweet love he is!  (((hugs)))

                                                                        • BinkyBunny
                                                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Thank you!!

                                                                            Jack has been doing very well today. He has been eating without waiting for us to sit with him, and he did a couple of really great zoom/binkies after a snuggle session. I’m so happy to see him feeling good again. It will be a week tomorrow, so he has pulled out of his own funk very quickly. But, I guess when you are a bunny, bunny time goes by a bit quicker.

                                                                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              You know, I like to believe they get over the loss quicker then we do-because they know something we don’t.

                                                                              *Nose rubs* for Jack and *hugs* for you and hubby

                                                                            • BinkyBunny
                                                                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                I like that idea too KK!

                                                                              • Deleted User
                                                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Thinking of you Jenny … not been around for a while and just seen your post … was quite a shock … Take care Chooky. Hugs.

                                                                                  Dawn x

                                                                                • Cassi&Charlie
                                                                                  1260 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    Jenifer I’m so sorry for your loss!Rucy was such spunky girl, I loved watching her on your webcam with her perky ears and quick movements.

                                                                                    Healing vibes to you and Jack. Much love! Cassi.

                                                                                  • katiep
                                                                                    222 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      I’m so sorry for your family and Jack’s loss.  I occasionally tuned into the webcams just to take a peek into their lives even though I could just look in the other room at my own furry group but it was interesting to see two bonded bunnies interact.   I hadn’t logged in in almost a month and was shocked to hear your sad new.  My prayers are with you!

                                                                                    • bigsis7
                                                                                      732 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        OMGsh!! I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here when she passed, BB!! She knows you love her and she loves you. I think the best thing she did while she was alive was to wait for you and die in your arms. The world may seem unfair right now and trust me it will seem like that for a while, but in time the pain will ease. Losing Rucy will always leave a scar, but it will fade. Now she has her wings that she deserves and is bouncing around with Bailey (even though Rucy is still the boss of her)! *hugs* Give Jack lots of kisses for me!

                                                                                      • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                                                        2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          I knew about this before, but I just really didn’t know what to say. I really feel for you, Jennifer… it was heartbreaking to hear. But I’m glad to hear that Jack has begun to pull through.

                                                                                        • evansvillegirl26
                                                                                          254 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            I’m sooooooo sorry for your loss! I have been gone so it’s a bit late but I hope you, Jack and your hubby are doing good. It’s been almost 3 yrs since My Bun Rusty died and he was almost 9. I still cry thinking of him!! But it does get better. Keep us posted on Jack!! Sending you all hugssssss

                                                                                          • BinkyBunny
                                                                                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Thank you everyone! Jack does seem to be doing better, but I can’t forget that he continues to need alot of attention. Thank goodness he sleeps when I am very very busy. Around noon though he’ll come out ask for some affection and then go back to sleep until about 4:30pm. Then we’ll spend the rest of the evening together. If I don’t bring my work down on the floor with him he just sits and stares at me as if to say…”c’mon, I’m lonely”  or he’ll try to cuddle with BB his toy friend, which I find too sad to watch for too long since BB can’t groom back, so I’ll take my laptop and paperwork stuff down on the ground and sit next to him and pet him between typing and stuff. 

                                                                                              And then after work (around 8:30pm)  he’ll want to continue to hang out while I do other computer fun stuff, watch TV etc until I go to bed at my night-owl hours. So he literally wants to be with us for no less than 10 hours straight. This is something we are not used to because before with Rucy, they would spend some time with us for a couple of hours, but they would still play and hang out in their bunnyroom more often.

                                                                                              He’s such an adorable sweet bunny that I love spending all this time with him, I just feel sorry for him too at the same time. We will search out a bunny friend for him when the time is right, but in the meantime, I do love spending all this time with him, even if my back is beginning to hurt by spending so much time on the floor.

                                                                                              Thank for all your kind words and support.

                                                                                            • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                                                              2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                Aw, that is so sweet, but does sound a little much! He sounds so incredibly affectionate. Maybe you should start thinking about getting another older bunny for him to bond with. It might be worth a shot.

                                                                                              • BinkyBunny
                                                                                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  I may start looking next weekend just to get my mind prepared as I know he will need a companion bunny. I am not ready to adopt yet, but maybe once I start looking it will help ease me in.

                                                                                                • Hedi
                                                                                                  969 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    What about that pretty girl you had mentioned..Brigette?

                                                                                                    So…with a new bun when you go for the interviews wil you need to ask potential buns, ” are you ok w/ being on a bunnycam 24/7?”

                                                                                                  • Beka27
                                                                                                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      LOL! Yeah, any new “star” would have to sign a disclaimer allowing her image to be used on the internetz. )

                                                                                                    • MimzMum
                                                                                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        I’m glad to hear Jack is doing a bit better, even if it does mean some overtime on your part.
                                                                                                        *sigh* I wish I had enough time to just sit with Mimzy or Fiver before bed, but I’m so blasted from gathering tax papers, I’ve got nothing left by midnight.

                                                                                                      • jerseygirl
                                                                                                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          Posted By Hedi on 03/25/2009 06:26 AM
                                                                                                          What about that pretty girl you had mentioned..Brigette?

                                                                                                          Bridgette?  She doesn’t happen to be a grey french lop does she??

                                                                                                          Very glad to hear Jack will get a new friend in time (not that I doubted it!)  So great we get to experience it here when new buns come into the home.


                                                                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                                                                          22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Posted By Hedi on 03/25/2009 06:26 AM
                                                                                                            What about that pretty girl you had mentioned..Brigette?

                                                                                                            Brigette?  She doesn’t happen to be a grey french lop does she??

                                                                                                            Very glad to hear Jack will get a new friend in time (not that I doubted it!)  So great we get to experience it here when new buns come into the home.

                                                                                                          • snickybun
                                                                                                            61 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                              My sincerest heartfelt sympathies!  I know what you have been through with Rucy, so sooo much.  I remember even years ago she had problems.  And you just kept doing anything and everything you could for her.  Rucy could not have lived a more full, happy, content life!!  And it was YOU that made that possible.  You are spectacular.  Rucy was a trooper, and she was a very special bunny who will be missed by not only you, but lots of others.  I know you have many happy memories of her that you will cherish, as you work your way through this terrible loss.  And I know you will keep in mind that Rucy will never, ever have another tooth/jaw/abcess problem again.

                                                                                                              I will be thinking of you during this difficult time, and sending you wishes for peace and comfort.



                                                                                                            • Deleted User
                                                                                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                BB I have been out of touch for so long and I see this. I am so sorry for you and Jack. Just reading about Jack figuring it out had me in tears. ((((( Hugs for all of you )))))

                                                                                                              • Lily
                                                                                                                340 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  Im so sorry for your loss. Rucy was so awosme…

                                                                                                                  *Bunny hugs to you and Jack!*

                                                                                                                • BinkyBunny
                                                                                                                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    Thank you very much! She will be forever in my heart.

                                                                                                                  • kimberleyanddarren
                                                                                                                    2520 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                      I am so sorry for your loss. I think we will all miss your antics on the webcams and i know we all have kept a special place in our hearts just for you. Binky Free Rucy!

                                                                                                                    • Lightchick
                                                                                                                      1017 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        BB, I’m so sorry I haven’t expressed my condolences sooner…I feel so bad for yours and Jack’s loss. Binky free, sweet Rucy! I’m sure she’s busy being diva-licious on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, and telling every-bunny on that side how things should be! (Thank goodness for her; I’m sure sad little Flower was lost before Rucy came along to put things right…!)

                                                                                                                      • lottin_uk
                                                                                                                        33 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                          Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry that Rucy has passed – can’t quite belive it.

                                                                                                                          My thoughts are with you at this really awful time.

                                                                                                                        • lottin_uk
                                                                                                                          33 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                            I phoned my fiance to tell him that Rucy – also known as – Phonebook Schmonebook had passed.
                                                                                                                            He reminded me that she was the reason we got the old phonebook out for our buns…… it is a great photo! such attitude….

                                                                                                                          • BinkyBunny
                                                                                                                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                              THANK YOU! A love it that she was also known as Phonebook Schmonebook and that she helped get your bunnies into phonebook destruction.

                                                                                                                            • Angelwings1956
                                                                                                                              1 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                I am so sorry for Rucy’s passing. I’m a flight attendant that just happened to catch you, Jack and Rucy  on TV during a layover in Sacramento. I fell in love with your story on TV. You did a wonderful job in promoting awareness on raising rabbits. Rucy’s passing did not go in vein, she and you gave the public awareness, and I thank you for the love you had for her.

                                                                                                                              • BinkyBunny
                                                                                                                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                  Oh, thank you very much! I didn’t realize they even associated this website with the bonding story of Jack and Rucy. Thank you for your kind words. I really miss her still very much. Jack is doing much better now too. His energy level is coming back in the evenings and he doesn’t require us to sit near him anymore to eat. It’s good to see him coming around and feeling back to normal.

                                                                                                                                • Willow-bunny
                                                                                                                                  66 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                    I am so sorry… So very very sorry.

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                                                                                                                                Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Rucy is gone