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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Robbie <3 Lizzy *BONDED*

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    • Lightchick
      1017 posts Send Private Message

        Okay, so Lizzy-Diva-Bunny and Robbie the Park Rabbit aren’t quite to bonding yet…  Robbie’s neuter is tomorrow.  Then we wait a few weeks.  Then the major drama begins, I’m sure!

        But in the meantime, I only have 1 living room, so the 2 have the same play-area.  And it’s a pain, because neither gets as much “out” time as they’d like. 

        I was afraid to let Robbie in the living room at first, because Lizzy reacted so badly to Thumper at the boyfriend’s place, peeing on things (which she NEVER did before!), pooping on his doorstep…repeatedly…  But she hasn’t done anything like that.  In fact, she demands to come out after she knows he’s been out so she can run around and sniff where he’s been.  And she sniffs, without marking or reacting badly, so far.

        She also knows he lives down the hallway, so she stands on the edge of the rug, as close to the hallway as she can, and stares.  She can’t see him around the corner, but she looks anyway.

        I think I underestimated rabbit eyesight.  I figured she wouldn’t really be able to tell what I was doing, carrying him football-style into the living room.  But she knows. 

        Occassionally, he can catch a glimpse of her if he’s in the right spot in the living room and she’s in the right spot in her pen, and he gets SO excited!  He desperately wants to go visit her!  (Of course, he’s not neutered yet…)  Not to the point of being annoying or aggressive or out-of-control.  It’s just cute.  He stands on the arm of the couch gazing all starry-eyed at her.  She glares at him sideways and gives him the bunny-butt, but looks secretly intrigued.

        When I first got him, I was very careful to wash my hands after touching him, before going near her.  Even so, there was a funny moment where she licked my left arm (“I love you mom!”), and then growled at my right hand (“You smell like a stranger!”), back and forth, several times!  I never bothered washing her scent off to pet him.  He’s never seemed to care.  Lately, I don’t bother with the hand-washing at all.  And tonight Robbie went to bed, and Lizzy demanded to come out.  So I opened her pen door, and reached down to pet her, and she gave my Robbie-covered hands a good sniffing, and then licked!  Do you think she likes Robbie-scent?!  (She does lick me occassionally, but normally it’s on the arm, and only after I’ve spent a good 20 minutes grooming her…she’s never greeted me with a lick before!)

        I got them stunt-doubles, but they are currently hanging out with their original owner.  Wanted to wait until after Robbie’s neuter, in case that changed his scent somehow, before changing them to see how they react…  (Lizzy’s is a stuffed cow.  It’s colored JUST like her!  Freaks me out…I walk by, and glance in her hutch, and see two Lizzy’s at first!)

        I’m probably very premature on this thread, but the hand-licking thing was pretty cool.  Had to share.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          You never know that it might be love at first sight – it’s happened to me before with rabbits. I would let them see each other rather than not too since they are obviously curious about the other one.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            i think you hear so much about horrific bonding experiences, that you forget that, altho rare, love at first sight does sometimes happen. i hope everything goes smoothly for you, but if not, don’t worry, you got us to help guide you thru.

          • MarkBun
            2842 posts Send Private Message

              She could just be licking you for you but she will associate his scent with your scent as well. So bonding may go a bit easier.

            • MooBunnay
              3087 posts Send Private Message

                How cute Sometimes things can go very differently when the two are together though, so don’t be disappointed if it is not an instant bond. It is great that you are already have some stunt doubles ready. Henri and Amelia have stunt “towels” that I switch every day, after one not so good bonding session Henri started tearing up his stunt towel and ripping it up!

              • Lightchick
                1017 posts Send Private Message

                  Okay, I was very stupid, and I expect to be scolded, and I know I got very lucky…

                  But OMG LOOK HOW CUTE! 

                  Okay, it was not originally my idea.  It was theirs.  I was planning on waiting until it had been 2-3 weeks after Robbie’s neuter, and then having them meet for the first time at the Bunny Bunch with supervision.  They foiled my plan, the little brats!

                  On Thursday, a week after Robbie’s neuter, I left Lizzy hanging out in the living room while I jumped in the shower.  She’s pretty laid-back in the morning, and pretty well-trained about where she can and can’t go.  I wouldn’t leave her unsupervised for an hour, but for 10 minutes, she’s fine. 

                  Except on Thursday, I heard chewing noises from Robbie’s room when I got out of the shower.  I thought, “Yay!  He’s finally chewing that silly willow tent I spent too much money on!”  But I threw a towel on and went to make sure he wasn’t up to no good.  Well, he was fine.  Miss Lizzy, the sneak, had hopped all the way down the hallway, which she’s never been in, across the slippery hard-wood floors she hates, into Robbie’s room, which she’s also never been in, and was curled up next to him (with the pen in between, of course), happily chewing a piece of cardboard.  I didn’t know what I was seeing, at first!  I certainly didn’t expect to see a white furball in THIS room!  So I shrieked, and told her “Out!”, and she looked at me like, “What?”  All innocent-like.  So I had to chase her, and of course had no water-spray-bottle handy so I was really just flailing ineffectively, and she sort of loped nonchalantly down the hallway, bypassed her pen, went into the living room, did a victory-lap around the coffee table (all the while I’m dripping-wet wrapped in a towel shrieking!), then cruised into her hutch, where–I swear to god!–she sat there and gloated.  Brat.

                  So for the next 2 days, everytime I let Miss Brat out to play, she would wait until she thought I wasn’t looking, and then take off down the hallway.  And the same running in circles and shrieking would ensue.  She was making me NUTS.  I closed the door to the hallway, and she decided to try going through the kitchen, which doesn’t have a door, to get to Robbie.  Who knew rabbits could extrapolate geography that well!  I wasted an hour I could have been sleeping stalking her from behind a doorway with the vacuum, thinking I’d turn it on as she hopped by and scare the bejeezus out of her and make her think twice about trying to get back to Robbie again!  She was sitting in the other room, looking very pleased with herself for not falling into my trap when I gave up and came back out.

                  And then on Saturday, I thought, what the hell.  They want to meet so much, fine.  Let’s see what happens.  I informed the boyfriend that I was about to be very stupid, armed him with a water-bottle and instructions to grab Robbie if anything happened, and I had another waterbottle and planned on grabbing for Lizzy.  Then I dumped the two of them in the living room. 

                  Robbie immediately ran after Lizzy–not like he was going for blood, but like “Wheee!!  You’re pretty!”  She ran away, ears laid back.  I totally thought Lizzy would be the one to be territorial and just kick his butt for existing, but nope, the little princess is all bark, no bite, and turned-tail and fled.  She’d wait until he stopped chasing her, then stop and look at him.  He got one bout of humping in, which she tolerated (again, shocking!  As I told my boyfriend, “The little slut!  So much for Miss Priss!”).  And mostly they sort of just ran around.  When he’d stop chasing, she’d stop running, and turn around to check him out.  After a few minutes, she came over and flattened herself in front of me, so I pet her with one hand, and dumped Robbie next to her, and pet him at the same time.  There was no marking or biting or anything.  I figured it was a good time to stop, so I put Robbie home.  Lizzy stayed out, and sniffed around a bit, then flopped under the table like she was all worn out!

                  I did the same thing yesterday morning, with much the same results, other than there was no humping. 

                  Then last night, I decided that if I was committed to being stupid and starting bonding earlier than I expected, I might as well do it right.  Having them in the living room, which they’re both familiar with, was only resulting in lots of running in circles.  So I took them in the bathroom, crouched on the toilet, and watched.  At first they both jumped in the litter box together.  Then Lizzy discovered the shelf she could hide under, and scrambled under it.  Robbie followed.  They cuddled up together, and then Robbie licked her!  Yay!  He looks like a big clod, but he knows how to treat a princess, apparently!  There was no running, no humping, no biting.  Just cuddled in litter box, then cuddled under the shelf.  After a few minutes, I put them both home.

                  So I guess I’ll keep doing the bathroom-dating for the rest of the week, and then this weekend, I was thinking of moving his pen into the front of the apartment next to hers so they could live next-door to each other.  When I do this, should I keep up the dating in the bathroom, or let them have a shot at joint-playtime in the living room?  How long before I should do the swapping of houses? 

                  Aren’t they CUTE?!

                • jerseygirl
                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                    WOW! They look pretty taken with each other. Lizzy looks quite relaxed! Maybe thing will go easy for you if she keeps thinking it was all her idea. It’s like she’s sneaked out to meet the boyfriend! Too funny. Maybe it’s like Sarita said, they might just hit it off if you’re lucky.

                    Must say, they look such a beautiful pair together. Hope process continues to go well.

                  • Cassi&Charlie
                    1260 posts Send Private Message

                      Thats great Lightchick – I had a really similar reaction with Charlie & Layla when they were in neutral & semi-neutral territory – they were instantly friends and Charlie even snoozed next to Layla. Can’t wait to see what happens – hopefully it is love!

                      They make a pretty pair, she can be his ‘uptown girl’

                    • Lightchick
                      1017 posts Send Private Message

                        I have a feeling these 2 are going to challenge me, yet.

                        I let them both loose in the living room.  Robbie hopped after Lizzy, who took off like the hounds of hell were after her.  After a couple laps, Robbie seemed to get frustrated, and REALLY went after her.  Which scared me and her.  She decided she’d had it, and climbed the couch, with the intention of flinging herself off the back and going for her hutch.  I caught her under one arm mid-leap, scooped up Robbie under the other arm(amazing what you can pull off when you don’t give the evil critters time to react!), and carted them both to the bathroom.

                        I knew we’d end up there, but I’d hoped…  Oh well.

                        Same deal as before.  Both under the shelf.  Robbie gave her ears a VERY thorough cleaning.  They finally decided to explore the room–Lizzy led, Robbie followed.  Robbie’s actually the braver, but seemed to wait to see what Lizzy would do.  Then they went back under the shelves.  More licking from Robbie, after Lizzy gave him the “groom me! I am the LEADER!” face (he would groom her anyway, but whatever). 

                        Then, wonder of wonders, Lizzy started giving Robbie a lick!  And he, being a dumb boy, decided this was invitation enough, and positioned himself for a humping session.  She took off for beneath the toilet (ick!), and made a very weird noise.  I think she did a mild thump, too.  The noise wasn’t quite a growl (I have been the recipient of her growls, and am familiar with them!).  It had a little less “grrr” and a little move vocal chord, if that makes any sense.  It was almost like a…whine?  But seemed not to have that intention.  Strange.  He followed her, tried the humping thing one more time, and when she took off for the shelves, he gave up, followed meekly, and gave her the requisite head-licking when she demanded grooming.

                        The humping thing, I know, is probably my fault for starting bonding too early.

                        The difference in their behavior between the living room–him chasing her in circles–and the bathroom–him worshipping at her feet–is odd, though.  I let the chasing in the living room go on for several minutes, hoping that she’d stop, turn around, and smack him in the face.  I think this is all that he’d need to settle down…

                        They’re secretly in love, I know.  Silly bunnies.  It’s like a trite musical-comedy.  At the end of the 20 minute session, she lounged under the shelves, feet kicked to the side.  He hopped over to her, saw her lounged out, gave her a lick, and flopped in exactly the same position next to her.  Rogers & Hammerstein, you got nothing on my bunnies!

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          Well the humping is more of a dominance thing but I think overall they sound like they are doing very well. I think if they are settling down after the initial chase and grooming that is a VERY good sign and you should keep them together as long as you can – maybe on your day off at home you can let them stay together all day and see how they do – feed them together, try to get them to use a mutual litter box, etc…

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            it sounds like it’s going great. bonding is very unique to each pair, and it’s kind od trial and error. you’ll learn as you go along. i would keep working with them in semi-neutral territory since they can get along and switch their pens every night so they get accustomed to each other’s scent. have you decided what your final bonded pen will be?

                          • bunnytowne
                            7537 posts Send Private Message

                              Thats great.  They look cute together. They will do fine.  Seem happy to have each other.  Yeah the humping.  It will eventually taper off.

                              When i came home the other nite to hair and poops I figured she got tired of the humping and let him have it.

                              The good thing was they were side by side when I got  home. Getting along.   It gets better.  It is fun to watch them together too. They get so cute.

                            • MarkBun
                              2842 posts Send Private Message

                                It’s going along very well. I wouldn’t try to put them in non-neutral areas together as of yet. Keep it to the neutral stuff.

                              • Lightchick
                                1017 posts Send Private Message

                                  Well, I got Markus’ response AFTER I decided to try them in the only semi-neutral living room again. 

                                  Yesterday, I planned on trying them in the living room (their individual play-area), watching them chase each other for a few minutes, and then hauling them off to the neutral bathroom. But Robbie didn’t chase as much, and Lizzy didn’t flee as much, and they ended up being cuddled awfully quick.

                                  I have pics, will post later…

                                  Here’s the deal.  I know I’m anthromorphizing, but this is what’s going on.  They have “pet me!” offs.  Both heads lowered, foreheads leaning against each other, waiting for one to break.  Robbie always breaks first, and licks Lizzy.  The drawback is that Robbie starts at the head, giving nice friendly ear-licks, and then works back to the rump, and works himself into humping-position (the dumb boy!), at whcih time Miss Lizzy takes off, and asserts herself by pooping or peeing on my rug.  Sigh.  (I know, it’s my fault…)

                                  Lizzy doesn’t mind grooming, however.  If they’re both laid out on the rug, she’ll spontaneously turn to him and spend minutes grooming him.  Which she seems to mean as, “I like you”, and he translates as, “Take me now, big boy!”.  And he tries humping again, and she runs to me, scaredy-pants look on her face.

                                  So, he’s happy to lick, if he gets to hump.  And she’s happy to lick, but wants no humping.  And it is a stalemate. 

                                  No biting, not bloodshed. But no real peace.  Silly buns.

                                  Lizzy keeps running to me for help.  I tell her, “Either take it, or kick his ass!  I don’t know what else to tell you!”  She lets him get in position, then start, THEN she runs away.  Gets to the other side of the room, and then FLOPS, of all things! I think she’s being ridiculous.  Or she’s a bunny-slut.  I’m a bad feminist. 

                                  He’s madly infatuated with her, and if she’d just smack him, she’d be the boss, and all of this would be over.  But he likes her too much to take over.  And she backs down, the silly girl.  They really do like each other, but I’m not sure which one is going to win the “I’m boss” war, because they’re pretty much canceling each other out, right now.

                                  I’m going to have to burn this rug when this is over.  I know, it’s my own fault, but why the automatic response to “He’s humping me I don’t like it” is to pee on the opposite side of the rug, is beyond me!

                                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                                    Heheh that’s awesome they’re doing so well! They sound like they are just figuring out who’s boss and not really fighting at all! I had plans to bond kokanee and kahlua properly through intros and neutral territory. Dave talked me into letting them meet and they just fell in love right away!

                                  • Beka27
                                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                                      i love reading your posts. they are hilarious!

                                      it sounds like you’ll have bonded buns in no time.

                                    • MimzMum
                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                        Is it just me, or are any others of you out there thinking “Lady and the Tramp?”

                                        Actually Lightchick, this sounds pretty good. And Lord love you, those pictures are adorable! I am getting cavities! xD

                                      • Lightchick
                                        1017 posts Send Private Message

                                          Aww, thanks guys!

                                          They are cute. They know they’re cute. They use it against me!

                                          K&K, I think we’re basically where you were with your 2! I started “bunny-dating” them a week ago Friday, and this past Friday, moved Robbie’s pen next to Lizzy’s. Swapped pens once Saturday, then again Sunday, and yesterday, got tired of them begging to see each other when one was out and the other locked-up (they sit in front of the pen-door, grab the wire door with their teeth, and SHAKE!!! They’re going to break a fang, I swear!). So yesterday, opened Robbie’s door, and Lizzy hopped on in. And they both were very content hanging out, licking and lounging. So I figured, what they hey, let’s see how the territorial Diva does in her own lair! Chucked them both in Lizzy’s pen, and…nothing. Continued hanging out, lounging, etc.

                                          They’re both happily under Robbie’s willow-tent right now! They’ve only known each other…less than 2 weeks, I think? I’m half-tempted to leave them in the same pen all day, but I have to go to work for 12 hours, so I’ll probably keep them separated when I’m not home for at least the rest of the week. Although there’s been no signs of aggression or fighting or ANYTHING. They’re attached at the hip, those two!

                                          I am sad I don’t get as much Lizzy-time as I used to, though. She’ll lounge and let me pet her for awhile, but when Robbie wanders off (much shorter attention span than Lizzy….and always into something he shouldn’t be!), she jumps off to follow him. I’m hoping when she figures out he won’t find anything more interesting than she already has, she’ll stop caring as much when he leaves.

                                          Is there a honeymoon-period with bunnies? Do you find that they are inseparable at first, then they can re-learn how to function individually? Or once they’re bonded, are they just together all the time?

                                          My other question is about feeding the two of them together. Robbie LIVES for food, and is equivalent to a vacuum cleaner in food consumption! He sucks it all down quick as he can! Lizzy doesn’t care much about food. I mean, she likes it, but if she’s busy lounging, it can wait till later, as far as she’s concerned. So I’ve tried feeding them together a little, and they don’t fight over food at all. It’s just that Robbie eats 80% of BOTH their portions, and Lizzy only gets bits and pieces. Then it’s gone, and a while later, she’ll hop to the empty bowl, lick the bottom, and look up at me like I’m intentionally starving her. I’m trying to feed them separately, but Lizzy makes it hard, because if Robbie’s eating, she’d rather sit on the other side of the closed door and watch him eat than eat her own food. I don’t know what to do. Will she learn to eat faster? Will it make her sick to wolf down her food to keep up with him?

                                          I have tons of pictures…will post later this week when I have time! Thanks all!

                                        • Sarita
                                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                                            I think as long as you are home they should stay together and when you are home for the day keep them together as long as they are not fighting which it sounds like they are not and then I say don’t separate them at all. It really sounds like they want to be together to me.

                                            As for food – they will work this out and Lizzy will figure out about Robbie’s voracious appetite.

                                          • Cassi&Charlie
                                            1260 posts Send Private Message

                                              I have the eating problem! Layla likes to savour her food, Charlie likes to vacuum it up. I haven’t found a great solution yet, at the moment I’m just locking Layla in her pen while she has food until she finishes it. Actually she’s getting faster now that she’s noticed a pattern.

                                              PICTURES Can’t wait!!! I love Lizzy and Robbie.

                                            • Lightchick
                                              1017 posts Send Private Message

                                                Yeah, I’m trying something similar, C&C…inside out, rather.  Lizzy gets to come out to get her food.  Robbie doesn’t mind that she’s out and he’s not since he’s busy stuffing his face. 

                                                I had this interesting moment with her right after I read your post.  I let her out and gave her a bowl of greens.  She picked the parsley off the top, and started to dart back to the pen to stare at Robbie.  But I’d planted myself in the way, so she couldn’t get by.  And I pointed at the dish and said, “Eat!”.  She looked at me, and then at the bowl, and then at me, and almost SHRUGGED, and ate some more!  A few leaves later, she stopped again, and I pointed again and said “EAT!”.  I swear, Lizzy TALKS to me!  She seemed to do a bunny-sigh, and finished her greens on command!

                                                Anyway, the love-birds have been happily shacked-up in Lizzy’s pen/hutch for 3 days now, and they act as though they’ve always lived that way!  I traded pens back-and-forth a few times, and it was absolutely no problem.  And then I just left the doors to both pens open, and let them come-and-go as they pleased.  Again, no problem.  Even little Miss “Stay-Out-Of-My-Room!” Growly-Lunging Diva Bunny behaved!  She almost did a double-take the first time Robbie went inside her hutch, seemed to debate whether or not she wanted to be annoyed, and then decided against it.  So I left them all day the first day in Robbie’s pen, which was the more neutral of the 2.  And they were fine.  So I moved them both into Lizzy’s Lair, and they’re still fine. 

                                                So if anyone asks if I know how to bond 2 rabbits, the answer will still be “No”, because I had nothing to do with my 2 getting along, at all.  It was all them!

                                                So, I figure Lizzy & Robbie are officially bonded.  Exactly 2 weeks after they started “dating.”  I suppose there’s still a chance they could decide to hate each other or get in a fight, but I would be SHOCKED…

                                                Anyway, I believe I promised some pictures…  There’s a ton of them!

                                                BUNNY DATING:

                                                Lizzy says, “I’m in the litter box!  I’m safe!  And you’d better groom me!”


                                                “Seriously!  Groom me!  Don’t you know who I AM?!”


                                                Robbie:  “Oh, ok!  Sheesh…you’re awfully needy!”


                                                “I’m keeping my EAR on YOU!”


                                                Lizzy’s willing to groom, too…


                                                …unfortunately for her, Robbie took this as an invitation.  “Hey!  Stay away from my rear!”


                                                “Hmph!  You just stay back there!  You just stay away from me!”


                                                Robbie says “I’m sorry…”


                                                “…but not so sorry I won’t try again!”


                                                The next day the humping died down and they were a little more relaxed…although you can see Lizzy’s hind-foot still poised for escape!


                                                Bunnies say, “Pet me, human!”…it was really just an excuse to cuddle together!


                                                LIVING NEXT DOOR:

                                                Who needs a dining room, anyway?


                                                Robbie says, “What was that?!  What’d you say?!  I got my ear on YOU, too!”


                                                Bunny Luv!  (See the heart-shape?)


                                                BUNNIES GO FOR A VISIT:

                                                Lizzy in Robbie’s pen:


                                                Robbie in Lizzy’s Lair (he’s relaxed wherever he goes!)




                                                LIVING TOGETHER

                                                “Lunch-time!  We LOVE pellets!”


                                                And naptime–2 levels of sleepy-bun (Robbie’s not so sure about that whole hutch-thing.  He’d much rather be on the ground!)


                                                “Gee, bonding is hard work!”

                                              • MarkBun
                                                2842 posts Send Private Message

                                                  90% of bonding work is knowing how to do it – as far as using the neutral space, swapping cages and so on. You did a great job even if they seemed to simply fall in love. I think part of it is Robbie’s streetsmarts having had lived with so many other wild animals that getting ajusted to Lizzy wasn’t an issue.

                                                  I would say that you’re safe to try for 24/7 now. I suggest doing it at the start of the weekend so you can be around if there’s a problem. You don’t have to stay up 24/7 with them – just keep the door open so that if there becomes a big fight, it’ll wake you up. Do realize that even the best of bonded buns sometimes get into a little tiff.

                                                • bunnytowne
                                                  7537 posts Send Private Message

                                                    thats wonderful.

                                                  • Cassi&Charlie
                                                    1260 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Aww, thats so great that they fell in bunny love! The pictures were great, thanks for sharing them I love the two levels of bunny one, it’s beyond adorable. I love how relaxed he is, very street smart. Very cool.

                                                    • Alicia Conklin
                                                      721 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Awww they are just too cute.  I love how relaxed Robbie is and how well he’s taken to house rabbit life  

                                                      • Cassi&Charlie
                                                        1260 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Yup, you did a really good thing taking him in and you;ve been rewarded for it You created good bunny karma for yourself.

                                                        • MimzMum
                                                          8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I’m jealous. >.< I'm STILL trying to get my two together. *sigh*

                                                            Congrats on the easy bond! It was kismet, I tell you! ^_^

                                                          • Beka27
                                                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                              adorable! i love side by side flop pics. when mine do that (even months after bonding) i have to stop and ogle their cuteness. that’s a job well done!

                                                            • Sarita
                                                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Congratulations. LOVE the pictures….so cute. Especially the heart one.

                                                              • vashira
                                                                57 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Bunny love is beautiful!
                                                                  Huge Grats!!

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                                                              Forum BONDING Robbie <3 Lizzy *BONDED*