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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • Bunny Daddy
      375 posts Send Private Message

        I haven’t used this website in quite some time, but Simba died last night, my dad found him in his cage this morning and woke me up to tell me. We don’t know how he died, he didn’t seem sick, he had ate all his food last night, and drank good, I refilled his water twice, and I was up until maybe 3-4 in the morning and he was still alive and meeting me at the cage door when I walked past him… But I know rabbits don’t normally show that they’re sick until it’s too late, although, my mom thinks he may have been older than the person we bought him off of said he was, (Doesn’t seem unlikely, they got him off craigslist and they said he was a month old, but he didn’t grow at all in a whole year.) He was a great bunny, he never was skiddish, he liked to sit on my shoulder, he did tricks and gave me kisses. Hopefully he’s having fun in bunny heaven right now. <3 However, my aunt suggested getting a new rabbit for Christmas, honestly, that's not going to fix me missing Simba. He was my buddy and I loved him. It's not like I'm a little kid anymore, I'm an adult, I may have a form of autism, but that doesn't mean I don't understand what's happening. I understand all too well what happened. But, when my rabbit's died when I was about 6 or 7, they just replaced them with a dog and I was happy, I didn't know much better. But now, it's just upsetting. My dad had to bury him for me, I couldn't even watch without tearing up. I honestly hope I gave him the best life a rabbit could have, and that he's happy where ever he is now. Alright, I'm going to conclude this post with a picture: 

      • MimzMum
        8029 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry for your loss. Sleep tight, Simba, and binky free.

          I’m sure your family means well in trying to cheer you with another bunny friend. They’ll understand if you tell them perhaps it’s best to wait. You need time to grieve and maybe somewhere down the road you can open your heart to a new friend. Perhaps a rescue bun.

          Simba looks very much like my Mimzy did when he was younger bun. That’s a lovely photo you’ve included.
          Take care of yourself and please don’t be a stranger. Post again if you feel the need, sometimes it helps to collect as many memories as possible in one place.
          Hugs to you.

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry about the loss of your beautiful bunny. He certainly sounds like he had a Bunny Daddy who loved him very much. I recently lost a beloved bunny so I know first hand how much it hurts to say goodbye.

            I agree. You need to give your heart time to grieve for Simba. But if you do decide, when the time is right, to get a new bunny, you will not be replacing Simba. There is room in your heart for more than one bunny. Sometimes, the best thing we can do to honour our beloved friend, is to adopt a bunny that really needs a home.

            ((((Binky Free Simba)))))

          • bullrider76543
            1288 posts Send Private Message

              so sorry for your loss. Binky Free Simba!!

            • CinnabunMom
              1190 posts Send Private Message

                So Sorry for you loss. Binky free Simba!

              • RabbitPam
                11002 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m sorry for your loss. Simba was adorable, and I am sure he loved you as much as you loved him. He had a good, healthy life with you as you know since he seemed alert and well that night. Often bunnies have a hidden illness, like a weak heart, that just takes them suddenly. He didn’t suffer, which is good in a way.

                  Your family wants you to feel better. You are grieving (I’m sure they are too, especially your Dad.) but you don’t need to think you ever will be replacing Simba. You are obviously a bunny lover, so if you miss having a home with a bunny, then in a few weeks you may be ready to consider giving a good home to a new rescue bunny. Each bunny is so different in personality that there is no chance of replacing Simba, just getting to know a new little one all over again. Only if you’re up to it.

                  I found this site after my first bunny died. I couldn’t get a new one for months, and I actually found it comforting to read about other bunnies and see their photos, so stay with us if you find yourself missing him too much
                  Meanwhile, hugs to you and your family.

                • tanlover14
                  3617 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m so sorry for your loss of Simba. Binky Free Simba! <3

                    I have to agree with what all of those above posted. Getting another little bun bun will definitely not be replacing him. The fact that you loved him so much goes to show what a great bunny daddy you were — and you will never forget your little guy. If you decide to get another little bun, it will be nothing more than giving a great home to another bunny in need.

                  • Bunny Daddy
                    375 posts Send Private Message

                      Yeah, the reason why I think it’s basically replacing him is because he was sorta like a therapy bunny for me, he helped me get through fits of anxiety and depression, among others, which is something my dogs didn’t care for, they kinda just literally walked the other way when I was upset, while Simba was always right there with me from when we got him. I feel as though we had him for a reason, and it just makes me really sad that I might have been able to save him had I known if there was something wrong, or it would have been easier at least. I don’t know, I’m not used to deaths, I hardly ever have to deal with the death of a pet (Unless it was a fish.) So it’s a bit harder for me, I suppose.

                    • lindsay715
                      152 posts Send Private Message

                        Rabbits are so fragile and you’ve done nothing but give Simba a happy life. There’s so little we can do if there are no signs of illness. Go easy on yourself – losing a loved one is hard enough. Rest in peace, Simba. Binky free <3

                      • Monkeybun
                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                          It may be a replacement in a therapy sense, but you’ll never replace him in your heart. Our hearts always have room for more love, and we never need to replace them there. If you do end up getting another bunny, love that bun for who he/she is, and don’t forge that Simba loved you too, and doesn’t want you to be alone forever.

                        • MimzMum
                          8029 posts Send Private Message

                            It is a sad fact of bunny life that sometimes they can be well and healthy one minute and ill or pass suddenly the next. I think we all have trouble losing a loved one, animal or otherwise, if we feel we missed something or not. It wasn’t even necessarily that Simba was sick…it just may have been his time.
                            Either way, please be gentle with yourself. It is what Simba would want, surely. They are remarkable creatures and that is what makes saying goodbye to them so incredibly difficult.
                            He sounds an exemplary companion. I think most of us find our bunnies mostly concern themselves with whether breakfast was on time or not (I know mine do!) When a bun is sympathetic to your feelings and comes to offer comfort…that is a special bond indeed. You are so blessed to have had such a relationship.
                            This forum is for support. Please don’t hesitate to return here when you need some. ((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))

                          • Memarie
                            93 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m so sorry for you’re loss. Simba looked like a real sweetheart.

                              When I bought my first bun it was in part to be a sort of therapy too as I was struggling with anxiety issues. When I lost her a few months ago I thought my world ended. It’s getting easier but I still really miss her. I waited 4 months before getting Luna. I still wasn’t completely done grieving but I was lonely and missed the company. Anyways. Only you know what’s best for yourself. Let yourself grieve and worry about finding a new friend when your ready.

                              Binky free Simba.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                Binky Free Simba!

                                It must be hard to lose him without warning so my heart goes out to you.

                                He sounds like a very special bunny.

                              • Bunny Daddy
                                375 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thanks everyone, I’m sorta angry at the moment, my “friend” found a rabbit on petfinder that looked exactly like Simba, same age, same coloring, same temperament, same breed, same everything. (According to the adoption website.) And he sends me the link and he says “Get him, name him Simba and shut the f**k up.” I told him about Simba being a therapy tool for me, and then I said, “It’s like saying “My child just died, of unknown causes, let’s get one that looks and acts exactly like him and name him the same thing, because that’s logic.””
                                  Maybe, just MAYBE if that rabbit’s for adoption still in a few months, I’ll get him (His name is Edward, by the way, if I did end up getting him, I would probably change his name, I’m not too fond of “Edward.”) but, we were in the process of building Simba a HUGE cage to sleep in at night or when we’re gone. (Like 6 ft tall, with 3 or four levels, and 4-5 feet wide in both directions, we just bought all the stuff, it cost like 100$) So my dad had told me to just build the cage, and once that’s finished, whenever I’m ready to get a new rabbit we can look into getting another. The only problem with that seems to be that there’s next to no rabbit rescues I know of, Edward’s about a two hours drive away from me, and I do believe this shelter wants to check your home out before adopting out a rabbit, and that may be a bit difficult… But um yeah, I sorta went off on a tangent. I guess if anyone knows of rabbit rescues in the Pittsburgh/Westmoreland PA area, or anywhere close, I’ll look into it, I don’t think I’ll be getting a new bunny for a couple months yet, but it’d be nice to know if there’s any rescues close by beforehand.

                                • tanlover14
                                  3617 posts Send Private Message

                                    I have to agree with everyone — and I know what you mean in the sense of your bun being your therapy. We got our bunnies about half a year after I had a miscarriage. These bunnies have been the only thing that finally helped me let go and move on and I have no idea what I would do without them.

                                    I really hope you can find peace with the loss of Simba and hopefully find another bun who will capture your heart and bring you happiness again.

                                  • lindsay715
                                    152 posts Send Private Message

                                      This option is certainly not for everyone but I found Bluebell in the pets section of craigslist. There are so many unwanted rabbits whose owners either don’t know or don’t care about rabbit rescues – or they are too ashamed to bring their rabbit to a shelter.

                                      Obviously there are a few downsides to this. One is that you do not know who you are communicating with when you use a site like craigslist. I would recommend not just emailing but also speaking with the person on the phone. When you meet with them to collect your new bunny, I would suggest doing it in a public place. I met with the woman who owned Bluebell in the parking lot of a municipal building a few towns over. Also you should bring a friend, significant other, parent, etc. along. These suggestions might seem a bit paranoid but I’ve realized that they are par for the course for most people who use craigslist seriously. I am a female in my 20s living alone and I still brought someone along to get Bluebell . Can’t be too careful when dealing with the internet.

                                      The other downside is that most rescues can give some sort of medical background for the rabbit. Many owners cannot, and some will not be forthcoming about medical problems if they are really trying to get rid of the rabbit. So the first thing you’ll want to do is take bunny to the vet to make sure that you are aware of any medical problems, and that you are sure of the spay/neuter status and can make appointments accordingly.

                                      Sorry I sort of wrote a book about this subject! But sadly there are a ton of rabbits on craigslist that need to be rehomed. These rabbits are sometimes (though not always) neglected or abused by children and families who do not understand rabbits. Another thing to keep in mind with any rabbit, really… Anyway, always an option to keep in mind if you do not have a rescue in your area.

                                    • Deleted User
                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                        Oh I am so sorry! I was actually thinking about you and little Simba the other day. Your devotion and love for him was heart warming. Binky free little Simba you were well loved!

                                        Bunny Daddy you gave Simba the best care of his life. I would have punched your “friend” if he had said something like that to me. My bf was a total mess when his ferret Gilligan passed away. That was his son to him and killed him to lose him. We got Skipper when he was finally ready to move and felt he mourned Gilligan. Don’t get another bun until you feel ready and keep your chin up as well as you can. I know things can be hard. We’re all here for you as a support if you need anything.

                                      • tanlover14
                                        3617 posts Send Private Message

                                          You should definitely look up West Penn Humane Society! A couple of weeks ago about 21 rabbits were dropped off at the shelter, all babies! I keep stalking the website — they are all such gorgeous buns! And adopting there isn’t very difficult.

                                          Google them on-line — they have their buns listed with pics!

                                        • tanlover14
                                          3617 posts Send Private Message

                                            Btw, it’s in Pittsburgh!

                                          • Bunny Daddy
                                            375 posts Send Private Message

                                              Thanks, I’ll look them up.

                                            • Bunny Daddy
                                              375 posts Send Private Message

                                                I may go this Saturday and see if I can volunteer there.

                                              • Malp_15
                                                601 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I’m so sorry for your loss

                                                  I lost my cat of 15 years this spring and she was my best friend and slept with me every night. I was wreck for quite a while and I was sure that I wouldn’t get another cat for quite a while. But only 2 months later I got a call from my local SPCA that there was a mom cat and her 5 babies dumped outside overnight and they needed somewhere to stay until the babies were big enough to be adopted (I’m a regular foster parent for them). I wasn’t quite ready, but they needed somewhere to stay so I said yes. In the end it really helped me heal and realise that I could add another animal into my heart, without “replacing” my cat. After 8 weeks, the kittens went back to the shelter to be adopted and I ended up keeping the mom It’s been 3 months since I officially adopted her and 5 months since she came to stay with me and I don’t regret my decision. I still think about my old cat everyday and miss her, but I don’t expect the new one to be her.

                                                  I think you will know in your heart when you are ready to open up your home to another bun And try not to let your friends/family get you down with their comments, they mean well they just don’t understand. I went through the same thing and I just politely told them that that’s not how I feel and I would appreciate if they didn’t bring that up again.

                                                • Bunny Daddy
                                                  375 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I do want a new rabbit, but I don’t at the same time, I think I just really want Simba back, and I’m trying to bring him back by getting a new rabbit. We did find a rabbit that everyone in the house agrees on (AKA, my sisters, mom, and dad, and it’s good around children, since my 2 year old nephew’s living with us, his name is Blueberry, he’s a lop eared mix, all white and blue eyes.) But we can’t get him, because since I live with my parents, my mom had agreed with one rabbit, and he’s bonded with another rabbit, and I couldn’t take him away from Puffin. (That’s the other’s rabbit’s name.) While we were planning on getting Simba fixed and then getting him a girlfriend, or buddy, once my dog’s puppies were sold, she doesn’t want two rabbits in the house now.

                                                  • jerseygirl
                                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Posted By Bunny Daddy on 10/26/2012 12:50 PM
                                                      I may go this Saturday and see if I can volunteer there.

                                                      That’s a great idea!  It also shows you are much more mature then that so-called friend. If you are a minor,  make sure you get your parents blessing about volunteering as they probably have to sign something. I hope you’re successful if you do end up applying.

                                                      They can always use the help and who knows, you might connect with a bunny there.

                                                    • Bunny Daddy
                                                      375 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Oh, in case anyone cares to see, I found the very last picture I got of him, after this picture he began grooming that puppy (On a deflated exercise ball my nephew decided belonged on the floor, and apparently comfortable enough for a bunny and puppy to lay on.) He was very good with them, even though it was the first time he met them, he licked each one of their foreheads for at least a minute (There’s 6 pups in all.) This was on October 9th, so like 2 weeks ago. 

                                                      • Bunny Daddy
                                                        375 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Posted By jerseygirl on 10/26/2012 11:39 PM

                                                          Posted By Bunny Daddy on 10/26/2012 12:50 PM
                                                          I may go this Saturday and see if I can volunteer there.

                                                          That’s a great idea!  It also shows you are much more mature then that so-called friend. If you are a minor,  make sure you get your parents blessing about volunteering as they probably have to sign something. I hope you’re successful if you do end up applying.

                                                          They can always use the help and who knows, you might connect with a bunny there.

                                                          Yeah, my only problem would be that I’d have to ride the bus, and I’m terrified of doing so, I have horrible social anxiety along with Aspergers syndrome, so it’d be difficult for me to ride alone, if I had a car, I would drive, but sadly, I do not have my own car, and if I did, I’m as horrible at directions as my mom is.  She barely can drive to work, and she’s been working at the same place over 3 years now, forget it if the road’s closed, she’d be calling off work! Anyway, I do hope I will be able to overcome my fear of buses, if I do, then I will for sure try and see if I can volunteer, they have “Bunny Buddies” as well as “Cat Cuddlers” and “Dog Walkers.” I love all types of animals, so it may be good for me to do some volunteering. My only problem with volunteering, other than the way to get there is that I have HORRIBLE allergies, I was allergic to Simba, and I had to get used to him, before I stopped being really itchy (Although, I think the hay had a big factor in this, he had a little phase where he had to roll in the hay before sitting on me.) So I’d have to take medication, and that sometimes makes me drowsy, and not so alert. Hmm, I’m not sure, if I wasn’t such a nervous and shy person, it’d be great, but yeah… I kinda went off on a tangent, oops, sorry. D:

                                                        • Deleted User
                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                            That’s a wonderful picture of Simba! =]

                                                            And if you we’re to get another bun don’t feel like you’re replacing him. My bf had the same feeling when we got Skipper a week after Gilligan died. I told him it wasn’t replacement. It was just filling a hole that was empty. But get a new bun when you feel ready!

                                                            Don’t worry you’re not the only one terrible with directions. After two years living in the same house I got my boyfriend lost for two hours after he tried dropping me of after a date. Your allergies, what did the give you that made you drowsy? Have you tried asking your dr. for a generic brand of something? I only bring it up because the new bath of hay we got caused me to break out in hives and the dr. gave me a generic rx for Claritin to help with the allergy. It’s ten times cheaper and it’s not nearly as drowsy inducing as other things.

                                                          • Bunny Daddy
                                                            375 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Posted By Skipper’s Mama on 10/27/2012 06:40 AM

                                                              That’s a wonderful picture of Simba! =]

                                                              And if you we’re to get another bun don’t feel like you’re replacing him. My bf had the same feeling when we got Skipper a week after Gilligan died. I told him it wasn’t replacement. It was just filling a hole that was empty. But get a new bun when you feel ready!

                                                              Don’t worry you’re not the only one terrible with directions. After two years living in the same house I got my boyfriend lost for two hours after he tried dropping me of after a date. Your allergies, what did the give you that made you drowsy? Have you tried asking your dr. for a generic brand of something? I only bring it up because the new bath of hay we got caused me to break out in hives and the dr. gave me a generic rx for Claritin to help with the allergy. It’s ten times cheaper and it’s not nearly as drowsy inducing as other things.

                                                              Thanks He was such a sweetheart towards the puppies. And I think it was benadryl, (I probably spelled it wrong.) I always took it since I was little, but then we just started to buy pills that dissolve in your mouth (That was actually for adults) at walmart,(I hate taking pills, so it worked good enough for me.) which only seem to work for pollen allergies, not fur allergies, which I do have fur allergies towards any animal that sheds. It sucks, because I love animals, and I’m allergic to half of them.  

                                                            • lindsay715
                                                              152 posts Send Private Message

                                                                That picture of Simba is adorable.

                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  He was very good with them, even though it was the first time he met them, he licked each one of their foreheads for at least a minute (There’s 6 pups in all.

                                                                  Ah! That is adorable! What a precious memory to have.

                                                                • MimzMum
                                                                  8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    What a precious picture! And what a precious bun!

                                                                    I actually have allergies to lots of animals. Benadryl not only makes me sleepy but really cranky too, so I sympathize. Can you use something like Zyrtec or Clairitin?

                                                                    I do hope you’ll be able to volunteer, it sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you.

                                                                  • tanlover14
                                                                    3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      OMG. That picture of Simba may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! And he was bigger than the pup which makes the photo even better!

                                                                      I also really hope you get a chance to volunteer! I think it will give you some comfort to be around other animals again since animals have such a great sense for us being upset and sad. Just think — if you conquer your fear of riding the bus (I had the same fear until I did it and figured out it really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!) then Simba will once again be helping you overcome something. Simba would want you to be happy and experience new things and conquer anything else you have to overcome in life. I know you can do it if you try!! The bus drivers in Pittsburgh are very nice and helpful also! If you tell them where you need to go, they’ll let you know when it’s about time for you to get off. Which is what I did so I wouldn’t miss my stop since I didn’t know Pittsburgh very well and didn’t really understand how buses worked.

                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I second Tanlover. Don’t let it get you down!

                                                                        You sound my like my bf! He’s allergic to every pet he’s had except for Skipper. =p And I would definitely see if you can get your dr. to prescribe you Claritin or something like it. Benadryl is sort of meant to be a quick fix thing. For instance, if you get a bug bite that needs swelling reduced. If you’re wanting to control your allergies, getting something like Claritin (which is a time release capsule) will you give all day relief while Benadryl will give you a few hours burst of anti-histamine and leave you drowsy. I hope everything works out for you!

                                                                      • Bunny Daddy
                                                                        375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I have to visit the doctor soon for a physical so I can get my drivers permit, so I’ll ask about him prescribing me something new for my allergies. And the only pets I wasn’t allergic to was my sisters lizard, and my two dogs, they hardly shed their fur, because they’re shih tzus. I honestly think I was allergic to Simba, (along with his hay.) but yet I still let him rub against my face. (He was half cat, I swear.)

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                                                                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE RIP Simba.