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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Reposted for Fadi – My two bunnies left me in one day

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    • LBJ10
      17059 posts Send Private Message
        LBJ here! Just reposting this for BB member Fadi. The thread was lost during our forum glitch.


        Hi ladies and gents.
        At first please forgive my english amd try to bare with me.
        Yesterday i lost peaches one of my two bunnies..he was so cute i loved him so much i cried a lot me and my wife ..i couldn’t act strong infront of my wife i wanted to hold my self together..but everytime i try to talk to my wife about peaches tears drop from my eyes and my voice change.. peaches had a sezuire and died in my hands … he was struggling and feeling pain all the 30 minutes he was having the sezuire.. i kept looking at his eyes and his body and the pain he was in until his soul left his body. i cried that night more than i cried ever in my life.. he was 4 months only… the day after that my other bunny rice had the same signs of sickness that his brother suffered last night before death.. he was weak sitting in a corner in a wierd way like a duck..he wont come when called..then i knew i will lose him too…and i did lost him too in the end… they both died at same time at dawn with the same way seizures..

        Im very living in tunisia

        there is not expert vets here …they dont care about rabbits as its just food for them.

        I promised my wife i will get her another twins soon.. but im hesitated because i fear same tragic thing will happen to the new bunnies… so can you please help me to figure what happenes and hot to fix mistakes…i will try to tell a short story how they live and how did they get sick.
        At first my bunnies live with me inside my bedroom they are free roamers no cages.

        I feed them twice a day the food is always the flower look alike lettuce and parsely cucambres carrots and some fruits.. suddenly at night they wont move wont eat amd let me catch them up when they usually dont.. they poop at night alot when their last meal was in morning.. they started to poop with a yellowiah jelly or mocus and their ears were cold

        After some time they had seziures and died..please help me

      • LBJ10
        17059 posts Send Private Message

          Several members suggested these young bunnies may have had coccidiosis. Some advice was given. Please feel free to repost. Or if you didn’t comment on the original thread and would like to add something, please do.

          Fadi – Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Please excuse the glitch we had with the forum.

        • LBJ10
          17059 posts Send Private Message
            LBJ here again. This was posted by Fadi after some members replied to the thread.

            Im very thankfull for your support and advices.. i will do more researches about coccidia and be extra carefull in the future when i get new bunnies.. as my wife once told me that she wants to save all the bunnies in the world.. and i will try to help her with her dream.. soon enough i will welcome new bunnies in my house and i will try to redeem my ignorance and miatakes that caused my peaches and rice to leave too soon.
            Peace and love may be upon of you all… you are awesome people

          • Muj Mom N Bun
            352 posts Send Private Message

              So sorry for your loss to you and your wife, Fadi. I totally understand how difficult it can be living somewhere where animal care is a not even second thought… I am an avid animal lover and have worked in Animal shelters for years and my entire family were passionate about all animals. The plight of animal care abroad ( I’m originally from USA but lived in Asia for a while ( very very arid rural part of an already struggling country) can be heart breaking. I can tell you to keep at learning, between you and your wife, keep at it…

              When I first landed where I was my In-laws had many animals, but they were livestock… and the dogs were there for sheparding and security… however these dogs were given the lowest form of care. It broke my heart to see how afraid these animals were of the hands that tossed them their daily ration of stale bread for the day… Well… long story short… I lived there for several years and I may not have changed too much in people and their ways but by the time I left, my mother In-law was calling a “farm animal doctor” if the dog was hurt or ill… I started something… may not have been big, but it was better. Maybe you and your wife can be the beginning of better for Rabbits where you are.

            • Fadi
              2 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you LBJ10 for taking from your time to repost my topic.. thank you very much

              • Fadi
                2 posts Send Private Message

                  Muj Mom N Bun, yes its very hard for me here in tunisia to get some people to understand that bunnies can be as good pets as cats and dogs or even better.. me myself i have a dog and a cat but i just loved my bunnies more than anything else..
                  im sick with a disease called psoriasis.. and just remembering how Peaches my bunny would come and start licking my wounds on my leg..i felt the love of my bunnies for me..and its so furstrating that the vets here have no clue about rabbits.. i felt so sad that i lost my bunnies even when i go out to chill with my friends a tear drops from my eyes.. I have seen so many bad things in my life.. i served in iraq with the British security companies and i saw alot of horrible things in that war zone that i could endure and live with… but i couldnt endure the loss of my bunnies…they will live forever in my heart and i will do the very best i can to change something in my enviorment.. to help with better care and attention for the most beautiful creature on earth.. the rabbits..Thank you again for your support

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m so very sorry for the tragic loss of your sweet babies.

                    ((((Binky Free Peaches and Rice))))))

                  • Muj Mom N Bun
                    352 posts Send Private Message

                      As a survivor I know what it’s like to feel such pain and angst of being in horrible horrible situations… grave circumstances that, yet, we are and have been strong enough to handle with efficient stoicism…yet, I cry just reading these threads and I cannot even process the paralyzing anxiety that comes over me at the thought of losing my dear Bun.

                      I have lost pets before. I know the grieving is so hard… it doesn’t get easier from the first or the 10th…. but with justifying our feelings of love and loss, we can grow a stronger love in our hearts for our beloved fur babies… the ones we have lost, the ones we have now, and the ones we will bring into our hearts later.

                    • Sofia
                      348 posts Send Private Message

                        It must be tough with no vets around the Internet is your friend, look for ANY possible vets around. A trusted vet is a must if you want to own rabbits, they can get sick very easily. And home remedies aren’t really an option either

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                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Reposted for Fadi – My two bunnies left me in one day