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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING rebonding after spay and neuter; minka and jukka

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    • kellyt
      9 posts Send Private Message


        I have a pair of flemish giants, Minka and Jukka, that I have been posting about in another section since we had a major infection and Jukka’s incision opened after his neuter.  Everyone seems to be doing much better now healthwise.  I have read the info on bonding and know it says to wait for a month after a spay and neuter to bond.  My question is, does this apply to rebonding also?  I have never bonded a pair before.  These guys are brother and sister and came “pre-bonded.”  Everything was perfect, they were grooming and sleeping on top of each other and seemed very much in love until Jukka’s testicles descended last Monday and they started circling that evening and we had a fight.  No one was hurt but they were separated and then fixed.  They’ve had to stay separated since Jukka ended up with an infection and open wound.  He is now able to run around again after his second surgery Tuesday to fix the open incision.  They have been in cages next to each other and sniff each other and have shown no problems or aggression through the cage.  We have also switched them in and out of the cage to mix scents.  However, my boyfriend tried to let them both out and near each other today with bad results.  I don’t know if he is rushing it or if we are being too timid with their introductions since we don’t want any one getting hurt.  Any info would be appreciated.  If we should back off and treat them like a brand new couple that were never bonded before then we will.  Just confused and don’t want to screw things up.


        Kelly, Minka and Jukka


      • peppypoo
        1945 posts Send Private Message

          As far as I’m aware, the main reason you’re supposed to wait a month after spaying/neutering to re-introduce is because a male can have viable sperm up to a month after neutering, so he could still impregnate a female. Also, I guess it would be good to give both bunnies a bit of time to heal before they live together again; you wouldn’t want any wounds opening up in the case that they begin to fight.

          From what you’ve said, it doesn’t sound like pregnancy could be an issue, since I’m assuming Minka is spayed. Just be careful that they don’t get too stressed/rough with each other while they are still recovering from surgery.

        • BinkyBunny
          8776 posts Send Private Message

             Absolutely adorable. Look at those amazing ears.  I just want to confirm that you got her spayed too?  I know you already said “they” got fixed, but just making sure as the male can still carry viable sperm for a month after surgery.  It also takes about a month for the hormones to die down and that will also be key in calmer less aggressive or territorial  bonding behavior.  (though no gaurantee there either — just less cards stacked against you)   

            I know they got along well before their hormones kicked in, but as you have discovered there is no guarantee.  And you don’t want to complicate it with more fights — that can make it harder. I would advise that you let the hormones die down, let them get used to each other through the cage (though be very careful they can’t bite each other through the cage — i had one bunny bite another bunny very badly in the face — Bailey almost ripped Rucy’s lip off. (The vet had to do surgery to repair it). I ended up putting chicken wire between the cages so they could still smell each other’s fur and lie near each other. 
            Since your bunnies still get worked up when they’re outside of their cage with each other, you want to also let them just heal.   After the fights, they will also need time to just associate good things with each other, so a few weeks of just hanging out near each other in separate cages might do that. 
             I know it’s much harder to take care of two bunnies in separate cages, but I would not rush it after what you have described.
            EDITED Oops — posted about the same time as Peppypoo! Sorry for some of the repetitiveness. 

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              What gorgeous bunnies!

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          Forum BONDING rebonding after spay and neuter; minka and jukka