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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Re bonding bonded bunnies?

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    • mocha200
      4486 posts Send Private Message


        I need help. Mocha and Lulu’s bond isn’t very strong every time they her the sound of the pellets being poured, they start biting, lunging, grunting, and chasing. I try to yell at them to make them stop but it doesn’t help! And when Mocha wants something Lulu has he chases her away, and sometimes when mocha just hops up to her she totally does this weird grunt and lunges at him.

        I want to some how re bond them but they would still live together but i want to do something to make there bond stronger.

        don’t get me wrong they still snuggle and stuff but not as much as they used to.



      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I think this is just how their relationship is going to be. I think like most relationships they’ve settled in and this is how they are going to be and since they are together, you should not force them.

          I have a bonded pair that sit side by side all the time, but they NEVER groom, but they also never fight and that’s just how their relationship is and they are fine.

          I also rabbit sit a pair where the female is kind of a bully and dominating and the male is shy and submissive – she chases him quite a bit but other than that they live together quite happily. It’s just how they’ve established their relationship – they snuggle too, but when it comes to food, she is a bully but he gets his share too.

          I know it’s hard when they don’t have the bond you feel or wish they had, but you have to remember that their relationship is based on their personality and what works for them.

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            You are mistaken, their bond is fine. This is all normal behavior. Each rabbit is unique so some rabbits are feistier than others but there is nothing wrong with their bond. Do not mess with them, leave them be. Do you always just smile at your friends or siblings or don’t you sometimes have a little tiff over things? All herd animals have dynamics. They can’t possibly be snuggling ALL OF THE TIME.

          • mocha200
            4486 posts Send Private Message

              i guess but its really strange because they have just started doing this in the last 2 months.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Haven’t they only been bonded for about that long?

              • mocha200
                4486 posts Send Private Message

                  no they have been bonded sense june.

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    That’s really not so long – their relationship is still developing.

                  • mocha200
                    4486 posts Send Private Message

                      ok i was just wondering thanks! maybe i will just pour there pellets in a different room.

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        I used to just scatter pellets around in my mopsquartet because there was a lot of food competition from time to time

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          There’s things that can make one or the other cranky sometimes – like molting.

                          Mine run in circles and carry on (jersey grunts) when I go to feed pellets too. But as soon as their pellets hit the bowl, they are heads down chowing away.

                          Sometimes I’ll see Jersey pounce at Rumball too if he’s been trying to mount. He does that evey now and then. They might pull a small tuft of fur then the next minute they’ll be sitting side by side.

                        • mocha200
                          4486 posts Send Private Message

                            Jerseygirl^ that sounds exactly like my buns! I woke up this morning to mocha chasing lulu around the pen and her grunting and lunging and now there just fine. bunnies are very strange.

                            This is there first molt sense they have been bonded and this seemed to start about a month or so ago and thats when they started molting. do you think that could be?

                          • jerseygirl
                            22353 posts Send Private Message

                              do you think that could be?

                              Why they’re being a bit antsy with each other? Very likely. Molts can happen with season changes. There can be small hormone rises too due to seasons. That might effect some behaviours. It’ll pass.

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                yes, it could affect their behavior. Many things can: change of environment, change os season, change of caregiver, new pet in the house… health… the list is long.
                                — you know, mocha, i was kind of concerned when I saw the subject line and it said “BONED bunnies”

                              • jerseygirl
                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                  haha, me too. Bit of an unfortunate error. Lucky we knew what you meant.

                                • mocha200
                                  4486 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am lost why were you concerned? LOL I am bad at catching on.

                                    Random question here: can rabbits have the sticks from hazelnut bushes? not the leaves or the nuts but the sticks? i couldn’t find it on the toxic list.

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      it was a spelling error, you meant “bonDed bunnies” but typed “boned bunnies” as in bones…

                                    • Deleted User
                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                        according to a google book entry the hazelnut bush is an edible plant for wild animals such as rabbits.

                                      • Elrohwen
                                        7318 posts Send Private Message

                                          I agree that this is probably just how their bond will be. I also think their bond will slowly transform over time and you may see them behave differently. Hannah chased Otto a lot when they first moved in together. After 3 or 4 months she stopped chasing him all together and things were much more peaceful. Just a few weeks ago she started chasing him and being bossy again (time to spice up the relationship? 😉 ). So I think their relationships can change and cycle and it’s totally normal.

                                        • mocha200
                                          4486 posts Send Private Message

                                            Petzy: Oh my goodness! I did not notice that! i am so sorry! LOL

                                            Elrohwen: Yeah probably will be.

                                          • mocha200
                                            4486 posts Send Private Message

                                              i changed it.

                                              Petzy: Thanks for telling me. Our whole woods is practically all hazel nut bushes. to bad i don’t like hazel nuts. haha

                                            • Deleted User
                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                send the hazelnuts my way

                                                it was a funny typo: the boned bunnies, it made me think of rabbit archaeology, if there is such a thing

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                                            Forum BONDING Re bonding bonded bunnies?