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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Rant about ignorant ppl

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    • Puffbaby
      111 posts Send Private Message

        Why when you offer advice to someone, such as saying that a rabbit should be in a bigger cage and have more time out of its cage and more toys and such do people think that everything thy are doing is ok. That their bun is spoiled bc it comes out for 2-3 hours a day and gets unlimited pellets . That isn’t spoiled that is slowly killing. Where do ppl get off being so ignorant. And do ppl not know how to research, look up information, or do they look up everything but disregard bc they believe they are smarter than the experts. There was a bun on Craigslist in a small cage and a whole huge bowl of pellets, with one chew toy and a small ball. And I inquired about it because if he was neutered I was thinking about getting him. But because he was not I passed and she said she had other people interested in him and I told her she should recommend the future owners get an x-pen. Even if you is just attached to the cage so the bun had more freedom and such and she totally shut me down saying her rabbits are all spoiled and a cage is the only thing she recommends and is the best setup. Like HOW?!?! Ok rant over. Sorry just had to get that off my chest.

      • Luna
        2219 posts Send Private Message

          That poor bun . I hope he finds a proper hoomin.

        • *Bearacuda*56
          41 posts Send Private Message

            Poor bun is right BUT are you gona call me ignorant or stupid because my buns are kept in a cage to and dont have free run of the house or a xpen set up and they have pellets in there little dish 24-7 along with there hay and water.? My buns get 24-7 care and love i have them outa there cage as much as possible im home all day and night with them but cant have them free roam to many cords im not picking up and i dont need my dogs going nuts over the buns and then have accident happen as my service dog is very protective and jelous when it comes to another animal near me thats why she gets crated when i have the buns out. My cages are as big as i can possibly get them for the space in my house for them which inturn there is enough room in the rabbits cage for them to stretch out and zoom around and play. Are you going to call me ignorant for that?? I’ve raised rabbits since i was a kid im in my late 50’s now and most rabbits i owned were always kept outdoors in huge huts/cages with hide huts attached to the cage and we always had a small fenced in grassy area were we would put them out for free time but we had to sit out there to watch over them due to hawks and egales that would swoop down and kill them. If a rabbit got sick then yes we would bring it indoors for treatment and to get it better befour putting it back outside. We also wormed our rabbits each yr.  Now there are many many people out there whole raise rabbits just to raise rabbits nothing more nothing less that dollar bills is what its all about not improving your line or any gentics it has or for show and or color prefferance. Alot of people will stack cages one ontop of the other thinking those little slide in pans will stp anything from getting on the other rabbit will do when in reality it wont and the poor bun under there suffers for it while all suffer being in a little 24×24 cage with nothing more than food and water. I got a rescue that came from some horrible conditons cage and all spiders and cobwebs 3 to 4 inche waste high poo buildup, water bottle so brown and algea filled and dry looked sickening no food no hay and old little plastic chewed up tiny food dish now thats just plain outright cruelty not ignorant!!   I love my buns and they have a good life there doing well healthy happy and yes in my eyes spoiled i pay more attention to them than my own husband LOL!!  Would you call me ignorant just because i cant turn my buns loose in the whole house?? I THINK NOT!

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              People don’t like being told how to take care of their animals, that what they’re doing is considered wrong. If they’ve never seen any problems with it, they’re not going to see it that way. Take pellets as an example, I would never feed unlimited pellets to a bun, I think it’s unhealthy, however plenty of people have probably had buns on unlimited pellets that have lived to be 7, or even 10+ years old. So then because they’ve had success with it, they don’t see it as being harmful.

              Just yesterday there was a post on a facebook group I’m in with a photo of a little bun asking for name requests. The bun was on a wire floor, in a solid walled cage with glass doors, and with a bowl full of muesli style food. Obviously I would have liked to change all 3 things, but challenging every aspect of how the bun was kept was only going to be met defensively. So I picked one thing, and mentioned it in a “by the way” manner, not in a “you shouldn’t do this” way. Often the approach can change the response, but of course not always. Some people refuse to change unless it’s something they’ve thought of and come across themselves.

            • *Bearacuda*56
              41 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By Azerane on 10/16/2017 1:31 PM

                People don’t like being told how to take care of their animals, that what they’re doing is considered wrong. If they’ve never seen any problems with it, they’re not going to see it that way. Take pellets as an example, I would never feed unlimited pellets to a bun, I think it’s unhealthy, however plenty of people have probably had buns on unlimited pellets that have lived to be 7, or even 10+ years old. So then because they’ve had success with it, they don’t see it as being harmful.

                Just yesterday there was a post on a facebook group I’m in with a photo of a little bun asking for name requests. The bun was on a wire floor, in a solid walled cage with glass doors, and with a bowl full of muesli style food. Obviously I would have liked to change all 3 things, but challenging every aspect of how the bun was kept was only going to be met defensively. So I picked one thing, and mentioned it in a “by the way” manner, not in a “you shouldn’t do this” way. Often the approach can change the response, but of course not always. Some people refuse to change unless it’s something they’ve thought of and come across themselves.

                Right on Azerane well said. Sorry that i do have free pellet feed in my dishes at all times but i make sure the protine content is not to high as some use either to low or to high protine. I do however not have the dish filled to the brim only half way full each day. And i do understand where others are comming from with there point of view about not feeding to much pellets i have no problems with that. Just like treats there limited as well.

              • Luna
                2219 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m sure Puffbaby didn’t mean any offense . A lot of us have cages. Luna has a cage and isn’t free range (though that will change once I get my own house), and she is out of her cage over 50% of the time every day, and 100% of the time on the weekends. I interpreted the conversation Puffbaby described as the Seller saying that she would only recommend buns stay in cages and not be let out at all, and/or that the Seller didn’t have a problem with the cage being too small for the bun.

                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    Quite frankly some people are dispicable human beings that simply don’t give a crap. They do the bare minimum and so long as their pet doesn’t die instantly, they think what they’re doing is acceptable.

                  • Puffbaby
                    111 posts Send Private Message

                      No I didn’t mean any offense. The cage it was in was a cage that was much too small, it was a small rabbit but still didn’t have room to even lay down all the way and was only let out for 2 hours at a time and the rabbit was definately obese by the pictures. (Probably because all it had to do was eat) I have no issues with a rabbit in a cage at all as long as the cage is big enough of course. That’s why I suggested the x-pen attached to the cage for the future owner. But the person saw nothing wrong with the tiny cage saying the rabbit does not like to run around like that anyway. I should have been more specific, I was just so flustered at the time of writing. Sorry to anyone I offended! And I give unlimited pellets during the day as well but my bun is only a few months old and needed to gain ALOT of weight. Which he is almost at our goal weight for his age. I always had my rabbits in a cage or hutch when I was younger and LOVE some of the style of hutches and if I had a bun that was smaller, I would probably have him/her in a hutch inside for night time and when I’m not home honestly. I just had a problem with that specific cage he was in.

                    • *Bearacuda*56
                      41 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By Puffbaby on 10/17/2017 9:11 AM

                        No I didn’t mean any offense. The cage it was in was a cage that was much too small, it was a small rabbit but still didn’t have room to even lay down all the way and was only let out for 2 hours at a time and the rabbit was definately obese by the pictures. (Probably because all it had to do was eat) I have no issues with a rabbit in a cage at all as long as the cage is big enough of course. That’s why I suggested the x-pen attached to the cage for the future owner. But the person saw nothing wrong with the tiny cage saying the rabbit does not like to run around like that anyway. I should have been more specific, I was just so flustered at the time of writing. Sorry to anyone I offended! And I give unlimited pellets during the day as well but my bun is only a few months old and needed to gain ALOT of weight. Which he is almost at our goal weight for his age. I always had my rabbits in a cage or hutch when I was younger and LOVE some of the style of hutches and if I had a bun that was smaller, I would probably have him/her in a hutch inside for night time and when I’m not home honestly. I just had a problem with that specific cage he was in.

                        Oh i totaly understand where your comming from i was trying ti make a point as well since my buns are cage raised but in the house except one she will be living outdoors. I to was also trying to make a point as i feel bad for not being able to give my buns more freedom/time out BUT atleast there cages are big enough for them to zoom around in and play with there toys.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                          I have to be careful with how often I look on sites like Craiglist. It can be discouraging. Here, we have Gumtree which is pretty popular. I do have to remember I cannot know the entire situation just from some words or a photo alone. But there are those ads where it just gets to you. One I recall seeing was a mother who whinged about her kids not looking after the rabbits and her having to do all the work. “So on Gumtree they go” was her words and her solution. I should clarify, the rabbits were being offered up, not the kids…

                          A passive approach that can help (or will help one feel better, at least) is to create your own ads that offer some helpful tips and resources. That way, you’re potentially reaching a larger audience instead of one on one communication with a seller. So anyone looking at getting a rabbit and viewing the ads may come across yours and take on some or the info you share. Potentially even the future owner of the rabbit you saw! You could title it “looking to buy a rabbit?” then follow with something like “here are some tips to help having a rabbit be an enjoyable experience for you and the rabbit” – for example. You may get people message saying they disagree with some advice offered – and they have that right, but that doesn’t stop it from being seen and maybe reaching some folks who find it really useful.

                        • Puffbaby
                          111 posts Send Private Message

                            Jerseygirl that is genius! And I don’t know why I didn’t think of that! I am actually going to do that right now because there are literally over 10buns on Craigslist in my area alone all needing to be rehomed because people don’t want them anymore. ? If I could take them all I would but I doubt my landlord would appreciate that lol and I don’t think stitch would either. He loves all the attention he gets. Tho I do want to eventually get him a friend once he is neutered. I plan on going to my local rescue and seeing if I can kind of let him choose in a way of who he likes if that’s even possible. Off to Craigslist I go to offer some advice and hopefully people will read it!

                          • *Bearacuda*56
                            41 posts Send Private Message

                              Our Polish Dwarf “Cookie” is a rescue we saved off Craigslist, we could tell she was in a bad sistuation just by the pic of her the cage botton was just so filthy she was standing in her own waste in the pic and it was a darkish pic to boot she just looked skinny to so i contacted the people and talked to them and kept in contact with them for 2 weeks till i finaly got my daughter to go and get her from them since my daughter lives down state where this rabbit was located at. My daughter has been on many rescue missions with me and she knew when i said go get her it ment right now go get her and off she went and finaly at 3am in the morning my daughter pulled in tierd from a 5hr drive  with this poor rabbit in such a horrible cage we were both in tears and discuss but knew she was now outa there and in a better home, i was up all night cleaning this awful cage and getting the buns nails trimed , put fresh bedding in and fresh food a water dish as the water bottle was just dark brown with algea slime discolor which even now after soaking in bleach water it still wont come completly white clean its been discolored for so long but we can still use the bottle since its now clean and disifected. Im picking up a new bottle on friday along with few more things for Cookies new cage we got her today.  Cookie didnt have much interaction with people shes scared but can be handled with no problems at all she learnes to turst quickly. This is one bun that is now happy and on the road to being healthy and knowing shes much loved and not left out in the cold. Shes also going to be wormed and then treated with ivermectin liquid spot on between shoulder blades for skin and ear parasites as a precaution.
                              Yes theres many many rabbits on craigslist alot of them need rescuing if only we could save them all but we cant atleast we can save one at a time.

                            • BinkyBunny
                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                It can be monumentally frustrating (and enraging) when you see something that you feel is harmful and it seems like the person doesn’t care.   Deep down, what Sarah says, many of us will feel when we come across situations like this.  Because we are like “What the ???”  Can’t they see what I am seeing?  How ridiculous or callous are they?”    This can cause such anger inside that it’s hard to contain.   But this is where I think we can make the most difference, not by giving into scolding or shaming, because that is just a release method for our anger, (which should be done in healthy ways — like venting to friends and other people as we do understand!).  

                                Something though that Azerane said really hits home and I wanted to elaborate on that thought. (Sorry if it takes away a bit from the original subject — it is a bit related in a way)   She said: So I picked one thing, and mentioned it in a “by the way” manner, not in a “you shouldn’t do this” way. 

                                I really agree with what Azerane said.   And that is no easy task.  It takes so much strength to hold back and just find simple ways to support and encourage, especially if you are feeling disdain.   Otherwise it just turns into a right-fight. In some cases, even if the person changed, they wouldn’t give someone that shamed them the satisfaction.  Just our lovely human nature. 

                                I can’t tell you how many times over the years, even in my own family, people have baffled me with how they treated their animals.  Not horrible or abusive.  But it was not the greatest quality care, nor enriching happy life in my opinion.  If I didn’t meet them personally or know them personally, I may have thought they were horrible.  But when I saw and talked to the person, they weren’t like that. They were good people.  Maybe misguided, but good heart.    I also see how people can change over time. I even think about what I thought I knew 30+ plus years ago and how much I have changed in my beliefs and opinions.  It can take time. 

                                I had also been involved, employed or volunteered for years in animal shelters (SPCA, Humane Society, Rabbit Rescues) since high school (and that was LONG ago), until 10 years ago when my time became much more limited.  Due to my experience, I’ve seen first-hand truly horrific things that people do to animals.Horrible suffering and abuses that will haunt me forever. Just thankful these shelters exist to help do what they can.   And so if I come across someone who has some infractions where I think that set-up could be better, the food choice is not healthy or whatever my thoughts are, I put it into perspective and approach them how I would want to be treated.  

                                I’ve seen some outstanding changes with this kind of approach.  It’s not easy, but it is worth the patience. 

                                And even if the person doesn’t feel like there is anything to change, and never does, I  realize there will always be differences in what I may feel is right or best. 

                                P.S. I am not talking about taking this route with animal abuse in the eyes of law– as that should be reported and dealt with immediately) 

                              • jerseygirl
                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                  My daughter has been on many rescue missions with me and she knew when i said go get her it ment right now go get her and off she went and finaly at 3am in the morning my daughter pulled in tierd from a 5hr drive  with this poor rabbit in such a horrible cage we were both in tears and discuss but knew she was now outa there and in a better home

                                  Bearacuda, Ive broken down in tears when receiving some rabbits also. And these were a friends. Well, was a friend at the time. As BB mentioned, it’s particularly hard when it is someone you know. I still cannot fathom why she thought it okay to keep them like that let alone drop them off in that state. Laziness? Time-poor? I don’t know.

                                  @Puffbaby, Im glad you found that idea something that would help you and possibly new rabbit owners. I try stick to the old “KISS” rule and keep ads short and sweet but put some websites on there that I believe have some good information and leave it to the reader to go further if they want to learn more. I haven’t done this in a long time though. Sometimes advocacy can be so draining and I need to step back for self-preservation. My own fur babies can use that time and attention anyway.

                                • Q8bunny
                                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                                    I often feel this frustration too. And not just about buns and other furries. But about things like ignorant comments, or deplorable grammar. Ultmately, though, I usually just bite my tongue, because we live in a world where toes must not be stepped on lest we become villified by the ultra-defensive. Like the other posters have said, I just hope the wee guy finds a good hoomin home. (((bun bun)))

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                                Forum THE LOUNGE Rant about ignorant ppl