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Forum DIET & CARE Rabbits eye turned light blue, getting lighter

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    • aarlover20
      22 posts Send Private Message

        One of my rabbit eyes are turning blue and white and it is bulging out a bit, this started on the 18th saturday and she has now been on metacam and a general antibiotic for the eye that I got from CVS(referred from my vet). My vet is not that rabbit savvy and I do not have access to a rabbit vet. The vet did not mention an ulcer or a corneal tear, and is thinking it must be an abscess under, but I am not sure if it is. The vet also ruled out cataracts and glaucoma. Has anyone seen anything like this? My rabbit has struggled with issues before, but not related to the eye, I just don’t want to be pressured to spend money on an x-ray if it is not necessary. At first her eye was more bulgy but now it is a little less, although still bulgy, I feel like the color of the eye is becoming more light blue (anabelles eyes are brown/light grey). I don’t know if she is suffering trauma but I see no tears or pain on her eye. She can also still see through this eye. Also we have done some tests and anabelle has been exposed to e cunni but has not been showing any symptoms. Here are some pictures.

      • Rabbit Ears
        6 posts Send Private Message

          When you say your vet has ruled out glaucoma, did s/he perform a pressure test on your rabbit’s eyes? This is done with a device called a tonometer (here’s what some of them look like: ). The eyes are first numbed with a local anesthetic drop, and then the tip of the tonometer is gently pushed against the eyeball to measure the pressure (it won’t bother your rabbit). In general, a reading in the teens or below means no glaucoma (or glaucoma under control), in the twenties there is some problem, and in the thirties or higher, there is a problem and likely some pain/discomfort.

          I am not a vet, but my 11 year old rabbit has cataracts in both eyes, and glaucoma in his left eye, and we’ve been monitoring it and treating it for several months now with various drops.

          If you don’t have access to a rabbit vet, ask your vet if it would help to email test results and high-resolution photos of your rabbit’s eye to a veterinary ophthalmologist in another location (especially one with knowledge of rabbit eye conditions). You’d still have to pay for the diagnosis, but using the internet to forward the info and images might be a way to get an expert opinion without having to actually travel with your rabbit. Obviously if something like surgery is needed, then you’ll have to take your rabbit to such a specialist. But using the net could be an acceptable first step.

        • Tessie
          1231 posts Send Private Message

            So what did the vet say you should do?
            I agree with the above, I’d ask fr more tests or a second opinion.

          • aarlover20
            22 posts Send Private Message

              Yes the vet has done a pressure test on the eye and ruled out glaucoma and she also did a dye test on her eye but did not find anything compelling. The vet just wants to me to do an x-ray because she thinks it may be an abscess, but I’m not sure if I believe that it is an abscess. I may just end up doing an x-ray to be sure, but I wanted to know if anyone has had this happen to their rabbit before. I will try to ask for a second opinion.

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                In the pictures you showed – the bulging and color looks like glaucoma but since your vet ruled that out, I don’t know!  I have had experience with Glaucoma, cataracts and ulcers now, but not abscesses.  So if that is what is going on with yours, I am not sure what that would look like, maybe someone else will have had experience with that aspect and can chime in. 

                What was the pressure on the eye do you remember? Sometimes my bunny Viv’s glaucoma eye is more bulgy than others – the pressure can fluctuate from normal to high.  But she’s on meds, so I don’t know if it’s normal for non-medicated glaucoma eye to fluctuate. 

                There is another type of cataract though that does look more like an abscess and my understanding is it is due to e.cuniculi, but I also just learned that this happens in mostly in young rabbits. How old is your bunny?

                Here are are the photos of my bunny Vivian.(she has glaucoma in one eye and a cataract in the other).  I have to use lash and lid cleaner as the drops she gets creates crusties so her eyes look wet right now around them because I had wiped them down. She is also on pain meds (for arthritis, but also these eye problems can also cause discomfort) 

                RIGHT EYE – Glaucoma. Before her lens was pushed out of place from the glaucoma (or irritation from it), it was fully glowy white, right now the lens has fallen as you can see.   

                LEFT EYE – You can see there are white lines – sort of like a marble, but when it first developed – it was just whitish all around. (Her cataract came on really quickly, within a few days.)  and then it took another week or so before these white lines developed. She has a special ophthalmologist vet that confirmed this was normal to happen as the cataract continues to develop. 

              • LBJ10
                17056 posts Send Private Message

                  Trauma to the eye can also cause swelling of the cornea. The eye can turn cloudy and blue. Can the vet tell if the discoloration is the cornea or further inside the eye? Did they put dye on the cornea to see if there was an injury?

                • aarlover20
                  22 posts Send Private Message

                    Yes the vet did do a dye test but she said she did not think it was reliable since it only picked up at the tip. I don’t really understand my vet as well, I am currently trying to get a second opinion from Dr. Harvey of chabot pet clinic in Hayward, CA. Thank you BB for posting up the pictures. I do remember the vet said the pressure was pretty low and not near the glaucoma level. I don’t think anabelle has a cataract since it does not look like the picture. For me I feel like this eye may be an ulcer or trauma but the vet does not seem to believe that this is the case. She already jumped to doing an x-ray and removing the eye if necessary. It may be ecunni as well, anabelle is about 5-8 years old, the doctors could not predict her exact age when I got her. 

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      Wow that’s tough! Like BB I have experience with glaucoma, ulcers and cataracts but not abscesses so I just don’t know…but I think it’s great you are getting a second opinion. Xray and amputation may be the way to go, but if your hesitant there is good reason to go with your gut and get a second opinion.

                      And if that’s THE Dr. Harvey (I think BB knows her if I’ve got the name right) -I’m sure you’ll find the answer!

                    • Sarita
                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                        Yes Dr. Harvey is BB’s vet and one of the best around so getting a second opinion from her is spot on!

                      • aarlover20
                        22 posts Send Private Message

                          Just now anabelle is closing her eyes and tears are coming out of her eyes. Dr.Harvey told me that my vet is free to consult with her but that it is all she can do for me now. I think we will go to the vet very soon and I will ask my vet to consult with dr.harvey.

                        • aarlover20
                          22 posts Send Private Message

                            So I went to a doctor in Stockton recently (just moved back) and they said it is glaucoma! They ran a test and she should be getting medicine soon. I can’t believe I trusted that vet in Santa Barbara, she was not very reliable and did not want to consult with Dr Harvey. Anabelle is now going blind in both eyes She will see Dr. Harvey soon. Just an update for anyone who goes through this as well!

                          • aarlover20
                            22 posts Send Private Message

                              So I went to a doctor in Stockton recently (just moved back) and they said it is glaucoma! They ran a test and she should be getting medicine soon. I can’t believe I trusted that vet in Santa Barbara, she was not very reliable and did not want to consult with Dr Harvey. Anabelle is now going blind in both eyes  but she really is a trooper and she’s still active!
                              She will see Dr. Harvey soon. Just an update for anyone who goes through this as well!

                            • jerseygirl
                              22351 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh that is a shame the former vet didnt consult with Dr Harvey.
                                I’m glad you’ve got an accurate diagnosis now and on appropriate treatment.

                                Before reading your update I thought possibly she could have had a retrobulbar abscess which is commonly cause by tooth root problems/infection. (I had thought your initial post was recent- oops)

                                Blind bunnies cope incredibly well and she should be even more comfortable once on the medicine.

                              • aarlover20
                                22 posts Send Private Message

                                  Yes I also thought maybe it was a tooth abscess, I want to check that out with Harvey as well since my other vet said one of her tooth was a little different. She hasn’t gotten on the glaucoma medicine yet, it’s coming tomorrow, but my mom said she was able to run out into the living room and follow her. Perhaps she is not as bad. I’m glad I got a diagnosis, she will live a more comfortable life. Thanks for your suggestions and kind words!

                                • Rabbit Ears
                                  6 posts Send Private Message

                                    Especially because glaucoma is a chronic (rest of her life) condition, definitely shop around to find out the best prices for your bun’s eye medication. I am currently using Latanoprost for my rabbit’s glaucoma, and the price ranges were vast. From $74 / bottle at Walgreens, down to about $15 / bottle at Costco (even cheaper if you’re a member). Note that in many states you don’t have to be a member to use the pharmacy in places like Costco or Sam’s Club. Also find out if there’s a discount for buying multiple bottles at once, just make sure the unused bottles are stored properly, for example Latanoprost needs to be refrigerated until you start using it, then it can stay at room temperature for up to six weeks (always check the package insert for specifics).

                                    If the medication isn’t available as a generic, find out if the manufacturer offers rebates (which can last up to one year), this can help with the expenses. Just type in the name of the medicine and the word rebate into Google and you’ll can probably find more info. The rebates aren’t necessarily marketed to pet owners, but many of the rebate programs don’t exclude non-human patients (or simply don’t bother to mention it) so the rebate coupon should still work.

                                    Also, if you have difficulty getting your bun to come to you for drops, consider giving her a small treat as a reward. Because of his glaucoma and an unrelated eye-infection, recently my bun was being given drops 11-12 times a day for about 6 weeks. Fortunately, because of the glaucoma drops, he already associated getting drops with getting a treat, so all I had to do was call him and he’d happily come over and sit still for each drop application. He’s definitely gained some weight from all the treats (!), but that’s a small price to pay to make sure he got his medicine (and especially without stressing him out). And normally, glaucoma drops are given 1-2 times/day (3 at most), so weight gain from the treats for your bun won’t be as much of an issue.

                                    Finally, if you find it difficult to consistently get the drops in his eye, consider getting an LED headlamp (you can buy them for around $10). The extra light can help you see more clearly when applying the drops. My vet thought I was silly when I mentioned it, but he gives drops in a very well-lit examination room. I’m giving drops while sitting on the floor of a bedroom – much worse ambient lighting!

                                  • BabyGandBabyBoo
                                    1 posts Send Private Message

                                      My bunny’s eye looked like a marble at first it is light blue. Now it covers half his eye now. He is a dwarf hotot and I also have a blue French lop and I am concerned this is contagious. I love Gandalf and I would do anything for his well being. Will this make him miserable? He is very energetic and happy. Will this change his attitude? Blue loves him and she could not live without him. But I also want to take the precautions so I don’t loose Blue. I don’t know what to do. I literally broke down when I read he might go blind. Can someone give me advice/answers? Please. Thank you for your time and attention.

                                    • LittlePuffyTail
                                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                                        Hi, BabyGandBabyBoo. We ask that members not respond to old threads as it causes confusion and these members may no longer be active. This one is from 2014. Please feel free to start a new thread with your question. You will get more responses.

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                                    Forum DIET & CARE Rabbits eye turned light blue, getting lighter