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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BEHAVIOR Rabbit Circling/Honking/Thumping/Binkying/Flopping

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    • Sapientia
      6 posts Send Private Message

        I let my 3 year old female bun, Ruby, out into her outdoor run today. She loves it there! She immediately started binkying then flopped on the ground contentedly. I flopped down next to her (on the other side of the wire) to keep her company and do my homework. She suddenly started to crazily run in circles, binky, make honking noises, and randomly do her contented flop. But the thing that really confused me was that she was thumping, too! Thumping, as I’ve heard, is a sign of annoyance/danger/aggression, not joy!

        To be honest, I’m confuzzled by the whole thing. I looked it up and the web said it was because her hormones have started to kick in and she wants to mate. But she’s 3 years old! A little too old for her hormones just now to take effect. And it started when I lay down next to her.

        Any ideas if she was super happy or super annoyed at me? And what was going on? Thanks!

      • LBJ10
        17089 posts Send Private Message

          Is she spayed?

          When it comes to bunny speak, context is key. The thumping seems confusing to you because it doesn’t “fit” with the other behaviors. But little thumps combined with binkies can be an expression of excitement.

        • Sapientia
          6 posts Send Private Message

            No, she has not been spayed. Unfortunately that’s not an option for me.

            That makes sense, thanks LBJ10! (phew my rabbit’s not annoyed with me) 😀

          • Sapientia
            6 posts Send Private Message

              No, she has not been spayed. Unfortunately that’s not an option for me.

              That makes sense, thanks LBJ10! I guess she was just super excited to see me! (phew, not annoyed)


            • LBJ10
              17089 posts Send Private Message

                I would say no, not annoyed. Probably just super excited. My bunny will sometimes do a little thump and then zoom. It’s just him being super excited. For your bunny though, a lot of this excitement is likely being caused by hormones. Circling and honking are courtship behaviors. Are you planning on getting her spayed? Spaying is very important for females since the chance of reproductive cancers is high.

              • Sapientia
                6 posts Send Private Message

                  Hmmm. So I guess its from hormones then. It’s normal for an un-spayed female rabbit of any age, right? Nothing to be concerned about?

                  And I understand the risks of not spaying her, but it’s impossible for me to finance it. 🙁

                  Is reproductive cancer otherwise avoidable? Do you know if there are rabbit breeds that are particularly susceptible to it, or do all unaltered female rabbits have have equal chances of getting it? I have very little knowledge of this very important subject.

                • DanaNM
                  9064 posts Send Private Message

                    Unfortunately there is no other way to prevent reproductive cancers other than spaying. Rates are thought to vary slightly by breed, but not by very much. The studies I’ve read found rates between 50-75% by age 4, and then the rates just go up with age. It seems like most rabbits will get it by age 6-7 if un-spayed. When I volunteered at a rescue and unspayed females would come in that were over age 6, they all had uterine cancer. Thankfully if caught early spaying will remove the cancer.

                    So, I would say even if you can’t afford it now, it’s something you could save up for and try to do within the next couple years.

                    And yes I think the honking etc. now is normal. She could have a bit of “march hare” syndrome as it’s spring time. Even castrated rabbits can get a bit feisty in the spring.

                    . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                  • Sapientia
                    6 posts Send Private Message

                      Thanks, DanaNM! It appears I better start saving. I had no idea the statistics were that high!  Glad she’s just turned 3, I’ve got some time.


                      • DanaNM
                        9064 posts Send Private Message

                          Yes you definitely have time to plan!

                          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                      • LBJ10
                        17089 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh yes, their hormones can definitely get a boost from winter becoming spring. As Dana said, it can affect spayed/neutered rabbits too. It usually isn’t as pronounced though as with an intact individual. The risk of cancer does vary a little bit between breeds, but the risk goes up regardless as a bunny ages. The only prevention is removing the problem altogether (i.e. spaying). I agree that you still have some time. Definitely plan on having her spayed if you want to help ensure she lives a long life.

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                      Forum BEHAVIOR Rabbit Circling/Honking/Thumping/Binkying/Flopping