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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING rabbit bonding programs and WHRS hours.

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    • mocha200
      4486 posts Send Private Message

        I have herd of people talking about rabbit bonding programs and i was wondering how you find out were they do it? cuz i might be interested in taking them somewere so they could help me bond. do you guys know were some are? are there any in Wisconsin? i am just getting a little stressed out and would love some help from someone who knows what they are doing.


      • Elrohwen
        7318 posts Send Private Message

          Just look up rabbit rescues in your area. Most near me are happy to take in bunnies and help bond them if they have room. You can do a Google search or go on Petfinder and do a rescue search.

        • mocha200
          4486 posts Send Private Message

            do you know if Wisconsin house rabbit society does it?

          • mocha200
            4486 posts Send Private Message

              i have been looking up rescues. but how do you tell if they help with bonding? do you have to call?

            • Elrohwen
              7318 posts Send Private Message

                Yep, just give them a call. Tell them you have two rabbits and you’ve having trouble bonding and would like to know if they can help. They may just offer tips, but ask if they would be able to take them in for a week and work on bonding them. The rabbit rescues around here are more than wiling to help people if they can.

              • mocha200
                4486 posts Send Private Message

                  is it expensive?

                • mocha200
                  4486 posts Send Private Message

                    cuz if it was expencive i wont be able to do it. do you know a estimate? like how much a day or hour?

                  • Monkeybun
                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                      It varies, the best thing would be to call for info, and ask prices then if they do the bonding.

                    • mocha200
                      4486 posts Send Private Message

                        ok i will have to call. also do you know if you can just go visit the WHRS or is there only special days you can go?

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          Also try the Dane County Humane Society as they do bunny dating also. Both DCHS ans WHRS may not do actual bonding but I think they’d be able to refer you to someone who does. Some foster carers may do bunny bonding. If you do locate a foster carer who does this, perhaps you could arrange to help with the chores for the foster rabbits to lessen the bonding fee. It wouldn’t hurt to ask.

                        • Elrohwen
                          7318 posts Send Private Message

                            It really depends. I know rescues that will do it for free if you adopt one of their buns. But they might charge a small fee (to go towards the rescue bunnies) if they’re already your own rabbits. I highly doubt that they’d charge you a lot of money – in the end, they just want to help the rabbits and helping to bond your two means it’s less likely that you would turn one into the shelter later (not that you would personally, but there are plenty of people who say “My rabbits won’t bond, so I’m getting rid of one” and the shelter would want to prevent that).

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                              Or you may try a privately-run, small, local rescue. If they have some space they might be able to help too. I think it usually costs the amount for boarding, so it will cost a good amount. But it doesn’t hurt to ask.

                            • Elrohwen
                              7318 posts Send Private Message

                                My local rescues usually board for $10 a day, which isn’t much, and I live in an expensive area. Just for reference. The vet charges $35 a day though, so it could be anywhere in between.

                              • Beka27
                                16016 posts Send Private Message

                                  For them to do a thorough job at bonding, the buns should be with them for two weeks minimum. So while $10 isn’t a lot, when you multiply that by 2 or 3 weeks… you’re looking at between $140 and $210, at the low end.

                                  I’m not trying to discourage you, but considering your parents aren’t even wanting to pay for their food, a basic necessity, I am wondering how boarding costs are going to be feasible for you.

                                  Also, they may be “bonded” at the rescue, but there is no guarantee they won’t start fighting when they get home to their own territories. UNLESS, you scheduled this to take place while you are moving, so they would come home to a new place neither has been before. That could work.

                                • Elrohwen
                                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                                    That’s very true. It might be more helpful if they will talk you through bonding sessions, or even let you bring your bunnies over every day to have sessions in a neutral area (though that would require your parents driving you).

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22353 posts Send Private Message

                                      I think it is a good idea to find out what is around and have someone to contact. You’ve always got too. But Mocha, I think you’ve been doing a great job. If you are moving or about to right now, it’s no wonder you’re stressed. Moving is a big thing. Once you have moved though, you’ll be in an excellent position to do more bonding with Mocha & Lulu – and everything will be new and neutral.

                                    • mocha200
                                      4486 posts Send Private Message

                                        i am totally fine with bonding its just the cementing i HATE i just can’t physically/ emotionally handle it! i know that once they come home from the bonding program that i will have to probably cement, i just thought that they might not chase all night long after being there.

                                      • mocha200
                                        4486 posts Send Private Message

                                          Posted By jerseygirl on 06/04/2010 10:00 PM
                                          Also try the Dane County Humane Society as they do bunny dating also. Both DCHS ans WHRS may not do actual bonding but I think they’d be able to refer you to someone who does. Some foster carers may do bunny bonding. If you do locate a foster carer who does this, perhaps you could arrange to help with the chores for the foster rabbits to lessen the bonding fee. It wouldn’t hurt to ask.

                                          yeah, i was looking at them. they look  pretty nice! and dthey have a lot of rabbits. i might be going there for my birthday to look at the rabbits (i am NOT going to get one! i don’t want another one and i am not alowed to get another one. just wanted to make that clear.)

                                        • mocha200
                                          4486 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By Beka27 on 06/05/2010 06:49 AM
                                            For them to do a thorough job at bonding, the buns should be with them for two weeks minimum. So while $10 isn’t a lot, when you multiply that by 2 or 3 weeks… you’re looking at between $140 and $210, at the low end.

                                            no. i would have to pay for it myself.


                                          • Deleted User
                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                              Mocha, you won’t need help if your family moves residences. Things will get easier after the move.

                                            • mocha200
                                              4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                the thing is, we are buying it soon but wont move there for good for about 2 years.

                                              • mocha200
                                                4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                  i wish somone could do the cementing for me at my house.

                                                • mocha200
                                                  4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                    does any one know the hours WHRS is open on week days? i would like to visit them on my birthday ( june 10) but i can’t find the hours they are open on there website. also can you go there without a appointment?

                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                      No idea. I’d just call them and ask, much simpler

                                                    • Deleted User
                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Posted By mocha200 on 06/05/2010 09:30 AM
                                                        the thing is, we are buying it soon but wont move there for good for about 2 years.


                                                        what about that bunkhouse you once mentioned you’d be staying in with the rabbits? Even if you were able to spend one solid week in a new place, it should really cement them.

                                                      • Sarita
                                                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Wisconsin HRS is probably run out of private homes because they do fostering so they are probably only open by appointment. They don’t have an actual shelter.

                                                        • Beka27
                                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                            And if they don’t have an actual shelter, I would not go to the foster homes just b/c you “want to look at bunnies”. The foster homes are busy and if you set up an appt, they’re going to want to know you’re interested in a bunny. They may even require you to fill out an application prior to making an appt. Unless you were planning on bringing a donation of some sort (food or bunny items), in that case they may make an exception.

                                                          • mocha200
                                                            4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                              oh i see i didn’t know that. thanks.

                                                            • mocha200
                                                              4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Posted By Petzy on 06/06/2010 11:07 PM

                                                                what about that bunkhouse you once mentioned you’d be staying in with the rabbits? Even if you were able to spend one solid week in a new place, it should really cement them.


                                                                well, we arn’t sure if we are going to make it soon now. cuz before our plan was to sell this house right away and move up there, but now that we aren’t we aren’t sure we can afford to build one. but there is a trailer home on the property. i am not sure if i would be alowed to have them in there but maybe.


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                                                            Forum BONDING rabbit bonding programs and WHRS hours.