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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Quick Bonding Question

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    • Phil-lop+Lydia
      68 posts Send Private Message

         So the past few days of Lydia and Phils bonding have been going well.  They don’t fight often and they cuddle together quite a bit.  Also lydia has started to lay down and relax around Phil and Phil will wash and do his business so all is well there.  The only problem i’m having right now is that Lydia (the female) will look like shes starting to groom Phil…and she might be.  But it almost seems like shes being too rough or kind of biting him.  I cant tell.  It starts by his eyes and then down his face towards his ears.  Almost like she may  be cleaning his ears?  I’m not too sure.  The thing is she isn’t in an aggressive stance and her tail isn’t up.  Also, Phil doesn’t move or act like its bothering him.  Or maybe hes just trying to avoid confrontation.  I’m not sure if I should tell her no or let her continue?


        :/ Just confused

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I think if Phil is okay and it doesn’t bother him you should let her continue.

        • Phil-lop+Lydia
          68 posts Send Private Message

            Original Video – More videos at TinyPic


            So this is my Lydia and Phil.  This is their session that just happened.  Sorry about the quality…it was on my phone. 

            The grooming part is at the end.

            So this is the rough stuff I’m talking about.  Is that okay?  It doesn’t bother either one of them so i’m thinking its not like biting.


            After this he started groom her body but unintentionally (i think) mounted her face so she got a little pissed and nipped so I moved him off her and then they just snuggled again.

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              The look like they’re having a face off…you groom me /no, you groom me first. The grooming is fine. It can look a bit rough but it looked as Lydia was fine with it. When my buck 1st groomed my doe, she would balk a bit but then pop her head back down for him to continue. They can use their teeth a little to comb through the fur. Its a social thing along with a maintenance thing.

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                And if she’s never been with another rabbit (since she was in her litter) it’s also possible, she is just not experienced with “proper protocol” of grooming. I noticed Meadow would groom very roughly at first, but she eventually got the hang of it.

              • Phil-lop+Lydia
                68 posts Send Private Message

                  jerseygirl: Thats all they do is face off until one of the folds and finally starts grooming Lydia rarely does it but Phil has now made a habit out of it! So nice to know they are doing what they are supposed to!

                  Beka27: This is their first time with any other bunnies. Both were always alone. Except for the other bunnies at the shelter but they never got out to play so that doesnt really count. I hope they both get the hang of it soon. It would make me less nervous!

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              Forum BONDING Quick Bonding Question