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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Question on when to seperate babies and mum

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    • Lisa_43
      1499 posts Send Private Message

        I was wondering when or if I should separate mum and kits?

        I found this on a breeder’s website, what do you all think?

        I also was wondering if I decided to keep one, is that a good or bad idea being mother and baby?

         I take mum away from her litter when they are 8 weeks old. I then split the siblings up into male and female hutches at 9 weeks of age, and then if they are still with me at 10+ weeks of age, I split them up into pairs or singles dependant on numbers and how well they are getting along at this age etc…  Once I am happy that they are coping and eating well after going through these stages. They can go to new homes.


        sorry if this previosly offended anyone.

      • Lion_Lop_Lover
        971 posts Send Private Message

          Well, how old are your babies?

          Though unlikely, siblings can breed as early as 12 weeks, from what I read…I would probably separate them around 8-10 weeks, to be honest…

        • babybunsmum
          3896 posts Send Private Message

            i’m pretty sure i’ve read here that they shouldn’t be weened from mum before 8 weeks and i *think* i remember reading also that there was a brother / sister pair having ‘carnal relations’ at 10 weeks.  could be wrong about their age.  there was discussion that even tho they may not be fertile yet it was best to separate  them at that point and not take chances.  this fits with what you found online, but hopefully some one else with actual experience can give you a confident answer.

          • Scarlet_Rose
            4293 posts Send Private Message

              I’ve been advised and have read on the HRS web site that they are to be separated from mum at 8 weeks of age, no sooner and at this time also separate the males and females from each other. I would not wait longer as males can make a female pregnant as soon as 10 weeks old (including mom). I don’t think that there is anything wrong with keeping one for yourself, just make sure that you have mum spayed and the baby fixed that you keep as well. If a male, keep away from mum until a month after the neuter.  Are you planning on keeping the runt?

              If you would like a source this is from the HRS:

              Domestic Baby Bunnies and their Mom

            • Lion_Lop_Lover
              971 posts Send Private Message

                I should have added that, yes, like babybunsmum said – I have a lop brother/sister pair…and the male started active sexual behaviour at just 2.5 months, so 10 weeks old…they have since been separated but they are next to each other in a cage and their bond has remained.

              • Lisa_43
                1499 posts Send Private Message

                  The babies are 2 weeks old today.

                  I am worried mum is going to be really upset when I take them away, I will have to get my husband to do it because I will be too upset.

                  Next question is at what age can you tell the sex of a rabbit?

                  I am thinking of keeping the runt although now it is the bossy one walking on top of all the others. LOL
                  I want to keep them all but I know I can’t.

                • Lion_Lop_Lover
                  971 posts Send Private Message

                    I know my breeder for my Lops and my Lionhead sexed around 3-4 weeks…
                    And the breeder for my other Lionhead sexed at 2-3 weeks…

                    And they were both accurate!

                  • Lisa_43
                    1499 posts Send Private Message
                      I just received an email notification from a reply to this message.
                      I am sorry if I offended anyone by a reference from a breeder.
                      I just saw the reference about separating babies that was the reason I had put it on, not to promote breeding, and no I did not breed these babies as I had said before they were a big shock.

                    • Scarlet_Rose
                      4293 posts Send Private Message

                        Really? Hmm, I’ll have to check into that.  To be honest I know you were only using a source for info and that your babies were a surprise litter and was not offended, so it wasn’t me.  Maybe I’ll ask BB to pay a visit to this discussion and help us understand about the notification. I’ve checked the rules and am a bit stumped myself as I do not see where the violation is:

                        Discussions involving breeding for meat and intentional breeding for pets are not allowed, however, if your bunny is unexpectedly pregnant, then we are more than happy to help out and/or refer you to experts that can.  

                        Posts that imply intentional breeding are not allowed: Ongoing posts by the same member that mention new litters, kits, or babies may be considered as "intentional" breeding, therefore is not allowed.  Again, a surprise litter that someone needs help with, and they continue to mention their kits’ progress is OKAY, but mentioning brand new kits in a way that implies new litters over and over is NOT OKAY.

                      • Lisa_43
                        1499 posts Send Private Message

                          I sent you an email with what was said,

                          I think this person didn’t read the part that I had said that I found this on a breeder’s website.

                        • Scarlet_Rose
                          4293 posts Send Private Message

                            I’ll keep an eye out for it, thanks!  

                            Hmm, Lisa I did not receive your e-mail. Can you try again?

                            Follow up, I got your e-mail and responded.  We should be all good now.

                          • osprey
                            2065 posts Send Private Message

                              Personally, I am glad that you are giving these babies a home and trying to educate yourself about their care.  I cannot see why this would be inappropriate to discuss here on BB.

                              I thought that domestic bunnies weaned at 6 weeks, but I’ll have to defer to the experts at the HRS and stick with the 8 week recommendation.  My personal experience with babies has all been with orphans, I’ve never taken care of a mom and litter.  Is there someplace you can go to get the babies reliably sexed?  That will be really important in a few weeks.  Once the boys are separated, they may start to fight, so you’ll have to watch them closely.

                            • Scarlet_Rose
                              4293 posts Send Private Message

                                Osprey, I read that the babies start to wean between 6 & 8 weeks. I think that the 8 weeks is used because maybe each baby in the litter weans at a separate time? I’ll have to look into that more. I’ll have to second that great idea to take them to a reliable place to have them sexed.

                              • Lisa_43
                                1499 posts Send Private Message
                                  After the x-ray incident I am a bit sceptical on wether the vet can accurately tell what sex they are.
                                  Dawn8940 gave me another name of a vet that I have heard of; he has a good reputation and is very reasonably priced.

                                  He is about a 40 minute drive but it will be worth it.

                                  I will ring them in the morning and ask at what age will he be able to tell their sex, think I will take mum for a check up as well.

                                • babybunsmum
                                  3896 posts Send Private Message

                                    here’s hoping this vet can help with sexing the buns… i’ve never seen babies that wee but i can imagine it would be difficult!  funny that the runt is now the king of the castle

                                  • BinkyBunny
                                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                                      Well, I’m stumped too. I did not send a notification regarding this. I’ll check into it. 

                                      UPDATE:  So I think I figured this out, and this is good for anyone to know:   IF you have opted to receive email notifications when someone responds/replies to your post, then you will receive a notification which includes what the post  ORIGINALLY said,  regardless if they edited or deleted it later. 

                                      So Lisa, no worries.  It’s just crossed wires.   It looks like what happened is a member posted a reply regarding rules and regulations, but then later changed their mind and deleted their response.   So because of that you would only see it in the email notification, you wouldn’t be able to find it in the thread since it had been deleted.   We do offer the "delete" feature because especially in forums, I want to offer people the opportunity to take it back..   But unfortunately, if you opted to receive email notifiations, the notifications, then of course it will be sent BEFORE it was ever deleted.  So in the future if you ever see something in the email notification, but not in the thread , then just try and pretend it never happened.

                                      If that makes no sense – then just know, a member responded to you, and then just changed their mind. 

                                      So for everyone – I am so happy that other members are watching out for this board, but if you do see anything that breaks the rules, or even if you just have a concern about a post (not sure if it breaks the rules, rude, etc etc) , then instead of posting it in the thread, just click "alert" and type in your concern.  It will go to the mods only for us to check out.  Or you can email me through my profile.   I will check it out, and act accordingly, and you will be able to remain anonymous. (except if you email me directly, but I keep you anonymous, except if needed to discuss the situation with the other mods)     Better all around. : )

                                      Okay, so now that the "notification" thing is all cleared up –  Lisa, keep us updated on the babies.

                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                        And more pictures PLease!!! …serioulsy, though more baby pics!!

                                      • Lisa_43
                                        1499 posts Send Private Message
                                          They came out today to play I think mum wasn’t impressed because they kept trying to get milk and she was refusing.
                                          I have two more movies and a few photos, I am not to good at this so I am waiting for my husband to get home from work to upload them onto the computer.

                                        • Beka27
                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                            Lisa, i am so sorry.  that was me who had posted the "mysterious" message.  it was early morning for me, and when i read it, i did not understand the original post that you quoted from a breeder, i thought you were saying that you had been breeding the bunnies intentionally…  but after i posted it and reread the thread, i thought that i may have gotten it mixed up… so i looked up the other thread in which you were talking about the vet issue and the accidental litter.  so then i felt bad for mistakenly confusing you as someone who would do that on purpose, and i deleted it…

                                            i’ve enjoyed reading your input on this site, and i’m very happy you’re here.  i’m so sorry if i offended you with my reply.  please accept my apology.

                                          • MarkBun
                                            2842 posts Send Private Message

                                              I have to say, I just looked at a couple of websites about sexing a rabbit and I’d have a hard time with young bunnies. Not to mention I’d feel like I was violating them or some such thing…

                                            • Lisa_43
                                              1499 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thanks Bekka,

                                                It was a little upsetting but I do understand people make mistakes (like me).

                                                I know you didn’t mean it and obviously that is why you deleted it.

                                                As I am new to this I was wondering why I had received an email and then I couldn’t find the message on the site.

                                                Through help I realised you had deleted it.

                                                No harm done we are all here for the right reason that is our love of rabbits.

                                                Have a great day/night.


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                                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Question on when to seperate babies and mum