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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Q&A- All About Your Bunnies

Viewing 27 reply threads
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    • LittlePuffyTail
      18092 posts Send Private Message

        We haven’t had one of these in a while so I thought it would be fun and nice to get to know everyone’s buns better. Copy/Paste and write in your buns info. 

        Name:  Bindi Loo

        Boy/Girl:  Boy

        Age: Almost 11

        How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was 5 Months 

        How big I am: 4 lbs
        Bonded Buddy?: No

        Breed: Supposed to be Mini Lop but most likely have some wool breed in me cuz I’m so fuzzy

        Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: The Bear, BooBoo Bear, Fluffy Bear, Bindi Loo REW, Crumb Bum

        Fave Foods: Banana, Pear, Watermelon

        Weird Fact about Me: I love to try to eat the cats hard food 

        Personality: Sweet as Sugar. They call me “Bear” because I’m sweet and snuggly like a teddy bear. 

        A bit more about me: I’m blind and deaf. I’ve had and have a lot of chronic problems but my Mom takes really good care of me. I’m a super tough little bunny. I’m a bit scruffy since I can’t wash as good as I used to. I sleep a lot but still like to explore around the house, especially checking all along the kitchen for crumbs. 

        Pic of Me: I’m snuggling with my Mom here

        Name:  Elara

        Boy/Girl:  Girl

        Age: 1

        How long I’ve been with my Human: 1 month

        How big I am: 8.5 lbs of gorgeous
        Bonded Buddy?: No, I really don’t like other bunnies.

        Breed: Moms best guess is NZ mix. 

        Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Elara Moon, Moon Moon, Lapina, Bellerina, Bunny Bumkins

        Fave Foods: Banana, Carrot

        Weird Fact about me: I have no tail. 

        Personality: Pretty Sweet, full of energy, I really like to chew stuff. I mostly do my own thing but really love some head massages on occasion.

        A bit more about me: I was at the shelter for a long time.   So glad my Mom came to take me to my forever home. We’re still getting to know each other. 

        Pic of Me: Check out these ears!!!

      • MountainBuns
        513 posts Send Private Message

          It looks like a little bunny passport!

          Well here we go!

          Name: Caroline (AKA. Tofu)

          Gender: Female, spayed

          Age: 4 years old 

          How long have I been with my human: For about 3-4 months

          How big am I: About 4 pounds, she looks bigger than she weighs!

          Bonded Bunny?: Nope, Just me, her, my family and bananas

          Breed: A Netherland Dwarf mix.

          Nicknames: Tofu, Carrie, Banana Monster, Care- Care, and Flopper

          Favorite Foods: Banana(of course!), Apple, Romaine Lettuce, Kale and Carrot.

          Weird Facts about me: I NEVER walk on hard floor and will ONLY step foot on Carpet, I also wont jump down stairs, this makes it easy to keep me, lol. 

          Personality: Im a little Hot and Cold. I can be nice and will lick and snuggle but make me mad and I will kick the life out of your hand!

          Pic of me: I actually cant get one now, sorry!

        • Tay
          105 posts Send Private Message

            Aw what little sweeties you have!! Lucky buns to have you

            Name: Charlie Mae 

            Boy/Girl: Girl 

            Age: 1.5 years old 

            How long I’ve been with my human: Since October 2016 

            How big am I? Last time I was at the vet I was almost 4 pounds – I would guess I’m about 5 pounds now (maybe a little heavier )

            Bonded Buddy? nope 

            Breed: Mini Lop 

            Nicknames: Char, Buggy, Lovie, Char Char 

            Favorite Foods: Parsley, Cilantro, Apple Chips, Banana Chips, Strawberry, Dried Papaya (my FAV)

            Weird fact about me: I love to give my human kisses on the face 

            Personality: super laid back (mom calls it ‘lazy’), loving, sweet, accepting of pets. She’s super laid back, but definitely has her binkying and running around like a maniac moments 

            More about me: I love to lay in bed with mom and watch Netflix, I used to know how to ‘come’ but Mom stopped practicing with me, so we’re working on that again, I have a 3 year old cousin in the house who I LOVE, I have lots of visitors but get most excited when I see my mama (and it still melts her heart a year later). I have an instagram where I share some of my daily adventures – @charlie.mae_ if you’re interested in seeing some cuteness. Also – I want a boyfriend. 

            Picture of me: Mom couldn’t choose just one 

            Mom put me in this unforgiveable sweatshirt 

          • kurottabun
            908 posts Send Private Message

              This is a great idea!

              Name: Kurotta

              Boy/Girl: Boy

              Age: Almost 8 months

              How long I’ve been with my Human: Almost a month (since 4/3/18)

              How big I am: I actually haven’t been weighed yet! My humans will do so soon

              Bonded buddy: No

              Breed: Netherland Dwarf

              Crazy nicknames my Human has given me: Kuro, Baby

              Fave foods: Thyme (so far)

              Weird fact about me: Unlike a lot of rabbits, I do not eat bananas, apples and carrots. I prefer my normal everyday pellets over these “treats”!

              Personality: I am curious, relaxed and love lounging around (favourite position is stretching my legs behind me), but can still go crazy at times.

              A bit more about me: I am a good traveller. When in a moving car, I am usually quite busy in my carrier – rearranging all the hay and pee pad my humans put for me, periscoping if the top is open, eating hay, and sometimes even pooping/peeing though rabbits are supposedly quite scared of travelling and won’t eat/drink/poop/pee. My humans have also opened an Instagram account for me @kurottabun to document my daily life. They don’t have an account themselves but they opened one specially for me LOL.

              Pic of me: Eating my favourite pellets!

            • MountainBuns
              513 posts Send Private Message

                OMG THIS IS LITERALLY THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! My heart is melting at the pictures.

              • joea64
                1423 posts Send Private Message

                  Name: Panda

                  Sex: F (spayed)

                  Age: Somewhere between 1 3/4 and 2 years old at best guess

                  Weight: 3 pounds at last vet checkup (I’ll be checked again with my son in May, so we’ll update then)

                  Favorite foods: oats, Oxbow dried bananas and greens

                  Color: white with black spots, brown eyes

                  Breed: I don’t know for sure but Dad says I may be Polish

                  Nicknames: Miss Panda, Lady Panda, Pretty Panda with the big brown eyes

                  Personality: Quiet, reserved, laid-back, still somewhat shy even after seven months in our forever home

                  Favorite thing to do: take it easy in one of the hidey boxes and have gazing contests with Dad

                  Least favorite thing to do: Be put in the carrier

                  Have been living with our human since: August 2017

                  Favorite place to sleep: One of the hidey boxes on the upper level of our condo

                  Name: Fernando

                  Sex: M (neutered)

                  Age: About 1 year, 2 months

                  Weight: A little over 3 pounds the last time the vet weighed me – Mom and I are going for another checkup in May, so ask again then

                  Favorite foods: oats, Oxbow dried bananas and greens, especially romaine stems

                  Color: white all over, pink eyes

                  Breed: what Mom said

                  Nicknames: Mr. Fernando, Sir Fernando, Handsome Fernando with the bright pink eyes

                  Personality: Peppy, energetic, curious, mischief-loving

                  Favorite thing to do: chew things and keep Dad guessing as to whether I’m going to try to escape from the X-pen and go exploring

                  Least favorite thing to do: Again, see what Mom says

                  Have been living with our human since: August 2017

                  Favorite place to sleep: The litterbox, it’s got such nice soft hay and litter and I can get a snack anytime I like

                • MountainBuns
                  513 posts Send Private Message

                    Panda and my bun act exactly the same. She HATES her carrier so I try not to put her in it.

                  • Rain
                    547 posts Send Private Message

                      Aw Bindi is just my favorite! I bet Elara is giving the poor old man a hard time. 
                      Here’s some stuff about my bun! 
                      Name: Rain
                      Gender: Everyone thought I was a boy at first but finally the hoomins know that I’m a female.
                      Age: Seven months
                      Time with slave: Six months 
                      Weight: 2.6 lbs.
                      Bonded Bunny: Nope, this hoomin’s mine, the house is mine, and the attention is also all mine.
                      Breed: Nethie, Polish mix
                      Nicknames: Rainy, Boo Boo, Miss Rabbit, Furball, and too many to remember.
                      Favorite foods: Furniture, string, apples, bananas, mango, Oxbow treats, hay, parsely ( she can’t have anymore due to pee problems!) lettuce, fennel
                      Weird fact about me: I love to go up to mom and lick her clothes for a full thirty minutes and then move on to the tiles. 
                      Personality: I hate people but love my family. I can be sweet as sugar or extremely rude. I’m a diva. I’m very naughty and mischevious but get scared easily. 

                      Pic of me: 

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        Name:  Asriel

                        Boy/Girl:  Boy

                        Age: 1

                        How long I’ve been with my Human: 10 months

                        How big I am: 4.7 pounds

                        Bonded Buddy?: Hopefully soon!

                        Breed: Holland Lop

                        Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Snoots, Snoot man, Snootuy, Snooty McSnooterson, Incredible Flying Bunny Nugget nose, Nugget man, Nugget bun. little Az, Baby Az, Angry Az, Az

                        Fave Foods: Banana, Carrot, Parsley, Oats

                        Weird Fact about me: I want the most attention when I’m inside my cage. I’ll let mommy give me snoot rubs hours if she’d do it. 

                        Personality: Curious, independent, semi-lap bun, jumpy, 

                        A bit more about me: I was really shy and timid at first, but eventually mommy and I bonded really well. Sometimes I still have my off days, but now you can regularly find me on mommy’s lap asking for snoot rubs. My favorite things to do are jump really high and dig everything. 

                        Pic of Me: I get told my eye markings make me look like a grumpy bunny, but mommy still thinks they’re cute.

                        Name:  Bombur

                        Boy/Girl:  Boy

                        Age: 1

                        How long I’ve been with my Human: 10 months

                        How big I am: 4.4 pounds

                        Bonded Buddy?: Hopefully soon!

                        Breed: Holland Lop

                        Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Chubber nutter, Chubby little nugget, Chub Chub, Chub-a-lub, Rude Bunny, Little Little Bombur, Mighty Mighty Bombur, Bombur Bum

                        Fave Foods: Banana, Carrot, Parsley, Oats

                        Weird Fact about me: When it’s breakfast or dinner and mommy isn’t fast enough, I thump impatiently until I get my food. If I’m out of the cage when it happens, I buzz while circling mommy and thumping as loud as possible. 

                        Personality: Chilled out loafer, snuggle bun to the extreme, attention hog, bouncy little clown.

                        A bit more about me: I love getting all the kisses and cuddles. I like to lean my cheek into kisses and close my eyes and tooth pur. I like to eat anything. You can usually find me stuffing my face or hanging on the bed with the hoomins. I also go to my litter box and stare out longingly while Asriel is out. If mommy tells me no, I look at her and keep doing it until I see her get up… then I run. 

                        Pic of Me: I get told I’m not a real bunny. Everyone says I look like a stuffed toy. 

                      • ThorBunny
                        824 posts Send Private Message

                          Name: Thor

                          Gender: Female

                          Age: 2 1/2 years

                          How long have I been with my human: 1 1/2 years

                           How big am I: I think I’m huge, but I actually only weigh 5 pounds 

                          Bonded Bunny?: Not yet

                          Breed: Mini  Lop?

                          Nicknames: Snuggle butt, Bun of Thunder, Nugget, Floof, lil’ Monster

                          Favorite Foods: BANANA!!! And also carrots, oats and willow

                          Weird Facts about me: I’m very food driven, so my humans have taught me lots of tricks. I know how to circle, stand up, and run to the top of my tower. I get so excited at training time because I’m a banana addict 

                          Personality: Very outgoing and generally chill.I am the queen of the house and rule with a great deal of sass. I love to dig and play with my slinky and my race car. Mostly though, I prefer to sleep and eat – see pictures below! 

                          Pic of me: 

                        • BB8
                          101 posts Send Private Message

                            Name:  BB8

                            Boy/Girl:  Boy

                            Age: Almost 5 months

                            How long I’ve been with my Human: Since late December 2017

                            How big I am: 3lbs 10oz 
                            Bonded Buddy?: No

                            Breed: Mini Satin Rex

                            Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: BB, my little bee, Bee, Bunbun, Cinnabun, and Mr. Sweet

                            Fave Foods: Oats and raisins!

                            Weird Fact about Me: I’m picky eater and refuse to try carrots 

                            Personality: Sweet and brave! I love to climb and be high above everyone!

                            A bit more about me: I love to jump on my mommy’s laptop and to ‘help’ her with whatever she’s working on 

                            Pic of Me:

                            Name:  The Babadook

                            Boy/Girl:  Boy

                            Age: Almost 7 Months

                            How long I’ve been with my Human: Since January 2018

                            How big I am: 4 lbs 10oz
                            Bonded Buddy?: No

                            Breed: Lovely Mini Lop

                            Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Panda, FluffyButt, the Hulk, Sweeny Todd, and Shiro

                            Fave Foods: Everything! I love to eat everything 

                            Weird Fact about Me: I like to rattle my cage bars that same time every morning for almost exactly ten minutes each day

                            Personality: I love everyone! Although I can get fussy when I don’t get my salad on time  

                            A bit more about me: I love to watch TV with my mommy as long as she keeps petting me! 

                            Pic of Me: 

                          • LittlePuffyTail
                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                              So nice to “meet” all of you adorabuns!!!

                              Rain: Elara would give Bindi a hard (and bitey) time if she were allowed. When he comes out, I put an Xpen around her condo so she can’t bite him. And he can’t hear her growling.

                              ThorBunny- When you mentioned the nickname “Bun of Thunder” it made me wonder if you’ve ever seen the Halloween costume I made for Bindi years back.

                            • Heaven
                              256 posts Send Private Message

                                Name: Sam

                                Boy/Girl:  Boy

                                Age: 6-7 months

                                How long I’ve been with my Human: about 3 months

                                How big I am: Human is not sure

                                Bonded Buddy?: Not yet, likely will in the future.

                                Breed: Lion lop

                                Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Samuel Rabbit, Sammy jam

                                Fave Foods: I am so picky! Love chewing on dandelion root, or a big handful of watercress.

                                Weird Fact about Me: I should be a lop bunny but I have one ear up & one ear down!

                                Personality: Bold, affectionate, too curious for my own good.

                                A bit more about me: I have a very fluffy face. I’ll come over and snuggle on you for pets, and probably climb on your face in the middle of the night. I’m very inquisitive and love exploring. And I love to knock over glasses of water!

                                Pic of Me:

                              • ThorBunny
                                824 posts Send Private Message

                                  LPT!! The cape! I would dearly love to make a little costume for Thor but I fear she would never wear it I tried and utterly failed to place a santa hat on her this Christmas

                                • MountainBuns
                                  513 posts Send Private Message

                                    That costume is so cute!

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oh this is SO cute!

                                      Name: Duchess Ophelia (cause she’s just so darn fancy)

                                      Boy/Girl: Girl 

                                      Age: 1 year 3 months

                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: 1 year and 1 month

                                      How big I am: 4lbs
                                      Bonded Buddy?: We tried, but Quincy wouldn’t be nice with her

                                      Breed: Dutch

                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: fluffybum, fancypants, Tyson (seriously, don’t mess with her or she’ll box you).

                                      Fave Foods: She’s a total pig and will eat anything, but banana and cranberries drive her bonkers

                                      Weird Fact about Me: I might be the most well behaved bun on the planet.   

                                      Personality: I can be very sweet and I absolutely love pets and cuddles… but if you bother me at all, I am not afraid to box you and grunt at you! I’m pretty chill, I just like to do my thing. I don’t like new faces or strange places.

                                      Pic of Me:

                                    • OverthinkingBun
                                      169 posts Send Private Message

                                        ooh, this is very, very cute.

                                        Name: Sweet Polly Oliver
                                        Boy/Girl: Girl
                                        Age: 1
                                        How long I’ve been with my Human: almost a year
                                        How big I am: 3 pounds
                                        Bonded Buddy?: Not now
                                        Breed: Netherlands Dwarf mix? I’m told I’m tiny
                                        Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Poliver, Polives, FunBun
                                        Fave Foods: Kale, dried papaya, homemade rabbit cookies
                                        Weird Fact about me: I am named for a folk song, and I have one crooked ear. I don’t like bananas. I am scared of hummingbirds but not snakes.
                                        Personality: Friendly, funny, and sassy. I like to cuddle on my own terms, but can be very feisty when I don’t want to do something. Everyone falls in love with me.

                                        Pic of Me:  My mom snuck this on while petting my ears

                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                          Awww….two beauties!!! Love the “hare” accessory!

                                        • Wick & Fable
                                          5812 posts Send Private Message

                                            Name: Wick
                                            Boy/Girl: Boy
                                            Age: 1.5 years
                                            How long I’ve been with my Human: 1 year, 3 months
                                            How big I am: 2lbs; runt
                                            Bonded Buddy?: No, and probably will not.
                                            Breed: Netherlands Dwarf
                                            Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Wickie-poo
                                            Fave Foods: Banana.
                                            Weird Fact about me: I have my teeth filed every 5 weeks because of an underbite and crooked jaw.
                                            Personality: Vindictive. In the form of rebellious peeing. But aside from that, great and enjoys human interaction.

                                            Pic of Me:

                                            The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                                          • pinknfwuffy
                                            660 posts Send Private Message

                                              This is a cute idea, thank you LPT!

                                              Name: Olaf
                                              Boy/Girl: Boy 
                                              Age: 3 years old
                                              How long I’ve been with my Human: 2 1/2 years
                                              How big I am: 3 1/2 lbs.
                                              Bonded Buddy?: Nope, I’m a bachelor.
                                              Breed: Unknown. Cali/Himi markings but could be a mix.
                                              Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Sweet pea, Meatball, Butterbean
                                              Fave Foods: Banana, papaya, and parsley
                                              Weird Fact about me: My markings change with the seasons so I look different all the time.
                                              Personality: A sweet little rascal! Too curious for my own good with a huge personality. I’ve grown to love snuggles and cheek rubs but only on my terms. Don’t tell anyone about it – must not detract from my bossy persona. I’ll give you a good nudge to move out of the way, hoom, but also some kisses. I love to learn new things and zooooom.

                                              Picture of me:

                                            • Sirius&Luna
                                              2320 posts Send Private Message

                                                This is fun, and so many cute photos! Kurotta is just the teeniest cutest thing! BB8’s ears are fantastic and Ophelia is definitely the best behaved bun in the world. 

                                                Name: Luna
                                                Boy/Girl: Girl
                                                Age: 1 and a half
                                                How long I’ve been with my Human: Since Jan 2017
                                                How big I am: 2 kg (4.5lbs)
                                                Bonded Buddy?: Two!
                                                Breed: Lionhead x mini lop
                                                Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Luna Pie, looney tunes, Pie-face, PB (pie butt) 
                                                Fave Foods: Strawberries, coriander, flower petals
                                                Weird Fact about Me: I know my name but ignore it if it doesn’t suit me
                                                Personality: Smart, grumpy, bossy, secret snuggler. 
                                                Pic of Me: 

                                                Name: Atlas
                                                Boy/Girl: Boy
                                                Age: 1 TODAY
                                                How long I’ve been with my Human: 10 months
                                                How big I am: 1.3 kg (3lbs)
                                                Bonded Buddy?: Two!
                                                Breed: Lionhead x mini lop, but he seems much more mini lop to me
                                                Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Atface, Babyface, Little mister. 
                                                Fave Foods: Apple, grapes
                                                Weird Fact about Me: I don’t like head rubs :/
                                                Personality: Super chill, kindest bun on the planet. Would be friends with anybun. 
                                                Pic of Me: 

                                                Name: Nimbus
                                                Boy/Girl: Boy
                                                Age: 7 months
                                                How long I’ve been with my Human: Since November
                                                How big I am: 1 kg (2lbs)
                                                Bonded Buddy?: Two!
                                                Breed: Lionhead x
                                                Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Nimbusaur, Nimby, Nim, Tiny, Weeny
                                                Fave Foods: BASIL
                                                Weird Fact about Me: I will lick anyone. Even the vet.
                                                Personality: Pretty sure Nimbus is part puppy, part parrot. He eats constantly, he climbs all over everyone, licks everyone all the time, and begs to be picked up so he can sit on peoples shoulders.

                                                Pic of Me: 

                                              • GarfyTheLop
                                                171 posts Send Private Message
                                                  This is my new favourite thread <3 I'm loving all the photos 

                                                  Name: Garfunkel 

                                                  Boy/Girl: Boy

                                                  Age: 6 months

                                                  How long I’ve been with my Human: Since December 

                                                  How big I am: 1.9lbs – he’s tiny yet eats ALL the food 
                                                  Bonded Buddy?:
                                                  Not yet!
                                                  Breed: Mini Lop
                                                  Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: 
                                                  G, baby G, Rat bag
                                                  Fave Foods: 
                                                  Weird Fact about Me: 
                                                  I’m convinced he’s scared of heights! 
                                                  The most chilled, out going bunny. Nothing seems to phase him he LOVESSS a head rub and literally will not move so you could be doing it for hours 

                                                • LittlePuffyTail
                                                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Olaf, I’ve told you before to stop being so cute!!! 

                                                    Hoppy Birthday, Atlas!!!! You and your buddies are just too gorgeous!!!


                                                    And Garfy, you are just a bundle of adorable!

                                                  • BrunosMama
                                                    1485 posts Send Private Message

                                                      This will be a bit long, what with nine buns and all No pics, but some can be found on my Insta account, bru.bru.bunny.

                                                      Name: Bruno


                                                      Age: Almost 7

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was a baby

                                                      How big I am: 3-4 pounds. I’m mostly fluff!

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Harley

                                                      Breed: Bantha

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: BruBru, B Bunny, BruBunny

                                                      Fave Foods: Raisins

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: I look like a dust mop! Its hard to tell one end from the other

                                                      Personality: Laid back to the point of lazy.

                                                      A bit more about me: I was the first bunny for my hoomins. They blame me for their addiction to buns.

                                                      Name: Harley

                                                      Boy/Girl: Boy

                                                      Age: 6 1/2 years

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was a baby

                                                      How big I am: about 3-4 pounds, but I look like a little meatball!

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Bruno

                                                      Breed: Lionhead, although I’m a lionhead fail. I don’t hardly have any mane!

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: HarHar, Meatball, Punk

                                                      Fave Foods: Raisins

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: Bruno fell in love with me at first sight. I didn’t get much say in the matter. She made me her bunny.

                                                      Personality: Small but feisty. I love to chase the broom.

                                                      A bit more about me: I was a Christmas present for Daddy! Mom even “wrapped” me up in a gift bag and gave me to him.

                                                      Name: Roxie (Roxanne)

                                                      Boy/Girl:  Girl

                                                      Age: about 6 1/2 years.

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was a baby.

                                                      How big I am: 4 pounds

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Caesar

                                                      Breed: Mini Rex

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: No real nicknames, but mom likes to sing The Police song “Roxanne” to me.

                                                      Fave Foods: Apple!

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: I steal other bunny’s fur. I steal Caesar’s fur and line our hut with it to make it cozy.

                                                      Personality: Neurotic. Bossy. Demanding.

                                                      A bit more about me: I am a very bossy bunny. I LOOOOVVVEEE grooming other bunnies! I will sit on Caesar and groom him so he can’t run away.

                                                      Name: Caesar

                                                      Boy/Girl: Boy

                                                      Age: 6 years.

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was a baby.

                                                      How big I am: around 4 pounds.

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Roxie

                                                      Breed: Some sort of lop.REW

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Seezy, Sayzar

                                                      Fave Foods: Apple!

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: I sit and stare at Daddy until he feeds me in the evening.

                                                      Personality: Laid back, patient

                                                      A bit more about me: Mommy says Roxie and I remind her of her and daddy – he’s all laid back and chill and she’s crazy! 

                                                      Name: Annie (Ansel)

                                                      Boy/Girl: Girl

                                                      Age:Almost 4 years

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was young

                                                      How big I am: About 3 pounds

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Zane

                                                      Breed: No idea. English spot possibly, but she’s very small.

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Annabelle, AnnieBunny, Anners

                                                      Fave Foods: Raisins

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: When I was adopted with my original mate, Potus, the shelter told mommy and daddy we were both girls. Surprise! I was pregnant! A month after we moved here, I had a healthy litter of 4. 

                                                      Personality: Crazy. Known for my “crazy eyes”. Fairly affectionate, but will quickly go nuts. Unpredictable.

                                                      A bit more about me: After I lost my first mate, Mommy and Daddy found me a new friend. I am super protective of him and get huffy when anyone touches him.

                                                      Name: Zane

                                                      Boy/Girl: Boy

                                                      Age: About 3 years

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was young.

                                                      How big I am: Less than 3 pounds

                                                      Bonded Buddy?:Yep. Annie

                                                      Breed: Some Nethie

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Zaners, Zaneybutt

                                                      Fave Foods: Pellets!

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: Mom and Dad named me Zane because they adopted me in Zanesville OH.

                                                      Personality: He seems laid back and sweet, but can be a jerk.

                                                      A bit more about me: Mommy loves me because I like to snuggle. Although now that I have Annie, we don’t snuggle as often.

                                                      Name: Backers

                                                      Boy/Girl:  Boy

                                                      Age: About 4 years

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was born

                                                      How big I am: a bit over 4 pounds.

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Picard

                                                      Breed: Bunny Mutt

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Bbunny

                                                      Fave Foods: Mommy’s artwork!

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: I was one of Annie’s oops litter.

                                                      Personality: Super skittish. Hates being touched.

                                                      A bit more about me: I lost my first mate, Butternut, last August. I was bummed and ate a lot and got really fat. But now that I have Picard, I’m doing better!

                                                      Name: Picard

                                                      Boy/Girl: Girl

                                                      Age: unknown, but she was tiny when we got her. I’d say less than 1 year.

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since last August.

                                                      How big I am: close to 5 pounds

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: Yep. Backers

                                                      Breed: Some lop

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Picardigan, Cardie, Cardiebutt

                                                      Fave Foods: Mom’s important papers!

                                                      Weird Fact about Me:  When I first came home with mom and dad, they thought I was a boy. So they scheduled my neuter. The day before, they sexed me again, to be sure, and I’m really a girl! How embarrassing!

                                                      Personality: Super flighty and skittish. Does not like being touched.

                                                      A bit more about me: I’m super shy, but I feel a bit more brave when Backers is around.

                                                      Name: Hazel

                                                      Boy/Girl: Girl

                                                      Age: Around 5 years

                                                      How long I’ve been with my Human: Since I was young

                                                      How big I am: About 4 pounds

                                                      Bonded Buddy?: NO. Although I like teasing and playing with all the other bunnies.

                                                      Breed: Some Flemmie

                                                      Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Hazel Foo, Foofoo, Foo

                                                      Fave Foods: Raisins!

                                                      Weird Fact about Me: I decided I wanted to be a free range bunny. When mom and dad moved me to the kitchen, I kept finding ways to sneak out so often they gave up and let me be free range in the house. I love it!

                                                      Personality: Very bold and obnoxious. Obstinate. 

                                                      A bit more about me: I love visiting all the bunnies and teasing them that I’m free and they aren’t. I often play “i’m happier than you” by flopping beside their cage or binking in circles around it. I get sad and pouty when they don’t pay attention to me.

                                                      And that’s our fluffle!

                                                    • Cookie and Me
                                                      69 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Name: Cookie 

                                                        Boy/Girl: Girl 

                                                        Age: about 7 months

                                                        How long I’ve been with my Human: Since October 2017

                                                        How big I am: 4lbs
                                                        Bonded Buddy?: Nope not yet (maybe)

                                                        Breed: Holland Lop

                                                        Crazy Nicknames my Human has given me: Cookie Monster (cause she can be one), 

                                                        Fave Foods: Pellets (more than veggies), cilantro, carrot tops, 

                                                        Weird Fact about Me: I enjoy hopping on the laptop and writing emails – (she actually clicked send once&nbsp 

                                                        Personality: I am NOT a cuddly bunny, I hate being picked up but I like my pets (not on my head tho), very energetic, I WILL FOLLOW YOU IF YOU HAVE FOOD

                                                        Pic of Me:

                                                      • Cookie and Me
                                                        69 posts Send Private Message

                                                          heres the pic

                                                        • Cookie and Me
                                                          69 posts Send Private Message

                                                          • Boing
                                                            253 posts Send Private Message
                                                              1. Name: Cincinnati
                                                              2. Boy/ Girl: Boy
                                                              3. Age: ~7
                                                              4. Adopted: October 12, 2013
                                                              5. Size: 7.5 pounds
                                                              6. Buddy: Friendly neighbour, not room mate
                                                              7. Breed: American silver fox or mystery bunny of that colouring.
                                                              8. Nicknames: Bunny Bun Bun, Bun Bun, Bunny Honey (only answers to this with my sister).
                                                              9. Favourite Food: Cilantro or radicchio
                                                              10. Interesting Fact: Loves the cat, Holly
                                                              11. Personality: Kind & forgiving
                                                              12. More: Impossibly soft coat.  Bizarre, but non-life threatening medical mysteries.  Here he is lounging with Holly.

                                                              1. Name: Daisy May
                                                              2. Boy/ Girl: Girl
                                                              3. Age: ~3
                                                              4. Adopted: October 18, 2015
                                                              5. Size: 4 pounds
                                                              6. Buddy: Friendly neighbour, not room mate
                                                              7. Breed: Dutch
                                                              8. Nicknames: Fluff Bottom (when she is being bad).  She is very proud of this nickname.
                                                              9. Favourite Food: Pineapple, pellets, cookies, fruit, berries, watermelon – anything sweet!
                                                              10. Interesting Fact: Has the strongest personality of anyone I’ve ever met!
                                                              11. Personality: A firecracker.  She is determined and indomitable.
                                                              12. More: Excellent chewer.  Her teeth impress the vet.  Here she is showing off her hay rack.

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