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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BEHAVIOR psycho rabbit – i need advice!

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    • bradforde
      71 posts Send Private Message

        Okay, so I run a rabbit rescue here in AR. I have had my share of mistreated bunnies with aggression problems, but until now I have never had one that I couldn’t rehabilitate.

        He is a little netherland dwarf, about 1 year old, originally purchased from Petco when they were still selling rabbits, so he is already neutered. I got him about three months ago and every day has been as bad as, or worse, than the day before. he is extremely aggressive towards his cage and food. oh, and he will bite you if you get too close to him or he just feels like it. petting/picking up is completely out of the question. i have been feeding him by hand this past week to try and get him to associate the hand with good things, but he gets so excited about eating that the bites the crap out of my hand when i go to give him the food. just a minute ago, he latched onto my arm and was holding on like a rabid dog. i’m screech screech screeching, he doesn’t care. he finally let go when he realized the food was in the bowl, but he left me seriously hurting.

        i just don’t know what to do. obviously, i’m doing something wrong, but i don’t know what it is. please someone give me some advice or i am never going to be able to find this rabbit a home : (

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I have a rabbit named Pepe like this. What has helped for him is giving him plenty of freedom. He still is very food excitable – I basically just have to throw his food down and run but that’s okay.

          I think first what I would do with him though is to see if there is anything medical like dental problems or really anything else and make sure he has a clean bill of health.

          Pepe does have dental problems and can get very aggressive when his mouth hurts – he has molar spur problems and being that this is a netherland he very well could have dental problems too.

          Pepe has also latched onto my arm many many times in the past and being caged (when he was caged) made it impossible for me not to get bit – you always get in the way.

          Party with Pepe I think he’s just wired this way – it’s just how he expresses himself. The people who found him before I got him (and had rabbits) said he was always excitable about food and would also just turn around and nip them.

          When he lunges at me I pet him and laugh and tell him he’s a good rabbit.

          It is true that you will need to find him a home with an experienced rabbit person and someone who is patient – I think if you describe him as a special needs person and be as honest as possible you will find someone who will love the challenge to work with him. You absolutely will not change his behavior and gain his trust overnight and I’ll be honest you may never totally change all his behaviors.

          I think he needs alot of space to roam and I bet he is a very curious and smart little rabbit who needs alot of stimulation to keep him happy and occupied. I have to say I understand your discouragement that you won’t find him a home and honestly that’s why I kept Pepe because I knew he had some issues.

          He does love to be petted (on his terms) and loves to run and have his space and overall he has great rabbit habits (litterbox habits) and does not chew and dig (except on my bed).

        • bradforde
          71 posts Send Private Message

            hrm. well, i have him in an xpen now, but perhaps i will give him a room to himself to see if that helps at all. i would love to take him to the vet for a general mouth check and such, but he is so upset about hands that i’m afriad he will have a stroke if he is restrained by anyone. have any advice for how i can get him checked out without scaring the bejesus out of him?

            i absolutely love him to death and i am terrified of him at the same time. i guess for now, i will give him his own room and see if that helps.

          • bunnytowne
            7537 posts Send Private Message

              There are articles on  or     about aggressive rabbits.  That might help.

            • RabbitPam
              11002 posts Send Private Message

                My first thought was the possibility of a health problem, so I would try to get him to the vet for a check up.
                I think if you can lure him into a carrier with food, he will go in and you can whisk him off to the vet. He’s not going to be calm no matter what you do, so make it as fast and easy as possible.

                Once you know whether it’s medical or behavioral, you can plan your next step. He may find a maze haven or a mini haven stimulating, since it’s lots of hidey holes, different levels, and chewable. I think a secure but stimulating place might be his kind of playhouse.

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m not sure how effective it would be but Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy can be used or feeding chammomile… Ditto on health issues. Have you ever put him with any of the other rabbits? Perhaps a mate might help calm him down?

                • bradforde
                  71 posts Send Private Message

                    well, i found out today that my husband has apparantly been allowed to pet him on a regular basis. clearly i am missing something in my approach. why is it that people who don’t even CARE end up with animals loving them so much? sheesh.

                    i will get him to the vet as soon as i can get him in the carrier without giving him a heart attack. i just get worried about stressing them out too much – i had a lady join my rabbit club with two unneutered males. i encouraged her to get them fixed ASAP and that there was no risk to it hardly at all. yeah…well, one of them died two days ago while they were trying to draw it’s blood before the surgery. it just got so scared that it had a stroke and died. so, i am a little bit wary….

                  • bradforde
                    71 posts Send Private Message

                      oh, and yes, i think a mate would be great for him, but the issue is that our rescue hardly ever gets pairs adopted – all the ones we have matched up have ended up being with us forever, since we get most of our adoptions from people looking for mates for rabbits they already have. and being so small, we run on a 1-out, 1-in scenario, so prolonging his time in rescue would definitely hurt rabbits who need to get into the rescue

                    • iriswarrior1
                      55 posts Send Private Message

                        I feel your pain, literally. I’ve mentioned SEVERAL times on this site (and, YES, you can flame me if you’re sick of hearing it), that my Fang is a complete bastard, and you’ve noticed the name, right? He’s the dutch with the devil eyes in the picture.

                        There is a five second rule for petting Fang-you pet him for more than five seconds, you lose a finger. Fang, as my 18 yr old girl always says, is a complete d_ _k-hole. But he’s so dang cute that nobody cares! We just let him do his own thing, whether that’s tearing holes through our sofa covers ( $$@(^$^#^%*%#! ), or doing drive -by foot nips. He mellowed with age (a little). At least now he doesn’t actively seek human blood. For some perverse reason, he just LOVES to destroy new vcr or dvd player boxes, he stands on top and chews through untiil he creates a hole that he can sit in, then he nibbles the the sides into an even bigger, perfectly circular hole. He’s like some weird caterpillar.

                        Anyway, we have a very gentle and friendly bunny, and he gets along with him great, better than with us. And don’t worry about the vet. The first time I brought Fang in , I was sure the vet office was going to wind up looking like a scene from Kill Bill. The vet knew exactly how to handle him, kept him calm, and he got through the entire ordeal without scaring Fang, or getting bitten.

                        So, there’s a silver lining for your little bundle of joy. If someone like me was stupid enough to come along and take Fang, and keep him despite the fact that he’s a 2 lb Hannibal Lechter, then there’s another eager moron out there who will take your Cujo bunny, and thank you for it!

                        Stiff upper lip, old chap! And leather workgloves would be a good investment…

                      • bradforde
                        71 posts Send Private Message

                          ha ha ha! that really makes me feel better. so far, i have been able to pet Napolean two times for exactly one pet each time. then, as my husband says, he turns his head around 180 and does the linda blair thing and goes for you.

                          but i’m not as discouraged as i was – i fling the food at him, then get in with him after he is full and isn’t so likely to bite. he still bites, but it doesn’t make you bleed : )

                          and i do the same thing: “ARGH! You bit me, you adorable little jack***! Dangit, you cute little booger! I still love you.”

                          dang rabbits and their ability to control all those around them with cuteness!

                        • bradforde
                          71 posts Send Private Message

                            well, i built Napolean a new condo and have been giving him a hallway to call his own. i am also getting super fast with the food dish filling – no bites for two weeks so far! there is hope!

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              That’s excellent – 2 weeks! I was thinking gloves as well. Don’t know if a squirt bottle handy would just make him worse at this point. Sounds like he’s starting to trust you.

                            • Isabelle88
                              34 posts Send Private Message

                                I used to think my Dude was psycho but you have all proved me wrong, Dude gets snippy if you touch his food bowl, I believe he is in love with it, what i do for feeding time is grab his ears, not hard and that keeps him in place but when u put the food jump he leaps right for it, thats the only time he’s ever bitten, my cousin didnt know and touched his food bowl and he drew blood from her hand but me hes never bitten.

                                For nail trimming time i like to take him to the vet but when i cant, i sit him on my lap and if u stroke him enough and cover his eyes he’s pretty clam, those tricks work for me and so far Dude is the only one that bites.

                                Maybe as he gets to know u more he wont be so mean

                              • PEPPA GEORGIE
                                268 posts Send Private Message

                                  Well also if you take him to the vet and he hates the vet and the whole thing, normally when they do that they are a bit more appreciative of US when they get home as in comparison we dont seem all that bad x Trip to the vets always makes my more nervous pets much nicer to me lol xx
                                  Also if he is not neutered and he is nicer to your husband could it be a hormone thing that your female-ness is upsetting him lol xx Can you put a towel over his head and put him in a box quick and take him maybe xx good luck xx

                                • MooBunnay
                                  3087 posts Send Private Message

                                    Do you think it is possible that he might be a jealous bunny? My friend has a very sweet bunny, but it will bite her and latch on if she ever goes into her pen smelling like another rabbit. She has to take a shower and change her shirt if she has been working with rescues, or other bunnies, before she goes to see her bunny. I have a bunny I cannot pick up, and in order to get him into a carrier we put a large carrier with the door open into his ex-pen. Then we slowly close up the space in the ex-pen until he has no option but to go into the pen.

                                    I think that often the skittish bunnies do well with vets because vets are very confident and secure when working with the bunnies, and I think that confidence helps to keep the bunny calm. For example, my rescue friends can handle and pick up the bunny I mentioned above, even though I can’t, and I think it is because he knows that he can get away with more with me!

                                  • bradforde
                                    71 posts Send Private Message

                                      four weeks almost without a bite! i am totally in love with this rabbit now. he has been letting me pet him on his head and a little bit on his back every day (only a couple of pets), but he is very excited about me now – lots of bunny dancing whenever i get in there with him and NO BITES! even when i am feeding him.

                                      i am over the moon happy. thanks everyone for the encouragement! i wanted to give up after 3 months of him being absolutely awful, but you guys helped me to stick with it and get over the hump!

                                    • MooBunnay
                                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                                        Yay! I’m so glad he is doing better. Often times those bunnies that you have to work a lot with in the beginning can be your best friends. My husband loves to work with the aggresive bunnies for that exact reason, he builds a very strong bond with them as he teaches them how to trust humans.

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                                    Forum BEHAVIOR psycho rabbit – i need advice!