(sorry for the pronoun shift—we found out Merlin was a she after five years so we haven’t switched except in medical situations and it’s tough haha)
Hey everyone, Merlin was diagnosed in June with pretty severe pneumonia and a possible thymoma, treated with baytril and an injection of dexamethasone. He was on baytril for two months, but he either stopped responding to it or there was some other bacteria also (we did a culture and blood panel, but everything came back inconclusive, possibly staph?).
Thursday morning he was put on azithromyacin, and immediately exhibited symptoms of antibiotic intolerance. (When we got home from the vet ~1pm he started eating immediately and he was mad but not anorexic. The next morning, I gave him half his morning pellets, waited fifteen minutes, and then gave him his first dose with a lettuce leaf. I sat with him and petted him for a good thirty minutes after that, and fed him the rest of his food, which he sniffed and seemed to have no interest in. Over the rest of the day, he finished his food, but he just was not the happy little guy he’s been throughout this whole process, no matter what. He usually gets about two tbsp of oxbow pellets morning and evening, half dry and half puffed up with water. Over the weekend, he completely stopped eating his puffed pellets, and would slowly graze on his dry pellets. He was eating a ton of hay and drinking lots of water, and he started refusing lettuce (I think because it reminded him of the medicine). His fave has always been parsley, and he luckily was eating that pretty enthusiastically.
He seemed even worse after his Saturday dose (was even more hesitant about his pellets and just *looked* like his tummy was killing him). On Sunday I offered him banana mashed with the azithromyacin but I didn’t force him to eat it because it seemed to be making him feel so horrible and food is the one thing that’s basically never been an issue with him, so it was breaking my heart watching him feel so bad. Most of his droppings looked great on Sunday, but he did have an uneaten cecal in his litter box which hasn’t happened since he was a baby on alfalfa hay. Sunday night (~48 hours since azithromyacin) he seemed SO MUCH BETTER. He was so happy for food, ate it all, and was finally happy and jumping around again.
Monday morning we called the vet to see if they wanted us to switch antibiotics or if we could give him some pain meds before the dose in case it was causing abdominal cramping. We have had such good luck with this vet, but the call seemed like a game of telephone, and by the end they were asking when the last time he had metacam was and telling us to go ahead and give the next shot of dexamethasone (which he wasn’t due for until this coming Thursday and doesn’t seem like he needs yet). Plus that wouldn’t help GI symptoms and what we needed to know was whether we should discontinue the azithromyacin or if there was something we could give him to ease his discomfort while on it.
We called back later and asked if the vet could call us directly whenever he had a chance, and were told he was out of the office for the day, but she’d let him know. I didn’t try to call back today because I know vets are always busy and he probably had a ton to do, but now they’re closed and I’m regretting not hounding them more because I just don’t know what to do. He hasn’t had antibiotics since Saturday essentially, and his pneumonia was so severe and it’s likely getting worse right now. I feel like I can’t give him more azithromyacin when it makes him feel so bad, and I would give him some metacam beforehand but now it’s getting close to time for his next steroid shot and I don’t want to screw with that.
So my question is, if you were me would you give him some baytril just to try to stave off some of the infection since he tolerates that all right? Or give him azithromyacin even though it hurts his stomach so much? I just don’t understand why the office didn’t reach out today—they’ve always given the impression that they would be there asap if needed and now I sorta feel like I’m stuck in limbo of not wanting to do anything against their wishes, but also feeling like I ought to take some action instead of just letting whatever infection spread and multiply for 12 more hours.