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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Poor little Dawn. (NOT BAD NEWS!)

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    • Bladesmith
      849 posts Send Private Message

        Poor little Dawn.  Our little Ninja bun, so fierce when you want to interact with her, is not so good with thunderstorms.  And where I’m at in Floriduh, we get ridiculous summer thunderstorms.  As in, regular lightning strikes in the yards and horse pastures around us. Twice, IN my yard.

        In the past, it was easier for Dawn, as when the storms would rumble up, Dawn would tuck herself under Clover, who would tuck herself under my legs, until the storm passed.  Unfortunately, since Clover passed away, she can’t do that anymore.

        And I blame myself for not thinking about this sooner, but I’ve been kind of distracted.

        Anyway, a couple of days ago we had a MASSIVE storm blow through here, with repeated lightning strikes and thunder so loud it actually popped one of the window glass right out of the frame!  I went to the kitchen to check on the electronics in there since we briefly lost power, and poor little Dawn was crammed as tight into the corner of her litter pan as she could get, shivering in fear.  Poor baby.  She was so scared that she even snuggled up when I put my hand over her and covered her up like Clover used to do.  Of course, as soon as the storm had passed, she returned to form and grunted and boxed my hand away from her.  Because she’s a tough bunny and has a rep to protect.

        So I found a very sturdy cardboard box,  cut an entry hole, and a skylight hole (So she can peek out to see if it’s safe), and stuffed it with hay and shredded paper she can did into and hide in.  And maybe have a snack when hiding.  Sure enough, she loves her box.  First storm after the bad one, which being Florida was about 4 hours later, she boopied across the house and into her box.  I peeked in, and she had arranged the paper and hay into a little nest she could burrow into.  I hope it makes her feel safer.

      • Gina.Jenny
        2244 posts Send Private Message

          Awww smart thinking = happy little bunny <3

        • sarahthegemini
          5584 posts Send Private Message

            Aww. Sweet Dawn <3 Can't blame you for not having thought about it after dealing with the loss of Clover. Good thinking about the hidey hay box. I bet she felt really safe.

          • Bam
            16977 posts Send Private Message

              Clever thinking, Bladesmith! Thank you for adding the NOT BAD NEWS! coz, you know how us bun people are =) I just love it that she wanted your protection when she was scared and then when she wasn’t scared anymore she was all bunnitude again =D

            • Bladesmith
              849 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By bam on 9/08/2018 10:47 AM

                Clever thinking, Bladesmith! Thank you for adding the NOT BAD NEWS! coz, you know how us bun people are =) I just love it that she wanted your protection when she was scared and then when she wasn’t scared anymore she was all bunnitude again =D

                Boy you got that right.  If she was measured by bunnitude, she’d be the size of one of those buns from “Night of the Lepus”  (one of the worst and most ridiculous “horror” movies ever made.  Or thought of.)

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, poor little bun! I can relate. I HATE thunder and lightening. We don’t usually get it too bad here. I’m pretty sure if I lived where storms are bad like that, I’d need to hide in a little box too!!!!

                • Q8bunny
                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                    Awww… Poor wee scrappy bunny… She must be so glad of her little refuge

                  • Bladesmith
                    849 posts Send Private Message

                      Last night, while I was laying on the floor playing Mass Effect 2 for the umpteenth time, Dawn did something she’s never done before. She did her usual tentative investigation of me, tugged on my socks, chinned in various places, and then, to my absolute surprise, hopped up on my chest. And sat there. I think we were both surprised. She sat there with a look on her face like; “What the heck did I just do?” Then she chinned my nose and boopled off.

                      Always a surprise with her. NINJA!

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message


                      • Rabbitpossm
                        66 posts Send Private Message

                          awwwww sweet little dawn. That is a great solution for her. I’m gonna keep that in mind for when I move back to Ottawa and my bun gets his first experience with summer storms. Or any storms for that matter, waaay waaay less frequent out here in Vancouver. (Though obviously anywhere here is not nearly as bad or as frequent as florida!)

                          (Also I need to say, heck yes mass effect 2!!! favourite game. I haven’t even finished the third one and I want to replay the second one already.)

                        • Q8bunny
                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                            *gasp* Dawn!

                          • Bladesmith
                            849 posts Send Private Message

                              RP, you’ll be disappointed in the ending. Controllers may fly.

                            • Rabbitpossm
                              66 posts Send Private Message

                                D: oh dear. Now I’m slightly less motivated to go back to finish it. Slightly. Although it’s taken me forever to get through it. I accidentally played a mission on insane without realizing it, so I stopped playing for a while out of frustration before I went back and realized what had happened. And now I’m stuck again cause it keeps freezing at the end of a mission’s final cut scene and I’ve been too lazy/distracted to trouble shoot that and fix it… one day I’ll finish it… or maybe I’ll just replay 2.

                              • joea64
                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                  We’ve had quite a lot of storms here recently, and once the outskirts of Florence hit the DC area, things are going to get even livelier. The interesting thing is that Panda and Fernando don’t seem to be overly bothered by thunder and lightning. They do perk up their ears a lot when it booms and flashes, and sometimes duck into their hidey boxes when it gets particularly intense, but generally their main response is, if they’re close by one another, just to snuggle up close. I suppose I may attribute this to their knowing that they’re inside, safe, secure, well-fed and dry and warm/cool depending on the season.

                                • Bladesmith
                                  849 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By Rabbitpossm on 9/10/2018 9:43 PM

                                    D: oh dear. Now I’m slightly less motivated to go back to finish it. Slightly. Although it’s taken me forever to get through it. I accidentally played a mission on insane without realizing it, so I stopped playing for a while out of frustration before I went back and realized what had happened. And now I’m stuck again cause it keeps freezing at the end of a mission’s final cut scene and I’ve been too lazy/distracted to trouble shoot that and fix it… one day I’ll finish it… or maybe I’ll just replay 2.

                                    You REALLY want an exercise in frustration, try anything Dark Souls.  I gave that up for a loss.  I still own the games as collectables, but trying to play them is an exercise in futility.  And possibly destroying my equipment.

                                  • Bladesmith
                                    849 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By joea64 on 9/11/2018 7:27 AM

                                      We’ve had quite a lot of storms here recently, and once the outskirts of Florence hit the DC area, things are going to get even livelier. The interesting thing is that Panda and Fernando don’t seem to be overly bothered by thunder and lightning. They do perk up their ears a lot when it booms and flashes, and sometimes duck into their hidey boxes when it gets particularly intense, but generally their main response is, if they’re close by one another, just to snuggle up close. I suppose I may attribute this to their knowing that they’re inside, safe, secure, well-fed and dry and warm/cool depending on the season.

                                      Yeah, it was the same for Dawn and Clover.  Any kind of storm, I could always find Dawn under Clover, safe and sound.  And not much bothered Clover, as you all know.  If it was bad she’d be tucked under my arm and Dawn under her.  These days I’m trying to make sure I’m laying on the floor when storms rumble through, offering myself as a shelter for Dawn in place of Clover.  We’ll see if that works or not.  Clover would want to know I’m taking care of her sister.

                                    • Harley&Thumper
                                      444 posts Send Private Message

                                        The Dark Souls series has somehow managed to create it’s own genre. NOTHING is easy in that game.

                                      • kurottabun
                                        908 posts Send Private Message

                                          Awww poor little Dawn <3 The box is a great idea - we do have heavy rain and the occasional bad storm here (not as bad as having lightning strikes right in the backyard, but enough to cut off power in the whole neighbourhood) - Kurotta loves his hidey boxes when he's scared. I recommend putting down a few in different corners so they don't feel like they have to run for the life of them and find that ONE box when they're looking for someplace to hide! </p>

                                          P/S: I played all three ME games some years back and bawled my eyes out after I finished the third one. THE FEELS. If I were to summarise ME3 in one word, it would be “helpless”. Lol. I probably stared at my screen blankly for about ten minutes wondering what just happened…?

                                        • Tony's Mum
                                          431 posts Send Private Message

                                            Poor baby <3 You're such a thoughtful bun-dad

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                                        Forum THE LOUNGE Poor little Dawn. (NOT BAD NEWS!)