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Forum THE LOUNGE Please say “hello” to Elara

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    • LittlePuffyTail
      18092 posts Send Private Message

        While my heart is still grieving for Sterling and will be for some time to come, it still felt right to give a home to another bunny who really needs us. Please say “Hello” to Elara (formerly Babs). She’s very shy and timid right now as she’s been at the shelter a long time.



        This sort of happened much quicker than planned. I went to the shelter on Sunday just to visit the bunnies. There were 4 bunnies and I noticed this little (well, not so little) lady had been there a long time so I decided to take her out to the visiting room. She seemed pretty nervous and something about her just melted my heart. I felt like she really needed me and I needed to help her. So I went home to think about it. Was planning on giving myself a little while to think on it since the big buns tend to stay at the shelter long, I wasn’t worried about anyone adopting her. Then yesterday I noticed the SPCA FB page calling out to anyone who would be willing to give her a drive to a town a few hours away. They foster some of the small animals at a pet store there. The thought of this nervous lady going for such a long, scary drive really upset me. I called them and said I was coming to get her to bring her home. And that’s what I did. 

        She’s not in the bunny room. I set up a pen in the basement since it’s much quieter down there. Will eventually move her to the bunny room when she’s more calm. She is very much not like Sterling, he needed no bonding or adjusting period, he was so chill, which was so awesome. Those of you who remember my Olivia, well she’s like a big version of Olivia. Maybe a little less sassy. We will see when her personality comes out. 

        I do have an awful guilt about adopting another so soon, though. I took, and am still taking, Sterling’s death very hard. It especially bothers me how I can still really feel his presence in the bunny room and when I see the doorway in the corner of my eye, I sort of see him there. Of course, Elara will in no way replace him. He was a once of a kind, once in a lifetime bunny. I feel good for helping her but it feels wrong at the same time.  

        But she’s here now and I know that she is in the best home she could be. And hopefully she will fit in well with our family and become less afraid. She will be loved and treated as a member of the family. Just like Sterling. 

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Awww LPT, this is awesome <3
          I think it’s great you adopted another one soon after. Sterling is smiling at you from the Rainbow Bridge I think he would be happy to know that you’re giving another bunny a good home. I don’t think you should feel guilty. Obviously Sterling can never be replaced, and you will feel his loss for a long time, but I think sometimes the best you can do is to help another bun in need. It will help you to overcome the grief, watching her come out of her shell and spending time with her. I know you have Bindi, but sometimes it’s buns like Elara that can really help with the pain. Think of you two growing together in this new stage. I think it could be an exciting time for both of you. We need more bunny lovers like you in the world. You truly are what your footer motto says <3

        • Muchelle
          1141 posts Send Private Message

            Such a big girl <3

            It’s okay if you’re not feeling 100% alright about her, but hey! She needed BADLY a good family and you had the means to help her. She’ll never be a replacement for what you’ve lost, and she shouldn’t be. I’m sure she’ll fill up her space in her unique way <3

          • tobyluv
            3310 posts Send Private Message

              Elara is beautiful! Please don’t feel guilty about adopting soon after Sterling left you. He would want you to open your home and heart to other bunnies. I know that she will have a wonderful, loving home with you.

            • DanaNM
              9050 posts Send Private Message

                Awwww, welcome Elara! She looks a lot like Bertha! Those eyelashes! <3

                Your experience sounds a lot like bringing home Bun Jovi so soon after Moose passed, but it was like he crawled into my heart and I just felt like we needed to take him home…

                Of course no bunny can replace Sterling, but it is so great that you will be able to give a loving home to another bunny! I’m sure she will flourish with you.

                This really warms my heart, please try not to feel guilty (I know easier said than done)! She wouldn’t have pulled you to her like that if it wasn’t the right time.

                . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

              • MountainBuns
                513 posts Send Private Message

                  Dont feel sad LPT you did a good thing to help somebunny in need. Just think if you did not adopt her how stressed she would be traveling. She is very adorable too! Look at that little nose!

                • LBJ10
                  17014 posts Send Private Message

                    LPT- She is so lucky to have you. I know it’s hard now and almost seems wrong, but I believe there is a reason she came to you. In time, you will begin to see what the reason was. So don’t feel guilty, I’m sure Sterling would want you to share your life with another bunny who needs you.

                  • Boing
                    253 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi LPT,

                      There is no reason to feel guilty. Love is not limited. Love is not wrong. It is what should be. And grief can be confusing, but it only comes if you loved, and Sterling was obviously loved. “There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.” Aeschylus

                      Of course you still feel his presence. I believe that Sterling led you to Elara, and that this was meant to be. “Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.” Emily Dickinson

                      I like the name you have chosen!

                    • Azerane
                      4689 posts Send Private Message

                        She is gorgeous and I’m so glad she’s found you. It definitely sounds like she needed someone who would understand her needs being a bit more on the shy side and you’ll have her coming out of her shell in no time at all

                        How big is she? It’s hard to tell from the pic. Can’t wait to see how she develops once she’s settled in more.

                        Your spur of the moment decision confirmation reminds me of when I decided to get our kitten. I wasn’t sure if I should wait etc then I saw someone else on Facebook express interest in her and within seconds I was sending an e-mail to confirm that yes I would like to have her, lol. Nothing like the thought of losing something to spur you into the realisation that it’s what you wanted/needed.

                      • Bam
                        16957 posts Send Private Message

                          Hi Elara and welcome!!! She is beautiful! I do doubt she’s as sassy as Olivia though, Olivia was like the definition of sassy!

                          Of course no bun can replace another bun, that’s not how love works. Sterling will be in your heart forever. He’s also helped raise Evi, so he’ll be in her heart too, whether she’ll remember him conciously or not.

                          Thank you for taking her in, she can have no idea yet how lucky she is!

                        • jerseygirl
                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                            This is so great! Hi Elara!

                            She is beautiful, LPT. She looks like she’s an Agouti (broken pattern obvs). The name is pretty. Where does this come from?

                            If you still see & feel Sterling around, then Im choosing to believe he’s picked her out for you. Of course he would pick a big, girl bun!!
                            I hope she continues to settle in and come out of her shell more and more. Congratulations.

                          • jerseygirl
                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Azerane on 2/27/2018 11:27 PM

                              …  …
                              Your spur of the moment decision confirmation reminds me of when I decided to get our kitten. I wasn’t sure if I should wait etc then I saw someone else on Facebook express interest in her and within seconds I was sending an e-mail to confirm that yes I would like to have her, lol. Nothing like the thought of losing something to spur you into the realisation that it’s what you wanted/needed.

                              Pretty much how I got Jersey. Someone else started looking at her and I was thinking “oh no. she’s mine!”. I’d never been like that in my life! lol

                            • sarahthegemini
                              5584 posts Send Private Message

                                What a lovely looking girl. Please don’t feel guilty, nobody thinks you’re replacing sweet Sterling. You’re just opening your heart and home to a bunny that needed it. Which is a wonderful thing to do

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thank you so much everyone for all your compliments and reassurance. Really made me feel better about things. 

                                  She is really warming up to us already. Last night, right before I went to bed she did a little binky in her pen. I’ll put a blanket down on the floor later (it’s slippery) and let her out in the basement for a bit). 

                                  And this morning. She’s not as territorial as Olivia was, thankfully. She’s happy sharing her pen with us. But not happy when Kyle went into her cardboard house!!!!  

                                  She was really enjoying me petting her head and ears this morning. Even tooth purring. 

                                  You can see her size better in this pic. This is a Grande from Starbucks for comparison. Took this one at the shelter. 

                                  For breed, I’m gussing NZ? Thoughts? 

                                  Anyone else see a bat on her nose? I tried to come up with a Batmanish name I liked but wasn’t able to. 

                                  I love unusual names and I also love anything moon-related so this name was perfect. Elara is a name from Greek Mythology and one of the moons of Jupiter. And pretty for a pretty girl.  


                                • Sirius&Luna
                                  2320 posts Send Private Message

                                    She’s gorgeous! And huge! She’s a very lucky bunny to go to such a loving and understanding home. And as others have said, you can never replace a bunny, but there’s always more to love. I think Sterling would approve.

                                  • Gina.Jenny
                                    2244 posts Send Private Message

                                      She is lovely, her name suits her perfectly, and its always great to see a less adoptable bun go to a great bun-home x

                                      No, she can never replace Sterling, but yes, she can now find her own special place in a happy safe home. Evi looks pretty taken with her too, which is nice to see

                                    • Diamond
                                      459 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry to hear about Sterling, but this girl needed a hero, and I’m so glad you helped her.

                                      • Luna
                                        2219 posts Send Private Message

                                          She’s beautiful! I hope she knows how lucky she is to have been found by such a great bun-mom .

                                          Agreed that Sterling can never be replaced. And I think all our buns would ask of us is to love them and never forget them.

                                        • DanaNM
                                          9050 posts Send Private Message

                                            She really looks SO much like Bertha! Size, ear size, markings!

                                            We think Bertha is a Rhinelander, so maybe Elara is too, at least part? The breed is large, but people tend to use the name for any bun with those markings:….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.7.643…0i67k1j0i8i30k1.0.EyEZkz4todA

                                            She has more coloration on her back than Bertha, but the “butterfly” on the face and symmetrical markings elsewhere is typical of the breed. And those big ears! Swoon.

                                            Maybe they are long lost sisters

                                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                          • LBJ10
                                            17014 posts Send Private Message

                                              I like she looks like a New Zealand in the face.

                                            • Dface
                                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                Her batnose is gorgeous ?

                                                I had similar feelings when I first got Peep. I actually cried when I brought him home, because I simply hadn’t wanted to really believe my baby Sampras was really never coming back. I also got very upset when yumi and him bonded. Delighted she had a partner again, but just felt like i was replacing him.
                                                It’s such a conflicting feeling, and I’m sorry you have to feel it. No rabbit can ever replace another, and with time it won’t feel that way to you.
                                                To me the greatest legacy (and gift) a rabbit can leave behind is that residual love that prompts us to go save another . And if it wasn’t for sterling, you’d never have found Elara when you did, who sounds like she couldn’t have landed more on her paws than when you met her

                                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Yeah, DFace. That is exactly how I feel. It’s sad to see Elara in Sterling’s spot. Part of me still has not accepted he is gone. Happy to help her, just wish I could have my Terly too.

                                                  I moved her up to the rabbit room last night because she was making me feel bad, everytime I went downstairs she would get so excited she would binky. Not being very nice to Bindi, though. I’m not letting him free-roam in the rabbit room because I’m scared she tries to bite him through the bars. There was some growling. He was used to sitting nose to nose with Sterling.  


                                                  The little stinker kept me up all night. I could hear her, even though my room is downstairs, rattling her cage bars. Forget what’s like to have a young bunny. 

                                                  She’s really loving head pets!

                                                • Diamond
                                                  459 posts Send Private Message

                                                    aww poor Bindi Loo. But at least it seems like Elara’s coming out of her shell

                                                  • Vienna Blue in France
                                                    5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Okay LPT this IS exciting !!!!

                                                      But… come on…. “went to the bunny shelter JUST to have a look”.
                                                      Oh puuuurlease….. you’re far too experienced to know what that reeeally means….. haha

                                                      Really happy for you and i hope Bindi settles easier with a girl than with sweet, darling Sterling…

                                                      Lots of piccies please !!! XX

                                                    • Vienna Blue in France
                                                      5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Oh! And…. THOSE EARS !!!!!!!!!! *swoon*

                                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Vienna- No, you got me wrong entirely. I said “I went to the SPCA just to visit the bunnies”. Totally different.

                                                          She has beautiful ears but after Sterling every bun else’s ears seem small.

                                                        • Azerane
                                                          4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                            lol, technicality

                                                            She is just gorgeous and it sounds like she’s doing so well Binkies already!

                                                            Does Bindi still use his upper level?

                                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                              We saw lots of Binkies today. She’s not willing to leave her pen very far, she keeps running out a little bit and then running back in with lots of binkies.

                                                              Yes, Bindi still uses all his levels. 99% sure he’s totally blind but he still zooms up and down. I was thinking I should maybe take them down in case he’s having a bit of arthritis but I really think that would confuse him too much.

                                                            • Vienna Blue in France
                                                              5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I would leave the level, because that’s making him use his legs and preventing worse arthritis.
                                                                I think if he were in pain he would not go up! Simple as.
                                                                2×3=6. 3×2=6.
                                                                As Az says technicalities… !!!!!

                                                              • Bam
                                                                16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I agree with Vienna, if he can use his levels the exercise is most likely good for him. Moderate amounts of exercise is important for all animals (incl. humans).

                                                                • DanaNM
                                                                  9050 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Awww sorry she’s being a brat towards Bindy, but I bet that will calm down once she is more settled and learns he isn’t out to get her!

                                                                    She sounds like Bun Jovi when we brought him home! We would dart out of the condo, and then binky back in! It was so cute. Reminds me of a clown fish a la Finding Nemo… “we go out… then back in… then we go out, then back in….. then we go out….and back in!”

                                                                    . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Elara is completely at ease here now. She flopped on the couch last night! And she’s a couch snuggler!!! I’ve never had a couch snuggler before! She snuggles with me and my kitty, Kyle. Lots of pics to be added in the March pic thread.

                                                                      One thing we will need to work on. Being picked up. I’ve handled a lot of unruly buns before but never one this bad. And her nails are super long……ouch….

                                                                    • Bam
                                                                      16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I think Sterling directed you to the shelter. “I’m so very sorry I had to leave you mum, but I happen to know where there’s a gorgeous girl just waiting for you to stop by…”

                                                                        A couch snuggler =) Yay! But super long nails – not so yay =/

                                                                      • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                                        2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          This thread is really beautiful to read, what an amazing story ^_^ It’s great to see her come out of her shell, so congrats on getting a couch snuggler
                                                                          With rabbits it’s often the girls who are absolute troublemakers trying to cow the lads, so I hope they’ll sort it out politely.

                                                                        • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            She’s definitely a trouble maker. Last night she bit me twice (my fault, I think she felt cornered), and today she peed on the floor twice, peed on her mat (def territory wars as she did this in her pen closest to Bindi’s) chewed some foam out of her mat and chewed 2 corners off Evi’s book (even though it’s Little Golden Books “The Best Bunny Book Ever”.) 

                                                                          • jerseygirl
                                                                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 3/06/2018 1:35 PM

                                                                              She’s definitely a trouble maker. Last night she bit me twice (my fault, I think she felt cornered), and today she peed on the floor twice, peed on her mat (def territory wars as she did this in her pen closest to Bindi’s) chewed some foam out of her mat and chewed 2 corners off Evi’s book (even though it’s Little Golden Books “The Best Bunny Book Ever”.) 

                                                                              Uh-Oh…  These girl-buns! idk. 

                                                                              Aw, Little Golden Books! <3  It's sort of ironic to have a customised bunny book.

                                                                              btw, I love that it says “Petite” on the box here. 

                                                                            • pinknfwuffy
                                                                              660 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                I’m so late to this thread but I am so excited to know you have another bunny to love. Everyone’s previous sentiments are true – you can still grieve for and miss Sterling while offering another piece of your heart to sweet Elara. She is beautiful and I’m so happy for your family to be going on this journey together.

                                                                                She sounds like quite the little (erm, big!) spitfire. I love when a shy bun comes out of their shell after they’ve been living in a shelter. You truly get to see their spirit when they can be in a home full of love. I keep my fingers crossed for her and Bindi getting along and hope this new adventure brings you lots of happiness.

                                                                                Thank you for saving another rabbit in need.

                                                                              • MoxieMeadows
                                                                                5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  (*cough* *cough* I’m super late too omg)

                                                                                  She’s so pretty! And I love her name! Congrats! <3

                                                                                • Deleted User
                                                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    That’s wonderful, LPT! I saw in other threads about the urn and lock of fur, and that is just such a beautiful way to honor somebun. Elara is simply gorgeous. I know you are still aching for Sterling, but I am glad that you were able to open your heart up to another, she is going to be so lucky to have a bun-mom like you!

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                                                                                Forum THE LOUNGE Please say “hello” to Elara