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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Please help

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    • Vicky
      205 posts Send Private Message

        Hello my bun friends!!

        I have my little bun for 4 months now. We spend whole day together and she loves me so much.

        Unfortunately I will have to leave abroad for a month. I’m really sensitive person and I have already crying leaving my bunny here.


        She would stay with my mum and brother. They have amazing relationship with her too. The issue for me is she will have to stay alone from 8am to 4pm as my mum works. She has never been so long alone.

        I’m just scared the bunny will be angry at me and that she will be very upset not seeing me around all the time. I could literally cry about this. I don’t want my bun to get depressed or so.


        Sorry for long post i just need some encouragement 🥺 im very sad about this situation.


        Will my bunny be extremely unhappy and sad while I’m away? Not doing her flops and being happy bun? 🙁


        Thank you!!

      • Bam
        16957 posts Send Private Message

          I’m sorry you have to leave your bun!

          If she has a great relationship with your mum and brother, I think she’ll be fine. The hours they spend away from home are the hours when most buns are resting anyway.

          Since she is 4 months old, she is about to enter into puberty, which means your mother and brother will perhaps see some behavioral changes in her. She might lose her litterbox habits, she may become less cuddly (baby buns tend to be very cuddly) and more skittish. Some buns even get a bit aggressive. This is normal, and won’t mean that she is acting out because she’s missing you.


        • DanaNM
          9050 posts Send Private Message

            I agree with Bam, she will be OK! Especially since your mum and brother love her too and will take good care of her.

            I know I’ve gotten used to being home with my buns all day due to covid, but in the before-times I used to go to work for 8-10 hours a day. My buns all tend to just sleep during the day anyway, so as long as she gets some interaction in the morning and evening she will be quite happy I’m sure.

            My partner and I have gone on quite a few longer trips where we’ve left our buns with pet sitters (either in home or have brought them to the sitter’s house). When we return they seem happy to see us, but the sitters always report they are doing just fine without us too. One of my bridge bunnies, Bertha, was adopted from a friend who could no longer keep her. My friend would come visit her sometimes and you could tell Bertha remembered her and was happy to see her. But bunnies aren’t like dogs in that they don’t get crazy separation anxiety when they are away from their humans, as long as they are well taken care of.

            I also agree with being on the look-out for puberty-related behaviors.

            Enjoy your trip!


            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

            • Vicky
              205 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you!

                Well i have had her for 4 months but she will turn 6 months soon. So everything puberty related already started haha. But it’s weird because you said she would become less cuddly. but she is the exact opposite!! She is even more cuddly, before I could not even pick her up on hands and now she jumps on me to cuddle.




            • bunnytowne
              7537 posts Send Private Message

                I had 2 buns at one time Cotton and Ruby. Was gone for a week. When I got home cotton noticed I was home but hopped off. Ruby came running happy to see me. After giving treats for 3 days cotton still wouldn’t come for petting. Finally after 3 days I had enuf. I picked him up and loved on him he was fine after that. My neighbor would go by and feed them and talk to them and left animal channel on for them. They did fine. They were left to run about in their bunny proofed areas.

                Your bun will do just fine not to worry. Apparently your parents are aware of their care. Bunny will be just fine.  I know it’s hard to leave them.  Its hard for all us bunny parents we worry and fret. In the end they will be fine and worrying and fretting are for naught. Yet we can’t help ourselves. It means you care about bun bun. Now when you get back buns behavior might have changed. Due to hormones not from you being gone

              • Vicky
                205 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you all so much for reassurance. She is like my baby to me haha, i take care of her all the time and love to be with her so it tears my heart apart to leave her.

                  I hope how you said, it will all be good when I come back and she won’t be upset.

                • Hazel
                  2587 posts Send Private Message

                    She might not be upset while you’re gone, but believe me, when you get back she’ll make you PAY! 😆

                  • Vicky
                    205 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no, how will she make me “pay”? 😳😳😳

                    • Bam
                      16957 posts Send Private Message

                        By giving you the bunny butt and making you give extra treats and attention! You’ll have to say you’re sorry, probably multiple times. And you should probably address her as “Your Highness”.

                        After all, rabbits are royalty, and we humans are mere lowly peasants! 🤣


                      • Vicky
                        205 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh 😂 well i hope she will still love me then and forgive me 😳 and it won’t be like that for too long.

                          I mean I cannot be home with her all her life 😔

                        • Bam
                          16957 posts Send Private Message

                            She will forgive you, and she will continue to love you. You just have to provide extra treats and cuddles for a little while 🥰

                          • Ellie from The Netherlands
                            2512 posts Send Private Message

                              Hi, I can imagine it must feel really weird to be away for such a long time. We were away for 12 hours in December, and I worried a bit about Breintje. We’re always together and he even sleeps in my bed. We asked a neighbour if he could give Breintje some attention halfway through the day. Breintje was very happy with the pettings, and wasn’t angry when we got home.

                              It could help your bun to leave something behind that smells like you, like an old T-shirt that you wore for a day or two. (It probably will be chewed!) My boyfriend had to move to another part of the country for his job, so he isn’t here often anymore. Breintje licks his pillow and his bath robe if he isn’t home. It’s quite a big change for everyone, but Breintje is still happy when he sees him.

                            • Bam
                              16957 posts Send Private Message

                                Ellie’s suggestion is great, a t-shirt that youve slept in or worn for a day or so is great for a bun to have. You pretty much do the same with a puppy dog when you take it home. Rabbits have an acute sense of smell. We cant understand all the nuances of scents, but to animals they are a very real reality.



                              • Vicky
                                205 posts Send Private Message

                                  Oh yes okay I can do that with my shirt ❤️ you gave me really good suggestions and made me feel a bit better.

                                  I’m just too close with my bun like no one else. So thank you ❤️

                                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                                      You’re welcome, dear! Glad that it helps you 🙂

                                      Breintje and I are very close as well, he follows me around all day and sleeps next to me at night. Not being close to eachother feels weird, even if it’s for a short time. A month would have me very stressed as well.

                                  • Vicky
                                    205 posts Send Private Message

                                      Yeah I just don’t wanna lose the bond i have with her now. She does not kiss anyone only me hah and she only comes on my hands so 🥺 but how i said I cannot stay at home with her all her life 😔

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE Please help