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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Please give me some advice

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    • Arsenic army
      26 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone i am not new to rabbits i have one who is a year old he is a holland lop ear named shadow aka doom.

        My help is in my new Lionhead, Phoenix….she..yes a she is a little difficult. We got her at 6 weeks old and have had her for ooo i’d say 2 months so she is still a baby..? Anyways she digs like no other in the litter box and i am wondering if it is her age…she is always kicing when you go to pick her up.

        What i can gather from this is 1. she is still young abd likes to play and 2. i don’t hang on to her enough for her to be used to me when i hang on to her. Will getting her spay’d do anything as well to her personality maybe calm her down make her more layd back, she also humps shadow and shadow ( he ) is fixed. I noticed a huge change in shadow when he got his naccers chopped off so hoping the same for her when she gets ger thing done.

        Any advice or help or comments i would absolutly love…it helped me tons with shadow and hoping to see the same for Phoenix.

        I’ll upload a picture of Phoenix for all to see…about 4 days after we bought recent pictures sorry.

        Her hair is much longer and she is much bigger.

      • x liddo bunny x
        314 posts Send Private Message

          humping is also another sign of dominance like binkybunny told me. my emo humps the crap out of my Mochi well shes calmed down a wee bit after i got them both spayed a little while back. (both are female) as i said it is to express dominance. it should calm down a little after she is spayed. so right now she should be about 14 weeks am i correct? my mochi and emo are about that age. they were born late january. but any who, she has hit her teens and that is usually when they start acting a little hormonal, most bunnies. so i think that is it but from what ive experienced, some buns just like to dig, others like to lounge some like to climb some chew… etc. but most of the times, it is just the bun;s personality and not for hormonal reasons. there are alot that are becuase of hormones but i truely cannot tell which would be which. so regardless, howabout finding toys for her to keep herself occupied? mine likes to burrow into this certain carpet rug thing. it has to be the same tan one too. i try to mix it up but she wont bite any of the others but that one. i guess that is good but what if it has to be thrown away? well back to you….. some others use shreaded newspaper in a box um…… hay? not sure. mines not much of a digger (except for that one carpet) so i dont have to worry about digging problems.

          hopefully i helped somewhat. =)

        • x liddo bunny x
          314 posts Send Private Message

            btw, she is really cute. ^ ^

          • Millivanilli
            8 posts Send Private Message

              I have to say first of all she is so cute!  My Milli is also a digger. I use newspaper to line the litter box and then put the hay in to fill it to the top. She digs and rips the paper so much that the cage is trashed every morning. I made her a box with loads of shredded paper in and as soon as I see her digging I coax her to the box gently. Now she leaves the litter box alone and uses it for what it is meant for and does her digging in the box. I cannot get her to play with any toys – she just loves digging too much.

              Your Phoenix sounds like a digger too. I am still amazed by how different all the bunny personalities are. We also got over the kicking by moving onto the floor and scooping her onto our laps. Eventually when she discovered the chairs we could scoop her up for a cuddle on the chair too. Now she doesnt mind being picked up. I don’t really think she likes it but it is necessary for us to be able to catch her in a hurry or carry her for any reason. I know lots of buns that cannot be picked up at all and I think that is just part of who they are being prey animals.  She sounds like a little live wire I can only advise that you might be able to modify where she does the digging and calm the kicking with patience but I think that is just her personality.

            • poopy
              684 posts Send Private Message

                she is really cute!

                and YES GET HER SPAYED!

              • MooBunnay
                3087 posts Send Private Message

                  Hi! She is sooooo cute!!

                  I think the handling thing is something you will just need to work with her on.  I would recommend picked her up at least once a day, and petting her until she calms down while you are holding her so that she can understand that being held is not a scary thing.  Also feed her some treats while you are holding her so she associated being held with TREATS!

                • Gravehearted
                  2428 posts Send Private Message

                    what a cutie! unspayed buns do tend to be more destructive and dig, so it very well could help. it should help with the humping some, since unspayed buns tend to be more territorial. if you’ve had her for 2 months and she was 6 weeks old, she’s just hit the point where her hormones kicked in. lionheads do seem to have more attitude than some other buns, so it will help, but i wouldn’t assume she’s be 100% calm. Some buns ARE diggers, so it might be a good idea to buy a covered litterbox that’s deep.

                  • Bunnies4ever
                    368 posts Send Private Message

                      Phoenix is adorable! I am the proud mom of two lionhead bunnies and they are very different. I’m afraid you have a digger. She just loves digging! You can put an old towel in her cage to distract her from digging in her box. That might help. I’m pretty lucky in that my buns don’t dig as much. As far as the picking them up, it depends on the bun. Kahlua hates being picked up but he’s gotten better with time. Chloe’s not as bad as Kahlua; I can pick her up and walk around with her. I would practice picking her up a little at a time. And my all means get her spayed. As far as the humping, like everybody says, it’s a dominance thing. Kahlua humps Chloe all the time and both were fixed a long time ago! Gravehearted is correct in sayiing that lionheads have attitudes! Mind do. Good luck, I’m sure everything will work out. It takes time.

                    • lilmizzsnickerz
                      318 posts Send Private Message

                        i have the same thing =D

                      • Gravehearted
                        2428 posts Send Private Message

                          how’s she doing?

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message
                            Posted By Millivanilli on 05/10/2007 12:59 AM
                             I made her a box with loads of shredded paper in and as soon as I see her digging I coax her to the box gently. Now she leaves the litter box alone and uses it for what it is meant for and does her digging in the box.

                            Millivanilli – That’s a great tip! I’ll have to keep that in mind for future reference.

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Please give me some advice