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Forum THE LOUNGE planting veggies for the bunnies?

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    • Crashley
      372 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone!!

        So, I think id like to start planting my own veggies for the bunnies. However, I have zero experience on gardening or planting. Id like to plant, romaine,parsley and cilantro..if possible!

        I buy there veggies from the store and they just go bad sooo quickly and its a waste :/

        I live in Ohio, not very prime on the planting haha! my yard does not get very much sun, planting the plants in the ground, not sure if that is a possibility. My driveway however gets plenty of sunlight, maybe i could make planters or something of the sort. I was thinking someone on here has to have experience! 

      • Muchelle
        1141 posts Send Private Message

          To be extra sure you could buy one of those little greenhouse thingies to shelter the plants with cellophane when the weather is bad or too hot and with net when the weather’s good but there’s insects and birds around. By potting them you can also control the quality of the soil and make sure there’s no contamination with chemicals if in your zone there are sprays/cleanings against bugs and mosquitoes

          Your best shot is to buy your soil and seeds from a local specialized shop (or even one of those places that sell stuff for farmers, can’t think of the name in English right now ^_^” ). Basil and parsley do good when they’re not in full sunlight so as long as they get brightness they should do fine!

        • Crashley
          372 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks Muchelle!!
            alittle greenhouse thingy would be perfect! Thats such the greatest idea, i dont even need anything to big!
            I wonder how much i can yield at a time, or just keep things rotating?

          • Crashley
            372 posts Send Private Message

              This is $30 on amazon! it would be sooo perfect!

            • Yilina
              246 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By Muchelle on 6/15/2017 9:33 AM

                To be extra sure you could buy one of those little greenhouse thingies to shelter the plants with cellophane when the weather is bad or too hot and with net when the weather’s good but there’s insects and birds around. By potting them you can also control the quality of the soil and make sure there’s no contamination with chemicals if in your zone there are sprays/cleanings against bugs and mosquitoes

                Your best shot is to buy your soil and seeds from a local specialized shop (or even one of those places that sell stuff for farmers, can’t think of the name in English right now ^_^” ). Basil and parsley do good when they’re not in full sunlight so as long as they get brightness they should do fine!

                Hi there,

                I’ve been doing the same for my bunny <3. Do greenhouses help when it is too hot outside? I live in a very hot weather but I actually thought that greenhouses were for keeping plants warm during the winter, not cold during the summer.

              • Muchelle
                1141 posts Send Private Message

                  @Crashley: you need to make some research about what seeds can be planted now (salad, tomatoes, spinach… I mean it can be good also for the humans!) and you’ll rotate plants according to seasons basil and parsley can resist winter with some care but to have a year round production of salad probably requires a heating system if you have very cold winters. I’d start with only 3-4 kinds to see how it goes and take it from there That greenhouse thingie is exactly what I had in mind! You can also build one if you’re the crafty type, but 30 bucks is an excellent price! Also, think about all the cute pottery you could stash in there exciting!!!

                  @Yilina: you can use the structure of a greenhouse to shelter plants during hot days, you need to remove the plastic cover and drape a sheet of sun-screening plastic over it (or buy a pre-made cover made of sunscreen). I don’t know exactly the name of this in english, so I’m leaving you a picture:
                  Also, on sale there are some little sprayers that nebulize water at fixed intervals and that can be installed inside the structure to keep the plants fresh when it’s really really hot, but for a small greenhouse I’d say it’s not necessary if you water every evening after dawn ^_^

                • Q8bunny
                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                    You can buy bags of potting soil, cut a rectangle from one side, and plant right in the bag itself. Sooo much cheaper and easier than planters

                  • Gina.Jenny
                    2244 posts Send Private Message

                      I used grow bags last year quite successfully. This year, I’ve mixed the used up soil and mixed with old bunny hay and poops that I’ve composted…

                    • Crashley
                      372 posts Send Private Message

                        Gina Jenny, i seen a pic of your grow bag in the june pics, do you have to cover your plants so bugs dont eat them?

                      • Gina.Jenny
                        2244 posts Send Private Message

                          I lost my first crop to caterpillars, that crop was in a greenhouse identical to the one you’ve shown from amazon. Last year, I used the boys old tent instead, it has inbuilt nets and worked fine The grow bags are in the tent again this year, I plan to lift them out in the autumn, once pests are less of a problem, fill the tent with more bunny compost and sew an over-winter crop in the tent

                          Its similar to this style….


                        • Yilina
                          246 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By Muchelle on 6/15/2017 11:22 AM

                            @Crashley: you need to make some research about what seeds can be planted now (salad, tomatoes, spinach… I mean it can be good also for the humans!) and you’ll rotate plants according to seasons basil and parsley can resist winter with some care but to have a year round production of salad probably requires a heating system if you have very cold winters. I’d start with only 3-4 kinds to see how it goes and take it from there That greenhouse thingie is exactly what I had in mind! You can also build one if you’re the crafty type, but 30 bucks is an excellent price! Also, think about all the cute pottery you could stash in there exciting!!!

                            : you can use the structure of a greenhouse to shelter plants during hot days, you need to remove the plastic cover and drape a sheet of sun-screening plastic over it (or buy a pre-made cover made of sunscreen). I don’t know exactly the name of this in english, so I’m leaving you a picture:
                            Also, on sale there are some little sprayers that nebulize water at fixed intervals and that can be installed inside the structure to keep the plants fresh when it’s really really hot, but for a small greenhouse I’d say it’s not necessary if you water every evening after dawn ^_^

                            Thank you! I actually have some of that “sunscreen” cover in my balcony , I’m going to try that when summer comes. Actually, I have all my plants in the shadow, as the sun is just too strong for them (I live in the tropics).

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE planting veggies for the bunnies?