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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Picking up bunny

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    • sr2011
      44 posts Send Private Message

        I’ve read that rabbits do not like being picked up, but if it is necessary how do I go about it?  I’ve read the proper way is to support their bottom and slide your hand under their front legs.  My bunny just will not tolerate this.  She starts kicking and runs off.  When I adopted her, the lady picked her up by her scruff and supported her behind.  This is the only way she tolerates being picked up.  I’ve read that this hurts them, but I’ve also read this is alright.  She ways 4.5 lbs.  Any advice?  Thanks!

      • skunklionshow
        1257 posts Send Private Message

          Did you look in bunny info?  I know that one of our forum leaders had instructional videos, but I don’t remember who?  I think it was Moobunnay?  Shoot Moo an email.  Actually I’m sure Scarlet would know where to find it.

        • MarkBun
          2842 posts Send Private Message

            You can check youtube for some vids on picking up rabbits. My Maryann will only be picked up via scruffing though. As long as you get your hand under her bum before lifting her off the floor AND then put them against your chest immediately, limiting the scruff time, it isn’t too bad I believe the real hurt comes if the bun is over 5 pounds but MANY people do not like it – and I don’t blame them. I spent months trying to pick up Maryann the normal way but finally gave up. The issue with scruffing is that they can kick hard enough while dangling that they can snap their spine.

          • Hedi
            969 posts Send Private Message

              I can tell you what I do that has worked with all of my buns. THey range in weight from 2.5lb to 6lb.

              The easiest way to explain it is when I need to pick them up I go over to them and place one hand straight down over the top of their back near the middle and press down. Not hard but enough that they feel it. This will “stop” them in their tracks so to speak. All of mine will stop what they are doing when I do this and then I will keep the one hand on their back until I scoop up their back feet and then move my top hand under their front paws to pick them up.

              Get close to the ground when you are doing this and bring them to your chest as quickly as possible. Rabbits are very fearful of heights and this is why they hate to be picked up. Very scarey for them. Once you have them in your arms make sure you have both your arms wrapped around them so they feel secure. You may need to even put a little pressure to them when you are holding them in your arms so they dont wiggle or attempt to jump. Once they are comfortable with your skills of picking them up they will be less wiggly (usually).

              It takes some practice and once you get it down your buns will understand what you want from them when you do this. Whatever you do..try to watch yourself being nervous. When you are nervous they will sense this and then be worried you are going to drop them.

            • sr2011
              44 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks! Yes I am probably a little nervous…I just don’t want to hurt her when she starts kicking. As I said, she’s alright with the scruff but I just don’t know if this hurts her or not. This helps though. Hopefully we can work on it!

              • jerseygirl
                22345 posts Send Private Message

                  Definately be confident and when releasing your rabbit, it’s a good idea to crouch down then release. If I go near a table etc while holding mine, she’ll scramble out if she can. If they start to struggle and you feel you’re losing your grip, crouch down. Less distance for them to go and may help prevent injury to rabbit (and yourself!).

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    I went and did a ‘spa treatment’ to raise funds for our shelter (trim and anal gland cleaning) on a rabbit who had NEVER been picked up before.

                    First you should watch some youtube vids and get a feel for how to go about it,
                    This is how i picked up that rabbit.
                    The rabbit would let me pet her but ran off as soon as I went to get a grip on her. So I put a towel over her and scooped her up. I settled her in my lap and slowly removed the towel holding her firmly. I sat on the ground so that if she had hopped off she wouldn’t hurt herself. Once I got her in my lap and firmly held she was fine!

                  • hooty22
                    606 posts Send Private Message

                      Sometimes yous just have to go with what feels right. I know I can scoop Felony up with no problem. I can hold him like a baby, I can hold him out in front of me with his hind feet dangling. He doesn’t care; however, no one else can pick him up. My boyfriend is just now starting to get to the point where Felony will allow him to pick him up and hold him up against his chest without too much trouble. I think one of the most important things is just to be confident. As long as the bunny feels safe, it will be easier.

                    • Hedi
                      969 posts Send Private Message

                        My husband still hasnt quite gotten the whole picking up the bunnies down real well. But I can tell you what he does….he will take a bath towel and drop it over the bun which typically stuns them for a moment because they arent sure what is going on and then that gives him a few seconds to grab them and pick them up.

                        We will also do this towel thing when we are chasing a bunny who knows they are going to the vet, getting nails clipped, etc. Anytime they continue to runaway this seems to help.

                      • bunnytowne
                        7537 posts Send Private Message

                          You may find soemthign on    There are 4 videos of how too’s  from nailtrimming to bunny burrito probably how to pick one up too.


                        • RachelF
                          287 posts Send Private Message
                            Posted By bunnytowne on 01/10/2009 1:34 PM

                            You may find soemthign on    There are 4 videos of how too’s  from nailtrimming to bunny burrito probably how to pick one up too.


                            Yeah bunnytown, I was just about to mention the bunnyburrito. Use a towel to wrap your bun if they don’t like being picked up freehand, they feel secure with the towel around them.

                          • sr2011
                            44 posts Send Private Message

                              Thanks everyone. I’ve just tried everyone’s advice and absolutely nothing is working. She either escapes or struggles each time. She let me pick her up and before I adopted her and the first day I had her, but after that she won’t. I’m just worried about what will happen once it comes time to trim her nails.

                            • riibu
                              60 posts Send Private Message

                                I am having the same trouble with my bunny.  He just absolutely HATES being picked up.  I can’t even get a bunny burrito to work.

                                I’ve had him less than two months, so I’m working at getting him to like it.  I can now sometimes be successful with getting him into my lap, which he was having none of when I first got him.  If you’re patient and work with your bunny, I think it should get better, but you may need to go to the vet for nail trimmings for awhile.  That’s what I’ve resigned myself to for now.

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Picking up bunny