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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Peter Cottontail: My April Fool, My Angel with Tattered Ears…

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    • Cottontail
      1070 posts Send Private Message

        I apologize for the length of this post… and that it is not as elegant as it should be for the memory of my little Pete;  there may be too much information shared or not enough; but I felt I needed to say something.  There’s nothing and so much to say, but I was not able to share anything but tears; so now that they have run dry my head is light enough to talk about him between storms…  


        “How nice it is to meet someone so undeterred by things like reality.” – The Lorax


        My Pete was Peter from the moment we met him.

        We found him and his siblings frantically wandering our yard after landscaping had claimed their home two houses down.  They were just opening their eyes and it was such a long journey for someone their size.  We took them in but it wasn’t long before the five became 4, then 2, and then only Pete.


        He was our April fool…  Our miracle bunny.  He had to be no more than 10 to 12 days old as they were just starting to open their little eyes… Much too young to be away from Mommy, and never really having the benefit of her cecals; but we did what we could and mixed milk and vitamins for him, kept him warm and safe, gave him belly rubs, showed him how to groom… and he repaid us in unrelenting trust and love.


        He came at a time in my life where I needed an anchor.  I felt like I was sinking; I was lost… I had been home from work because of then undiagnosed medical issues that had progressed to the point it wasn’t safe for me to continue my career.  I was home with him and constantly afraid that I wasn’t getting enough food in him… or whether it was the proper food… or whether he would make it another day.  I began to worry for him instead of me; and he became my rock. 


        After months of testing I was finally diagnosed with PCOS; poly-cystic ovaries.  The pain and illness I had experienced for so long was due to multiple adhesions formed from free-floating blood in my abdomen from a previously burst cyst.  Not only that, but because of the condition it would be more difficult for us to start a family… something we’ve wanted for some time.  I was told that normal recovery time from the surgery would be as short as a week, but I took months… and Peter was with me.  He kept me strong.  He became my baby, and my hope.

        Whenever I began to break he was there.  He’d come do circles and nudge me to make sure that I was looking.  He’d do binkies around me to make me laugh, then come see me for head rubs.  He wasn’t much of a romancer, but when I cried he gave me kisses… and even though he was naughty by nature, he tried so hard to be a good boy when he knew I was sad.


        We never had a rabbit before him.  He was our first, and our learning curve.  He taught us how he liked to play, and what he liked to eat.  He taught us about how you could do everything you should to child proof or bunny proof, and still miss things you’d never had even thought of. 


        He never really believed he was a rabbit either… and in a way I think he was right.  He didn’t have the instinct to know that a hawk or an owl was bad… he found gun shots on the TV fascinating… he loved to watch cartoon network and Disneys Fantasia… and he learned from his Momma-cat how to protect his people from any home invaders; from lady bugs to squirrels.  He was our “kitten” that became so much more. 


        The first game we learned was “Boop!”  We’d gently poke his nose or his little cotton tail, say boop, and he would do a binky and take off running… but not far.  He’d pause and wait for you to follow.  When he got older “boop” became tag, and he would run down the hall, circle around and come nudge my ankles until I reacted.  Then he would playfully “run” a foot or two away and wait for me to boop him again.  He played this game with Zoey, too… though playing it with Mommy was more fun because Zoey would only play a round or two.


        For all of his spirit, it was easy to forget how frail he was; especially since he didn’t know it or care.  He’d run full speed and crash through things like he was invincible… but he was small, even for a cottontail.  He normally weighed about 1110-1120 grams.  That’s less than 2.5lbs.  A full grown cottontail in the wild can weigh between 3 and 5lbs.  In the end, I think his spirit outgrew his little body. 

        He loved and he understood that he was loved.  There is no question in my mind.  The last few days his little system just wasn’t recovering… and he was running on spirit.  He would fight his medicine and his feedings, but his physical strength was gone; and when he saw how upset I was he would cuddle me and nuzzle into my hands.  He wanted and accepted head-rubs more often… and he ate because he knew that it made me feel better.  That may seem strange, but I know it’s true.  He only ate what was offered to him and readily available while he was being doted on… but if he saw me looking away he would carefully drop whatever food had been in his mouth.  He knew his tummy wasn’t working anymore; but I gave him hours of belly rubs and offered him special treats, and he humored me to make me feel better.  It was his way of showing that he still loved me; that he trusted me; and that even though he was leaving he knew he was loved.


        It came on so quickly at the end that there wasn’t anything to do but hold him and weep.  He made a fuss to get the towel out from between us and I held him to my heart as I gave him his medicine.  He didn’t fight me then.  He shoved his head beneath my chin and he nuzzled me and cuddled… but when he was finally set down and free he couldn’t stand; his little legs didn’t have the strength that they did just minutes before.  I realized what was happening and held him until he was gone. 


        I held him for several hours after.  After I thought I had run out of tears I cleaned his fur… because for everything he had been through he always made sure he was clean.  I laid him out so that Zoey and Tilly could see him; but they knew before it had happened… for the first time in his life, Zoey had cautiously distanced herself from him that morning… and when Tilly charged forward for attention, as she often does, she stopped short by several feet.   …They knew: Just like he did.  I was the one in denial.

        Zoey sniffed him before going back to lying on the bed, hanging her head and staring from a distance…  Tilly came over to see him, too.  She licked his ears and nudged his head with her nose before retreating to her corner…


        I know that he’s not there anymore.  I know that now he’s free of the restraints his little form had placed on him, and now he is free to roam and play… and finally to fly like he tried so many times to do with his great leaps.  I dreamt of him last night; following me around my daily chores once again; once again my happy shadow… and this afternoon as I lay and slept I swear I felt his warm little form in my hand, curled against my chest once more. 


        There will never be another Peter.  He was not a rabbit.  He was not a bunny.  He was not a cat.  He simply was… And he is loved.

      • JackRabbit
        5451 posts Send Private Message

          I have felt foolish, crying on and off all day today over someone else’s bunny. Now I’m in tears again. Cottontail, that was beautiful.

          Reading that, it just hit me that he really wasn’t just “someone else’s” bunny. We lived with Pete, held Pete, nursed Pete, and loved Pete, all through your eyes and your funny, concerned, loving words. You and Pete have been my rock at times, looking forward to a Pete adventure after a rough day at work or just finding out how he was doing. I can’t thank you enough for sharing him with us.

          Speaking for myself, but I’m sure others feel the same, you have a shoulder here to cry on, lean on, whatever you need.

        • Cottontail
          1070 posts Send Private Message

          • LBJ10
            17058 posts Send Private Message

              CT – I am so sorry to hear this! I’m in shock, I just can’t believe it. I think everyone is crying because we all loved Pete very much. He had a big presence here on BB and he will truly be missed.

              Binky free Pete!

            • AaronJ
              84 posts Send Private Message

                I teared up reading that. may all bunnies out there find an owner as caring as you, and owners in need find support from their bunnies like you did. I’m so sorry for your loss.

              • MissGabbster
                718 posts Send Private Message

                  That was beautiful, CT. I’m crying so much right now. Thank you for not only sharing this, but for sharing all your many stories of Pete. He was such a unique creature and I absolutely loved hearing about all his many antics. I agree with everything JR said, he really was our community doof and he’s already missed so much.

                  My thoughts are with you and your family. *Hugs to you and extra hugs for Zoey*

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    My heart just fell seeing this…I’m so very, very sorry for the loss of your sweet Peter. I wish there was something I could say to lessen your pain. He was so lucky to have you in his life. May he remain always in your heart.

                    ((((Binky Fee Peter Cottontail))))))



                  • Sr. Melangell
                    1708 posts Send Private Message

                      He will be telling God how much of a good owner you were, he’s not gone, he’s in your heart.

                    • BinkyMom14
                      277 posts Send Private Message

                        My heart hurts reading this. Just like everyone else I’m crying all over again. I love Binky bunny for bringing us all together to read the lovely stories, the funny stories and unfortunately the sad ones too. We truly learn each others pets and hurt for them when they are ill and laugh when they are being silly. I’m so sorry about Pete, he was a very unique and loved family member. I dread the day I have to go through this and I wish I could say something to make you feel better. I told Mr Binks what happened and told him when that day comes for him he will have a wonderful friend waiting for him at the rainbow bridge ❤️

                      • MoxieMeadows
                        5375 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh Cottontail I am just seeing this now. After reading your post I was in tears. I took a moment to collect myself and re-do my mascara so people wouldn’t think I was crazy. I was able to make it through all the videos until the last one of Pete as a baby. I burst out in tears again.
                          I am so desperately sorry for you and you family (furbabies included). He was loved so much by you and your family, but also by so many others over the screen who kept up with him on BB. He was a special bun.
                          If I lived closer I would give you a huge hug. I’m sorry. ((((HUGS)))) and ((((VIBES)))) to you!

                          {{{{{Binky Free Pete}}}}}

                        • LongEaredLions
                          4482 posts Send Private Message

                            I couldn’t post on this before, just like JR, I was crying too hard. And now reading through your post, I am crying again. That was beautiful, CT.
                            Pete was a huge part of BB-we all loved him, cared for him, but none like you. That huge spirit and clumsy adventures never ceased to make me smile and laugh. He was the luckiest cottontail to ever live, for sure.
                            I am so sorry. Sending every ounce of love I have to you.

                          • Bam
                            16977 posts Send Private Message

                              Cottontail, I’m so sorry. I’m crying now. You were so good to Pete, you did everything for him. I’m so grateful that you shared his adventures with all of us. He was such a wild and brave boy and so beautiful.

                              Binky Free little Peter.

                            • Cottontail
                              1070 posts Send Private Message

                                Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. 
                                I will never get over the fact that Pete is physically gone, but he gave me so much to cherish in memories and new friendships that I would have never imagined having the opportunity to experience had he not come into my life when he did. 

                                I regret to inform you that I will be absent from the forums for a short while; but it is in healing… We decided to have him cremated: and his ashes have been returned to me today.  I know that feelings on what to do with a loved one’s remains vary greatly; but felt it imperative that he be able to be reunited with Zoey when that day inevitably comes. 

                                He will always be unique; and I felt that a store-bought resting place would be cold and trite, so I have instead opted to create something for him.  In the mean time his remains reside in a small urn on his favorite timothy mat, in his favorite corner of his cage; awaiting my completion of his vessel, and surrounded by family. 

                                Zoey and Tilly are in their own time of mourning, and have been more patient with each other; even sniffing noses and lying near, though not yet next to, one another.  His daddy has been strong for us; but is hurting just as deeply. The four of us are learning how to carry on as a family together.  It will take time; but Peter showed us the value of persistence, and of faith in those around us. 

                              • Diamond
                                459 posts Send Private Message

                                  My heart dropped when I saw this thread. Peter was one in a million, and I’m very glad I got to know him, if only through the internet.

                                • MeketatenBun
                                  178 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’ve been away from the forums for a while and reading this I am trying so hard to hold back sobs. Cottontail, I am so sorry. These past few weeks have been so hard for you. I firmly believe that our pets never truly leave us, and your dreams and senses aren’t lying to you. Peter is trying to tell you he’s okay now.

                                    Though it is the hardest thing in the world, I am so glad you were able to be with him before he left. Bunnies seem to have this sense to keep holding on until their loved one is there to walk them to the Rainbow Bridge. He knows how loved he was. He may not have known what kind of animal he exactly was, but he knew that he was your world and you were his for his entire life. You did everything possible for him from saving his life as a baby, to his broken toe from his circus acts, to his eye.

                                    I’m sending out vibes for you and Peter, Tilly, and Zoey. Keep a lookout for him in your dreams, he may pop up to keep you updated on his antics over the Rainbow Bridge. You will see him again someday, but until then, stay strong and know that he loved you as much as you loved him.

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                      My heartfelt (and belated) condolences. What a lovely tribute.
                                      He was so so special. There is just something about the wildies…
                                      You’ve generously shared so much here at BB about little Pete and he will live on in our hearts.

                                      He loved and he understood that he was loved. There is no question in my mind.

                                      <3 <3 <3

                                      ***Binky Free Little Peter Cottontail***

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                                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Peter Cottontail: My April Fool, My Angel with Tattered Ears…