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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Part of my rabbit’s right eye changing color, left is fine.

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    • Rigby
      22 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all,

             I just noticed today that one of Mimi’s eyes is changing color. Her eyes are blue except half of her right eye is changing to a darker color and I’m not sure what it means. Her other eye is just fine, blue as ever. 

             If it makes any difference, she got off of enrofloxacin about 1 week ago. She’s a dwarf rabbit, Vienna marked, around 8-10 weeks old we believe. She seems normal, it doesn’t seem to be bothering her.

             I’ve inserted some images below to give you all an idea of what’s going on. I couldn’t find a close up pic of a blue bunny eye so I had to go with a human eye but what I illustrated in the pics is essentially the same. Sorry for my poor photoshop skills! The first pic would be a normal blue eye, the second pic is what’s happening to Mimi’s right eye.

             Could one of her eyes be changing color?

        Thanks for any help or insight all. I hope she’s ok : (

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I had a Dutch rabbit once that had 2 colored eyes – blue/brown much like what you are describing. I don’t know what they were like he was a baby because he came to me as an adult from a shelter.

        • HouseMiniLops
          57 posts Send Private Message

            Please note – this is my biology teacher side talking in reference to humans.

            Eye color can definitely change during the lifetime of an organism. Hormones released during growth can cause genes (including those that code for eye color pigments) to get turned on or off. Stress can also have the same affect.  This can also happen in only some cells, which is how you can end up with rabbits with spots (genes for pigments are turned on in some cells but not others).  While I have not heard of pigmentation changing in only part of an eye during the lifetime of an organism, it certainly seems with in the realm of possibility.  So my vote would be probably normal and cool to watch, but ask a vet if it makes you nervous or it seems like their vision is worsening.

          • Rigby
            22 posts Send Private Message

              thanks guys but it’s not her hole eye changing, it’s just half of her eye changing which is worrying me. Is it just in the process of changing colors, in which case the other half of her eye is soon to follow?

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                I think if you have any doubts you should ask your vet.

              • Rigby
                22 posts Send Private Message

                  Sarita, I don’t live somewhere where rabbit and small animal vets are readily available to see my rabbit. My vet is only available every sunday and tuesday of the week which is why I like to see what more experienced people have to say here at binkybunny. Things aren’t like they are here as they are in the western hemisphere. I guess i’ll just monitor her and see if the other part of her eye changes color as well for now : (

                • HouseMiniLops
                  57 posts Send Private Message

                    Rigby, I’m sorry this is stressing you out. I can definitely see where this could be very concerning. I think even if it just stays in part of the eye, it could be completely harmless. It is really common for pigmentation to change during a lifetime, especially when you (or a rabbit) is young. In humans, vitiligo can cause part of an eye to look albino during adulthood. It is rare, but it happens and it is \harmless. Genes can get turned on or off in just some cells instead of the whole body. That’s why cats and bunnies and dogs can have spots. I would be very concerned if it looked cloudy or if it seems like she can’t see very well out of eye.

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      Totally understand – HouseMiniLops has given some excellent information and advice – thanks for that info, HML…I learned something.

                    • Rigby
                      22 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks HouseMiniLops and Sarita. I take great comfort in science and the advancement of biological studies in the west in addition to great vet care for furry friends. But living in a 3rd world country right now, I can’t really get that level of treatment.. sigh.. I’ll keep an ‘eye’ on my bunny’s ‘eye’

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          Vienna marked rabbits can get this half brown, half blue iris. Or half blue / half blue-grey.

                        • JackRabbit
                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                            If it’s worrying you, could you take pictures (closeup, one if each eye) and email them to the vet asking if they’ve ever seen or heard of this before? May get you a “this isn’t unusual in blue-eyed bunnies” or “we need to take a look” or some other answer that would help you decide. I can’t speak for bunnies or part of an eye changing, but my eyes are definitely not the same color they were years ago (were really dark brown and now are “faded” with some light brown and green tones showing) and my mother’s eyes used to be super bright blue and are now pretty much gray!

                          • Rigby
                            22 posts Send Private Message

                              thanks. maybe i’ll try to take pictures but my Mimi is so full of energy she can’t sit still for 1 second, unless I’m grooming her then she melts like butter and won’t move until I’m done
                              That’s good to know Jerseygirl, that pretty much sounds like what’s happening to her.

                            • LBJ10
                              17080 posts Send Private Message

                                I agree with Jersey, this isn’t unheard of in Vienna marked bunnies. I believe another member was on here awhile back with a similar situation.

                              • Tarza
                                3 posts Send Private Message

                                  Hello. I came here because the same thing has happened to my friend’s bunny. Here vets know almost nothig about rabbits. So i appreciate if you tell me what happened to your bunny ? His case is exactly the same as your bunny’s case

                                • Tarza
                                  3 posts Send Private Message

                                    The same thing has happened to my friend’s bun, i googled it and came here. Can anyone please tell me what happened to this bunny ? We are worried if it’s head trauma. Vets here know almost nothing about rabbits.

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22353 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By Tarza on 3/15/2017 3:06 PM

                                      The same thing has happened to my friend’s bun, i googled it and came here. Can anyone please tell me what happened to this bunny ? We are worried if it’s head trauma. Vets here know almost nothing about rabbits.

                                      Hi there Tarza

                                      I don’t think Rigby will be ikely to respond as they don’t seem to be active here now. This thread is from 2014. We ask that member avoid posting in threads older then a few months as it brings those threads up into current topics and can cause some confusion. 

                                      Are you able to start a new topic about your friends rabbit? Give some detail about it’s age and add a photo if possible (or description of the eye and the rest of the rabbits coat pattern will help).

                                      Just CLICK HERE and that will open page to create a new topic.

                                      If your friends rabbit has very defined part brown, part blue in the eye, I don’t think it would be a medical issue. It’s more likely genetics. 

                                    • RabbitPam
                                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                                        Please follow jerseygirl’ s instructions and start a new post. I am going to lock this thread now.
                                        If it is genetic, it sounds pretty. If you are concerned still, give your local vets a chance. Ask if they work with “exotics” to get someone knowledgeable about bunnies.

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                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Part of my rabbit’s right eye changing color, left is fine.