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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Outdoor bunny run?

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    • Minty
      338 posts Send Private Message

        Does anyone have, or has anyone built an outdoor bunny run? I was thinking of building one for my buns since the weather is getting so nice. It’s also such a hassle to haul their Xpens outside and set them up and I don’t like how the tops aren’t covered and the gaps in the pens are relatively big so I have to be in the pens with them when they’re outside. I’m paranoid about eagles getting them or even our cats being able to get in with them. I was thinking of something like this:

        Except much bigger and taller so I am able to get in there with them. If anyone has pictures of their outdoor setups or any suggestions for materials please post them!

      • kralspace
        2663 posts Send Private Message

          I’ll be interested in seeing the replies to your question too.

          I have a shady spot beside the garage that is enclose by the garage wall on one side and chain link on 2 other sides. I put up a temporary fence for the fourth and took everyone out, a couple at a time and they loved it. The bunnies were curious and running around.

          The piggies found one low spot in the fence and scooted out immediately, both in different directions! If you’ve never had piggies, believe me, they can run fast!!

          Now I just need to figure out how to totally enclose it so everyone’s safe.

        • Minty
          338 posts Send Private Message

            Yes, I really want a fully enclosed space as well. I also like the idea of being able to move the run around so it isn’t always sitting on the same area of grass. It would also be nice for storing it out of the rain in the fall/winter.

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              That’s a nice thing! If you are going to build it yourself, you could even screen it to keep bugs out.

            • kralspace
              2663 posts Send Private Message

                thats true I wonder if I could make it secure enough for my cats to play in

              • kralspace
                2663 posts Send Private Message

                  I would probably build one that’s stationary, I found this photo online that I like.

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh, I want this!

                  • Minty
                    338 posts Send Private Message

                      Ohh I love that! Is that originally for bunnies or some other type of animal?

                    • kralspace
                      2663 posts Send Private Message

                        go to this page and look at this one!



                        I would “settle” for one like this though, except with grass.


                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          It’s like an outdoor room!

                        • Monkeybun
                          10479 posts Send Private Message

                            Yet another thing to add to my list when I get a house lol.

                          • kralspace
                            2663 posts Send Private Message


                              I knew if I looked long enough I’d find one made of…………………..NIC cubes! of course bunnie could dig out pretty easily I would think


                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh, now you have done it. I want to move somewhere weasel-free and have that!

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  Forget about it… I will just have it right here on my patio after I get rid of my weasel….. I could build a slippery bottom siding portion so he would not be able to climb up…

                                • MirBear
                                  1412 posts Send Private Message

                                    were moving into a house with a BIG backyard… projects to be done : NIC condo’s
                                    Outdoor Huts & Pens
                                    Get a job & pay for spays ;P

                                    when we move in get settled ect. i’ll post pics. my moms got some decent idea’s

                                  • Minty
                                    338 posts Send Private Message

                                      wow kralspace, great pics! I will be going for something a little less elaborate i am thinking it should be pretty simple to make, just some wooden frames with some wire over top… I’m not very handy so hopefully I can pull it off!

                                    • jerseygirl
                                      22353 posts Send Private Message

                                        You could have NIC grids on the bottom of the Grid one. It would still allow the grass to come through but not allow digging & would stabilise the whole structure.

                                        Kralspace, I flipped when I saw the one with pool & fountain…I had a dream sometime ago featuring that “room”. Except in my dream it was a large public restroom – don’t ask!

                                      • kralspace
                                        2663 posts Send Private Message

                                          with a hand dryer? 😉

                                        • KatnipCrzy
                                          2981 posts Send Private Message

                                            For my bunnies I have used one of my dog crates without the bottom tray.  That way it is enclosed completely.  The gaps on the botton are very large and a bunny could squeeze thru if they dug enough- but I usually sit on a lawn chair near then reading.  I fugure if I am getting hot- they probably are too- since we both are used to AC.

                                            Griff and Schroeder will eat the grass- little miss diva Cotton will not eat the grass at all.

                                            I only have the bunnies in areas of our yard that are not by the neighbors and have no chance of being affected by run off water from the other yards due to pesticides, fertilizers, etc.

                                          • mocha200
                                            4486 posts Send Private Message


                                              this is what i made! the hutch is so they can get cooled off when they get hot.

                                            • binkysmama
                                              17 posts Send Private Message

                                                 Hi ther sorry this is a late reply I have attached a link so you can see some photos of my rabbits housing, I have an outdoor run for when its unny for by bunny its on a shelterd deck It has a dog kennel inside (just to give you an idea of how big) the kennel is filled with straw, binky loves being out in the sun. its wire all around and it has about 5 different locks to make sure no other animals can get to him. however I only reeally let him out when I am at home.


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                                            Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Outdoor bunny run?